Dashan Makes a Living 1984

Chapter 272 268: Go hunting wild boars?

I didn't see anything busy, and half a month passed quietly.

The lunar calendar comes to November and December.

On December 16th, Wang Xiaolan came back from Lancheng, and brought her new boyfriend along with her.

Wang Tianxiao saw that this person actually knew him.

It turned out to be Comrade Xiao Meng who wanted to build a laboratory here, the younger brother of Manager Meng of the Purchasing Department of the Provincial Pharmaceutical Company.

When Wang Tianxiao saw this little Meng, he suddenly felt that the world was so small.

After careful inquiry, I found out that the two met at a cultural salon. It happened that both of them were very interested in my Russian literature.

Wang Tianxiao did not object to this marriage in principle, but he still carried Wang Xiaolan behind his back and shouted Xiaomeng onto the stone outside.

Get ready to have a good chat with him.

Father is gone, big brother doesn't care about these things, the relationship between mother and Xiaolan is still not very close, so he, the big brother, must take good care of his sister.

It is still the familiar stone, the familiar mountain breeze, and even the familiar cucumber and fried beef.

What I drank was the Maling rice wine that everyone in the neighborhood drank.

Different from the exaggerated and high-spirited talk when we met last time, this time because of the change of identity, Xiao Meng was very embarrassed and did not dare to speak freely with Wang Tianxiao, and seemed a bit cautious and hesitant.

Wang Tianxiao is someone who has experienced this, and knows the young man's embarrassment.

But understanding is understanding, and it doesn't mean that he can let it go easily. He just wants to interrogate this person to see if he is really as honest as he appears on the surface.

"Xiao Meng, I never expected that we would meet again in this capacity. I can only say that the world is really small."

"Boss Wang, you are right. Xiaolan and I met because of the same interests and hobbies, but maybe it was fate."

"Only you young people still want to have such a thing."

Wang Tianxiao said lightly: "How can there be so many fates waiting for you to meet in the world? Everything that seems unrelated is actually just the inevitable result of your achievements and doing certain things."

"That's right. Speaking of it this way, I think what you said is also reasonable." Xiao Meng heard a little distrust in Wang Tianxiao's tone, and he hastily agreed temporarily.

He learned about the importance of Wang Tianxiao to Wang Xiaolan from his girlfriend Wang Xiaolan. He looks like an elder brother, but in fact he is no different from his father.

If Wang Tianxiao is dissatisfied with himself, then he will not be able to be with Wang Xiaolan smoothly.

Regardless of what education you have or what kind of intellectual you are, you are actually nothing in front of Wang Tianxiao. He has communicated with Wang Tianxiao before, and he knows that this person in front of him may be his baby or his uncle in the future. Medicine man.

He has foresight and cognition that are rare in this world.

Many things are difficult for me, a master student, to understand and imagine.

"It's not a simple matter for two people to live together. Xiaolan has a relatively strong personality. If you want to be together for a long time in the future, you should be more tolerant.

But tolerance does not mean blind patience and no principles. It is impossible to get a long-term happy life with one party’s unilateral sacrifice. You must keep this in mind.

I don't care what kind of family is right for these rules. We are all human beings, and there is no strict hierarchy or class division. I hope you don't have this kind of thinking either. You are a graduate student, and she can be regarded as half a literary youth at most, but in fact, your personalities are equal, and only by maintaining this most basic three views can you really live on, otherwise..."

Wang Tianxiao looked at Xiao Meng meaningfully, and the deep meaning was self-evident.

Of course Xiao Meng understood, and without any thought, he directly gave the answer Wang Tianxiao wanted.

"Don't worry, we have already considered these things, and I don't think knowledge has much to do with people's moral sense and structure. Knowledge is just a skill, and what people need to survive in society is wisdom..."

Xiaomeng said here, hesitated slightly, and smiled: "Like you, in terms of education, there is naturally a big gap between me and me, but no matter it is experience, experience or pattern, it is a state that I can't catch up with on horseback. , I don’t think these things can be learned in school.”

Being suddenly put on a high hat, Wang Tianxiao just smiled faintly.

"In short, I have finished what I have to say, and the rest is your own business, but I still want to emphasize one point, if you don't love each other one day, or if you can't live, please don't hurt my sister. You have a good time together.

Two people will eventually separate because of disagreement, life pressure, or even small things like who should use the bathroom first, but this is not a reason to hurt each other. Walking together happily, there is no need to scatter bitterly and bitterly.

Xiaolan is a simple girl, with a straight temper, and a little rebellious personality, since you know this from the beginning, then don't use it as a weapon and an excuse to attack her one day, but from the beginning , you should find out how to resolve these problems. "

Wang Tianxiao talked a lot in one breath and felt a little tired.

He drank the rice wine on his own, looking earnestly at the distant mountains in the dark night.

"It's not easy for husband and wife to get together. It takes ten years to cross the same boat, but it takes a hundred years to sleep together."

Xiao Meng looked at him silently, feeling that the man in front of him who was obviously only a few years older than him seemed tired like an old man.


On December 21st, it snowed heavily again.

From last night until morning, it is still downloading.

Wang Tianxiao and Cui Wanshan were playing chess in the room. Because Wang Tianxiao carried the memories of two lifetimes, his chess skill has naturally improved a lot, and he completely suppressed Cui Wanshan who was still very confident. This made Cui Wanshan very annoyed. This kid's chess is so good.

In the past, I crushed Wang Tianxiao.

Now I can't find the north even if I carry Wang Tianxiao's shoes.


Wang Tianxiao's cannon knocked out Cui Wanshan's bishop again. Cui Wanshan looked at it for a while, then pushed the chess piece forward depressingly.

"I can't play anymore, I can't play anymore, how can I still play, I played nine games in the morning and lost nine games, this bird chess game is annoying."

Seeing his furious look, Wang Tianxiao couldn't help laughing and said: "When I was not as good as you before, you always dragged me down, and you didn't care about the way I was killed by you. Now that you are weak, you don't have to. Have a temper?"

"Anyway, it's not going down."

"Haha, then let's not go down."

Wang Tianxiao slowly put the chess pieces into the storage box, and sighed: "It's just that we don't play chess, what are we going to do? When I was busy before, I always wanted to find time to have a good rest, but now I am suddenly idle. , If you really take a rest, and feel flustered when you are idle, you will be bored to the point of death, and feel uncomfortable all over."

These words reached Cui Wanshan's heart.

He actually felt the same way.

Previously at Ziwu Ridge, I was very busy and had almost no time to rest, so I thought so in my heart, saying that if I had a chance to rest that day, I must sleep well for ten days and a half months, and the king will not go to court from then on.


Now it is Wang Tianxiao's place, which can basically satisfy this situation.

But because he was too idle, he was almost suffocated.

At this time, Li Tao came in with a thermos bottle, saw the two of them in a daze, and said with a smile: "Why don't we go down for a while, the snow outside is a little smaller, I guess we can stop in the morning."

"It's boring..."

Wang Tianxiao suddenly thought of something, "You said Xue is younger?"

"Well, yes, it's time to fall. The snow has been heavy all night, and I don't know how thick it has fallen. I can see that the whole mountain outside is covered in white, like white sugar sprinkled on the ground. .”

Wang Tianxiao stood up and went outside the door.

The mountain wind mixed with snowflakes rushed towards his face immediately. He covered his face with his hands and looked towards the distant mountains. Sure enough, just as Li Yali said, the mountain snow was covered quite firmly.

Although the snowstorm in front of him seemed to be very heavy, it was actually no longer a climate.

"Old Cui!"

he shouted into it.


"Let's go boar hunting!"


Cui Wanshan followed and was very surprised by Wang Tianxiao's proposal.

"Isn't the Chinese New Year coming soon? Anyway, we need to eat pork. If we bring back a few more wild boars, we can solve the meat problem."

"Yes, yes, but this..."

"Oh, the wild boars after the snow have nowhere to look for food. They just come out to wander around. In the snow, their whereabouts are not easy to hide and easy to track. Isn't it a good opportunity to hunt?"


Cui Wanshan thought for a second that this was indeed the case.

Li Yali heard it from inside, and hurried out, pulled Wang Tianxiao's sleeves, "It's so cold, you guys have to go out, I think it's too dangerous, we don't have any shortage of wild pork right now, just in case someone goes out and asks for it." Wouldn't it be a loss if it freezes out anyway?"

Wang Tianxiao smiled and said: "Don't worry, let's prepare first and wait until the snow has completely stopped before entering the mountain. This time, it's just me and Lao Cui, with Ah Ying and Xiao Liu, and no one else will follow, so there won't be any problems. "

"It's really all right, why do I feel a little worried."

"It's really not necessary. Staying at home is boring. You don't know me. If I'm busy, I'll always be healthy. But if I'm free, I'll soon feel uncomfortable all over the body, and maybe I won't be able to. "

Li Yali wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

She knew that since Wang Tianxiao had this idea, if he was not allowed to go, he would definitely feel very uncomfortable and would definitely not be able to adapt.

"That's fine, you two wait until the snow has completely stopped before going out, and I will prepare something for you to eat on the road."

Li Yali is such a woman, she will give advice to her husband, but if there is really no other way, she will not insist anymore.

Just as Wang Tianxiao has always respected her ideas, she never interfered with what her husband particularly wanted to do.

She is well aware of the differences in certain thought patterns between men and women.

What I care more about is my husband's feelings for me, rather than putting this person in a place where only I can adapt.

This is her most down-to-earth view of marriage.

Men and women are together because of each other's individuality. If you lose your individuality, you will become a different person.

No one knows whether the changed person is still the type he likes.

Maybe, maybe not.

But whether it is or not, another person's freedom has been sacrificed.

Li Yali has seen Mr. Qian Zhongshu's siege, and remembers that there is such a saying in it, saying that marriage is a siege, people outside want to enter, and people inside want to get out.

She felt that this was a result of disrespect for marriage.

The protagonist in the book regards marriage as the end of love, mistakenly thinking that with the shackles of marriage, love will find a more suitable stopping point, but in fact, Li Yali believes that marriage is just a stage of love.

Neither the beginning nor the end, of course.

After ten o'clock, the snow finally cleared.

There is still a little light in the east, and it seems that the sun is trying to break through the clouds, trying to shine warm sunshine on the mountains.

Wang Tianxiao and Cui Wanshan each carried a gun and a small backpack, which contained some food and drink supplies, which could be kept for a while.

Aying and Dafeng squatted quietly beside Wang Tianxiao, while the golden eagle Xiaoliu hovered in the sky.

It took a long time for Dafeng to heal from the last injury, but it did not become timid because of it, but became more ferocious and mature.

All children grow up sincerely only when they encounter danger, and all dogs must have sharp teeth after killing jackals.

This time because of hunting wild boars, the safety is relatively high. Wang Tianxiao didn't think about taking the remaining two puppies with him, and only let the two big dogs follow.

It mainly plays the role of smell recognition.

The puppy has no experience anyway, so it can't achieve good results.

In the process of hunting, dogs often have three functions.

The most common is hunting, that is, through quantity and flexibility, the prey will be surrounded without killing, waiting for the hunter to find an opportunity.

The second is identification and tracking.

A dog's sense of smell is many times stronger than that of a human's, and its sense of hearing is unmatched by humans. Therefore, a dog can warn the prey before it appears, and it is convenient to track the prey when it escapes.

Another less common use is to convey information.

If the situation is wrong, or the hunter is injured and cannot move for a while, then the dog needs to find someone to rescue.

Well-trained dogs can often faithfully lead search and rescue personnel to the place of the accident.

Wang Tianxiao's two dogs are not strictly trained hunting dogs. They have some of the three functions, but not many.

The main reason is the lack of strict training.

It is of course no problem for Langqing to act as a hunting dog.

The Golden Eagle Xiaoliu is over one year old and has grown into a big golden eagle. Now she is flying in the sky, like a small drone. That kind of deterrence can often give people a heavy suffocating feeling.

That is to say, Wang Tianxiao has raised it and is very familiar with it, otherwise it is a bit scary.

Many people don't understand the horror of the golden eagle because they think that the golden eagle is only a dozen kilograms, so what fighting power can it have.

But in fact, the speed of the golden eagle's dive was ignored.

It is conceivable that a thing weighing twenty or thirty kilograms suddenly hits you from a height of hundreds or thousands of meters at a speed as fast as a motorcycle, and this thing can also adjust its direction and accuracy. See how terrifying it is.

Therefore, if it is in the wild, encountering a golden eagle attacking people is also very dangerous.

Be sure to protect your head and face, as long as you get caught with a claw, it will basically be scrapped.

Its sharp claws can pierce a human face.

The only fortunate thing is that the general life trajectory of a golden eagle and a person are difficult to overlap.

They are all in the deep mountains and old forests, and rarely come to hunt where humans are active. Even if they encounter humans, as long as humans don't harass their children and nests, they will generally not have trouble with humans.

Not in a biological chain.

Seeing that the two were about to go out, Wang Tianxin naturally wanted to follow, but was rejected.

Wang Tianxiao told him to wait there, if he caught a wild boar, he would ask the golden eagle to come back and report the news, and then he would take someone to bring the meat back.

This time it was a real hunt and a romance between two old men, Wang Tianxiao didn't want his younger brother to suffer.

Ready, the brothers set foot on the mountain road.

"Crunch ~ crunch!"

The big-toed cotton boots creaked as they stepped on the snow.

The heavy snow in winter in Northwest China may last for many days to melt if it encounters cloudy days for many consecutive days without the sun.

Sometimes those shaded places, maybe the whole winter, can't fully smile.

And unlike the sporadic and soft snow in the south, the snow here is very firm once it accumulates on the ground, and people walking on it are like stepping on foam.

The two chatted and laughed all the way, and walked towards the West Peak with ease.

Cui Wanshan thought that he and Wang Tianxiao hadn't been separated for long, maybe more than half a year, so he would talk about things that seemed to have just happened, but Wang Tianxiao heard that he was full of memories, many of which he had almost forgotten, and were brought up again Restoring the memory, I feel very emotional in my heart.

In a few days, he just returned to a year. Looking back on his life in this year, he often looks like a nervous firefighter, fighting fires everywhere. kind of annoying.

Although the harvest is full, it is also very tiring.

Now that various things have finally reached a stable stage, and it happens to be winter, there is no need to rush to think about what to do and what not to do.

Only then did he get the chance to go out with Cui Wanshan and have a manly romance.

The two dogs walked slowly in front, leaving a few rows of small paw prints on the snow.

An hour later, the two had arrived at the West Peak of Yangziling.

The sun just came out.

Under the reflection of the sun, the snow field emitted a dazzling white light. Both of them pulled down the brim of their hats with great experience, so that the reflection of the snow would not reflect too much into their eyes.

With the experience of going out to hunt bears last time, they are quite familiar with this road now.

It took less than half an hour to cross the West Peak and reach Mengbaling.

Standing on the hillside, you can see more than half of Meng Baling's peak when you lift your eyes. Because the standing position is higher than Meng Baling, the mountain wind can't blow up, which makes this side feel strangely quiet.

"Shall we go to the south slope?" Cui Wanshan looked into the distance.


Wild boars just like warm places, so wild boars usually run with the sun in winter.

Specifically, before the sun rises, they will run directly to the southeast hillside and follow the sun all the way, and when the sun sets from the west, they will return to the east again.

Therefore, experienced hunters only need to look at the time to know where they can encounter wild boars.

It is now around twelve noon, and the sun is in the west-south position.

Just run over there.

Mengbaling is a very long mountain in the north-south direction, and very narrow in the east-west direction. If you want to go to the south slope, you need to bypass half of the mountain.

It is different from the last time I went to Heixiaziling.

At that time, I crossed Mengbaling directly, and walked from the east to the west, which took about an hour.

But when I got to the bottom of Heixiazi Ridge, I couldn't find the place to go up, and I had to go around for a long time before I got there. It was because of this reason.

"Then what should we do, should we go there now, or wait here?" Cui Wanshan asked.

Wang Tianxiao immediately understood what Cui Wanshan meant.

It would take at least two or three hours to go around from the current station to the south slope of Mengbaling.

But now it is winter, and the days are short. At around four o'clock in the afternoon, it is estimated that there will be no sun, and the wild boars will migrate again with the sun.

Maybe there hasn't been much trouble in the past, and the wild boars are all gone.

And if they go directly to the southeast where the two of them are staying now, they may arrive there in an hour or so, and then they can rest for a night, and wait until the wild boar comes out in the morning tomorrow, and just come and wait for the rabbit.

Think about it, it should be a more appropriate path.

"Then wait to go down to the southeast slope. If you go to the southwest like this now, if you don't find the nest, you have to go back to the southeast. Instead, you will be so tired that you will lose your energy. It will be difficult to do it then."

After thinking about it, Wang Tianxiao thought it was more appropriate.

"Well, I think so too. I don't know where those guys are hiding. We'll have to look at the hoof prints later."

"Okay, then there will be more time, we don't have to rush, we can go slowly."

Cui Wanshan nodded.

"However, after all, it depends on luck. If you are lucky, you may bump into us directly, but if you are unlucky, it's hard to say."

Cui Wanshan smiled, "Don't worry, just wait slowly, anyway, I didn't bring anyone else with me this time, the two of us are together, no circumstances can stop us, just go straight ahead."

Wang Tianxiao also smiled.


Compared with the current situation, many times in the past have been more thrilling and exciting than this.

For example, the last time I chased a leopard in the mountains, but after several days and nights of chasing, so many people couldn't do it anymore, they still didn't give up, and finally found the leopard's den.

Although the child was not rescued in time, at least the body was snatched.

Also killed the leopard.

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