As the last step to declare the formal establishment of civilization, the founding ceremony of the Star Sea Alliance was naturally put on the agenda.

In the early morning, the sun slowly rises from the sea level, casting its first ray of light on the blue sea.

In the square of the naval base, the ship girls and the Bris stood in twos and threes.

They all wore black and red military uniforms, and even Brie put on a standard black dress.

When everything was in ruins, although there were not many resources, we still squeezed out some materials and made a new set of clothes for everyone.

Compared with the clothes I usually wear, although there is a lot more fabric, but with the appearance of the ship girl, it feels more heroic.

“Weird, I changed my clothes and felt completely different”

“Is the sense of ritual so important?”

Kewei said while fiddling with her sleeves.

Because everyone was wearing the same clothes, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of collective belonging.

It was as if she was born to belong here.

“Uniforms are an important part of military management.”

Essex nodded.

As a war weapon and a born soldier, she very much agrees with Lu Chen’s philosophy.

Normally in the port area, the ship girls wear their own casual clothes, which looks like a free amusement park..

This place is more like a collective.

Soon, Lu Chen and Richelieu also walked out of the base building in military uniforms.

He was wearing a straight black and red military uniform, with a young and handsome face, like a real general.

With the former Compared with the past few days, his temperament is more resolute and decisive.

The morning sun shines on Lu Chen, and the ship girls are stunned for a moment.

“This is our commander……”

They stood in a square formation and stopped whispering to each other.

The founding ceremony of the Star Sea Alliance and the first flag-raising ceremony in this world has begun.

“play music!”

With an order, passionate and vigorous military music played in the square.

This was also done by Lu Chen and the ship girls. There are several ship girls in the vanguard fleet who are quite accomplished in music.


Accompanied by the military music, the eagle with red background and gold label The flag, under the shining of the morning sun, slowly rose up the flagpole and floated at the highest point of the naval base.

“The Star Sea Alliance was officially established today.”

Lu Chen spoke in a low voice.

Although there are only a few hundred ship girls in the audience, including Bri, they are simply too small for a civilization.

But this is a good start, and it is also a good start. A necessary ritual.

From now on, this place will no longer be a place to play house, such as settlements or colonies, but will compete with other civilizations in a pluralistic world as a civilization.

“We will start from the earth, go out to the sea, run to the stars, and plant the eagle flag in every world in the multiverse.”

“We will cooperate with the friendly world to seek common development and crush all enemies that stand in our way.”

“Let our friends admire us and our enemies fear us, and build a super civilization that spans the world”


Lu Chen announced his ambitions and plans to everyone.

A prototype of a super civilization of unimaginable size and spanning dimensions appeared in his heart


The ship girls felt excited when they heard this.

Kewei, Belfast and others marveled at Lu Chen’s courage and leadership.

The flagships of several major fleets led several times as many ship girls as him, but they had never had the momentum and pattern to dominate mountains and rivers like his.

Run towards the stars and chase the stars.

Although everything has just started now, the overall strength is not strong.

But they are willing to help the commander to realize this grand dream.

Dafeng’s eyes turned into love after looking at it


“Sure enough, I didn’t see the wrong person.…”

“I will definitely dedicate victory to you with my own hands. No matter which world it is, as long as you want it, Dafeng will dedicate it to you.…”

“Thank you, I look forward to your performance.”

Lu Chen nodded to Dafeng on the stage.


The Chongying aircraft carrier was so excited that she almost fainted.

Richelieu and Guanghui couldn’t help but look sideways.

Forging ahead with great ambitions, as weapons of war, they need exactly this kind of commander.

“I feel like I will experience many different scenery in the future.”

The two flagships quietly communicated.



After the ceremony, Lu Chen returned to the office at the naval base.

At the beginning of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, there were countless problems that needed to be solved.

The ship girls also changed into regular clothes one after another and went about their own business.

Uniforms are only worn during military expeditions and important ceremonies. Daily attire is still determined by personal preference.

“Very good momentum, Commander.”

Richelieu also put on his regular clothes and said while combing his long golden hair.

There was admiration and a tenderness in his eyes that is hard to see in ordinary times.

“I feel like I am no longer a blue ship girl, but a member of the Star Sea Alliance.”

“How does this work? That’s your hometown, and you’ll have to go back to fight the sirens in the future.”

Lu Chen said with a smile.

“But we can discuss it in the future, just annex the port area to the federation.”

“Hey, the human heart is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant. Richelieu let out a light sigh.

“Why didn’t you say bring Siren in too?”

“It’s not impossible.”

Lu Chen felt that if sirens were smart, could communicate, and were reasonable, they might actually be able to join the gang. What’s the point of fighting with ship girls on a planet? It’s better to go to other worlds and beat aliens together.

Both sides With the integration of technology, we might be able to create something like a blackened ship girl…

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