The police station is in the city and Lu Feng doesn't dare to enter. There is no garrison in W City, and Lu Feng can't find a military walkie-talkie, so he now has one less walkie-talkie.

Jia Xiaoxiong's voice came from the intercom:

"Brother Feng! Something is not right up front. You said that in the apocalypse, too many zombies are dangerous, and it is dangerous not to have any zombies at all."

"Tell the important point!"

Lu Feng was a little anxious. This was his first time hunting in a team. He didn't know if he could control it well. If he couldn't, he would retreat. They couldn't spend the night outside. They had to get back to the base before dark. It had already taken an hour to get out. Lu Feng How can you not be anxious!


Jia Xiaoxiong winced when Lu Feng scolded him. From the moment Lu Feng took Luna to eliminate the mutated rats, Lu Feng created an indelible image in Jia Xiaoxiong's heart: thousands of troops passed through, leaving no one behind!

So he felt both respect and fear for Lu Feng. When Lu Feng said this, he almost dropped the walkie-talkie in his hand.

"Ahead! There's a zombie!"

Lu Feng was stunned:

"A zombie?"

The convoy stopped 150 meters away from the town. Zombies have certain perception abilities, taste and hearing, but this also has a certain range limit.

This is also the reason why when the zombies attacked the men of Brother Long and Hei San, after being burned by Lu Feng in Chibi, they were scurrying around like headless flies.

150 meters is almost the safe distance.

Lu Feng held a telescope and looked at the town. As Jia Xiaoxiong said, there was really something wrong with this town.

The doors and windows were closed, but there was no zombie.

He didn't know if there were any survivors. When he arrived, he also asked the female survivors who had been rescued from Brother Long.

However, they also thought that they were not familiar with this town at all. After asking around, they only said that they were merchants in this town and only did business on the edge of the town near the highway. They were not clear about the things in the town.

On the day when the zombie virus broke out, most of the business owners who were watching the rainy scene turned into zombies, while the female survivors ran out with the men who had not mutated.

They didn’t know who was leading the charge, so they just followed and ran until they came to Brother Long’s construction site. Only then did these women realize that those people were residents of the town.

As for the women educated by Zhou Li, they were not villagers in the town. They followed the men into the city to find work.

When those people encouraged Luo Zhengyang to rebel, Brother Long killed them all.

In other words, Lu Feng knew nothing about the situation in the town in front of him!

W City is a city whose abbreviation is tourism. Of course, it also has light industry as its backbone. However, after the tourism industry develops, the accompanying income will still allow some people to make a lot of money.

At the same time, the surrounding villages and towns also started tourism.

The town in front of us is called Xinyue Town. It usually produces some local aquatic products and dried meat, but it has always been tepid.

But as W City began to build a tourism industry, they also started agritainment, and the aquatic products and dried meat that were usually ignored became brand products.

For a time, there were many prosperous shops and business was extremely prosperous. The town became rich, and the villagers also had money, so they built a summer resort behind the town and spent their time there all day long.

Lu Feng also considered going to that place to set up camp, but the people in this town had one characteristic, that is, they were very xenophobic.

This is also the reason why the owners of those shops have never entered the town.

Through the telescope, the town is divided into a commercial area and a living area. The commercial area is a variety of shops that provide tourists with the goods they need, such as some specialties, especially those brand products.

There are also some that look like jewelry stores, and most of the rest are hotels.

There were many shops, but there were only no zombies. It was impossible for all the zombies that were chasing the survivors to escape because the living people in the town had not yet been eaten.

However, apart from the mess, Lu Feng did not see a single zombie, not even a wandering zombie. Even on the way here, Lu Feng saw at least five wandering zombies.

"Any ideas!"

Lu Feng told a few people about the situation in the town, and everyone, including He Gang, looked thoughtful.

"Why don't we take a look first? There is no fortress that is unbreakable. As long as we observe patiently, we will definitely be able to find flaws."

The roar of cars in the distance let Lu Feng know that people in the community had begun to take action. Their method of clearing out the zombies was extremely simple, that is, driving and ramming.

The advantage of this method is that it is simple and crude to avoid direct contact with zombies. However, if you encounter a large group of zombies, your driving will be hindered. Moreover, the noise of the car and the smell of living people in the car can easily attract more zombies and lead to siege. By then, even the hope of survival if the military comes to rescue them is slim.

But this is also the cleverness of this method. The zombies in the villa area have not yet reached that scale, so it is relatively more efficient to crush them with cars. From this, it can be seen that the other party has a master of planning.

Lu Feng felt a little heavy. At this rate, the group of survivors would be able to clear out the zombies in the villa area in at most two days, and then the real battle would begin.

Lufeng has two off-road vehicles, one of which is a military Hummer bought through a relationship. It is much stronger than ordinary off-road vehicles. It is easy to rush out of the villa area.

But he is not that kind of person. Being a good person in the last days will not last long. He has to learn to be flexible and adaptable. However, Lu Feng, who has been reborn, does not want to be like this. In the previous life, he shrank at home and died miserably. In this life, he wants to live and be upright. As long as he lives, no one can step on his head.

While Lu Feng was thinking about how to deal with the next crisis, the system's pleasant voice sounded again.

Mission: Hunting. The mission requires 5 kills. Points will be awarded after the mission is completed. It must be completed within a time limit and retreat safely without exposing yourself. Otherwise, it will be judged as a failure.

Lu Feng almost died on the spot after hearing this. Guarding the villa was already in great danger, but now the system asked him to go out and complete some hunting mission. Isn't this an egg against a rock? The key is that it also increased the difficulty of the mission.

Zombies are rampant and they will chase after them at the slightest sign of trouble. Even if they don't expose themselves, they may not be able to escape even if they run away.

At this time, the sound of cleaning up zombies in the villa area also began to weaken. Look,

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