Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant

Chapter 2081 Wine Tasting Conference

"Isn't that Effie, the proprietress of Titan Tavern? Titan wine was also a famous wine back then, but it's a pity..."

"Yeah, I used to go often back then, but it's a pity it's lost, and now there's only one name left."

"I can see her every year, but the titan wine she brews is really not as good as her father's, but her courage and persistence are still very commendable."

Someone recognized Effie, and they talked in a low voice, with a bit of regret in their tone.

For some older wine drinkers and tavern practitioners, the Titan Tavern was impressive.

Thirty years ago, the gold medal wine in the first wine tasting conference was Titan wine, which was a well-known story at that time.

The Titan Tavern back then was one of the most famous taverns in Luodu City.

It is a pity that the legendary winemaker died in a house robbery fifteen years ago, leaving only a daughter under the age of fifteen, and Titan wine has since been lost.

Although the Titan Tavern reopened five years later, the Titan Wine that Effie relaunched was completely incomparable with the real Titan Wine, which became a great pity for many drinkers.

Of course, there are also some regular customers who still visit the Titan Tavern from time to time, just to take care of the business of an old friend's daughter.

Effie greeted several regular customers and sat down with a smile.

McGonagall glanced at Effie, but she could understand this woman's difficulty better.

Making a living is only part of it, and she is under the real pressure of bearing the expectations of the outside world and the aura of her parents.

"But what kind of tavern is the Saipan tavern? It seems that I have never heard of this tavern."

"Yeah, sounds like a newly opened tavern, or I'd know."

"You are ignorant. This is the latest upstart in Luodu City. Not many people know about it, but it is said that the wine is not bad. Even Duke Abraham often patronizes it."

"Is there such a thing?"

"I heard that too. He must have brought wine. After a while, the wine is on the table, so I'll know."

The topic of everyone turned to Mag who was sitting next to Effie, and after some discussion, they also paid more attention to him.

The cathedral, which can accommodate thousands of people, was quickly filled, and there were still many people standing in the back row.

"Baron Coulter is here!" A loud shout sounded.

Everyone got up one after another.

A gray-haired, but hale and hearty old man walked in through the gate, followed by several old men who were also not young.

"The one in the middle is Baron Kurt, he is the vice president of the Wine Association and one of the initiators of the wine tasting conference.

The bearded man next to him is Fergus, the president of the Fine Wine Association, a fair and professional elder..." Effie introduced the identities of the elders who came in to McGonagall.

The Fine Wine Association is a relatively independent organization, and these elders with their respective statuses ensure the relative fairness and justice of the wine tasting conference.

As the provider of the venue, Kurt delivered a short speech on behalf of the Fine Wine Conference to this session of the Fine Wine Conference.

"To make the gossip short, I know that everyone doesn't want to hear me, an old man, talking about it here. I just want to know if there are any new wines in Luodu City this year." Kurt said with a smile: "Yes, I want to know too. Then, we will officially start wine tasting, and I can't wait."

Everyone in the audience smiled knowingly, the baron is indeed an interesting person.

At the very front of the church is a high platform more than one meter high. Five tables are lined up on it. The five judges are seated separately. No one has a large cup filled with warm water at hand.

The wine tasting conference, as the name suggests, is to taste wine and score, and then decide the winner based on the score.

As for the scoring standard, each judge made a ten-point system, which was decided according to the subjective feelings of the five tasters.

It may sound imprecise, but as long as the five tasters are professional and fair enough, this is actually a relatively fair and effective method.

There are more than 300 taverns participating in this wine tasting conference, because of the large number,

They are divided into five groups by lottery, and tasting is carried out in groups.

And in order to reduce other factors affecting the winemaker's judgment on the wine, each group of wine will not be introduced before being served, but will be revealed after scoring.

The staff came out with a wine bottle and five small empty wine glasses, opened the bottle on the spot, poured the wine into the glasses in front of everyone, and delivered it to the five judges.

The faint scent of wine spread out.

Mag closed his eyes and took a sniff. It was a typical sweet fruit wine. The aroma of the wine was acceptable. There was nothing special about it. It was better than ordinary home-brewed fruit wine.

All the judges picked up the wine glass and sniffed it first. Some shook their heads, some nodded, but their expressions were very calm.

Then they each took a sip and put down the wine glasses in their hands.

"The taste of this fruit wine is acceptable, with a slightly sweet taste, and there is still room for improvement." Kurt made a brief comment and picked up the scoreboard in front of him.

Kurt gave a 6, Fergus gave a 7, and the other three judges also scored 5-7.

"The first group, the first bottle of wine, Karoo wine from Karus Tavern, scored 31 points!" The host quickly introduced.

Fifty points, a barely passing score.

McGonagall nodded slightly, somewhat recognizing the professionalism of the jury.

A fat man not far away seemed quite happy. Although he only got a mediocre score, it was several points higher than last year. Moreover, this year is the first wine on the stage, which will definitely attract more people. remember.

Then the other four bottles of wine in the first group all scored between 30 and 40. Each time, a judge made a brief comment, which can be regarded as a suggestion.

The judges taste wine in small sips. After tasting, they will rinse their mouths with warm water, and occasionally eat a little pastry to fill their stomachs. Although there is a lot of wine, the speed is not slow.

"Father, when will it be our turn to drink? And... when can we eat?" Amy looked at Mag and asked in a low voice. This kind of occasion is really too boring for the little guy. Looking at the pastries on the stage, I couldn't help swallowing several times.

"How about Xiao Ai and Xiao An go outside to play for a while, Mara is outside, let her take you to eat delicious food." Effie looked at Amy and said with a smile.

"Okay, okay." Amy's eyes lit up, and she nodded her head immediately.

Mag looked sideways at Irina.

"Go." Irina nodded, his spirit can completely cover the manor, and there will be no surprises in letting the two children go out to the party.

Annie took Amy's little hand and slipped out of the church quietly.

"This is the explosion bar of Reese's Tavern. The taste is still bursting like the name. It brings surprises and is impressive. Moreover, this year's wine has some improvements, and it becomes smoother after entering the throat. Quite surprising." Fergus put down his glass and commented with a smile.

"Yeah, it's a wine that people can't pretend not to know. Compared with previous years, it has indeed made a lot of progress." Kurt also nodded with a smile.

All the judges gave their points.

"The thirty-second group, the third bottle of wine, the explosive wine from Reese's Tavern, scored 48 points! The current highest score!" The host's voice couldn't help but raise a bit!


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