The big plane tree outside the gate of the ancient house, there are faint buds on the trunk of the tree, and it is no longer the bare scene of the previous day, the sunlight in the sky is not strong, and it is rare to see that it is a relatively cool weather.

Jiang Qi squatted under the tree with his legs, holding a small wooden stick in his hand and boringly playing with the rows of ants on the ground, and from time to time he turned his head to watch the movement in the ancient mansion.

A few people in the room were still slowly packing their luggage, cosmetics, snacks and drinks, as well as clothes, tissues, sunscreen and the like.

The guy was even more outrageous, less than ten minutes after a phone call, there was a faint sound in the sky caused by the propeller rotation, a helicopter landed steadily in the open space outside the ancient mansion, and several black-clothed people trotted all the way down from the plane with a bunch of boxes and respectfully put the boxes at the door.

According to the words of the Boss Mori, as the Knight of the Round Table of the Lion King, he must always maintain the image of the Lion King as a wise and majestic man no matter where he is.

Those boxes were full of all kinds of clothes for the four seasons, even with Jiang Qi's clothes convex guard, what was similar to the cloak of an ancient Roman emperor, what was inlaid with a crown of 12 large diamonds, it was simply a trench.

Seven palaces and six flowers are the most active people except for the bulge, and all kinds of questions are coming, whether there is no school in the other world, whether the horses in the other world have wings, and whether the other world really has cute creatures like slimes.

Jiang Qixin said that your imagination is really terrifying, is that kind of creature like a slime really cute? And what other world is not without such a problem as toilets and televisions.

"Claim your reward." Jiang Qi looked up at the sun hanging above his head, casually pulled out a small grass next to the ant nest, blocked it at the entrance of the cave, and thought silently in his heart.

"Ding-Rewarding being settled."

"Obtain the Reward Oath Victory Armor, obtain the reward Nine Dragons Staff, obtain the reward Super Magic (Part I), and obtain Power Point 2347."

As the three streamers poured into Jiang Qi's body, a large number of memories also poured into his mind, and the explanations about the three rewards also merged into the deep memory, this time it was unexpectedly human, unlike before, there was no operating manual.

Jiang Qi's mind moved, and two streamers flew out of his body, one of which turned into a magic robe and hung on Jiang Qi's body, and the other streamer turned into a golden staff, which was held by Jiang Qi in his hand, and at the top of the staff were nine giant beasts of different shapes, which made a roaring shape, and their mouths were nine beads of different colors, exuding a strange light.

Jiang Qi looked down at his extreme outfit, which was very much like the dress of another traverser, that is, the Bone King, the robe on his body was simply similar, except for the addition of thirteen symbols of unknown meaning, and some silver lines, other places were simply like brothers, and so was the Nine Dragons Staff, with a snake on top of people and a dragon above you, right?

Did you just take someone else's template and give it to me after a little magic change?

As the name suggests, the Armor of Victory of the Oath is a piece of armor that can exist in two forms, in addition to the robe form, it can also be converted into an armor form, and the original text in the system introduction is: "A supreme armor that can be immune to most attacks, and has the legendary awakening form." The

Nine Dragons Circle was even shorter, one sentence: "The Forbidden Staff that stands at the top of the world." As

for the so-called bonuses and effects, they have not been explained, and they can only be slowly developed by Jiang Qi himself in actual combat, as for the super magic, in fact, he has only given himself half of the way to use it, and Jiang Qi can't help but smack his tongue when he sees all kinds of cool effects.

There is no harm if there is no comparison, the so-called strongest attack burst magic is fundamentally different in front of it, the limitations and means of burst magic are too single after all, although the more magic is injected, the greater the power, it stands to reason that there is no upper limit, but super magic is a variety of buffs, debuffs and other effects, just looking at the results, super magic can be more suitable for various scenarios.

Jiang Qi's mind moved, and the Nine Dragons Staff instantly turned into a dragon-shaped ring entrenched on Jiang Qi's middle finger, and as the sun shone down, bursts of brilliance flowed on the surface.

Speaking of which, the Armor of Oath Victory is worthy of being a supreme armor, and it actually has the magical effect of being warm in winter and cool in summer, there was a feeling of heat just now, but now I can't feel it in an instant, and the magic of the robe is also nourishing Jiang Qi's body all the time.

The door of the ancient house was suddenly pushed open, and Shihua first walked out of the door, and the six flowers and seven palaces behind him were carrying a suitcase and backpacks of different sizes to follow behind Shihua, and there was a faint sense of déjà vu that a small group was formed headed by Shihua.

Convex Shou couldn't wait to squeeze out from behind Liuhua, looking at Jiang Qi, who was extremely cool under the plane tree, and turned over the book from his backpack even more excitedly, and the quill quickly roamed around the paper, not knowing what he was writing or drawing.

The eyes of Shihua and the others also showed a hint of strangeness, Jiang Qi in this kind of costume was indeed something they had never seen before.

Jiang Qi, who saw this kind of costume for the first time, couldn't help but be slightly distracted, because even if he was separated by a lot of distance, he could feel an inexplicable coercion, which made people can't help but have the idea of worship.

Jiang Qi walked over and stretched out his hand to squeeze Shihua's hand, looked at the people behind Shihua and nodded slightly: "Are you ready?"

"The Lion King, please rest assured! Bosskeeper will be your most powerful knight in another world!

The crowd was the most excited, and while there was some tension and excitement in the hearts of the others, the boss still maintained his vitality, and the double ponytails behind him swayed in the air.

Jiang Qi nodded slightly, turned around and stood in front of everyone, silently reciting in his heart: "Return to the original world."

As Jiang Qi meditated in his heart, a blue light rushed straight into the sky, and a huge blue magic circle loomed under everyone's feet, and with a ripple in the space, everyone's figures disappeared in the clearing.

And Jiang Qi's last thought in his heart was that this kind of cool special effects wouldn't deduct his extra points, right?


The next chapter is going to meet the goddess of wisdom Akua again.,And the real will also appear soon.,The footsteps of the next world are also close at hand.,Thank you for your support.。

Happy New Year! Today the author tried his best to make three changes! I did what I said, and I received gifts from everyone, and the second article will be written as soon as possible!

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