Zhang He then found a few more big logs that he hugged, and cut them in two with one knife.

The first form was practiced effortlessly, and Zhang Hehe didn't have any surprises, only disdain for this set of saber techniques in his heart.

It really is a scumbag knife technique specially designed for Xiao Lala to practice. He has advanced martial arts, and that one should not be practiced for ten or eight years.

But he doesn't have any other exercises in his hand now, it's better than nothing, let's practice first.

So he began to try to practice the second form of "Thirteen Knives of Chasing Souls and Death", which is called "Breaking Water Form".

The first form needs to concentrate all the strength of the whole body to cut a knife, which is the basis of the whole "Thirteen Knives".

You must practice the first knife before you can practice subsequent moves.

At this time, Wei Peng had already explained the first formula of "Thirteen Knives of Soul Chasing" to everyone according to the content in the book.

Each of the seven people carried a knife, found a piece of wood and began to practice the first form.

However, when they practiced this set of saber techniques, they failed to comprehend them as quickly as Zhang He did. After practicing for a whole day, they didn't even touch the door of the first style.

Seeing a few people practicing the first form with all their strength according to the description in the book, in Zhang He's eyes, they were full of flaws and deficiencies.

Zhang He couldn't help wondering, could he be that kind of martial arts genius who only emerges once in thousands of years?

Or are these people just too stupid?

Although they didn't make much progress in their practice, they were not sloppy at all when eating. Each of them ate six or seven big bowls of dry rice.

In addition, Zhang He also stewed a large pot of soybeans and pork. The three fingers of pork were stewed until crispy, and there was a thick layer of oil floating in the vegetable soup.

The team members mixed vegetable soup and soybeans into the rice, not to mention how fragrant it was.

In particular, each person is given a large piece of pork belly, and the mouth is full of oil after taking a bite, leaving a thick layer of oil on the lips after eating.

The abundant food of the guards made the wasteland coolies who could only eat sweet potato, vine and corn mush covetously.

And this group of guards wanted to eat in front of them. They didn't want to see it, but the smell of meat went straight to their heads.

Especially Fugui and Zhuzi among the team members, the two of them like to chatter while eating, which makes it unbearable for all the people who eat sweet potatoes and vines.

They were originally just refugees, on the verge of starving to death. At that time, as long as they could have a stutter, they would be satisfied.

They are completely satisfied when they come here to open up wasteland, and they can open their stomachs to eat. Even when they were tenants before, their life was not so nourishing.

But I'm afraid of comparison in everything. Now that others are full of greasy food, and I eat sweet potato and vine mush here, one can imagine the big gap in my heart.

No, after a night of tossing and turning, another ten people signed up to join the escort team the next morning.

Seeing these ten people sign up, those who were a little hesitant at first also signed up. Everyone has a herd mentality, and finally the remaining few people also signed up.

Zhang He didn't expect that all the nonsense he had said before would not be effective with a full meal and a piece of pork belly.

Since they all signed up, Zhang and He would not refuse anyone who came, and accepted them all. In this world full of refugees and bandits, without the power to protect themselves, the more wealth they earn, the faster they will die.

Old man Zhang was a little heartbroken. All 40 people had enough to eat, and meat was needed. This would be a huge expense, but thinking of the hundreds of catties of food that had been robbed, he could only accept this fact in his heart.

Now that everyone has signed up, the training method has to be changed.

They still focus on land reclamation now. Zhang He divided the people into four groups, one group practiced every day, and the other three groups continued to land reclamation.

With more people, organizational discipline becomes even more important. Zhang He added team training to the training content.

Although he has never served in the army, he has also received military training and watched TV. It is no problem for a simple training.

The set of "Thirteen Knives for Soul Chasing and Death\

,"Zhang He still asked Wei Peng to be the professor, but the progress of everyone was extremely slow.

It only took Zhang He three days to master the second form of "Thirteen Soul-chasing Knives", and it took more than ten days to master the third form.

But the 40 guards practiced for nearly 20 days, and none of them even touched the door of the first form.

Zhang He now believes more and more that he should be the kind of martial arts genius who only emerges once in thousands of years, with a clear skeleton.

"To the left!"

"turn right!"

"Look ahead!"

"Run ~ go!"

A ten-man team, carrying big knives and forming a neat line, followed Zhang He and ran forward.

After more than 20 days of training, the initial results have been achieved. They can understand the password and act strictly according to the password.

At this moment, the bushes in front of him shook violently, and Jiang Tianba appeared in front with his bandits, and he was stunned when he saw Zhang He's team.

"Hahaha! I, Jiang Tianba, are here again, hurry up and salute!"

Jiang Tianba danced the big ring knife in his hand, and walked over laughing.

"Stand up!"

Although the ten people behind Zhang He were a little panicked, they all stood still when they heard the password.

"Draw the knife!"

The ten people heard the password and drew out their swords in unison. They were all people who had never really experienced fighting. At this moment, facing the bandits, they panicked and lost their minds.

Now hearing Zhang He's password, everyone is like a marionette, and can only act according to the password mechanically.

At the same time, old man Zhang had already heard the movement, and hurriedly called 30 people who were opening up wasteland to come to help.

However, after hearing his shout, the crowd was in a mess, and some of them deliberately dawdled and found various excuses because of fear.

In desperation, old man Zhang yelled: "Line up!"

When the thirty people heard the order, they hurriedly formed three neat teams according to their usual practice habits. If they couldn't obey the order, they would be given a beating or not have dinner.

Seeing that this method was really effective, old man Zhang immediately imitated Zhang He's usual password, and led thirty people, running towards the foot of the mountain shouting.

"Yo! Is this the song you sang again?"

Looking at the ten big knives standing on the opposite side, Jiang Tianba began to feel apprehensive. If he did this for himself, wouldn't white knives come in and red knives come out?

They are not an organized army, but a group of ragtag people made up of refugees. It is definitely okay to bully the weak with their ferocity.

Facing ten shining swords now, although this group of bandits had the upper hand in numbers, they, including Jiang Tianba, really didn't have the courage to rush up and test whether the blades were sharp.

The two sides were confronting each other like this, and no one dared to be the first to charge up against the light of the sword.

"one two three four!"

"one two three four!"

"one two three four!"

Just when the atmosphere between the two sides was tense, old man Zhang led thirty people, shouting loudly, and rushed to the foot of the mountain at a uniform pace.

Although there were only thirty people, the aura they emitted was really scary, even if there were hundreds of people, it might not be able to create such an aura.

Jiang Tianba saw that this was not bad, the ten people in front of him were no longer easy to deal with, and now dozens of people came.

"Hahaha, this is all a misunderstanding, we passed by here, brothers, let's go."

Jiang Tianba said hello, and left with a group of bandits.

For the bandits, there are unarmed villagers everywhere to rob, so naturally there is no need to go all out here.

The purpose of everyone being bandits is to find a way to survive, not to seek death.

Seeing the bandits retreat, the 40 people on Zhang He's side burst into cheers. To be honest, most of them were terrified to death.

But the most important thing is that they scared off the bandits this time by themselves, and these bandits should not come here to rob again.

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