Half an hour passed by in a flash, and Donghuang Taiyi was immersed in the formation diagram of Qimen Dunjia and couldn't extricate himself!

It was really hard on Zhao Chen.

Although he could still hold on, it was too boring.

Standing here doing nothing and waiting for more than an hour would be boring for anyone. etc.

No one can do anything.

Isn't there something ready-made that can be done?

Donghuang Taiyi was the most mysterious being in Qin Shizhong. She always wore a black robe when she appeared. No one knew what she looked like under the black robe.

Where is the gray-haired grandpa?

It was because he was too ugly when he grew up that it was difficult to see people, so he covered himself with a black robe.

Isn't there an opportunity now?

Even if Donghuang Taiyi is only here because of illusion at this moment. so what.

Everything in this Qimen Dunjia is under my control.

Don't tell me that you are still projecting it, even if it is your soul, I can strip it for you.

I believe that most netizens want to know what is hidden under the black robe of Donghuang Taiyi!

Then let me take a look at this secret for the majority of netizens.

Hey hey hey!!

At this moment, Zhao Chen felt so vulgar and vulgar in his heart.

He secretly used the art of hiding armor to slowly blur the broad black robe on Donghuang Taiyi from bottom to top.

Just like PS blur.

Zhao Chen: Why do you feel so vulgar?

Although I think so.

In order to explore the true face of Donghuang Taiyi, Zhao Chen continued.

Soon, soon.

In Zhao Chen's eyes, the black robe slowly became transparent.

The figure under the black robe of Donghuang Taiyi was revealed.

Because of this, Zhao Chen became more and more excited, and accidentally, his breath leaked out

"Young Master, what are you doing?"

A hoarse mechanical voice came over.

Time passed, and the space the three of them were in changed and turned into the hall again.


Facing the gazes of Donghuang Taiyi and Moon God, Zhao Chen smiled sarcastically.

However, he still saw something. Under Donghuang Taiyi's black robe, there was actually a skirt.

The gorgeous pale gold dress shows the nobility of the owner.

If worn on a woman, it would definitely look noble and elegant.

The problem is that now it is worn on Donghuang Taiyi!

This is a big problem, I’m afraid he’s not a big shot in women’s clothing!

As for Donghuang Taiyi being a woman.

Zhao Chen didn't believe it.

If you want him to believe that Donghuang Taiyi is a woman, he might as well believe that a sow can climb a tree?

The majority of netizens have analyzed it.

You must know that Donghuang Taiyi, as the head of the Yin Yang family, appeared very early, but his identity is a mystery.

Not to mention other people, I am afraid that even the Yin Yang family does not know the true identity of Donghuang Taiyi.

I'm afraid they only know that Donghuang Taiyi has the power to make people surrender, otherwise it would be impossible to become the leader of the Yin and Yang family, and it would be impossible for Xinghun to dare to deal with Moon God, but not Donghuang Taiyi.

Not only that, Qin Shizhong was the one who could influence the situation of the world under General Donghuang Taiyi.

However, Donghuang Taiyi did not interfere in world affairs. He just pointed out some things as a bystander, and then quietly listened to a requiem and watched the rise and fall of the world.

Even the few times he appeared were just a set of clothes and a black figure holding a star in his hand. Nothing else was known, but this did not prevent everyone from thinking that Donghuang Taiyi was a man.

But no one has ever speculated on the fact that Donghuang Taiyi was a woman.

Therefore, when Zhao Chen saw that dress, his emotions inevitably fluctuated, and he directly alerted Donghuang Taiyi, only to be discovered, leading to the awkward confrontation.

However, the fact that Donghuang Taiyi is a cross-dressing boss is so shocking. How could Zhao Chen calm down?

He really didn't expect that Dong Huang Taiyi, the leader of the Yin Yang family and one of the super masters of the Qin Dynasty, would be so sultry.

I like women’s clothes to such an extent that I wear gorgeous clothes all the time. It’s so sultry to the extreme!!

Isn't Donghuang Taiyi afraid that his black robe will be broken when fighting with someone, exposing his special hobby?

By then, I'm afraid the whole world will know that the headmaster of the Yin Yang family, Donghuang Taiyi, is actually a changer who likes to pass on women's clothing?

This is probably the oldest women’s clothing brand!

Who would have thought that there would be a big boss in women’s clothing during the Warring States Period? Maybe it can even lead the trend?

According to the theory of world existence in Qin Dynasty.

The earliest women's clothing masters should be the three people who practiced the Sunflower Book during the Ming Dynasty.

Representative figure Dongfang Bubai!

Unexpectedly, Donghuang Taiyi was more than a thousand years earlier than them.

It's so unbelievable.

At this time, Zhao Chen was as excited as if he had discovered a new world, and wanted to ask Donghuang Taiyi.

At this moment, Donghuang Taiyi's voice came over again, his tone was dull and full of oppression.

"Young Master, are you thinking of something bad?"

"No, no, I didn’t think about anything. Teacher, please don’t accuse me wrongly."

"In this case, I will retire first."

"Ah good! goodbye teacher."

Donghuang Taiyi seemed to be staring at Zhao Chen before disappearing.

Zhao Chen: Illusion, definitely an illusion.

Could it be that I am being targeted? If so, this is not a good sign!

Just when Zhao Chen was shuddering, Moon God asked:"Sir, what did you just do to make Master Donghuang like this?"

"What, I didn’t do anything, I’m just a little tired from using Qi Men Dun Jia for a long time."

"Yeah? Why didn't I notice that the young master was tired at all?"

"Well, don't worry about these details.

By the way, Sister Luna, did you notice anything strange about Donghuang Taiyi when you were at Yin Yang’s house?"

"Strange behavior? What does young master mean?"

"how to say? I can't describe it either.

By the way, Sister Luna, have you been to Donghuang Taiyi’s dormitory?"

"No, since I joined the Yin Yang family, I have never seen Master Donghuang sleeping. He always meditates under the Luosheng Hall."

"Ah, is it so powerful?"

"It’s not just me, I’m afraid no one else, not even Chu Nan Gong, who saw the dragon but never saw its tail, has seen it."

"What about Donghuang Taiyi’s other actions? Have you ever observed it?"

"No, sir, what do you mean by this?"

"Sister, let me tell you, don’t be surprised!"Zhao Chen approached the Moon God mysteriously.

"Sister, I just used Qimen Dunjia and Donghuang Taiyi fell deeply into it. Aren't I bored?

Seeing that Donghuang Taiyi was already addicted to Qimen Dunjia, he thought of uncovering his black robe to see his true face.

The moment I used Qimen magic to erase his black robe, guess what I saw?"Zhao Chen smiled mysteriously

"Young Master, please stop buying into me."

Luena's interest has indeed been piqued.

"Hehe, I saw that Donghuang Taiyi was wearing a gorgeous dress under his black robe. Although I didn’t see his face, it shocked me so much that he found him hiding here."Zhao Chen said with a pity expression.


Yue Shen swallowed hard and looked at Zhao Chen with a shocked face, but the point of her shock was a little different. What shocked her was that the Supreme Headmaster of the Yin Yang Family turned out to be a woman.

If this spread, I'm afraid Shock the entire Seven Kingdoms!!

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