Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 321 Connor’s Ambition

"Connor, Connor. What kind of magic is this?"

Afterwards, Alice happily walked around Connor, and Connor's magic successfully attracted her attention.

"Hmm, this is the scroll magic that I modified!" Connor took out a few cards from his pocket, placed them in front of Alice, and said with a smile: "This is a way to store magic on items... For example, cards, magic skills, this is magic enough to change the world!"

"Eh?" Alice picked up a card. The paper was very hard and the shape was much slimmer than the Pokemon cards. The pattern painted on it was a bird with its wings contracted: "This magic is as good as you said. Isn’t it amazing? Isn’t it just that the magic is sealed into the card?”

"Humph, you don't understand this." Connor pointed at the cards and said with a smile, "Let me introduce to you the power of these magic cards."

"These cards have three characteristics. The first is that they can seal magic. Usually when we use magic, we use it immediately, and there is no concept of [storing magic]. But these cards can do this, which means, We can keep making cards during normal times, and then when needed, take out the cards and use them at the same time!”

"Emmmm. Is this necessary? We can't use up all the magic power, right? We have to use cards to solve things that can be solved with a magic spell... It always feels like it's a bit unnecessary..."

I think of a group of wizards who only know how to use wands, and they suddenly take out a few cards and throw them at each other... This style of painting... is a bit like Maoshan Taoist priests.

By the way, there are no such things as talismans in the Far East...

Connor slashed Alice on the head with a knife: "Stupid! Can you cast eight flame spells at the same time? If Saber hadn't saved you just now, you would have been roasted!"

Connor doesn't care whether the wizard's painting style is right or not. Anyway, there's no rule that wizards can only use wands, right? As a magician, playing cards is not shabby.

"It seems so." Alice stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, but secretly gave Artoria a thumbs-up gesture with the hand hidden behind her back.

Of course Alice is not that stupid. In fact, when Connor used his card, Alice realized that although this magic seemed a bit useless, it could play a big role at certain times. For these cards There will definitely be no shortage of wizards in need.


Alice didn't know where she heard that [Men like dumber girls]... So in Alice's "Connor Strategy 2.0" plan, she decided to play the role of a girl who is too smart and make Connor surrender to her. Under the attack of pursuit!

Of course, the clever Alice will not make the mistake of being "too obviously stupid"...

"But, the magic sealed in the card is actually not controllable at all, right?" Alice pointed out the disadvantages of this kind of card: "It seems that the clear water like spring and those flame spells are not under your control? "

Connor nodded and snapped his fingers: "That's true. This is also the second feature of magic cards - instant triggering. In fact, when the magic card is first carved, that is, when it is made, it is a After completing the process of reciting the incantation, the magic that will be used immediately is sealed."

"So once the activation mechanism of the card is triggered, the magic sealed in it will be released instantly, so this magic will be very difficult to control..."

"But please note that it is just difficult to control rather than impossible to control. As long as your control over magic is strong enough, you can take over the magic in the cards and then control them, for example."

Connor took the card in Alice's hand: "This is the card THE FLY. I sealed a floating spell in it. So if I want to use this card now"

Connor pressed the card on the table in front of him. The blue light on the card flashed away, and then the table slowly floated up, flying higher and higher.

"You see, if no one controls it, the table will keep flying upward until the magic power in the card is exhausted. However, you can actually take over the control of this magic..."

Connor stretched out his hand, and the invisible magic power connected to the table in the air, directly connected with the floating spell acting on the table, and then he controlled the table to slowly fall: "So in many cases, the card's function is actually just a Spell Quickener, which allows you to cast spells without a wand or incantation."

"Oh~ It seems to be very useful. After all, most people can't cast spells silently without a wand." Alice nodded. It seems that she underestimated this magic. For those Aurors who often fight with others, Say, this kind of magic card is very useful...

"No, no, no, this is not the most powerful thing about the magic card..." Connor stretched out a finger and shook it, his eyes flashing with excitement: "The biggest feature of the magic scroll is that it does not have any requirements for the user. !”

"Do you know what this means? Alice!"

"Um..." This is the first time Alice has seen such an excited Connor. I think he was like this when he was studying magic...

Connor stretched out two more fingers, his eyes becoming more and more fanatical: "I set up two triggering mechanisms for the magic cards: manual triggering with magic power and automatic triggering by tearing the card..."

"This means even non-magical Muggles can use our magic!"

Alice was not as excited as Connor. Instead, she frowned: "But what's the point? It's impossible for us to hand over magic cards to Muggles."

"It is impossible for wizards and Muggles to trust each other. Connor, you should know this very well. Even if the magic cards you make can be used by Muggles, the Ministry of Magic will not let you sell them to Muggles. melon."

"Of course I know this kind of thing," Connor curled his lips, seeming to be a little unconcerned: "But have you forgotten that there are still a group of people who have magic power but cannot use magic?"

Alice's eyes lit up: "You mean... Squib?"

"That's right! It's them! They will be my natural customers. To some extent, the magic cards are tailor-made for them. I can't even imagine that once my magic cards start to be sold, I will start from them. How many galleons were harvested there!”

"Alice, there will be one Squib in every seven wizards, and more than a thousand Squibs in England will go crazy for my cards, and the whole world..."

Connor's fists slowly clenched in front of Alice, with a confident smile on his lips: "The British magical world, no, the entire magical world, will tremble because of me, Alice."

"Oh hoo."


Alice's face was flushed. Really, she was still thinking about how to seduce Connor through her acting skills, but in the end she was fascinated by him! ! Be reserved! Alice! But...he is so handsome...

Now Alice has fully realized that there are huge business opportunities hidden in the magic cards! This kind of card is not an entertainment card like Pokemon cards. It is not only a very practical tool, but also a truly lethal "weapon"!

This is a magic that can really change the magical world!

"Con... Connor, I have another question..." Alice calmed down and spoke slowly.

"Just ask."

"...This kind of magic existed a long time ago, right? Connor, you said it was a lost magic?"

"Yes, that's true."

Alice frowned: "Then...why wasn't this kind of magic popular back then? Shouldn't magic like this be very important? It wouldn't be lost, right?"

"Who told you that this magic is important?" Connor chuckled.

"Eh? Eh!? Isn't it? You're not..."

Connor waved his hand: "You just said it yourself, this magic is completely unnecessary. You are actually right. Wizards with the ability to cast spells will not value this magic. Those who really value this magic are only those who do not. Ordinary people with the ability to cast spells..."

"Furthermore, this magic is difficult to learn and difficult to make. For wizards, the effort and reward of learning this magic are not directly proportional. Instead of wasting time learning this kind of magic with no obvious benefits, I will practice more silent casting. Is it not good?"

"[All great power should be attributed to oneself]. This is the deep-rooted subconscious mind of wizards. It is precisely because of this that the magic that works outside the body is slowly lost."

"Eh?? Then... then why..." Alice was confused. Then why did this magic suddenly become able to change the world when it came to you?

Connor smiled and held down Alice's head: "Because... times have changed, kid."


"Have you forgotten how my monster cards are produced?"

"Magic Factory!" Alice's eyes lit up.

"Yes, in our era, magic scrolls can already be mass-produced! This is what gives me the confidence to shake the world."

"So...that's it! So awesome!" Alice has completely turned into a little fan girl. I don't know if she is pretending or acting in her true colors, but anyway, Connor is quite useful, and he likes to be praised by others.

"One more question, Connor, what do the paintings on these cards mean? These paintings won't move? Do they have any special meaning?" Alice blinked and pointed at the cards on the table. The cards asked, Connor was thoughtful, so these cards must also...

"Ahem, this one doesn't exist."

"Eh?" Alice was stunned.

"Um...this is what I drew on randomly. It has no special meaning except to cover up the traces of magic patterns underneath."

"Oh...oh, that's it..." Alice came back to her senses, not caring, and asked enthusiastically: "So Connor, when do you plan to release these magic cards? By the way, your card is called What's the name? Is it just called a magic card?"

"Whatever, when it actually comes out, people will always give it a name, Connor card, Lake card, or Clow card or something..."

"Clow Card? Why is it called Clow Card? Who is Clow Card?"

"Hmm, well... keep it secret, keep it secret first... you will know when the time comes..."

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