Although it has been decided to adopt a three-pronged approach, practicing Taoism on the mountain as "Shi Jian" and enslaving the ghosts, there are still many things to deal with at the foot of the mountain, and there is no rush for this moment.

Xu Yang removed his disguise, restored his original appearance, left Jilei Mountain, and returned to Guobei County.

"Seobing, freshly baked sesame cake!"

“Crisp pears, freshly picked crisp plows!”

"Get out of the way, don't block the road!"

"Selling plasters, good plasters handed down from our ancestors, which will make your headaches and fever disappear in one day!"

In the county town and on the streets, people were coming and going.

There are also cars and horses like dragons, the flow is endless, and there is a sense of prosperity and vitality everywhere.

This is Guobei County, today's Guobei County.

At this time, a young man, dressed as a scholar, returned from a study tour outside the city.

"Li Jieyuan?"

"It's really Li Jieyuan!"

"Mr. Jianchen, are you back?"

"Brother Li, I haven't seen you for a few days. Where have you been?"

"Could it be that you are going on a study tour? It's such an elegant thing, but you don't ask me to wait!"

"It turns out that he is from Li Daguan. I said my eyelids are twitching today. It turns out that I am going to meet a noble person!"

"Mr. Jianchen, when will the new editions of the Records of the Martial Ancestors of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Legend of the Martial Arts of the Tang Dynasty be released?"

"Go and go, fight and kill, if there is anything good to read, it is better to write about Dream of Red Mansions, Seven Fairies, and Bai Suzhen. Mr. Liuxian, please write another storybook like this. We sisters are eagerly waiting for it. "

"Li Jieyuan, Li Jieyuan, you can just draw a picture for me, or write a few words. My girl has not eaten or drank for several days. She said she would go on a hunger strike and die if she could not see your calligraphy and painting, Mr. Li..."

"You are so beautiful that no one in the world knows that Li Jieyuan is a master of both poetry and painting. He is extremely talented. A pair of calligraphy and paintings is worth thousands of gold. Every day, countless people are waiting outside the door of Li's house to pick up his calligraphy treasure. What is your identity to write for you? "


When Xu Yang returned, along the way, people kept greeting him, and there were constant voices of exclamation.

Xu Yang just nodded to this, didn't pay much attention, and went straight home.

Watching him leave, everyone started talking with different attitudes.

"Is this Li Jianchen and Li Liuxian?"

"Isn't it him!"

"Humph, you are so proud of your talent. Even before you get the top prize, your eyeballs are already on your forehead."

"Audaciousness also has the capital of pride. I heard that this person was the first in all three examinations in the Yuan, Prefecture and County examinations. He even won the championship in the rural examination and was named Jieyuan. All the examiners of the rural examination, even Mr. Wenyuan, were very impressed by this person. The articles are full of praise, saying that he has the appearance of being the number one scholar, and is even expected to win three prizes in a row and leave his name in history!"

"If there is only one stone in the world, he, Li Liuxian, has eight stones!"

"Not only that, I heard that this person is also very good at calligraphy and painting. He is not only a master of poetry and painting, but also a master of calligraphy. He is even very proficient in music. He is so good at playing the piano that he confuses all living beings. Guobei County, Jinhua Mansion , and even in my world, countless beauties and beauties are obsessed with him and don’t even think about food and drinks!”

"I heard that he wrote novels and published many books, including "The Legend of the Martial Ancestors of the Great Zhou Dynasty" and "The Legend of the Heavenly Martial Arts of the Great Tang Dynasty" about the bloody martial arts world. There are also "The Legend of Shushan Swordsman" and "The Legend of Fairy Sword and Fairy". In the world of self-cultivation, the magic of sword immortals, and "A Dream of Red Mansions", "Seven Fairies", "Bai Suzhen" and other crazy men and women, entangled love and hate, which makes people heartbroken, tossing and turning, day and night, waiting for him to publish a book!"

"Whether it is a daughter who is waiting for marriage, a farmer with his back turned to the sky, a man in bright clothes, a wealthy man in the martial arts world, or a scholar who is shaking his head and studying poetry, all are eagerly waiting for his appearance. New book, new volume, new chapter!"

"Jianchen, the old thief, hasn't updated yet!"

Everyone was talking a lot, mostly with admiration and admiration.

But there are also people who are unhappy with their words.

"Hmph, you are very talented, but you don't have the character of a scholar like me!"

"That is, we Confucian scholars have read the books of sages and sages, reported them to the king and the country, and provided peace and security to the people. Only in this way can we live up to what we have learned. But this person is most obsessed with heresy. He is really ignorant and has no skills, and he is wasting his time!"

"That's right, poetry is nothing more than trivial matters, and wonderful paintings are nothing more than leisure entertainment. How can they compare with the poems and books of sages and the broad road? This person is obsessed with miscellaneous knowledge and will be abandoned by the great path. When he takes the imperial examination in the future, he will not even think about winning three yuan in a row."

"Not to mention winning three yuan in a row or losing the exam is possible. After all, human energy is limited. He is also addicted to calligraphy and painting, and he is obsessed with the music of Yaoqin. Fortunately, he writes such a short story book. He has several heads and arms, and he is still a god. He can The method of clone, the method of transforming into a god?"

"I heard that he is also good at medicine and martial arts. He opened a medical clinic and apothecary shop in the city called Baoan Tang and Baozhilin. He would take time to sit in the clinic every day. A group of shameless promiscuous women went to see him every day. Seeing a doctor is so embarrassing... Bah, it's an insult to gentleness!"

"A polite scum, dressed like a beast!"

"Um...please keep your voice down. He is not only talented in poetry and painting, but also talented in both civil and military arts. His swordsmanship is extremely sharp. Some time ago, some strongmen cut off the path outside the city and blocked the road for robbery. As a result, he killed them all with one sword. All the county police officers are on their knees begging for mercy."

"Guess why there have been so few bullies in Guobei County over the years?"

"They all provoked him, and then they disappeared one by one."


At this point in the conversation, the words of criticism came to a halt.

But there are still people who are angry and stubborn.

"Afraid, what are you afraid of!"

"How can we, who are poets and writers, be afraid of his lustful power?"

"Yes, you can't be lewd by wealth, you can't be subjugated by power, so what if he knows martial arts? In broad daylight, with the universe clear and the sun and moon shining brightly, he still dares to show no mercy and draw his sword to kill people for no reason?"

"Hmph, I heard that he leaves the city every once in a while and disappears. I'm afraid he has some ulterior secrets."

"There have been rumors for a long time that this boy is not a human being, but is transformed by a monster. Under the painted skin of his body is a ten thousand-year-old ghost. If not, how could an ordinary person at this age have such talent and learning? This can no longer be explained by talent. It’s over!”

"Yes, yes, he must not be a human being, definitely not a human being!"

"Don't talk nonsense. He is not a human being. How can he take part in the provincial examination? Do you think that Mr. Wenyuan and all the examiners are just decorations, allowing a monster to enter the examination and select him as the head of the case?"

"That is, Li Jieyuan goes out of the city every once in a while to farm in the manor outside the city. Although he is a scholar, he never forgets the roots of farming and mulberry. How can he be like you, who are not diligent in all aspects, and do not distinguish between grains and grains? Relying on other people's support, even Mi Chong has the nerve to say that he is a scholar!"

"Who knew you had to work hard to get the food on your plate? Could you write such a poem?"

"That is, we passers-by, if the people who have benefited from Li Jieyuan, those fans who are obsessed with his poems, paintings, music, and novels, as well as the disciples of his medical school and private school, hear you telling the truth and confusing right and wrong. I'm going to throw dirty water on Li Jieyuan, I'm afraid I'm going to peel off your skin!"

"Go, go, get out, we don't do your business, scholar, what the hell, bah!"

"You are a beast in clothes and a polite scum. If you don't leave, I will report you to the official. Believe it or not, the county magistrate and the police team leader are all friends of Li Jieyuan. Let them know that you are talking nonsense like this, so they have to put you in jail." Beat eighty!"

"Get out of here quickly, don't talk nonsense in my place. If word gets out that someone is gathering a crowd here to frame Mr. Li, then my pub won't be able to open. Get out of here right now!"

"We sisters don't do your business, get out now, or we'll castrate you!"


Within a short time, the discussions turned into arguments, and many scholars were kicked out of restaurants, restaurants, and even brothels. They were disgraced and extremely embarrassed.

"Okay, good to you Li Jianchen!"

"Hypocritical benevolence and righteousness can win people's hearts!"

"I don't want to be with you!"

"Come on, stop talking, or they will throw rotten eggs."

"It's an insult to politeness, it's an insult to politeness, oh, who the hell threw the stone bricks!"

"That's the overnight meal, you idiot!"

"Brother Zhang, give me a hand, these people are crazy..."

The whole group of people fled in panic, and there was another burst of chickens and dogs.

But these have nothing to do with Xu Yang, he has already returned to the mansion.





Four courtyards with four entrances and four exits are connected into one, which is today's Li Mansion.

There were many noble servants, groups of maids, and a large number of plainly dressed medical disciples, well-dressed martial arts disciples, as well as servants and guards, and martial arts instructors. They all bowed and saluted when Xu Yang returned.

"Master, there is nothing going on in the city these days. Only the county magistrate left with the police team leader."

"I heard something happened in Peach Blossom Mountain. I'm still trying to find out what the details are."

"According to your wishes, we have acquired two more manors outside the city. If they are used to grow medicine, they should be able to meet the current needs of Baoan Tang and Baozhilin."

"The martial arts leader has returned from Jinhua Mansion and brought back news that the ghosts in Lanruo Temple have expanded again. Even in the daytime, it is very spooky. Nearly a hundred people have disappeared here during this time, and the government ban and blockade have no effect."

"There are rumors circulating that the emperor's health is deteriorating, and the battle for the throne is getting more and more intense!"

"It is said that the Taoist sect intends to donate the elixir of longevity in order to obtain the position of national master!"

"It is rumored that an expert from Buddhism will come to suppress the ghosts in Lanruo Temple!"


Xu Yang returned to the study, and the housekeeper came with him to report on the situation in the city during this period.

While listening, Xu Yang picked up his pen and drew a wonderful picture.

Ten years ago, he re-entered this world by virtue of his ability to travel across all realms. Instead of inheriting another person's body, he manifested his soul and transformed into his own body.

Later, he no longer used the identity of "Ma Wencai", but came to Guobei County under the name of "Li Jianchen", claiming to be a foreign student.

It was already the late dynasty, and the household registration management was very chaotic. Coupled with some of his methods, it was easy to integrate.

But this time, he did not directly find a powerful family like the Tang Dynasty, gain support and shelter with his medical skills, then open a medical clinic, recruit disciples, and develop his power...

This approach worked in the Tang Dynasty world, but it doesn't work here.

Because there are extraordinary powers in this world, many difficult and complicated diseases are not just difficult and complicated diseases. Although his medical skills are superb, they are still ordinary skills. Unless he uses the "Shengzi Scroll", he cannot deal with those special diseases at all.

And those powerful people don't need him to treat them. Taoism and Buddhism have their own methods. If the masters of Taoism and Buddhism are helpless, then his ordinary medical skills will be even less effective.

The road was blocked from the start.

Even if there is no blockade, he can't just open a medical clinic and compete with other forces for medical interests, otherwise someone will definitely attack him. After all, in this world, the spells are extraordinary and the killing is invisible. Without a certain background, If you reach out, you will definitely be beaten to death.

Therefore, he chose to take another path and obtain additional background support.

That is - the imperial examination!

The inheritance of the three religions in this world can be said to be at its peak.

Confucianism is one of the three religions, and its strength goes without saying.

More importantly, because of the false cultivation, Confucianism has greatly promoted the way of writing and writing, and the imperial examination has been established as a system, which is not controlled by one person or one family. Fairness is highly guaranteed, and the threshold is decentralized. As long as you obtain If you have fame, then you are a disciple of Confucianism and Taoism, and you will automatically be protected by the Confucian system.

To put it simply, it is an interest group. Its system represents the interests of everyone and is naturally maintained by everyone!

Therefore, Xu Yang decisively devoted himself to the imperial examination. By virtue of his literary attainments, he successfully won the first place in the provincial examination and gained the title of Yuan Dynasty.

This is the advantage of having extraordinary power. When it comes to extraordinary things, it is difficult to fake. As long as you have real talent and practical knowledge, you will definitely be able to stand out.

Although the method of this world relies on falsehood to cultivate the true, theoretically speaking, even a piece of shit, as long as enough people believe in it, it can be transcendent, turn false into true, and possess magical power.

But there is a problem here, that is how do you make people believe it.

Who would believe in a piece of shit?

The method of divine soul is to use falsehood to cultivate the truth. This cannot be faked. It must be believed in sincerely to be effective.

Therefore, Confucianism will pursue great talents, eternal famous works, and beautiful articles, rather than forcefully promoting those bullshit works, because the former can convince people and can effectively use fakes to cultivate truth.

Even if the latter is implemented with a nationwide effort, it is difficult to achieve results. Even if it is effective, the efforts and rewards are not proportional.

Xu Yang relied on his true talents and knowledge to participate in the imperial examinations, obtain fame, and directly became a member of the Confucian system. He was also valued by several great Confucian scholars. It can be said that his future is bright and flowers are blooming.

In this way, he not only had the help of "literary spirit" to cultivate literature and martial arts, improve his strength, but also had a Confucian background, and successfully opened a medical clinic, martial arts studio, butcher shop, and rice shop in Guobei County, recruited disciples, amassed wealth, and Acquire acres of manor land outside the city, plant and breed it, and use it as food.

With his fame and fortune, it is difficult for ordinary evil spirits to harm him.

In the Confucian system, interests are related, and scholars and official circles also accept him, and others are powerless to exclude him.

In this way, Xu Yang could gain a foothold in Guobei County, develop his power, and not be assassinated by others because of conflicts of interests.

That's the benefit of having a background.

However, Xiao He is also a success, and Xiao He is also a failure.

Although the body of fame is a help, it is also a burden. While it blocks a lot of troubles, it also attracts more troubles.

This is also the reason why Xu Yang seeks revenge from Taohua Taoist after just ten years of cultivation and his cultivation level has not reached the level of three levels.

He urgently needs to improve his strength!

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