Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 556 Tuanzi: Knowledge Changes Destiny!

In the Panda Pavilion, the staff stood by with an extension phone, listening to Chi Feichi talking to the giant panda, and the giant panda roaring in a decent way, couldn't help smiling, raised his eyes inadvertently, and saw the corner of Tuanzi's mouth grinning , As if laughing, when I looked carefully, I found that Tuanzi was just planning to open his mouth, and he was puzzled.


Could it be that he was thinking too much?

Yes, he must have thought too much, how could a giant panda smile like a human?

The smile still looked so evil and playful.

Tuanzi breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately it responded quickly, and continued to yell at the phone, "Master, that's it, I'm off to read."


Tuanzi hugged the bamboo and moved to a magazine, looked down at the magazine, and said that it was time to hang up.

The staff chatted with Chi Feichi about the recent situation of the dumpling and hung up the phone.

On the taxi back to Tokyo, Chi Feichi looked at his phone and pondered.

Recently, the group loves to study so much?

Why don't you talk to him just to read a book?

something is wrong, something is wrong...


Zoo, panda house.

Tuanzi was patient and looked down at the magazine.

"The giant panda who loves to read" has become famous, and many people come to watch the giant panda.

Even if Tuanzi only reads magazines, some people still read them with gusto.

Until the museum closed, Tuanzi gnawed on the bamboo, watched people clean up and leave, and when it was dark, he silently dragged the bamboo back to a small bamboo house.

The small bamboo house is not big, but the monitoring that covers the panda house outside cannot capture the situation inside.

Tuanzi listened to the wall of the bamboo house, and when many people passed by outside, he poked the wall of the bamboo house with his claws, pushed down a bamboo board, got out through the gap, and entered the room where the staff stayed behind. He probed and looked, ran to the room at the end of the corridor, and inserted the two plugs into the socket with his claws.

You can't connect too many machines here, or you'll short circuit and burn the wires...

When the new breeder arrived a month ago, he was reminded.

Sure enough, there was a flash of light at the socket, and black smoke soon came out.

Tuanzi immediately turned around and ran back through the hole in the bamboo house, put the wall panels of the bamboo house back, and lay lazily in the bamboo house.

Alright, monitoring cut off~!

After a while, a male breeder came in with a flashlight and on the phone, "I don't know, there was a sudden power outage, maybe there is something wrong with the circuit, let someone come to repair it tomorrow... Don't worry, it won't affect the opening of the museum tomorrow. If the circuit is not repaired before the opening of the museum tomorrow, I will go to the warehouse to find a generator... Well, I will look at the dumpling, that's all."

Tuanzi looked sideways at the male breeder squatting outside the bamboo house, his eyes were sleepy and confused.

The male breeder quickly lowered his voice, "I'm sorry, did I disturb you to rest? There is a power outage. I'll come and see you. You sleep well, and I won't disturb you."

Tuanzi turned his head lazily, his belly moving with his breathing.

Male breeder: "..."

So cute, I really want to masturbate!


Forget it, don't disturb the rest of the group.

Their tuanzi is famous for their violent temper, and there seems to be only one giant panda with a psychiatrist here.

If the tuanzi couldn't rest well due to the quarrel and became irritable, he couldn't help it.

After the male breeder left, Tuanzi sat up lazily again, watched the moonlight coming in through the glass window from the small door of the bamboo house, waited patiently for more than ten minutes, then slipped to the glass viewing window, lay down on the edge of the corner, and walked out of the window. The paws pulled the lock, then the glass, squeezed, squeezed, squeezed... out.

There was silence in the zoo, the street lights shone on the path, and there was no one.

The duty room at the gate in the distance was lit, and the sound of the TV program playing could be faintly heard.

Tuanzi became energetic all of a sudden, and he didn't need to look at the road signs at all. He ran in the direction of the toilet, climbed over the wall of the toilet, and ran near the Monkey Mountain.

Speed ​​like a chasing boy!

A little monkey was sleeping in a daze. He opened his eyes and saw a black and white round creature 'whoosh' running past the glass viewing window. He also seemed to see the creature grinning and showing its white teeth. It was very scary.

But when it rubbed its eyes and sat up, it seemed that there was nothing.

Were you dreaming just now?

Forget it, continue to sleep.

Tuanzi had already climbed up a tall tree in twos and outs, climbed out of the fence, and looked at the road outside, feeling overwhelmed.


It finally came out.

People in my hometown are right, knowledge changes destiny.

The master is right, coming here, it is really convenient to learn the language here.

Resisting the urge to howl two or three times, Tuanzi raised his eyes to look at the moon, identified it, his eyes lit up, and quickly ran in one direction...

"Katocho, I'm coming..."


Tuanzi stopped suddenly, rolled a bit, stopped his forward body, turned his head and sniffed the smell on the side of the road.

Sniff, sniff, sniff...

Chase all the way to another direction, lost in thought.

It is the taste of the master.

The owner passed by the zoo before, and went to other places... probably not at home?

Then why does it go to Sutocho?

Heading in a new direction, set off.

'Master, here I come! '


On a remote road by the river, a black Porsche 356A and a black Zelas were parked by the side of the road.

Three men in black stood by the car and talked.

"There are too many explosives, it is inconvenient to transport them back to Tokyo, Chiba Prefecture..."

Gin handed an envelope to Chi Feichi, "The address and warehouse key are inside."

Chi Feichi took the envelope, opened it, looked at the note and key inside, put the key in his pocket, took out a box of matches, took out one to ignite, and burned the paper and the envelope together.

Just for gin and vodka tonight, he's not putting on a show.

He went to Boston for a 'business trip', and Gin was in charge of the batch of explosives in Japan.

Before the end of their side, this side has already been settled, and he came here tonight to get his own share.

"Bermod is helping you in this operation..." Vodka was about to speak when he was interrupted by a roar.


A motorcycle roared to a nearby stop.

Belmode wore a tight black suit and a black windbreaker with white collar fur. After stepping off the motorcycle, he took off his helmet, "Am I late?"

"It's not too late, we and Lak came early," Vodka replied, and then explained to Chi Feichi, "Bermode disguised himself as that guy Saruto, and brought our people directly to load the explosives on the fishing boat. Let's go, it didn't take much effort..."

"So I have a share." Belmode smiled and took the envelope from Gin. "But I don't want to compete with you. It's enough to deal with some things when necessary."

"Anything you want." Chi Feichi threw the burnt envelope into the river.

I get it, tonight is here to share the spoils collectively.

Anyway, there are a lot of explosives in this batch, so it doesn't matter if you divide them into Belmode.

Belmode also opened the envelope and looked at the note inside, put the key away, and burned the envelope and the note while lighting the cigarette.

Gin leaned against the car door and watched, "Bermod, is your investigation going well?"

Belmode stared at the burning envelope, with a smile on his lips, "After all, it's a hidden person. It's a little troublesome to find it, but it's smooth, don't worry, it's fun to dig slowly..."

Gin lit a cigarette, always feeling surrounded by a group of psychologically twisted guys, and sneered, "Hmph! Don't be so slow that you let people go."

"Have some confidence in me!" Belmode also threw the envelope that had burned to the end into the river.

Vodka said clearly, "So you're talking about that traitor Shirley!"

Chi Feichi: "..."

Vodka is only reacting now?

Gin: "..."

He is tired! Don't ask why.

Belmode looked at the vodka, but in the end he didn't say anything, and looked at Chi Feichi, "Want to help?"

"I have other things." Chi Feichi said he was not free.

And his mother is coming to Japan, that person also knows, it can be regarded as a vacation for him, let him have the opportunity to get in touch with Hiroki Sawada, don't worry about other things.

Belmod's tone deliberately brought a hint of helplessness, "Well, what happened to you is really..."


Suddenly there was a growl at the end of the road.

The four stopped talking for a while, and turned to look over.

Belmode was vigilant in his heart, and put his hand faintly to the place where the gun was hidden by his side, but after seeing the black and white creature running towards him, he was still stunned, not knowing what to do.

After seeing clearly that it was a giant panda running over, Qin Jiu didn't know whether to take out his left hand in his pocket or keep it in it.

Facing a violent looking creature rushing towards him, for the first time he didn't know whether to shoot...

Vodka looked dull, "Big, big, big..."

Chi Feichi was stunned for a moment, and thought carefully about the ecstatic 'Master'. After confirming that it was Tuanzi's voice, he stepped forward, "Tuanzi?"


Vodka looked at Chi Feichi in surprise.


"Master, I'm here to find you!" Tuanzi completely ignored the other three people, ran on all fours, jumped up from a distance, and was about to give Chi Feichi a long-range tiger attack version of a bear hug.

"@\u0026#+...!" Feichi poked his head out of his collar and saw the dumpling flying. He was startled, shouted an unknown note, and jumped onto Qin Jiu's shoulder next to him with a 'swoosh'.

The dumpling is too careless, and I don’t care about my body shape. I play like this every time, exaggerating every time, and it will be smashed sooner or later!

Please consider the feelings of the creatures who stay on the owner's body every day, please? !

Chi Feichi reached out to pick up the dumpling, but was hit by the dumpling and took two steps back, but he finally hugged him, worried that people like Qin Jiu would overreact and shoot directly, and explained, "My family."

The dumpling hung on Chi Feichi's body like a big fluffy, chubby toy, and rubbed his head against Chi Feichi.

"Ah?" Vodka was confused, "Is private breeding of giant pandas allowed?"

"Is it fostered at the zoo?" Qin Jiu put down the gun in his left hand silently, seeing Feichi running around his shoulder, he didn't care.

Judging from Feichi's reaction of running towards him in a fright just now, it is estimated that this giant panda also jumped like this, causing Feichi to suffer a lot, such as... almost being knocked flat.

"Fostered in the zoo?" Belmode was also a little overwhelmed.

Chi Feichi nodded, "Yes, yes."

Gin wasn't surprised by this answer at all.

He knows all about Luke's tricks: anyway, all the animals in the world belong to Luke, the only difference is where they are fostered.

Belmode also realized that it is impossible for giant pandas to be raised privately. If someone can adopt a giant panda, there have been reports already. It should be a giant panda in the zoo, but there are two guys who privately consider it as 'their own'... …

"Is it really Lark's?" Vodka didn't respond.

Gin looked at the vodka, and decided to explain, "The sharks and whales in the sea belong to Lak, but he fostered them in the sea."

got it?

Rucker's brain circuits are out of whack.

If he doesn't understand vodka anymore, he doesn't want to say more, it's hopeless.

Vodka understood, and looked at Chi Feichi speechlessly.

Chi Feichi: "..."

How should I put it...

In fact, he really has a killer whale fostered in the sea.

It doesn't matter whether others admit it or not, and there is no need for others to admit it, as long as he and Feili admit it, it is his.

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