In Heishui Town, since Wanjiazhuang was breached, the refugees who gathered in Heishui Town did not just disperse.

But the last time he was charged by the white armored cavalry, killing and injuring thousands of people, some of them were timid and fled to other places in fright.

This is the huge difference between the mob and the well-trained regular army. When people lose their fighting spirit, it is really easier than killing pigs.

If among the tens of thousands of people there were even a few hundred people who were not afraid of death and dared to fight hard against them, the ending would be different.

Now there are only about 8,000 or 9,000 refugees in Heishui Town.

Having just experienced a great turmoil, at this time the people of the refugee group are impetuous, fighting and fighting for food and property are happening almost all the time.

On the second day of the riot, a group of men with knives came out of Wanjiazhuang, hired a group of refugees to dig a big pit, and buried the bodies of the dead in this battle.

With work to do, these refugees were a little more stable.

Two days later, Wanjiazhuang sent out another message that a public trial meeting would be held, and all those who had done evil in the previous Wanjia would be brought out, tried by the tenants, and then executed in public.

At the same time, all those who participated in the Judgment Conference will get a bowl of wild vegetable porridge.

For the refugees in Heishui Town, who doesn't have a hatred for Wanjia?

Now I heard that people from the Wan family are going to be brought up for trial and execution. There is nothing more satisfying in the world than this.

In particular, each person can receive a bowl of porridge with wild vegetables, and after a good night's sleep, the whole day will be over.

Therefore, on the day of the trial conference, as long as they were able to breathe, they all came, and some people who had injured their legs and feet a few days ago were also brought over.

At this time, at the end of the street in Heishui Town, a high platform has been built.

Wei Peng, the only cultural person of Zhang He's faction, stepped onto the high platform at this time, made some opening remarks, and then grandly introduced the new owner of Heishui Town to everyone.

"Fellow folks, this man with a dignified appearance, extraordinary appearance, mature and dignified, is Mr. Zhang."

After being introduced by Wei Peng, the chrysanthemums on Zhang's face were in full bloom, and he tried his best to straighten his stooped body.

He has lived for a long time, and only now does he realize that he has so many advantages. The only reason is that his family was too poor to afford a mirror.

"This young, handsome, suave, elegant, handsome young talent is exactly our Mr. Zhang."

As for Wei Peng's praise of Zhang He, old man Zhang was not surprised. The fortune teller had already said that his son would have great promise in the future and be able to become a landlord.

"From now on, Master Zhang will have the final say on the one-third of an acre of land in Heishui Town!"

Most of the refugees are relatively numb to the matter of overthrowing a Wan family and letting the Zhang family rule in the future.

Zhang He was worried that the refugees would object, but based on his idea of ​​human beings in the 21st century, it is natural that everyone is like a dragon, and no one wants to be inferior to others. With the keyboard in hand, I have the world.

However, he neglected that people in this era are generally illiterate, and all kinds of ambitions and troubles of people start from literacy.

Every day, they face the loess and their backs to the sky, just to fill their stomachs, and to live just to live. The hard and poor life makes them unable to think too much.

For example, old man Zhang's biggest ambition in the past was to eat dry rice every day, to be full every meal, and he didn't even dare to expect extravagant meat.

As for being a landlord, it is hard to dream of.

The refugees attacked Wanjiazhuang in this riot. On the one hand, Zhang He secretly guided them. These refugees didn't think so much at the time, as long as they could grab some food, they would be satisfied.

Of course, there will be a few people among the refugees who are dissatisfied and have a little bit of ambition, but they look at the fierce-looking guards standing around them, and then pinch their skinny arms and legs.

Ambition also needs strength to support it, ambition without strength is no different from seeking death.

Suddenly realized that it doesn't matter who manages the land, since they are not the same as farming and paying rent, it's none of their business to whom the rent is handed over.

What's more, that Mr. Zhang, who looked harmless to humans and animals, used a magic weapon called Hunyuan Thunderbolt that day, and even the immortal master was blasted to death.

Who would dare to provoke such a fierce person?

In the eyes of many refugees, the one who can kill an immortal master can only be a more powerful immortal master, and that kind of thing that can shake the sky must be a treasure made by an immortal master.

"Now I invite Master Zhang to give you a lecture!"

Although the old man Zhang had already prepared, he asked Wei Peng to help him write a manuscript in advance and teach him to memorize it.

But at this moment, he was pushed to the front of the stage, looking at the black mass of heads below, more than 10,000 eyes were looking at him, he became nervous for no reason, his mind went blank, he had never seen such an array in his decades of life!

Wei Peng quietly tugged on his clothes behind him to remind him, only then did old man Zhang react, and walked forward in a daze.

"Cough cough... all the fathers and folks!"

Looking at the sea of ​​people below, old man Zhang said an opening sentence, but the words that followed had long been forgotten, and the more anxious he was, the more he couldn't remember them.

"Everyone needs to plant good land... eat good food... eat good food to be able to plant good land!"

Old man Zhang used his quick wits to think of two sentences that he thought were more decent. After thinking about it, he felt that it was too short, and added:

"Everyone should have more children and less bragging, and go to bed earlier at night!"

Finally, when he finished speaking, the old man Zhang retreated a little behind again, joined Zhang in the row, and gave the speech position to Wei Peng. He never thought that speaking a few words would be more difficult than farming.

As for Zhang He's thoughts wandering at this time, he felt that this time the refugee riots could be summed up with the knowledge he had learned before.

It should be that the tenant farmers' riot reflected that the majority of working people were unwilling to be exploited, and they carried out an anti...anti... struggle, which has positive historical significance.

But the final result of the struggle was stolen by the evil Zhang and his son.

The broad masses of working people threw their heads and blood, made wedding dresses for a few dignitaries, and eventually became victims of dynastic change.

Thinking about it, let Zhang He throw away the benefits he got. He is really not so great. He should charge some land rent himself, which is not harmful.

When Zhang He was thinking about some far-fetched things, the meeting had entered the main stage, and several guards escorted the tied-up Wanjia to the high platform.

Since the head of the family, Wan Youcai, and others are dead, the people who are brought up now are all the minions who usually help the Wan family to oppress the village, but it will arouse the anger of the refugees even more.

I don't know how many people at the scene were bullied by these people, and their families were even ruined because of it.

For example, old man Zhang and his son were almost sold into slavery by the fourth steward.

"Third Steward, when you beat my son to death three years ago, did you ever think about today?"

"Four housekeeper, I borrowed you one hundred wen, and finally repaid you three hundred wen, and took my daughter away to repay the debt."

"You guys have today too. I've been thinking about it day and night. I wish I could drink your blood and eat your flesh."


There were thousands of people at the scene, almost everyone had been bullied by the Wan family, and now seeing these minions of the Wan family about to be punished, each and every one of them felt a great sense of revenge.

At the same time, everyone began to be grateful to Master Zhang who helped them avenge.

As for the Zhang family replacing the Wan family in running Heishui Town in the future, it is even more natural and has become what everyone expects.

After the meeting, the guards executed all the minions of the Wan family on the spot, and thousands of people applauded and cheered.

The death of a person can make most people cheer, and there is no need for such a person to live.

For the rest of the Wan family who did not do much evil, Zhang He decided to send them to Qifeng Mountain for labor reform.

That is to say, the kind that takes care of food and lodging, does coolies, and does not pay wages, so that they can also experience the hardships of tenant farmers.

According to the existing system, once reduced to a tenant farmer, there will be no chance of turning over in a few lifetimes.

After Zhang He showed up to deal with Wanjia's minions, he left the rest of the matter to Old Man Zhang and Wei Peng, and he returned to Wanjiazhuang.

Now the door plate of Wanjiazhuang has been removed, and a plaque of Zhangjiazhuang is being made, and it should be called Zhangjiazhuang in the future.

He got a few items from the Eldest Young Master. He has been too busy these two days, so he hasn't had time to study them carefully.

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