Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 383 A little accident happened...

Chapter 383 A little accident happened

"Yeah, yeah... Sure enough, this is the contraction of the world line..."

Seeing the Malfoy father and son walking away cursing, Connor chuckled and shook his head and sighed.

"What?" Blanche looked at Connor confused.

"Nothing, I just thought of something interesting..."

In the original "world line", Malfoy tried every means to get rid of the various dark magic props left to him by Voldemort.

Among them was a "diary" left to him by Voldemort, which was also Voldemort's first [Horcrux].

Malfoy threw the diary to the Weasley family, with whom he had a disagreement - he put the diary in Ginny's textbook in an attempt to bring misfortune to them, which triggered the plot of the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets in Harry's second year. ...Almost killed someone...

Of course, now that I, the great "Prophet" Connor, is here, everything will be different.

Connor didn't expect that he would encounter such a crucial plot in Diagon Alley on a whim. He raised the corner of his mouth and said softly: "Go and help me take out the diary from Ginny's cauldron..."

This was naturally said to Angel. Stealing a book was easy for Angel in the spirit state.

Blanche blinked, turned away, pretended not to hear clearly, and said nothing.

Feeling a sudden light behind him, Connor also moved away from the crowd and walked towards the Weasley house.

When I approached the bookstore, I saw a large group of people collecting the books that had fallen to the ground. Because the two gentlemen were fighting too hard, not only did the bookstore suffer heavy losses, but many innocent people were accidentally injured.

"What happened? I saw you guys fighting when I came back? Are you okay?"

Connor first glanced at Arthur, the winning boxer, and then at Hermione, who was helping to pack the books next to him, "Hello, Miss Granger."

"Connor, you're here! Let me tell you! You can't even imagine how exciting it was just now!" The twins flushed with excitement.

"Fred! George!" The twins were threatened by their mother's eyes to avoid performing live.

"Harry was just invited by Lockhart to take pictures."

"Malfoy was looking sour and sulky on the side."

"There are so many of us that we won't be afraid of him."

"Then old Malfoy came out to help his son hold up the scene."

"Of course our dad will not give in to his dad."

Each of the twins added a few details about what happened. It was probably a story about "two old men who disliked each other and the conflicts accumulated until they suddenly broke out."

"If mother hadn't pulled me, I would have asked Ron to go up and punch Malfoy twice." Fred waved his fist and said, "We are not afraid of the Malfoy family!"

Ron nodded repeatedly on the side: "Their look of looking down on others is so disgusting! Hermione, don't take it too seriously. Not everyone is like the Malfoy family."

It was Malfoy who said in a roundabout way that Hermione's family were Muggles, and Mr. Weasley couldn't help but rush forward and punch him. Mr. Weasley is a very loyal person.

"I'm fine, I don't care, thank you." Hermione smiled and hugged the book in her arms a little tighter.

"——Come, take a photo from this angle. Very good. I hope your newspaper can give me a column tomorrow." At this time, a voice that was incompatible with the environment sounded next to me.

It turned out that Lockhart was standing nearby, posing for photos. He seemed to want the reporter to include the fight in the report.

"Connor, Lockhart just announced that he will come to Hogwarts to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor." George muttered next to Connor: "I never thought there would be someone who is not afraid of death and dares to apply for the professorship."

"How about choosing the title [Readers fight to get Mr. Lockhart's autograph at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore]?" Lockhart, who had his back turned to several people, didn't notice Connor entering the bookstore.

Percy came over with a copy of "How Prefects Gain Power" and participated in the conversation: "Didn't Mr. Lockhart say that Principal Dumbledore invited him? He should be a very powerful and confident wizard, so I’m not afraid of that curse.”

"I always think he's so exaggerated. I don't like it." Fred glanced at the room of star-chasing women who couldn't be chased away even after a boxing match, and curled his lips: "Connor, you Ravenclaws Are all people that good at catching people’s attention?”

Connor shrugged and walked up to say hello to Lockhart: "Hello, Professor Lockhart, long time no see."

Lockhart turned around, his standard toothy smile froze unconsciously, and quickly nodded in response: "Ah... hello, Le Connor, long time no see, but I think we will meet again next time." We meet often, hahaha..."

After Lockhart briefly spoke to Connor, he quickly ran back to sign books for fans.

"Strange. He didn't ask you to take pictures!?" Fred looked at Connor in surprise: "Also, Connor, you actually know him?"

"It's just a one-time encounter. In fact, we are not familiar with each other," Connor said with a smile. Of course, he would not expose Dumbledore's plan. In fact, he was not very interested in revealing Lockhart's true face.

At this moment, Connor felt a slight breath coming from behind his ears.

"Dad, I didn't find the diary you mentioned."

"Huh?" Connor's face stiffened. He raised his hand and rubbed Ivan's head. Then he took out a Facebook book from his pocket and said, "Evan, keep an eye on your cousin. You guys are busy with that one first. I'll go out and pick her up." Book"

Then Connor walked out of the bookstore and asked anxiously: "Angel, are you saying you didn't find the diary?"

"Yeah." Angel's voice rang in Connor's ear, "I've searched all over. Little Ginny's cauldron is full of textbooks, and there is no diary."

"??? Have you opened the book and read it? It should be a diary without words..."

"I turned it over. I searched all over Ginny's body and found nothing."

"." Connor looked back at Ginny, who was looking around Ivan with an uneasy expression and a red face. Her mind was a little overwhelmed and she said, "It's not like we can go this far."

"Wait! Isn't that right!?" Connor slapped his forehead: "Where is my diary???"

Connor now wanted to run up and grab old Malfoy and ask where he had stuffed such an important plot prop! ?

Why don't you follow the script? ! So wasn't your fight today in vain? ? ? ! Hello! Come back and explain! ! !

"." Connor tried to calm down, so that his expression would not collapse. Calm down, calm down first. In fact, it's not a big deal, it's just a diary.

Okay, this seems like a big problem. Connor scratched his head. This plot didn’t follow the script, which makes me, a time-traveler, very embarrassed.

Is it caused by the butterfly flapping its wings? The answer must be yes, but what exactly went wrong... Connor couldn't figure it out clearly.

It was purely an accident that I came to Diagon Alley today, but there was a reason why a bunch of them chose to come here to buy books today - today was the resurrection match of the Monster Cup, and there were far fewer tickets sold at the stadium.


It was obvious that Harry had strayed into Diagon Alley, it was obvious that Lockhart announced his identity as the professor today, and it was obvious that Mr. Weasley and Malfoy Sr. had a fight in the bookstore. It seemed that everything was going according to the script. How did it happen? Is the most important diary different here? ? ?

Connor held his chin, lost in thought...

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