Dashan Makes a Living 1984

Chapter 62 062: Burning

Wang Tianzhong is basically the traditional thinking of the previous generation. Wang Tianxiao later thought about what Wang Tianzhong did. If he took the interests of the family as the starting point, it would become very reasonable.

There are not so many unreasonable places.

"Go and sit with me, I have something to tell you." The two stood at the door, and there were many people coming and going, because Wang Tianzhong was the deputy director, so everyone would greet him politely.

Because of this, everyone will look at Wang Tianxiao curiously.

Very inconvenient to talk.

Wang Tianxiao looked at the sky and sighed in his heart, it was finally not good to disgrace his brother's face.

When his brother passed away, he was only fifty-nine years old. In his previous life, Wang Tianxiao was also very sad when his brother passed away. Thinking of the experiences of the two of them since they were young, and remembering that his brother had cared and cared for him a lot, he was sincere. If there is no fairness, it will all be treated as if it never happened.

The grievances and grievances of a man should be separated and clearly understood.

Maybe from the elder brother's standpoint, all younger brothers are younger brothers, and he thought he was completely fair.

Wang Tianxiao parked the motorcycle in the parking space for visitors at the gate of the bureau, and followed Wang Tianzhong up the steps.

"Brother, my friend is still waiting for me, it can't be too long."

"I see." Wang Tianzhong said lightly.

Now that it was all like this, Wang Tianxiao couldn't say anything, and entered the police station behind his elder brother.

The Public Security Bureau is very simple, and looks no different from many other public institutions. The police are busy and busy with their own work.

Wang Tianzhong had a good reputation in the bureau. On the way to the office on the second floor with Wang Tianxiao, everyone greeted him one after another.

As for him, he nodded slightly, neither rigid nor deliberately showing enthusiasm, maintaining the demeanor and temperament that a leader should have.

The two came to Wang Tianzhong's office on the west side of the second floor, next to the director's office, so it can be seen that his position at this time is already very good.

The door was ajar, Wang Tianzhong pushed it open, there was a faint smell of washing powder inside.

In this day and age, people don't have many cleaning supplies for scrubbing tables and chairs, and often use washing powder instead of everything. Wang Tianxiao noticed that there are still water stains on the ground, presumably the cleaning staff have only done sanitation.

Wang Tianzhong's office is quite simple.

On the east side by the window is a lacquered wood desk that looks about 60 to 70 percent new, in orange-red color. There are two chairs of the same color in front of the table. On the table are a pen holder, a box of ink, a pair of eye boxes, a stack of documents, and a few old-looking books.

And a framed family portrait.

It was all the brothers, sisters and parents of the Wang family, a total of eleven people.

The youngest sister, Wang Xiaozhu, is still in her mother's arms, Zhang Meifeng. It looks like it's only been a few months at most, and the fifth and sixth children are also children, still sticking to the ground.

There is a hanger on the side of the desk, on which is hung a yellow-green military coat, which looks a little modern, probably issued by him when he was a soldier, but I don’t know why he still wears it now.

There is a stove on the west side of the office, and some smoke slowly drifts out from the mouth of the stove, scattered in the room.

It was only then that Wang Tianxiao noticed that in addition to the smell of washing powder, there was also a faint smell of soot in the room. This smell is very familiar, and it is a common heating method for people here in winter.

However, even this simple method requires coal.

And many poor people can't afford not only stoves, but also coal.

There are two kinds of coal for the stove, one is to buy big charcoal and burn it directly, which is of course the best enjoyment. Because the charcoal burns more completely, there is very little smoke.

But charcoal is very expensive.

Anyone who has bought coal knows that the bigger the coal, the more expensive it is.

It is possible for large carbon blocks to be several times the price of fine coal.

If you can't afford charcoal, you can only buy fine coal.

This is the choice of people with relatively weak economic strength.

But even fine coal can be used in two ways. People with relatively better conditions can directly use fine coal to make briquettes, which burns with a large flame and relatively small soot.

Taking a step back, people with poorer conditions will add fine coal to a certain proportion of soil to make coal, and then burn it slowly.

This method uses less coal and is very slow to use, but it will produce a lot of smoke. If the airtightness of the furnace tube is not maintained well, it can really smother people to death.

Maybe set up a stove, and the smoke in front of it is so overwhelming that people can't stand it. After finally being able to stay still, the stove is about to go out.

Fortunately, Wang Tianxiao never had this confusion when he was a child.

He couldn't afford coal at all, and he mainly relied on heating kangs for heating in winter, replacing them with leaves.

"Sit down, Tianxiao." Wang Tianzhong took off his outer clothes and hung them on the hanger, turned around and took out a box of tea from the cabinet behind the desk, poured a cup of tea for Wang Tianxiao, and poured tea into his foreign porcelain mug. He poured some hot water and sat down in his seat as well.

"This tea is very good. It was sent to me by a comrade in arms."

Wang Tianxiao picked up the water cup and took a sip slightly, it was a little hot, he didn't taste any taste, but he still nodded his head to express his recognition of the quality of the tea.

He noticed that the elder brother didn't drink tea.

The heart is also emotionally complicated.

Wang Tianxiao's health was not very good. When he was in his 40s, he had a heart bypass surgery. Even though he was reimbursed at public expense, he still fell into the root cause of the disease. He also died of myocardial infarction in the end.

Now it seems that since this time, the elder brother has already had problems with his body.

He has always liked drinking tea.

"Did you really borrow your motorcycle?"

Wang Tianxiao was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "It's really borrowed, just to ride for fun."

"That's good," Wang Tianzhong nodded, "I heard that you were transferred back from Ziwu Ridge, why didn't you discuss this matter with me?"

"The family can't get away," Wang Tianxiao said with a smile, "it's hard for the mother to take care of a child. This second child is about to come out, no one can do it."

"That's true," Wang Tianzhong said thoughtfully, "Then you can still guarantee your salary after you come back. I asked my comrades-in-arms to help you arrange your job. Now it's very difficult to arrange someone to go in. You don't want to. Doing the wrong thing and wasting such a good job.”

"I know, it's okay to come back here, the salary remains the same, and I can take care of my family."

"Anyway, you arrange it yourself."

Wang Tianzhong drank his saliva, rubbed the center of his brows, seemed to be thinking for a while, and then said: "I have to go back to my hometown recently, and I have to arrange some things, but now I happen to meet you here, so I will ask you what you mean by the way.

Tianxiao, it's been a few years since my father passed away, and my mother is getting old. I'm busy with work and can't take care of the family, so I want you to take charge of the arrangement and coordination of various things at home in the future. What do you think? "

"I disagree."

Without even thinking about it, Wang Tianxiao subconsciously refused.

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