Crazy Psychologist

Chapter 827 Powerless Voice

Fang Zhuo's father passed away when he was as old as Xuanxuan, but his impression of his father has always been very clear. Sometimes he would think that if his father could live with him longer, he might be able to ask him some questions. These issues cannot be discussed with women.

For example, if your career is stagnant, or if you don't know how to communicate with your teenage daughter, it is useless to talk to your mother about these things. Likewise, discussing them with your ex-wife is of no use.

The drive home was not a long one, and Fang Xuanxuan kept looking out the window. Fang Zhuo wanted to say something to her several times, but when he saw Fang Xuanxuan's unwilling expression in the rearview mirror, he swallowed his saliva.

I've been having a hard time lately.

Sometimes he wonders whether he should have given his daughter to his ex-wife at that time, but when his wife left, he had a family only when Xuanxuan was with him.

My ex-wife is a short but smart woman, with a keen sense of life, good at calculating, and can always make some gains.

For example, she gained a lot of benefits from the divorce, and not having a daughter was probably one of the benefits. This benefit was a long-term benefit, and it saved ten or twenty years of energy and financial resources.

Although she would also give some of Xuanxuan's living expenses, it was a pity that under the high cost of living in Huanhai, the small amount of living expenses given by her ex-wife could not afford a few restaurants.

He raised Xuanxuan at the expense of his own life, while his ex-wife was at ease. What if...

How could it be the beginning? He loves his daughter. No one can question this, including himself.

Dinner didn't go well either. Fang Zhuo asked Xuanxuan what she wanted to eat. Xuanxuan said she could eat anything, but at the same time she wanted to go home quickly.

Fang Zhuo’s plan was to have some dim sum and porridge with Xuanxuan at a Cantonese restaurant near his home. This newly opened restaurant was crowded with people on weekends. The queue started from the morning when it opened. I don’t know why there were so many men, women, and children circling the sea. They all like to eat Cantonese dim sum, and they have opened a popular restaurant in the past few years.

Diantu Deben is an old brand. This time when we drove around the sea from Guangzhou, it was naturally highly sought after by old gourmets. Not only that, diners who had never heard of Cantonese tea snacks have now become fans of Diantu De. The old shopping mall, which used to have a slow business, has become a popular check-in spot in the past year thanks to Diantou De.

Forget it, Fang Zhuo didn't want to squeeze in such excitement.

"Here's the question," he looked at the rearview mirror and asked Fang Xuanxuan, "Where can I get porridge?"

"Those doctors are good-looking and have no qualifications. I don't feel any pain now and can eat anything. Otherwise, go back and eat instant noodles and give Dad a can of beer."

"The beer is gone, I need to buy it."

"Then go to the supermarket and buy it." Fang Xuanxuan was a little impatient, "It's only four o'clock now, and it's still a little short of dinner time. Usually I haven't finished school yet."

In the end, the two of them went to the supermarket and bought some instant noodles, sausages, potato chips and beer. In addition, Fang Zhuo specially bought himself a bottle of bibimbap mixed with noodle sauce and chicken breasts. He has been working on muscle building and muscle building recently. Jumping around, I am not tall, and it would be bad if I gained weight. In this case, I would really have no choice but to flirt with girls online.

I originally looked down on such people.

"Dad, I still have something to buy." Fang Xuanxuan said suddenly when he came to the self-service payment channel.

"Whatever it is, you have to pay for it. If you're not in a hurry, you can buy it in a few days."

"Why aren't you in a hurry? What is dad feeling urgent about now and what is not urgent?"

Why are children today so good at choking? They can choke people with three or two sentences, but one sentence from Fang Xuanxuan is enough.

Fang Zhuo felt that he needed to stop this habit from spreading, and said angrily, "Can you be more polite when you speak?"

"It depends on what kind of person you are with."

The more he spoke, the more he went too far. Fang Zhuo held on to his cell phone tightly to suppress his temper.

He asked himself that he was not a person with a bad temper, especially towards girls.

When did it start? Their previous relationship didn't seem that bad. Fang Xuanxuan was a very gentle girl when she was young. When did she start to become so rude and excessive?

Fang Zhuo couldn't help but frowned, with an embarrassed expression on his face. After seeing his father's face, Fang Xuanxuan intensified his talent for blaming others, "Dad thinks I'm rude, so what?"

What is so what?

"How about you say something else?"

"so what?"

"That's enough for you." Fang Zhuo pushed the shopping cart and ran towards the self-service checkout channel quickly. When he walked more than ten meters away, he found that Fang Xuanxuan had not followed. He turned back helplessly, attracting inexplicable glances from the people around him, and he was also covered with blood. He felt uncomfortable, as if he had bullied a girl.

Everyone is like this, he suddenly thought in his heart. During the time of divorce, Xuanxuan's mother also had this temper, but she was gentle when they were in love.

Pushing the shopping cart and unable to check out, Fang Zhuo took out his phone to kill time, only to realize that Rain was Cold and had sent more than 20 messages.

"Why are you ignoring me?"

"Are you busy?"

"Let me give you a gift."

"Bad mood."


Fang Zhuo suddenly replied with a greasy message on a whim.

After waiting for a few seconds, I didn't see "the other party is typing". I was a little disappointed, so I put the phone back in my pocket, looked up at my daughter's place, and found that my daughter was gone.

"It's such a difficult adolescence."

The helpless Fang Zhuo's temper was stuck in his throat. He really wanted to criticize Fang Xuanxuan and make her realize what she was like now, skipping school, going to other places, and stealing things.

This is no longer a child's nonsense. If she is caught stealing something in a shopping mall, she will be embarrassed and may even alert the school and police station again.

She must be found as soon as possible. Fang Zhuo pushed the car and the wheels made a clicking sound on the ground. The wheels were not of good quality and had long been out of round. They were only suitable for elderly people to move slowly. When they accelerated, they started to howl like crazy. The gorilla made a clumsy protest as it was being pushed along.

He just shuttled between the shelves looking for Fang Xuanxuan. The feeling of exhaustion quickly spread throughout his body, urging him to give up all the time, and reminding him to find that girl quickly.

Five minutes later, he heard from two young girls about his daughter.

"Isn't it strange that this little girl stole sanitary napkins? You can ask the mall for these things."

"Maybe she's too anxious. The cleaning lady is too cruel. As for that, even if she didn't pay, she wouldn't be so cruel. She has no quality."

"You have quality when you steal things? You don't have quality when you scold a thief. You are so unprincipled."

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