Consumer male god

Chapter 10 A pair of beautiful big eyes

Han Lie didn't know that an old man was thinking about him.

Everyone has left, and Brother Lie is so idle that his balls ache.

Mainly because my glasses were broken and it was inconvenient to look at my phone, which was boring.

After a while, I couldn't lie down anymore.

"The injuries on the face cannot be moved, and the teeth cannot be repaired, but if the myopia is cured quietly, it will not affect it, right?"

After careful consideration, Han Lie felt that there would be no hidden dangers and took action decisively.

Open the panel and click on the [Health] attribute.

Find the [Eyes] sub-option.

The description in the panel is——

[Myopia in the left eye is 350 degrees plus astigmatism 125 degrees, and myopia in the right eye is 425 degrees plus astigmatism 150 degrees]

[The lens is cloudy and I suffer from moderate floaters]

[The cornea is often inflamed]


Han Lie slapped his thigh fiercely.

Myopia and astigmatism, although they are annoying, are actually not big problems.

It's more uncomfortable in winter, as soon as I go indoors my lenses fill with breath.

But the biggest trouble is just that.

But floaters and keratitis are different. These two things are more disgusting than others!

For those who have never had it, be sure to protect your eyes.

You never need to understand the irritability of being sick.

Anyway, Han Lie didn't want to endure them for a second anymore.

Stare at the [Eye] attribute and pour experience directly into it.

All sub-categories in the [Health] attribute do not have specific values. Anyway, just add experience to them, and there will naturally be changes.

Or you can directly give an order: restore a certain part to health.

Foolish system operates automatically.

This was Han Lie's first time to change himself, and he wanted to slowly experience it, so he tried a stupid method.

As the experience points continue to pour in, the descriptions of the entries on the panel gradually fade.

Eventually, it became a new description——

【Your eyes are very healthy】

Han Lie hurriedly turned on his phone.

Let’s take a look at the web page first… OMG, it’s so clear!

No matter how small the font is, you can see it clearly, and the field of vision is very broad.

There is no longer always a fog in front of us, and the tiny flying mosquitoes no longer exist.

So cool!

Then Han Lie turned on the selfie camera again.

Suddenly I was shocked again.


What beautiful eyes!

The no longer cloudy lens made Han Lie's pupils look particularly transparent.

The black pupils, dark brown irises, and light brown outer rings have a particularly distinct sense of layering.

The eyes that were not big at first suddenly became more than one circle bigger.

A healthy cornea has a clear glass texture and a higher refractive index. It looks like...the eyes are always filled with light.

A master of aesthetics once said -

A pair of beautiful eyes mainly consists of three elements.

First, the sense of structural hierarchy.

Second, the permeability of texture.

Third, the aesthetic expression of color.

And Han Lie now fully possesses the first two points, and his eyes have suddenly become the most attractive part of his body.

As for the beauty of color… don’t force it.

People of the yellow race are not born with light eye color, but this does not prevent handsome guys and beauties from emerging in an endless stream.

"Am I considered a handsome guy now?"

Han Lie looked at himself in the mirror, feeling extremely swollen.

But once he saw the bruised nose and swollen face, he immediately became immobile.

The road to handsomeness is long and long...

Han Lie sighed and began to check the total cost of repairing his eyes.

Glancing at the numbers...huh? !

35886? !

Why consume so much?

Moreover, where did I get so many experience points?

Han Lie hurriedly looked at the bottom of the panel, where two core data were displayed.

【Cash: 13829】

【Experience: 2875】

Then I opened the secondary column and looked at the details, and finally realized it.


Examination fees, hospitalization fees, etc. are considered personal expenses, so you can get them if you have experience!

Han Lie only spent the preliminary inspection fee and a small deposit.

Before Lao Pan came up, he paid 200,000 in treatment fees. This part of the money was spent on Han Lie, which also generated experience points.

Just now, the little nurse came to change the dressing. She used whatever was expensive, and her experience pile reached more than 38,000.

During the entire hospitalization, every day that passed and every dressing change, Han Lie would gain experience points.


There is nothing more comfortable than spending other people's money and saving your own experience.

The old man Han was in a great mood. He hummed "Who am I, unknown person" and began to think about how to spend the next experience.

As I was thinking about it, I suddenly discovered something else——

The [Health] data has not changed, but the [Appearance] data has changed!

The original secondary attributes are: appearance 66, figure 58, health 69, special 75.

Now, my health is still 69 points, and my appearance is also at 69 points!

This is outrageous...

Clicking on each sub-item to view them separately, Han Lie finally figured out what was going on.

There are only four sub-items in [Appearance].

They are facial features, bones, hair, and skin, all concentrated on the head.

As for appearance, just look at the face.

Han Lie took off his glasses and repaired his eyes, which was directly reflected in his facial features, greatly improving the overall look.

Therefore, strictly speaking, although the system separates and juxtaposes all attributes, in fact, many attributes can affect each other.

For example, [health] can greatly affect [appearance] and [body].

It's easy to understand.

Han Lie quickly realized that when the experience value is tight in the early stage, he should try to upgrade the sub-projects.

Some subkeys can cross-affect many other properties.

Spend a small amount of money to accomplish big things, why not?

For example, [Physique] must be mainly focused on improving waist endurance!

Anyone who loves sports knows the importance of core strength, right? !

Are there any idiots out there who want to upgrade their Qilin Arms and then go to the gym to lift irons? Come forward and let everyone see?


Studying the system, thinking about the future, time flies very fast.

Just as Han Lie was about to lurk in the QQ group to take a look, his WeChat message suddenly rang.

WeChat will really become popular until the Lunar New Year early next year, when a wave of red envelopes will promote it to 600 million users.

At the current point in time, WeChat Pay has only been online for less than a month, and user activity is really not high.

Anyway, Han Lie doesn't have many WeChat friends now, and most of his classmates are still active on QQ.

Therefore, Han Lie immediately thought of Concubine Chen Yan.

Clicking on the message, it turned out to be her.

: "Tough guy, what are you doing?"

Gan Chai Lihuo: "I'm typing with you pretending it doesn't hurt."

: "Hahahahahaha!"

: "You're going to make me laugh to death!"

: "I just realized, what the hell name did you give me? You're not a tough guy at all!"

Gan Chai Lihuo: "(⊙?⊙)! Isn't this hard?"

: "………………"

: "I don't care, I want to change your note."

After a while, she sent a screenshot with the newly modified notes.

Han Lie's new name is "Tough Guy Xiao Han".

At first glance it looks normal, but at the end, there is a thumbs up expression.

Isn't it a bit unseemly to introduce it?

Han Lie asked decisively: "Are you insinuating something?"

: "No! (Baring teeth and laughing)"

Gan Chai Liehuo: "Okay, just pretend it doesn't exist. Then can you explain to me the row of ellipses just now?"

: "!!!"

: "That's right, Xiao Han, are you hungry?"

: "I'm visiting the Confucius Temple, there are so many snacks!"

Just hard transfer, right?

Han Lie was about to tease her again when she sent another message.

: "Xiao Han, aren't you going to change a note for me too?"


Chen Yanfei, you are really gifted...

Han Lie thought for a while and replied: "Okay, wait a moment."

Then I opened Chen Yanfei’s circle of friends and started reading.

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