Consumer male god

Chapter 52 Peerless Twins

"Big, big, big brother, you, what are you doing?"

Xiao Dongbei asked proactively.

He always thought that he was a brave cow who was not afraid of difficulties, but it wasn't until he spoke that he realized that he was trembling.

Han Lie looked up in confusion: "Let's just clean up the trash...Why don't you two turn on the lights?"

"Open, open now!"

The two brothers were overjoyed.

Tintin swooped over to the switch and couldn't wait to turn on the light.


The dormitory became brightly lit, and when the two brothers looked at Han Lie again, they finally no longer felt as scary as in a horror movie.


The two brothers let out a breath of air, and their hearts that had been hanging were finally put back into their stomachs.

Xiao Dongbei subconsciously turned his head and looked at the black plastic bag. It was quite bulging, but it didn't look heavy. Huang Wei probably wasn't in it...

Ah bah bah!

What should? Definitely not here!

The two wiped their sweat and came to their respective beds.

"Brother Lie, I brought you some specialties from my hometown."

With a smile on his face, Ding Ding opened his travel bag and took out a bunch of salted duck, vacuum snacks and the like.

Han Lie was not interested in those snacks, but he accepted them kindly, so he asked casually: "What kind of factory does your family run? Snack processing?"

"Yes, these are all made at home."

Ding Ding nodded shyly and emphasized: "Our family pays great attention to hygiene. Brother Lie, you can eat with confidence!"

Han Lie glanced at the packaging bag. It was called Roumanduo. It was a brand he had never heard of.

But Ding Ding is a very honest kid. He opened a bag of chicken gizzards and took a big bite, making his mouth full of oil.

“My sister and I grew up eating our family’s deli, absolutely no problem!”

Oh, if the young master dares to eat it, then it must be reliable.

Han Lie casually opened a bag of pickled pepper chicken feet and tasted it. He felt that the taste was okay, but there was nothing special about it.

But I still have to praise: "Not bad, it tastes pretty good."

Ding Ding grinned in amusement, actually a little silly.

This kid is much cuter than Huang Wei...

Xiao Dongbei finally opened the package, holding several large bags of pine nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, and candied chestnuts, and piled them on Han Lie's table.

"Come on, brother, try the specialties of our Northeast Forest Farm!"

"Ouch! That's too much, bro!"

Han Lie hurriedly refused: "No, I just want to taste it, and you take the rest back."

"Nothing like that!

Just take it and eat it!

If you can’t eat it and give it to others, don’t be polite!

I brought it specially for you, brother. I make snacks myself, and I really don’t want to touch them now. "

Xiao Dongbei thumped his chest, as if he was not being righteous if he didn't beat loudly enough.

Han Lie thought to himself: What did I scare these two children into? What a sin...

Of course, there is nothing to regret.

If you don't scare them, you will be bullied.

Although it was Huang Wei who took the initiative to provoke, there was no need to think about it. As long as Huang Wei was the first to make a move, the others would definitely follow.

Are they bad?

Actually most of them are not bad.

But he was so spoiled that he never took bullying seriously, and he dared to do anything when he just followed the crowd.

Now it seems that Ding Ding and Xiao Dongbei still have the value of transformation.

Not like Huang Mao.

When he thought of Huang Wei, Han Lie asked casually: "Where's Xiao Huang? Have you completely moved out?"

It was really a casual question, but Ding Ding and Xiao Dongbei obviously didn't think so.

The two brothers looked at each other quietly, their hearts pounding.

Look, eldest brother is still holding a grudge!

Oh my god, I have to inform Huang Wei, don’t come back and be an eyesore if nothing happens...

That plastic bag can hold garbage, but it can also hold other things!

Xiao Dongbei replied vaguely: "Don't worry, brother, he definitely doesn't dare to fight with you anymore. It doesn't matter whether he moves or not..."

Ding Ding nodded hurriedly: "Yes!"

Han Lie laughed dumbly.

"Okay, don't mention him. You two just came back. Have you eaten?"


"Let's go then. You two have brought me so many specialties. I'll treat you to a meal as a courtesy."

Han Lie waved his hand gently, trying to keep his attitude as gentle as possible.

The two brothers nodded hurriedly, feeling a sense of honor...

The three of them didn't go far, so they found a barbecue restaurant in the snack street.

After sitting down, Han Lie asked: "Do you mind if I call two more classmates from the class?"

Xiao Dongbei hurriedly expressed his position: "What do you mind? Brother, do you need me to arrange a few more girls to accompany you?"

"Ouch!" Han Lie was amused, "You're already this strong just a few days after school started?"

"Then where is my strength..."

Xiao Dongbei smiled and scratched his head: "Mainly the girls in our class were very curious after hearing about my eldest brother's deeds..."


After hearing this, Han Lie spit out a sip of his drink.

What's my story?

What are you curious about me?

are you crazy?

"Stop making trouble, I'm planning to call girls..."

Han Lie decisively rejected Xiao Dongbei's proposal.

The main thing is, I eat Fang Feifei and Yu Yun for nothing every day. Since I'm having a treat today, I should call them out to be polite.

I just happened to be able to suppress Ding Ding and Xiao Dong Dong without any other unpleasantness.

Just as Han Lie took out his cell phone, Ding Ding suddenly pulled him and spoke in a low voice.

"Brother Lie, don't scream yet. Those two over there are our classmates. Look, they are coming..."

As soon as Han Lie turned his head, he saw a super beautiful woman leading a little chubby girl into the door of the small shop.

Xiao Dongbei's eyes lit up, he stood up and greeted loudly: "Pange, Dafu, are you two going out to eat?"

Ding Ding quietly poked at Han Lie: "How is it? Pretty, isn't it?"

Beautiful indeed.

The peerless twins of the 13th grade of the School of Humanities are outstanding, making men fascinated and despairing.

One is Xi Luting after exercising, and the other is Pan Ge.

And unlike Xi Luting who still needs to develop, Pan Ge is a complete body as soon as he enters school, the goddess that every boy dreams of having.

Her height is very close to the people, the exact figure is 166.5 cm.

——Don’t ask Han Lie why he knew, her measurements were later found out.

In terms of body shape, Pan Ge has a head-to-body ratio of 8.5 with a super good proportion, a small face, straight shoulders, and long legs.

And she has an extremely high-end movie face.

In fact, Han Lie in his previous life never understood what a "high-end movie face" meant.

Anyway, he only knew that from her freshman year to the end of her sophomore year when Pan Ge went abroad, there were always scouts who wanted to sign a contract with her.

Now, after possessing level 3 acting skills, Han Lie finally understood.

In fact, the bones are good-looking and not vulgar, so they can withstand the test of the big screen.

No matter how you shoot it with the camera, or from any angle, it is beautiful enough.

The specific description... Han Lie couldn't describe it.

Anyway, the first time he was dumbfounded by a real woman was when he first met Pan Ge.

Chen Yanfei didn't do it, Xi Luting didn't do it, only Pan Ge did it.

That sense of amazement is a very pure touch.

At that time, Han Lie didn't have any dirty thoughts at all. He didn't think about "being so pretty and making him sleepy". He was just simply surprised - why is this girl so beautiful?

Now, after being reborn and seeing her again with the eyes of a mature man, Han Lie still had the same feeling.

This girl is so beautiful.

What a pity, she is a princess, she is very ungrounded, she can only watch from a distance, but cannot play with her...

Pan Ge smiled politely and nodded towards Xiao Dongbei.

"Hello Qi Xiangbei."

The girl named Dafu looked happy when she saw Ding Yu sitting there.

"Ding Ding, when did you come back?"

Ding Yu stood up and smiled shyly: "I just arrived, and I went out to have a meal with my roommate. Doufu, Pan Ge, do you want to share a table?"

Doufu's face was full of joy and he immediately opened his mouth, apparently wanting to agree.

But she suddenly remembered something and looked back at Pan Ge, with obvious solicitation in her eyes: Is it okay?

Pan Ge subconsciously glanced at Han Lie, then pondered for a little over a second, and nodded slightly.

"Then I'm sorry to trouble you."

The person is elegant, but the sound is like the tinkling of spring water.

Xiaodongbei organized the meeting enthusiastically and arranged Pan Ge opposite Han Lie.

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