Consumer male god

Chapter 21 Good guy! The new dormitory is even more unstoppable

Chapter 21 Good guy! The new dormitory is even more unstoppable...

In fact, Han Lie is not particularly good at flirting with girls. Even now, he doesn't have the [Flirtation with Girls] skill in his skill bar.

But Han Xueba has level 3 psychology knowledge.

I was in marketing in my previous life, so I know a little bit about behavioral psychology and facial expression analysis.

Normally, that bit of fur is of no use at all.

During the previous upgrade, all the knowledge with names on the panel were all upgraded to level 3.

The effect will be different immediately.

Being able to skillfully apply most of the conventional psychological knowledge, Han Lie is no longer called Han Lie - please, please show some respect and call him Master Han.

No matter how smart and mature Yu Yun and Xi Luting are, they are still just freshmen girls.

In front of Master Han, there are only two words: Haha.

Everyone knows about evening self-study in college.

If it is a good university, there will be many students studying hard.

But if it's a humanities college, then it's purely free activities.

The class was noisy and people were doing everything. The most outrageous thing was that the group of boys in the back corner were actually playing poker.

The one who yelled was very arrogant.

To the right of Han Lie was an empty table, with two female classmates sitting in front of it, chatting about celebrities.

One of them has quietly looked back several times.

When she turned back for the fifth or sixth time, Han Lie finally raised his head and smiled at her: "Is something wrong?"

The female classmate's face suddenly turned red.

However, her deskmate was very brave and simply turned around and faced Han Lie.

"My name is Lu Yao, and her name is Wang Hongli."

Han Lie nodded: "Hello."

Both girls are just ordinary people, neither beautiful nor ugly, but Han Lie still has a good attitude.

Because they are Xi Luting and Yu Yun's roommates.

"Hey, why are you so impatient with Yu Yun? Isn't she beautiful?"

It was still Lu Yao who spoke. Wang Hongli was the kind of character who was aggressive on the Internet but submissive in reality.

"very beautiful."

Han Lie nodded, then asked: "So?"


Lu Yao was asked.

However, my feeling towards Han Lie suddenly became very good.

Don't think that there will be harmony in the girls' dormitory, that's nonsense.

In fact, the worse the university, the more complicated the conflicts in the women's dormitory will be.

If you don't study much and focus all your energy on thinking about people, the probability of conflict will naturally be much higher.

On the contrary, it is a school with a good learning atmosphere. The environment is relatively simple and the friendship is stronger.

"What about the squad leader?"

Lu Yao asked eagerly: "You don't seem to be very enthusiastic about her? How beautiful she is! I like every girl..."

"I feel like my personality is not very compatible."

Han Lie found a reason at random.

Wang Hongli finally plucked up the courage to speak and asked weakly: "Aren't you in a hurry to get out of singles?"


Han Lie nodded to confirm, then smiled: "But you don't have to stare at the most beautiful one, right?"

The white and neat teeth made Wang Hongli feel dizzy.

She felt like she was in love.

Suddenly he plucked up the courage and asked, "What kind of girl do you like?"

Han Lie gave her an answer that would never be wrong.

"I pay more attention to spiritual beauty and compatibility, and appearance can only be ranked third."

Lu Yao was about to ask again, but Han Lie had already lowered his head again.

"I'm going to read a book and you guys can talk."

The two girls looked at each other angrily, turned around, and started talking quietly on the table.

Not long after, a discussion about Han Lie broke out in their dormitory group.

Yu Yun was angry and naturally attacked Han Lie.

Wang Hongli and Lu Yao had a particularly good impression of Han Lie, and they defended him in various ways.

Looking at the messages that kept coming from the group, and looking at Yu Yun's expression of gritted teeth, Xi Luting finally couldn't help but be curious.

Have a look……

I only take a look!

The result is half an hour.

Although it was all useless chatter, she still extracted two important pieces of information from it.

First, my new classmates thought I was the prettiest in the class.

Second, the new classmates are not interested in me.

If you're not interested, throw it away!

As if I am so rare, hum!

Xi Luting closed the group chat interface and completely remembered Han Lie.

She really doesn't care about any licking dogs, but she is still a girl, and as a girl, she is competitive.

The emotional fluctuations caused by competitiveness can evolve into many, many things.

What it will ultimately become, only time knows.

At 8 o'clock, there was evening self-study. Han Lie mixed in the crowd and slowly walked towards the dormitory.

It is impossible to act alone.

The entire campus is so big, and everyone's activities are limited to the four buildings.

The good thing is that if everyone walks together every day, the relationship will become closer.

The disadvantage is that hundreds of pairs of eyes are watching who is dating whom.

Do you think that this way, the possibility of couples cheating will be much less?


It's actually more convenient to chop.

And after the first split, there is no psychological pressure at all, and you can let yourself go as much as you want.

There is a fairy who slept with five roommates in a certain men's dormitory in four years. Can you believe it?

Han Lie couldn't believe it at first.

Until it happened under his nose.

And he was the one who was left behind.

This is really a very sad story...

Thinking about it all the way, Han Lie followed the crowd to the apartment lobby, turned around and walked directly into the stairwell.

The students in the back were a little confused and were whispering while waiting for the elevator.

"Han Lie actually lives on the lower floor?!"

"Does it matter?"

"That's for sure! Freshmen can't even afford a four-person dormitory."

"He is not from Alamodu..."

"How many Gouba people are there in your magical city?! How the hell are you living here?!"

"The graduation certificate of the people from Alamodu shows that they have more Gouba than you. What's wrong?!"

"CNMD, believe it or not, I will kill you?!"

"Tch! Come on!"

Although it has only been less than half a month since school officially started, everyone is already waiting for the elevator.

At this time, I feel particularly irritable.

If I don't conflict with each other every day, it will feel like the day has not been complete.

In this way, Han Lie's treatment becomes even more enviable.

"Ask that buddy tomorrow how he got the spot."

"The accommodation fee is 2,000 more expensive. Do you have money?"

"Stop dreaming! Even if I have money, I won't grant it to you. I really want you to transfer to the International College!"


Sure enough, the quarrel started again...

Everyday, daily.

Han Lie walked to the dormitory on his legs and heard the noise in the room from a distance.

As soon as I opened the door, I almost fell over.

Six boys were smoking in the room, each holding a can of beer.

The conversation was so exciting that the dirty talk never stopped.

Seeing Han Lie open the door, six pairs of eyes looked over.

Han Lie simply opened the door wide and stood at the door, looking back calmly.

After a few seconds of stalemate, a boy in the dormitory became impatient.

"If you don't want to come in, get the hell out of here! Where is the doorkeeper?"


Han Lie nodded and silently walked to his bed.

He got on the bed and got off the table. Sitting on the table was a carefree young man with yellow hair, stepping on Han Lie's chair.

Han Lie walked to the table and asked calmly, under the gaze of six pairs of eyes: "Can I ask you to get up?"


Huang Mao replied lightly.

Moreover, he raised his eyelids slightly and blew another puff of smoke at Han Lie.

His face was full of teasing and joking, as if asking: What can you do to me?

Among the remaining five boys, some laughed, some stood up, and some looked at Han Lie sarcastically.

Good guy!

This dormitory is more peaceful than 1918...

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