Consumer male god

Chapter 71 Unexpected Confession

What, what, what, what does it mean? !

Xi Luting reacted tremblingly for a while before he finally figured it out: Oh, it turns out you want to be the leash...

Okay, since you are the male protagonist and I am the female protagonist, just treat it as feeling for my sister... huh? !

Wait a minute!

Where did I get my sister? !

That's a story, not reality!

Xi Luting was in a daze and was about to agree. The moment he thought of his sister, he suddenly woke up and was frightened all over.

Dog man, you fooled me again!


Xi Luting gritted his teeth and glared at Han Lie angrily: "Go ahead and dream!"

After scolding, she picked up the gift box on the table, turned around and left.


As soon as Han Lie made a sound, she swung those two long legs like a fan and disappeared with a swish.

She looked like she was very angry, but in fact, her face was completely red from her ears to her neck.

"... Let's discuss it again!"

Although no one could hear it, Brother Lie still finished the second half of the sentence.

The smile is light and the expression is playful.

I spent a lot of effort but failed to fool her. Does it feel bad?

Not really.

If it was so easy to succeed, she wouldn't be Xi Luting.

Some women are like moths. When you shine, they will automatically pounce on you. They would rather burn you to death than lick you.

For example, Fang Feifei and Yu Yun.

Some women are like cranes. If you plant a garden full of sesame seeds, they may stop for a short time, but they will not let you take whatever you want.

For example, Xi Luting and Pan Ge.

In fact, Han Lie never thought that it would be such a simple success.

That toffee looks buggy at first glance, but in fact the restrictions are very strict.

It is basically impossible to meet other people's requirements that exceed their limits.

So Brother Lie just wanted to plant a seed in her heart and leave a chance for the future, that's all.

In the end, it’s great if it works, but it’s no big deal if it doesn’t.

After all, this is just an embellishment in life, an interesting game. Most of his energy is always focused on self-improvement.

Is Xi Luting cute?

It's cute now, and everything shown is heart-warming.

However, in fact, to Han Lie in his previous life, she could even be called hateful.

She took the blame for Han Lie once and was ruthless.

I had another quarrel with Han Lie, and I was superior.

Why is there such a huge change for the same person?

Because her loveliness only blooms to those who deserve it.

Or to put it more utilitarian - it's because the current Han Lie is good enough, valuable enough, and able to suppress her that she is soft and cute.

Diaosi doesn't deserve her cuteness.

So you see, the truth of the world is always so cold and cruel.

Everyone will treat people of different values ​​with different attitudes.

We give smiles and admiration to the elites, rich, powerful, brave, and great men, and give contempt and disgust to losers, scum, stench, and enemies.

Is there anything wrong?


Therefore, you must be sober as a person, and you must clearly understand the origin of other people's attitudes towards you.

Only your parents will love you for everything, and your lover will only love your good.

When you are not good enough, or what originally attracted him/her can no longer outweigh your shortcomings, the outcome will inevitably be breakup or divorce.

What a simple truth?

Every smart and sober person understands that self-improvement is eternal.

Therefore, Han Lie never got carried away by the attitudes of Yu Yun, Fang Feifei, Xi Luting and others.

When he becomes weak, all this ceases to exist.

If he gets stronger and stronger, he will receive more and more preferential treatment, and even gain favor from Pan Ge.

For men, the first step to becoming stronger is obviously money.

Yes, go make money!

Han Lie wiped the corners of his mouth, turned around and walked towards the bedroom.

Han Lie didn't leave his computer all morning.

At the opening of the market today, he began to try to understand the emotional distribution and direction of the market.

Emotion is a very subtle term in the stock market.

To understand it, we must first solve a few questions.

First, are emotions useful?

Apparently useful.

The most famous hot money in later generations are basically masters of emotional flow.

There are too many firm delivery orders posted by experts in the forum, as well as full sharing of various firm stock trading competitions.

The winning rate cannot be faked, facts prove everything.

Second, are emotions the truth?

Apparently yes.

It is rooted in the most basic and lowest part of human nature.

Human nature remains unchanged, emotions remain unchanged.

So it is the only certainty in the market.

Third, how do emotions play a role in the market?

Herding effect.

In the field of psychology, it describes a herd mentality.

Le Pen wrote in "The Crowd": "Crowds can only do two things - add icing on the cake and add insult to injury."

"Irrational Exuberance" written by Professor Shiller said: "Market surges and plummets are often due to the same reason - the instinctive flaws of human nature."

There are too many examples throughout the ages.

Stampedes, crowds, camp bombings...all panics have the same origin.

Fourth, what is the specific process of emotional transformation?

Negative news appears in the market, leading to pessimistic expectations.

Some people started selling out of hedging needs.

Stock prices fell and pessimism spread.

There are many followers, causing panic.

The effects take shape, irrational collapse occurs, and panic develops to the extreme.

After reaching the top, slowly regain your composure.

Start to repair the stock price and wait for the next good or bad news.

Fifth, how to use emotions to make money?

Wait for some certainty.

For example, if the panic reaches the extreme and the stock price collapses irrationally and plummets, the market will definitely recover next.

This is certain, no one can afford to panic all the time.

Another example is when there is overall good news for the industry, funds flock in, and then there is a general rise in the sector.

This is also a certainty.

Prejudging in advance and ambush is the "low-suck strategy".

Grasping the leading position and sweeping orders from the top is the "leading strategy".

If the leader cannot keep up, it is a "compensatory increase strategy" to look for varieties in the same sector, the same concept, or the underlying stocks that have not risen much.

The market situation of the entire sector has almost reached its peak, and funds are overflowing and turning to the upstream and downstream branches of the sector to follow the trend and copy. This is called "following the trend tactics".

Simple right?

For those who know how, it’s really simple.

With Han Lie's mediocre level 2 stock trading skills, the winning rate of oversold rebounds can be maintained at about 90%, and he will eat at least 5 centimeters of meat every time.

It's a pity that he can't control it.

There are too few opportunities to be deeply oversold. He always likes to turn around and do things he is not good at, and his discipline is not enforced well. Sometimes a single trap can eat up his profit for a month.

The difference between masters and rookies is actually reflected in their defensive abilities.

So what exactly are emotions?

In fact, it is a market consensus.

When a topic is speculated, it has a profit-making effect, and the entire market's attention is focused on it.

Some people are steady and just look.

Some people are impulsive and start speculating.

There are more people speculating and a consensus is formed. This is emotion.

How to enter the market in time and let the speculators behind help push up the stock price? This is technology.

To put it bluntly, stocks are just one buy and one sale. It’s a very simple approach, with not so many twists and turns.

However, later on, as more and more people shared the technology, the Leeks learned more and more sophisticatedly, and the upgrade and iteration speed of the technology became very fast, making it appear complicated and complicated.

2014 may be the best of times.

Not to mention the bull market that has lasted for one and a half years, just looking at the current market environment is enough to make Han Lie feel ecstatic.

There are not many masters who truly understand emotions - including institutions and hot money.

The technology is relatively rough, experts are still talking about technical indicators, leeks are still keen on learning technical indicators, and "truth graphics" such as Sanyang Kaitai are still prevalent.

Therefore, the main players' routine of cutting leeks seems quite old-fashioned.

Han Lie watched the market for a few days, and his biggest impression was only two words - that's it? !

But he was not impatient at all, and was still polishing his trading system step by step.

A sharpened knife is a good tool for chopping firewood. Who knows about the system?

They were busy like this until noon, when Ding Ding and Xiao Dong Dong opened the door and walked in. When they saw Han Lie, the two brothers became inexplicably excited.

"Brother, it's serious!"

"Have you heard? That Xi Luting in your class is a lesbian!"

Han Lie laughed dumbly.

How did this rumor spread?

Just outrageous.

Seeing that his elder brother didn't believe it, Xiao Dongbei became anxious.

"Really! During recess, she came to our class to find Pan Ge and confessed to her!"


Han Lie was stunned and completely confused.

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