Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant

Chapter 2288 I feel that this is not good

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Sivir changed into a light yellow dress, and came out of the bathroom with a blushing face.

Not surprisingly, the other set of underwear fit just right.

She felt as if she was being spied on, and from the outside to the inside.

But she had to admit that this suit was very comfortable to wear, light and skin-friendly, but not too transparent.

And just now when she saw herself in a skirt in the mirror, she discovered for the first time that she could look so good in a long skirt.

"Sivir, this dress is so beautiful, and it fits just right." Mia's eyes lit up when she saw Sivir coming out.

"Thank you." Sivir nodded slightly, blushing even more.

Even though he was a man who didn't have much contact, but he was able to prepare clothes of perfect size for her, it seemed that it was hard to tell where this kind of thing went.

"Then let's go downstairs, the wonderful performance is still waiting for us." Mia took Sivir's hand and went downstairs.

When passing by the kitchen, Sivir glanced at McGonagall with mixed feelings, not knowing whether to praise him for his vicious eyes or his obscenity.

"Well, it's quite suitable." Mag also noticed her, walked to the kitchen door deliberately, looked at her and nodded with satisfaction.

Instead of the heroic leather armor and shorts, put on this long skirt, let down the tight long hair, Sivir, who has big wavy red hair, a hot figure, and healthy wheat-colored skin, looks a little The aura of a supermodel.

I just don't know what kind of demeanor she will look like when she wears that leopard print swimsuit.

"Wow, Sivir's sister is so beautiful in a small skirt!" Amy said loudly.

Everyone looked at it one after another, showing expressions of appreciation.

This gaze made Sivir a little uncomfortable, but also a little happy.

Since she became a mercenary ten years ago, and then took over the Rose Mercenary Group, she hardly ever wore a skirt in front of others.

Ordinary people may be attracted by her hot figure, but most people will restrain themselves after seeing the boomerang pinned behind her.

But few people would look at her with such admiring eyes, just like sometimes she couldn't help but look at the pretty girls walking by her.

"Gina has already sung three songs, so now Sivir, who has changed into a beautiful dress, will give you a new performance." Angela looked at Sivir and said.

"Me?" Sivir froze for a moment, then waved his hand and said, "I...I can't sing or dance."

As a mercenary, all she has learned over the years are life-saving and strengthening skills, which did not include entertainment skills such as singing and dancing.

Angela shook her head with a smile and said, "It doesn't matter if you can't sing or dance, you can just perform something you are good at. Didn't Amy just perform a boulder in the chest?"

Sivir looked down at her chest, feeling that this was not right.

However, her gaze quickly fell on the chopstick holder on the table beside her, her eyes lit up, and she said, "I know what I can show everyone."

She walked to the table and pulled out a chopstick, turned it with her fingertips, drew a round arc, and was thrown out by her.

The silver chopsticks turned into a ray of silver light, circled twice in the spacious hall, and then fell into Sivir's hands again.

"So cool!"

The four children looked straight and clapped their hands.

The girls also applauded and encouraged.

It is actually not difficult to do this, and almost everyone present can do it, especially Barbara, as a space magician, can control objects and play tricks.

But Sivir is a little different. She uses pure skills, using the ingenuity of her wrist and fingertips to make an ordinary chopstick complete a complicated flight and return it to her hand precisely.

This will inevitably require years of practice to be able to lift weights like this.

Sivir didn't expect everyone's response to be so great, and performed a few other tricks, such as hitting the small wooden sign at the door with chopsticks,

Bounce back into the hands and so on.

Everyone watched the excitement, but they were also happy.

Especially a few children, pestered Sivir one after another, expressing their desire to learn this.

However, just how to turn the chopsticks on the fingertips stumped a few little guys.

Annie, on the other hand, sat quietly by the side, spinning a chopstick on her fingertips and flying away.

This is a skill that many masters can learn without a teacher.

After this interaction, Sivir's state was completely relaxed. Sitting in the crowd, watching other people perform, chatting and interacting with each other, the smiles on his face gradually increased.

Although the atmosphere of the Rose Mercenary Group has always been good, after all, they live a bloody life, and their nerves are tense when they go out to do tasks on weekdays.

When not doing missions, most of them stay by themselves, and occasionally have dinner together, drinking and eating meat, and chatting about things in the mercenary circle.

It wasn't until this moment that Sivir suddenly realized that she really didn't seem to have any female friends, and many times she even didn't consider herself a woman.

But such an atmosphere of singing and dancing, singing and singing, joking with each other, laughing and fighting with each other, she really likes it!

I feel that my soul has been relaxed. Everyone is sitting around on a soft and comfortable carpet in a warm house, wearing loose and comfortable skirts, and there are beautiful young ladies beside me. It is really comfortable.

"The barbecue is here, let's have fun while eating." Mag came out with two large plates of grilled meat skewers, and placed them directly in front of everyone.

"I'm going to get the beer!" Mia got up in a hurry, and after a while, she came over with a pile of beer and distributed it to everyone.

Barbecue with beer, wonderful!

Mag also sat down among the girls, raised his beer glass, and said with a smile: "Come on, let's have a toast to celebrate. I hope everyone can have a good time and have fun on this journey."


Everyone toasted, and the rest was the sound of drinking.

This night, everyone had barbecue, beer, lobster, oysters, singing and dancing, and had a great time.

In the middle of the night, Mag put down his wine glass, looked at the drunken girls all over the place, took a drink break, and frowned slightly.

He got up and cleaned up the mess first, then arranged the girls one by one, covered them with blankets, and fell asleep on the floor.

Then he took his two daughters upstairs and let them sleep on the bed. Then he took a shower and went back to his room to sleep.

"Wow! It's the sea!"

"We're really at the beach!"

"It's so beautiful, it's like a sapphire, you really can't see the edge at a glance!"

Early the next morning, Mag was woken up by surprise voices.

Stretching, McGra opened the curtains and looked at the blue sky and sea in the distance, as well as the brats rolling on the beach in front of the door.

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