As the scope of artificial planting continues to expand and the scale of the industry expands, the effects of these two medicinal materials will continue to decline, and their value will not be the same as before.

Wang Tianxiao came back to his senses and said sincerely, "Thank you. If necessary, I will come to ask you again. My name is Wang Tianxiao."

"Okay, Xiao Wang, I remember you."

Next, under the guidance of the older woman, Wang Tianxiao paid a deposit of 1,000 yuan. A catty of dandelion and Artemisia sativa seeds cost three yuan. Because he wanted a lot, he wholesaled at two yuan and fifty cents, and two thousand catties was exactly five thousand. Yuan, pay 20% deposit first.

At this time, you can't swipe your card, you can only deposit and withdraw through a passbook, and you can trade in cash, which is really troublesome.

Fortunately, Wang Tianxiao was well prepared.

When he was working, old man Mi always accompanied him, chatting with him from time to time about the methods and precautions of planting dandelions and white wormwood. He could tell that this old man was really good, and he was not an expert trying to make a name for himself.

He was not polite, and asked the old man about the common abnormalities, symptoms, and treatment methods of the two kinds of medicinal materials, and he was introduced patiently.

As we talked, we forgot the time.

Unknowingly, I sat on the chair for entertaining guests and talked for a long time.

It wasn't until Wang Tianxiao suddenly felt hungry that he looked around and realized that it had been dark outside for a long time.

Then he stood up and said, "Mr. Mi, thank you for sharing so much knowledge with me. I have benefited a lot. It's getting late, so I'll leave today, and I'll come back in half a month."

"Okay, do a good job young man, go slowly."

Mi Qingsong sent Wang Tianxiao to the door and watched him ride away on the bike.

"Old Mi, why are you so polite to this man?" The older woman asked curiously.

She knew that Mi Lao was an old professor who had retired from a certain university in the provincial capital. He was an expert in the development and research of traditional Chinese medicine, and he was willing to run this supply and marketing cooperative, which was to warm up his performance.

After all, Qingquan Town is next to two mountains, and it is the largest Chinese medicine supply place nearby.

Mi Lao hardly cares about these miscellaneous matters on weekdays, even if he finds him, he just dismisses them at will. He has never seen such a young man who cares so much about a young man and personally delivers them to the door.

What kind of treatment.

"It's nothing," Mi Qingsong smiled, "I just think he's a very interesting young man."

"What's so interesting, why didn't I see it?"

"You guys are still too young," Mi Qingsong said, "Haven't you noticed that this young man is not as light and pretty as ordinary people, but has a heavy smell on him?"

Seeing that the two of them didn't understand, Mi Qingsong explained again: "In short, although he is a young man, he has an old air about him. You are still young and don't understand, but I, an old man whose half of his body has been buried in the dirt, sees it. Be clear."

"Why is this?"

"I can't tell you the specifics. Let's call it young and old. It is for this reason that I became interested in him at a glance, and what he asked for was exactly what I always wanted to implement. Then you say, I Should I be nicer to him?"

"Is it really that magical?"

"Hahaha, whether it's miraculous or not, it will take time to verify. I have a strong hunch that this child is not something in the pool."

At first Mi Qingsong was explaining to the two women, but later he seemed to be advising himself, he is old and some dreams have not been realized, maybe this young man is the opportunity sent to him by heaven.

Thinking of this, he felt that his long-deposited blood was burning again.

Looking at the signatures of Wang Tianxiao's three names on the deposit, he muttered silently: Wang Tianxiao, don't let me, an old man, be disappointed.


When Wang Tianxiao returned home, Li Yali cooked porridge, which was steamed into a kind of steamed bun mixed with cornmeal and fine flour, called "gold wrapped in silver."

In fact, it is similar to making Hanamaki, a layer of cornmeal and a layer of fine flour are rolled up, the outer cornmeal is golden yellow, and the inner fine flour is white.

Of course, this kind of steamed bun is not for delicious food, but to save food.

After all, not every family can afford fine noodles all the time, and it would be nice to have fine noodles mixed in.

It is also sad to say.

In this era, the official purchase price of wheat was 30 cents, and private purchases cost 50 cents. However, 40 years later, the price of wheat was only a little more than 1 yuan. But the inflation has been several times in the process, so it can be seen that it is really not easy to be a farmer.

He ate some with pickles.

The food was already cold, and Li Yali said she wanted to warm it up for him, but he refused, since it's not necessary at night.

"Have you fed the three dogs?" Wang Tianxiao remembered that he was too busy today to take care of the three dogs.

Li Yali said with a smile: "That can be less, I boiled them with cornmeal and bran and fed them. I think they eat more than us. These three dogs are not easy to raise."

Wang Tianxiao smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, they are of great use. When we go into the mountains, the dogs can hunt and guard the house, no better than humans."

"That's true."

Li Yali nodded, thought for a while and said: "It's just that it's inconvenient for the dogs to be tied up in the yard now. They only recognize our family members. Seeing others keep barking, it will be troublesome if they break free and bite people."

Wang Tianxiao nodded.

He also thought about this problem on the way back. The group living environment of the Pit Yard is really not suitable for keeping dogs. Just like his wife said, if they bite someone, it's no wonder they don't kill people with their ferocity.

After much deliberation, he decided to tie the dog under the big tree on the cliff first, far away from the main road, and would not disturb others.

After his wife and child are born, he will take his wife to live in the station temporarily, and then there will be no such confusion.

The two chatted about other things, then turned off the lights and went to bed.

The wife had nothing to worry about, and soon let out a slight and even breathing sound.

And he looked at the dark roof and began to plan the next development plan.

As the last snow continued to melt, it became much more difficult to find rabbits in the haystacks. Those guys began to return to the slightly deeper mountain forests, and lived by eating wild fruits that fell on the ground and weeds among the leaves.

To continue to capture, we must start to think of means.

As the saying goes, cunning rabbits have three caves, which is actually an exaggeration of their IQ.

In fact, such small things are typical habitual thinking. They often go back and forth along the same path many times. As long as this feature is used skillfully, it is easy to gain something.

Wang Tianxiao has his own way of catching wild rabbits. He has tried almost all kinds of catching methods many times. He has lived in the mountains for a long time. Although there are many wild animals, the only ones that can be eaten for a long time and the number will not decrease are only hares and pheasants.

They have a strong reproductive ability and are almost inexhaustible. Forest farms also encourage catching them, otherwise these guys will eat a lot of plants, and even bite a lot of bark and cause the trees to die.

It's winter now, and there are many things he can't do except hunting. If he wants to plan his medicinal herb planting business in the coming year, he must accumulate as much capital as possible. Among other things, the seeds of white wormwood and dandelion will cost 5,000 yuan .

He made some money during this period, but also spent some, and the rest was not enough to pay for the seeds, and the deer promised to Zhang Wenyuan was not easy to hunt.

After much deliberation, we can only get benefits from the mountains first.

Try to catch more hares, pheasants, and if you are lucky, see if you can encounter wild boars or roe deer. As long as you catch a few, it will be considered a windfall.

Of course, it would be the best thing if the sika deer cubs were caught alive.

The venison is actually not very tasty, and if it is not good, it will be too violent, so a dead deer can't be sold at any price.

If it can be captured alive and domesticated slowly, its residual value can be slowly squeezed out.

The whole body of a deer is a treasure, and the antlers, antlers, and deer blood can flow in a long way.

As for the red deer, don't think about it for the time being, the red deer is too powerful to fight, unless it is a very small young deer, it is impossible to capture it alive. If they start a fire, the dog is not enough to watch.

Well, take your time.

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