Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 287 The Wind Tonight Is Really Confusing

At the intersection, Mizuru Renai waited for Chi Feichi to get in the car, and immediately drove away from the spot.

"Gin, I've already received Lark...Okay, meet in the port area."

Chi Feichi listened to the movement over the bug, and looked at the time. It was 1:37 in the morning, and there was still more than an hour before Noriko Eguchi's lover would end the meeting. Although time was needed on the way, it was hard to guarantee that he would not call first. Go back, notice the abnormality, and ask someone to check, so the time is counted when the meeting is over, "speed up."

It may not have been more than an hour.

Although he said in a female voice that Eguchi Noriko needs to tidy up, clean up, and rest, accidents may happen at any time during the period.

They don't have much time.

"Bourbon is staring at the hotel where the meeting is held over there. If someone comes out early, he will deliver the news in time," Rena Mizumura said seriously, speeding up the car, and jokingly said, "Luck, you are worthy of your name now. The raki bar is full of spices."

Chi Feichi opened a gap in the car window. He smelled bad now, mixed with all kinds of scents, and even the smell of blood was covered up. However, he didn't know how to respond to this complaint, so he remained silent.

Reina Mizumura waited for a while without seeing a response, and said again, "Is the person who greeted me with a smile when we met for the first time, your twin brother?"

Chi Feichi glanced at Shui Wuliannai, not to be angry, but he is not used to teasing from strangers, and we are not familiar with each other, "Keir, drive your car well."

Shui Wuliannai was glanced at coldly, her heart was sweating, her face didn't show, she smiled calmly, "Okay, pretend I didn't say anything."

It seems like Qin Jiu has a bad personality and a bad temper. If he doesn't agree with him, he will use his eyes to scare people. The key point is that he can really scare people...

More than 40 minutes later, Rena Minami drove to the port area, and it took almost an hour to get near the house that Noriko Eguchi bought.

Gin and vodka arrived shortly thereafter.

Chi Feichi listened to the movement from the bug, and got off the driveway, "In about 10 minutes, someone knocked on Eguchi Noriko's door."

"As soon as possible!" Qin Jiu walked to the door, took out a gun, and broke the lock with one shot, and went straight into the room without staying at all.

Chi Feichi also followed. Since Gin went in directly, he should have found someone in advance to confirm that there was no one inside.

There was literally no one in there, no security alarms or anything, no cash found...

However, when four people searched the house, they would always find some unusual traces.

"This way!" Shui Wurenai uttered in a room, waiting for three other people to come over, and knocked on the wall.

The sound is wrong!

Chi Feichi looked at the furnishings in the room, saw unnatural wear marks on the wall under the light switch on the wall, and reached out to turn on the light switch.

"Lack?" Rena Mizushima was a little surprised.

Chi Feichi didn't explain, and continued to press the switch.

The wall in front of Mizuruna opened to both sides with a bang, revealing an iron door with a password.

"It's not much different from the bank's vault." Vodka sighed with emotion.

Chi Feichi squatted down to look at the keyhole, found two similar ones from the key chain, tried it out, and the first one was right.

Reina Mizumura stared at the input button on the door, "A 6-digit password is required!"

Qin Jiu turned to look at Chi Feichi, "Did you search when you sneaked in? Did you find anything?"

"There are five six-digit numbers on all the handwritten information in her home," Chi Feichi said, "How many times do you have the opportunity to enter?"

"It's not shown," Shui Wurenai looked at, "But this kind of door usually has 3 times."

"It's also possible that she didn't record the password anywhere at all, but memorized it by herself." Do you want someone to send a password breaker? "

Vodka said, "Take a chance!"

Gin took out his phone and looked at the time, "2:41, Luke, how's the situation over there?"

"The corpse has not been found yet, but it is estimated that someone will knock on the door again soon. Don't try it randomly, depending on your personality, preferences, and the environment you may be in when you record the password..."

While listening to the movement from the bug, Chi Feichi recalled Eguchi Noriko's personality and hobbies, and imagined under what circumstances Eguchi Noriko would write down the password.

Since part of it is funded by the Yamaguchi-gumi, Eguchi Noriko will not be busy here alone.

That woman is good at observing words and feelings, and is very good at being a person in a group. In order to express importance, it is impossible to record the password in a magazine casually, and the font will not be crooked...

This password is very important. In order to prevent it from being stolen, a smarter person will not record it in a diary or something that represents a 'secret'. Eguchi Noriko is not stupid, and it can even be said that she is a shrewd woman.

Excluding these, then...

It's the one written in the poetry anthology!

"Keele, 492535."

Rena Mizumusa quickly entered six numbers.

On the door, the display light jumps to green.

Gin directly unscrewed the doorknob and walked in.

A space made of metal. There are many boxes on the shelves, all of which are cash, Japanese yen, US dollars, British pounds, and some gold bars. There are also guns and bullets on the shelf on the right hand side of the door.

After the money was moved away, Gin placed the explosives and drove away.

I just bought a batch of explosives, and everyone seems to be using them as they like...

At an abandoned pier nearby, two cars stopped back and forth.

"Luck, the water you want!" Vodka got out of the car, handed Chi Feichi the mineral water for shopping on the road, lit a cigarette, and completely relaxed.

Gin looked at the time on the phone, "2:51."

"Everything is normal at the villa, and no one has found the body yet." Chi Feichi took off the earphone connected to the bug, threw it into the sea, took out the remote control, and detonated the bomb placed in the villa.

The explosion was enough to blow up the kitchen and Eguchi Noriko's room beyond recognition, and the bug would naturally be destroyed in the explosion.

Gin also detonated the bomb placed at the cash hoarding location, completely eliminating traces of the group's activities, lit a cigarette with the cigarette lighter on the car, and got out of the car to blow air.

After this operation is over, everyone can rest for two days. The most Gin can do is to confirm the follow-up, see the reaction of the Yamaguchi-gumi, and see if there are any loopholes left.

The atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

Chi Feichi didn't light a cigarette. The black body of cigaronne was too eye-catching. Although he wasn't the only one who smoked it, there weren't many people who smoked it in Japan. He didn't want Rena Mizumu to lock his identity because of it.

He unscrewed the cap of the mineral water bottle, took a small bottle, and added a small amount of snake slough powder to the water.

Components such as amino acids and acidic proteins, as well as trace elements such as calcium, potassium, and sodium were detected in non-red snake sloughs, but no toxins were found.

Generally speaking, it can reduce inflammation, reduce swelling, reduce cloudiness and improve eyesight. Soaking in water may not cure any diseases. Chi Feichi is a health product that replenishes energy and trace elements, temporarily replacing wolfberry.

Stay up late, pay attention to prevent hair loss...

Shui Wurenai noticed that Chi Feichi was adding something to the bottle, and she was a little curious, but thinking of Chi Feichi's cold gaze before, she didn't ask any more questions, and turned to look at Gin, "Gin, just bring the things here ?”

"Okay," Gin bit his cigarette, bowed his head and sent an email on his mobile phone, "I'll send the contact to a safe place."

Chi Feichi drank two sips of water, screwed the cap on the mineral water bottle and threw it into the car, blowing the night wind, looking at a dark and dark sea.

Suddenly, there was a severe pain like burning fire in both eyes.

Qin Jiu noticed something strange at the first time, and immediately shifted his gaze from the phone to Chi Feichi, "What's wrong?"

Chi Feichi lowered his head, covered his eyes with his right hand, and remained silent.

The pain seems to go all the way to the brain along the nerves, and the most important thing is...


Some people think that blind people see darkness in front of them, but this is not the case.

If you want to experience the feeling of the blind, you can open one eye and close the other. The feeling of closing that eye is the world of the blind.

That feeling is like the window where the eyes are missing on the face, there is no darkness, only nothingness.

That's what his eyes are now.


Feichi's voice gradually blurred in his ears.

Chi Feichi quickly calmed down and analyzed the current situation.

Regardless of whether he will be blind or not, it is still too early to consider the consequences. We must first consider the cause of all this and see if it can be rescued by force.

The problem should lie in Feichi's snake slough.

Obviously no toxins were detected, but even if there were toxins, according to his test results, the antibodies in his body were sufficient to immunize most biological toxins, and even because of the strong antibodies, some artificial toxins could also be immune.

So, is it because drinking tonight stimulated the synthesis or enhancement of some kind of toxin?

Or is it because of his 'Son of Nature', who has no cheats?

The former is fine, he carries an antidote developed from autoantibodies on his body, it is always right to strengthen autoantibodies, but if it is the latter, then he really does not know how to solve it.

In summary, there is no solution now, he can start to think about the consequences, regret and sum up his experience.

Well, things really shouldn't be eaten indiscriminately...

In the next second, the pain in Chi Feichi's eyes and brain disappeared, and the sudden drop made people feel that the pain just now was just an illusion.

But in front of Chi Feichi...

No, it should be in my mind, a world composed of various color blocks appeared.

The three red and orange people around me, the dark blue concrete floor, the slightly lighter blue sea, the orange engine of the car...

Thermal imaging?

"Lack!" Qin Jiu stretched out his hand to hold Chi Feichi's shoulder, his eyes became sharper and colder because of his seriousness.

Chi Feichi opened his eyes, looked at Qin Jiu, and the world returned to normal.

Gin put down his hands, stared at the blond European face opposite him, looked twice, but couldn't see any problem from that still calm face, "Is there something wrong with your eyes?"

"No, I have a headache," Chi Feichi closed his eyes, and found that after closing his eyes, the thermal image appeared in his mind again, opened his eyes, and found a reason, "I added poison to water as a nutrient. gone."

Gin: "..."

Vodka: "..."

Rena Mizumura: "..."

May I ask, seeing a person with a calm face expressing 'I'm fine, I just accidentally poisoned myself', what expression should I use to respond?

The point is, this is the core member of the organization, a core member who is good enough in intelligence, sneaking, assassination, and sniping, but he almost poisoned himself to death?

The wind is so confusing tonight...

Gin turned to look at the sea, took a deep puff of the cigarette, threw the burnt smoke into the sea, and remained silent.

Chi Feichi glanced at the cigarette butts floating in the sea and remained silent.

It's not good to pollute the environment...

Vodka and Rena Mizumu were also silent, not knowing what to say.

Qin Jiu turned around, stared at Chi Feichi and asked, "Who said before, 'Don't worry, I'm very sober, I won't make fun of my own life'?"

"It's not a joke, it's a mistake." Chi Feichi corrected calmly.

It seems that not only can't eat things randomly, but also can't learn bad habits. For example, if you learn from Mori Kogoro to set up a fg, you don't need to slap your face the next day...

Gin lowered his head and lit a cigarette again.

He sort of understood that, for Lak, 'sobriety' is not a criterion for measuring whether things are normal.

Seeing that calm face now, he will feel heartache, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing... It's better not to look at it!

Vodka asked aloud, "Luck, are you all right now?"

"It's okay." Chi Feichi replied coldly.

Vodka: "..."

Can you give me some feedback?

For example, if you express your fear, if you are not afraid, at least you will feel annoyed...

This really makes it impossible to talk about it!

Fortunately, Gin's mood calmed down, he lowered his email, turned around and got in the car, "No one else needs to send cash over there, Luke, the two of us will go there."


When Chi Feichi turned around and got into the car, he closed his eyes for a moment.

Thermal imaging is gone.

It seems that it has a time limit. I am not sure whether the time limit is determined by the amount of snake slough ingested, and I am not sure whether it will cause pain after taking it...

Vodka and Mizuruna looked like they were all right, and continued to remain silent.

The two vehicles left the port area again.

Chi Feichi sent Mizumu Renai, gin and vodka, and then met in Shibuya District, and sent the cash to Jiang Gutian, and put it in the basement of an unoccupied house.

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