PS: The picture is of a girl with a light tone.

The girls had mixed emotions.

Higashino Seinori and Kato Hiromi were chatting about business matters, and Kashiwagi Nagisa would interject from time to time. This made the girls with complicated emotions always feel that they were in two different worlds from these three people.

A little lost, a little depressed, and a little low on self-esteem.

Yui Hirasawa is naturally stupid, and Ritsu Taizawa is also a pistachio. After noticing that the atmosphere in the plane was not right, Ritsu Taizawa immediately started playing tricks on Yui Hirasawa, making the girls laugh out loud.

The cheerful laughter dispelled the somewhat depressed atmosphere. Of course, Taizhong Ritsu, who was overplaying his tricks, soon received another slap from Mio Akiyama with fried chestnuts, and calmed down with a big bag on his head.

Not long after, the plane started to land.

After passing through the thin clouds, the plane landed at Tianfu International Airport in Chengdu. The girls who got off the airport looked at the sunny weather and couldn’t help but express surprise.

“is that a lie? It was obviously still raining when we got on the plane.”

“The capital is the capital, Chengdu is Chengdu. It rains over there and it’s sunny over here. Is there anything strange about it?”.

Higashino Makoto rubbed Dai Wei’s little head, then packed his luggage, and everyone got off the plane together.

The airport staff had already been waiting to pick them up from the airport (private planes generally do not go through the boarding gate and require a ferry from the airport) Afterwards, they were warmly welcomed by Sichuan and Sichuan officials.

The leader was none other than Wu Wenyuan, whom they had met before.

“Haha, welcome Mr. Higashino to Sichuan as a guest”

“Haha, we meet again, Secretary-General Wu.”

Higashino Makoto and Wu Wenyuan exchanged greetings with a smile.

It has now been basically decided that the super factory will be located in Sichuan and Sichuan, so Wu Wenyuan looked glowing, but he was not satisfied yet. He found out that Sichuan and Sichuan Bank was ready to invest and loan 600 After giving 100 million to Higashino Makoto, Wu Wenyuan wanted to work harder to get more investment from Higashino Makoto.

Wu Wenyuan naturally fulfilled some of the small requirements mentioned by Higashino Makoto.

“Mr. Higashino, regarding your request to purchase a villa, we have purchased a villa in Poly Butterfly Valley for you, and all the procedures have been completed for you.”

According to regulations, foreigners need to meet certain conditions to buy a house in China, such as working or studying in the country for more than one year and having no other housing in the country.

However, Sichuan and Sichuan have just negotiated a big project with Higashino. , naturally they don’t mind opening the back door for Higashino, so in less than three days, Sichuan and Sichuan officials helped Higashino buy a villa. Higashino hadn’t even arrived in Sichuan yet, and all the house purchase procedures were completed..

This also made Higashino couldn’t help but sigh at the efficiency of the Sichuan and Sichuan authorities.

Comparing it to his previous life, he was so quick to go through the procedures to buy a house. This is the efficiency of special things.

Higashino laughed in his heart. After receiving the keys and real estate certificate, he and the girls took the officially arranged bus to the villa area.

Poly Butterfly Valley is located on Diexiu Road in Xindu District. It is known as the only golf villa in the main city of Chengdu and is surrounded by 3,000 people. Mu Panda Ecological Base, 3,000 mu Beihu Scenic Area, 1,200 mu Ginkgo Garden, 800 mu Botanical Garden, 270 mu Nibaduo Scenic Area, the scenery is quite good

“etc! Panda ecological base?!”

Hearing the introduction, Ritsu Tianjing immediately shouted excitedly:

“Are we neighbors with giant pandas?”

“Is such that.”

Higashino Makoto said with a smile:

“The west area of Poly Butterfly Valley is adjacent to the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, with only a wall separating the two places.”


Hearing this, Ritsu Takai and Yui Hirasawa immediately high-fived excitedly in celebration, and the other girls also showed excited expressions.

After all, the Japanese people’s love for giant pandas is universal, and they don’t know how much they have done for giant pandas. Weird things (such as smelling giant panda feces, this is really incomprehensible). Now that they have the opportunity to be neighbors with giant pandas, the girls are naturally very excited.

So, with excitement, everyone took the car to the door of the villa. This is a Western-style villa with red walls and white beams. It has three floors and the building covers an area of about 150 square meters. It is slightly inferior to the villa of Higashinoya, but it is still pretty good.

Nakaru, Hirasawa Yui rushed into the villa and ran to the roof to look at the panda base next door. Higashino Makoto and the other girls carried their luggage in and looked around the villa.

It seemed that it had been decorated for a while. Although the villa I bought is a second-hand one, there seems to be no sign that anyone has lived in it. It must have been bought by the previous owner as an investment?

The inside and outside of the room have obviously been cleaned in advance, and the refrigerator is even filled with ingredients, so you can move in directly. This actually made Higashino nod with satisfaction. 0

Afterwards, Higashino Makoto said to Kashiwagi Nagisa:

“Let’s cook and eat here tonight”

“I have been eating in hotels and outside these days, and I haven’t cooked for several days. I also want to try home-cooked meals occasionally.”

Kashiwagi Nagisa was naturally very happy about this, and the other girls also spoke one after another.

“Let me help too”

“There are twelve of us (including two female bodyguards), and Kashiwagi-san alone should be too busy.”

Seeing the girls expressing their willingness to help, Kashiwagi Nagisa thought for a while and said:

“Well…Then how about each of us cook a dish, and then don’t share the meal, we all eat together, just like the Chinese eat”

“all right!”

“I think it’s okay”

“Then let everyone try my cooking”

“Oh, let’s have a cooking competition!!”

“Big competition? Let Mr. Higashino be the referee to comment?”


The girls got more and more excited as they talked, so what was supposed to be a dinner together turned into a cooking competition, and all the girls signed up enthusiastically.

Don’t worry about them not knowing how to cook.

Shuchiin Academy has home economics classes, except for super singles Thread’s Dai Wei can’t cook (she took Manabe’s home economics classes), and the other girls basically know how to cook.

Finally, the girls discussed for a while, and the four of them were Higashino Makoto, Hirasawa Yui, Sophia, and Yan Li. Judges, the girls each cook a dish for the four judges to taste and comment on. Finally, the three with the highest scores will make another dish. Together, 2.1 will make eleven dishes for tonight’s dinner.


After hearing the introduction, Yui Hirasawa, who came down from the roof, couldn’t help but sip, with a salivating expression on his face.

Higashino Makoto also smiled and said:

“If you want to capture a man’s heart, you must first capture his stomach.”

“Next, let’s see which beautiful lady is more dexterous and can capture the stomach of a man like me, hahaha~~”

Hearing Higashino Makoto’s words, the girls’ faces turned red.

Capturing a man’s heart or something. Don’t be so ambiguous, Higashino-kun….

He muttered this, but looking at the performance of the girls, Higashino Makoto’s words seemed to add fuel to the fire, making the girls’ fighting spirit even stronger. They rushed into the kitchen one by one, vowing to pass their cooking. Grabbing Higashino Makoto’s stomach. after that….

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