Build Madness

Chapter 670 Tears of big sale, hematemesis big promotion

Tiancheng is a comprehensive enterprise.

As far as real estate is concerned, its modules include: community, commercial street, Tiancheng Plaza, CBD business office building, and Limin activity center.

The community and the front houses in the community have been sold out as early as the opening day, and the remaining properties are all operated by leasing.

The shops that are being sold now are not stalls in the shopping mall, but storefronts on the commercial street, external storefronts on Tiancheng Plaza, real estate on the first and second floors of office buildings, and peripheral buildings of the Limin Activity Center.

The value of this type of shop is far higher than those described by Ge Xiaotian.

Normally, no developer will sell unless there is a problem with their own funds.

But Tiancheng has no loans and is not a listed company...

Therefore, when the news of the sale of the store spread, the first thing people thought of was...

Boss Ge has been kidnapped!

Or, lose the bet!

Coincidentally, a certain rich man in Xiangjiang broke out. A month ago, someone lost a red eye in the points race at the racetrack and had already attacked Ge Wanwan...

People who guessed right don't care about Boss Ge's life or death.

If you have money but don't make money, you bastard, since Tian Cheng sells high-value projects, he must grab them.

The first to strike is the banking institutions.

Buy by floor, or buy by building...

Subsequently, eyewear stores, cosmetics, luxury goods stores, etc., high-profit industries rushed to buy, and opened chains...

Immediately afterwards, due to Dongshan's industrial innovation, a new group of air-conditioning manufacturers, washing machine manufacturers, kitchen and bathroom product terminal suppliers, hardware and home appliances, etc. emerged in large quantities.

When ordinary people find out the "individual partner" contract and are eager to buy it, they are shocked to find that there are almost 100,000 sets of shops left...

Fortunately, Tiancheng vacated the membership store and continued to sell with tears...

Where do members go?

Beihe, Xishan, Shaanxi...

New developments over there, local investment promotion, tax cuts, tax exemptions, rebates...

After the sale of the shops, Tianwei Property Security Group carried out the most severe rectification ever.

Littering is prohibited, smoking is prohibited in public places, and disheveled people are prohibited from entering office buildings or shopping malls...

Especially the phenomenon of private cars being left indiscriminately, parked randomly, and grabbing parking spaces!

For example, you can enter the underground parking lot for free if you pass a cigarette, and you can let it go for free if you say a few nice words. Now all of them are strictly prohibited.

It is said that for this matter, Tiancheng International Holdings Group fired Li Long, the original general manager of Anbao Group, and replaced him with an iron master.

Master Iron Face held a press conference to remind him that the one-year period of the free parking card that was given to him when he bought a car last year had expired.


No more news.

When the middle and high-level managers of various companies own private cars and official cars, Tianwei Property Security Group protested because they could not park their cars, Tiancheng Real Estate Development Group launched a promotional campaign for limited parking spaces...


October 1st, the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Zheng He's treasure ship.

Ge Xiaotian talked with his parents, Fat Xiu, elder brother, sister-in-law and younger sister on the phone, and checked the Baixiaotong information platform.

"Why is no one scolding me?"

"The boss is friendly and has a reputation for benevolence. People can appreciate your good intentions, so why are you swearing?"


Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, and was about to boast a few words, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of the computer used by the staff to check the parking space advertisement on the win platform.

"Wait, don't move!"

There is Baixiaotong information platform in China, and overseas computer vendors have launched their own computer desktops one after another.

The xp launched by Microsoft is full of loopholes, and it is deeply involved in the backdoor incident, so it is forced to launch win2000.

Most UI desktops are developed based on win2000.

Almost all functions are imitated by SG, as long as no patent is involved, how to imitate how to imitate.

For example, the sidebar can be hidden, the sliding bar can be hidden, the upper sliding bar can be hidden, transplanted from the displacement key, one-key audio and video installed on the top of the keyboard area, one-key restore...

The desktop layout has also been very different from the computer desktop in another time and space.

For example, the file box for word is organized, the game area for games is organized, and the entertainment area for audio and video is organized...

Corresponding to the above areas, computer manufacturers have adjusted the hardware and bios, using the file box to automatically adjust the screen brightness and color temperature to reduce power consumption, using the game area to automatically switch graphics cards to improve the gaming experience, and using the entertainment area to automatically enhance related displays and speakers Effect……

It can be said that Long Tian really changed the world.

And the computer manufacturer itself is stronger than Longtian. Although it lost Dongshan and surrounding provinces, its market share is still as high as 75%.

The rest is 3% for Longtian, 17% for Pingguo, and 5% for others.

Therefore, more netizens gathered on the win platform.

Today, these netizens are all scolding Boss Ge!

"Hahaha, Ge Papi, I changed my ip and platform, how do you find it?!"

"Don't beep, follow the process, scold first and then talk."

"Fudge me to buy a car with zero down payment loan, fool me to buy a store with zero down payment loan, then stop me from parking, and sell the parking space..."

"Ge Heixin..."


Ge Xiaotian silently took out the smart card, connected to the satellite network, and notified the network security company made public by the Ministry of Aeronautics and Space: "Hack my win..."


Technology Alliance.

Microsoft headquarters.

"The report shows that the number of users on the entire platform has risen sharply today, with nearly two million more online customers than before..."

"Longtian server was hacked by Panda Burning Incense?"

"No, according to the news released by these new registered users, a small number of them are scolding the boss of NT, and most of them are watching."

"Oh? That bald boy?"

Bill frowned slightly, "However, it's not a good sign to insult people on our platform."

"At least, our users are increasing rapidly. After a while, it has exceeded 3 million..."

"Can you keep it?"

"It is reported that the reason why these new customers come to our platform is because Longtian authorized Tiancheng Smart Card to locate customers, and they are worried that the boss of NT will settle the account..."

"Great opportunity, the backdoor incident has had a profound impact on us, and now we are being devastated by pandas burning incense. Many areas have stopped serving. Only Pingguo and SG are operating well. It's time to pour some dirty water on them, such as positioning at any time, violating privacy, organizing Huaxia netizens, sue Longtian and NT!"

"Okay, then I will notify the operation department..."

Before the general manager of Microsoft could finish his sentence, he looked up and saw Bill's computer, with a blank screen first, then a black crashed.


Ge Xiaotian put down his smart card angrily, "Tell the whole world, it's my brother who did it!"

The corner of Dao's mouth twitched, "Boss, why don't you hide it? If you hack Win publicly, Bill will sue us."

"Just kidding."

Ge Xiaotian patted the win computer, "Old Wang has negotiated an authorized dealer, the next step is to promote the SG pad, and then promote the SG series products with the help of the 'family bucket' concept. The future market area will almost cover the sub-region, and we must help him share the burden. Some pressure, or attract the attention of the Science and Technology Alliance."


Daoyi stopped talking, and was about to leave when he saw three obviously camouflaged warships approaching in the distance.

"Boss, haven't you played pirates enough yet?"


"There's another group of pirates over there."

"Huh? I didn't arrange it... What a pirate!"

Dao reacted in an instant, "Attention all the personnel of the church, the opponent is hostile, prepare to fight!"

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