Build Madness

Chapter 1063: News from the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

On the first day of October, all the people sing and dance to celebrate the prosperity of Huaxia.

the capital.

On the vast street, red flags are waving, and there are huge crowds of people.

"Walking towards us now is the delegation from the Limin Activity Center..."

"This year is the fourth year since the start of the Limin project. As of today, we have more than 30,000 Limin activity centers, accounting for 80% of the total number of villages and towns in the country. It is expected to be fully popularized next year."

"The Limin Activity Center adopts a development model of unified planning, unified development, unified construction, unified management, and unified operation, combining urban and rural areas, and has successfully achieved the great goals of industrial diversification, environmental sanitation and easy management, and multiple guarantees for safety and medical care..."

"At the front of the delegation, there are model workers for the reemployment of laid-off workers...then are the pioneers of self-employment...the rear is advanced individuals for township management...and at the end, the uncles and aunts holding spatulas are our favorites Chefs and service staff at Limin Canteen."

"Thanks to them, congratulations to them, and may the Limin Project achieve greater glory!"

"What is coming to us now is the National Engineering Delegation..."

"The project for all is an extension of the project for benefiting the people. It includes universal medical care, universal insurance, universal sports, and universal entertainment..."

"Among them, the board of directors cooperates with Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine for national medical care, the board of directors of national insurance cooperates with Huaxia National Chamber of Commerce, the board of directors of national sports cooperates with Tiancheng Sports, and the board of directors of national entertainment cooperates with Tianyu International..."

"In the past four years, the National Project has created a good Internet environment for us, which has improved our physical fitness by N steps, and made us no longer afraid of getting sick and going to the doctor..."

"Thank you to the great workers of the National Project who are unknown but tirelessly dedicated!"

"Now coming to us is the delegation of the 'Special Group Security Center and Rehabilitation Center'..."

"In recent years, more and more people may wonder, where are the beggars and disabled people who were once scattered in subways, overpasses, stations, and streets?"

"I think, the caring people who have visited the small commodity market, or bought goods for helping the poor and the disabled on the Internet, already have the answer in their hearts."

"Accommodation, diagnosis, rehabilitation, security, employment..."

"Humanized management, refined teaching, in the past four years, the Affiliated Sanatorium of Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has cultivated a large number of useful talents who could not survive independently, but now make great contributions to social development..."

"Bless them, may tomorrow be better!"

"Here we come, a delegation of electrical engineers..."

"Now coming to us is a delegation of mechanical engineers..."

"What is coming to us now is the aerospace science and technology delegation..."


Whether a country is strong or not is not only reflected in its military equipment, but also its social form, science and technology, medical care...

This military parade, or national celebration, fully demonstrated the outstanding achievements of China's first five-year plan in the new century.

Jubilation at home, shock abroad.

Even Tiancheng's industrial chain partners are excited about it.

Especially the Nanyang Five.

He said that he took the initiative to join Tiancheng's industrial chain, just to make it sound nice.

For a long time in the past, no one had confidence in Tiancheng's fight against the North American economies.

And now...

Things are going great!

"Magnificent Huaxia!"

The general manager of Taimei, the chairman of Nanyue and others sighed from the bottom of their hearts.

Now that he has decided to join Tiancheng's industrial chain, naturally no one will be stupid enough to rebel, and even act as a vanguard.

Just like this time when the team started, just shouting a few voices, you can get a set of high-end technology, which is completely in vain.

As for the Stan Five...

There are no wars around, industries are developing in an all-round way, infrastructure construction is changing with each passing day, people's living standards are rising steadily, and the status of the board of directors is becoming more and more stable. What could be better than this?

"Huaxia, my brother, come on!"

The gate tower is on the far left.

Local tyrants from the emirate waved their hands that were originally covered in gold, but now are covered with more dazzling diamonds, "Praise be to Allah..."

The Maozi from the Far East and Mocos, with a serious face, bowed to the square team passing by on foot below, "Ollie!"

From the African region, how do you look at it, the big chief with an unusual complexion, "I bless you!"

The regional chairmen from West Asia, Xila, Montenegro, the oil country, the bullfighting country, and the South American Freedom Federation also issued the Chinese exclamation words they had learned long ago...

on the street.

"Now coming to us is the virtual reality industry delegation..."

"The virtual reality industry is a product of the infrastructure 3.0 era proposed by Mr. Ge. It represents that the virtual economy and the real economy echo each other, including online to offline, online to remote, and remote to reality..."

"After two quarters of exploration, the virtual reality industry has exploded with unbelievable production capacity in its initial stage. According to Tiancheng's big data statistics, from June to September, civilization restarted two internal tests, creating a total of 65 trillion GDP, which is The sum of the traditional economic aggregates of the parent star."

(Interstellar products are expensive, and the GDP generated by building a factory is hundreds or even thousands of times that of a factory of the same size on the parent star, so there is a super high GDP)

"In the future, infrastructure 3.0, that is, the virtual reality industry, will also expand the construction of home virtual networks, the construction of urban photonic communication receivers, and the construction of visible light communication in major areas..."

"This is a great time!"

"What is coming to us now is the gene biochemical research delegation..."


North America, Supreme Conference.

The ultra-large short-wave radio station continuously receives news from China.

The intelligence director makes statistics, analyzes and translates them to WASPs one by one.

As time went by, fewer and fewer people stayed in the hall...

It's not that I'm afraid, but that my hometown is in chaos.

Raytheon's major shareholder even secretly ordered to keep the Dexa arms dealer in New York to prevent these lunatics from going back to become independent.

It's a pity that the latter is not a vegetarian, so he directly dispatched a group of mercenaries with super advanced weapons and forced them to leave.

This made Martin's major shareholder very suspicious, whether this hypocrite who seemed to be fighting with Horton to the death or not had defected to Horton who was hiding and secretly hired the security guard of Horton who disappeared.


In a small town about 200 kilometers away from Niu, the Dexa arms dealer was also full of bewilderment.

"who are you?"

It's a pity, what I got in exchange was a black muzzle...

chug chug...

Not long.

The New York Times published a report on the brutal attack on a Texas arms dealer.

At the same time, in the underground world, the bounty on the Texas arms dealer was cancelled.

WASPs, everyone is at risk.


the other side.

Fengdu New Canal Wharf.

After Ge Xiaotian checked the industrial chain of Beidi, he originally planned to go south by boat from Xiaolangdi, but considering the difficulty of diverting traffic to the north, he decided to go from south to north to experience the style of the new canal.

In fact, strictly speaking, the new canal opened according to the second geographical boundary of China is assisted by many construction machinery, and the degree of difficulty of the project is not high, not even comparable to the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

Just like Fengdu went north to the Han River, it first took advantage of the valley on the northern slope of the Daba Mountain, tilted northwest, then passed through the Daba Mountain, supplemented by the Han River, and entered the Qinling area.

Then along the northern slope of the Qinling Mountains, it leads to the northeast, borrows the water source of the Danjiang River, passes through the valley between the Qinling Mountains and the Funiu Mountains, directly reaches the SMX, connects with the Mother River, and enters the Xiaolangdi Reservoir.

The only difficulty is how to divert the water from the three rivers to the mother river because of the higher terrain in the north.

Therefore, the project was constructed in stages, and seven large dams were set up to "catch" the water potential of the Yangtze River, the Han River, and the Dan River, and push the mother river one by one by pushing.

If it is in a dry period, Nanyun will use the Chengziyuan Dam to carry out the Three Parallel Rivers, cut off the Nanyang water source and supply the Yangtze River system.

If it is in the flood season, the seven large dams of the New Canal will be fully opened to divert the water to the north to avoid flood disasters in the Beihu and Jiangbei areas.

At present, the project is generally completed, and the details, such as drainage, cross-flow reservoirs, and the new canal industrial park, are still in the construction stage.

As for the new canal project, due to total discretionary supervision...

As a feudal official, there is no need to go to Beijing to report on the country's celebration. Hearing that Ge Heizi had quietly entered the village, Mr. Yu rushed to Fengdu New Canal Wharf on the same day.


Then I saw Ge driving a canoe, one person and one dog, paddling northward.


Mr. Yu couldn't figure it out, so he called Fengdu Tiancheng's director Tong Ying, "What is he doing here?"

"I don't know, I flew over from the north and asked Tianfu Group Chi Cheng to arrange a canoe in advance, so I just went back."



The section of the new canal where the water is moderate is 270 meters wide and 6 meters deep. When it enters the valley of Daba Mountain, the width is reduced to 80 meters and the depth is 15-20 meters.

Up to now, Tiancheng's inland water transport system has applied for independent inland water ship management standards, all of which are building ships for passenger transport, barges for transportation, arrow boats for sightseeing, fishing boats for fishing, and personal canoes.

Ge Xiaotian swung his oars and went northward along the water, meeting many passing ships.

Like a passenger ship, divided into fast and enjoy.

Fast, that is to buy a ticket to board the ship, with a load of 200 people, non-stop along the way, direct to the destination, charge 1 red note per 100 kilometers, speed 11-15 knots, about 20-30km per hour, each person can consign 200kg for free as a salute .

Don't look slow, but in remote mountainous areas, this is the only way to get out of the mountains.

Also one of the reasons for the opening of the new canal.

For enjoyment, swipe the card to board the ship, each person has a room, there are restaurants, teahouses, and private seats on the ship, and the load is 20 people. From Xiaolangdi to Fengdu, all docks and scenic spots along the way, the voyage ends in five days, and each person is charged 2,000 red notes .

Don't look expensive, but there are Yugong Yishan, Dayu's flood control, various VR worlds, and AR optical simulation environment. This project has become the most popular tourism project in the second half of this year.

After all, the living conditions are better, and the high-intensity, fast-paced work mode makes people yearn for leisure and decompression...

In other words, this is the spiritual need that will inevitably arise when the Tiancheng Model develops to a certain stage.

The ass of Xuedao Eleven: The boss is really far-sighted.

"Ah Huang, I'm tired, you go rowing."

After traveling for twenty miles, Ge Xiaotian dropped his oars and half-lyed in the canoe, kicking and squatting on the bow, like an old captain looking at Ah Huang in the distance.

The latter glanced at someone, then lay down on the bow of the boat, stretched out two dog paws, and pulled to the sides...

The boat moves fast...

Passengers on the boats, seeing this scene, took pictures of another evidence of Lao Ge's exploitation of labor.

Unfortunately, someone seems to be asleep...

The scenery in the mountains is infinitely beautiful, floating until dusk.

When the report of the end of the military parade came from the radio, Ge Xiaotian also arrived at the scenic spot along the way.

They took Ah Huang ashore, and immediately saw several foreigners.

In recent years, China's rapid development has attracted many foreigners to look for business opportunities, but most of them are concentrated in the coastal generation.

Ge Xiaotian saw a few people arguing about something, and stepped forward curiously.

A Caucasian foreigner: "Why do they only need 20 cents to buy grilled sausages, but we need 2 yuan?"

Scenic catering staff: "Sorry, sir, this is our rule."

"It's not fair, you guys are fraudulent and I refuse to pay."

"Then I can only call security."

Ge Xiaotian raised his eyebrows and didn't care about it, he turned and walked towards the hotel.

Tiancheng's products have always been cheap inside Tiancheng's industrial chain and expensive outside the industrial chain, otherwise how to attract overseas regions to join?

You buy expensive things, I can only blame you for not joining us locally, what does it matter to us?

When opening a door to do business, you must abide by the rules. If you don’t, you will be sent to mines or destroyed by pirates, and you can’t blame me.

Ge Xiaotian was thinking, just about to step into the hotel, but heard the sound of vehicles from the security station at the entrance of the scenic spot.

Not long after, several security officers intervened.

After a while, the director of the scenic spot hurried forward...

When the matter is resolved, notice that there is one person and one dog...


"How did you deal with it?"

"Definitely follow the rules."

"Aren't the security offices worried about foreigners doing things?"

"In the past, we would be oriented. After all, some concepts are deeply rooted. What pays attention to international image and what pays attention to international influence. Therefore, every time we encountered such things in the past, we would announce the cancellation of this scenic spot. For the local area, the value brought by a scenic spot , is far more important than a few foreigners, and we can only compromise. Now, the local leaders are replaced by the iron rice bowl of the new era, and they are sharper than us in doing things.

"I think they are worried that we will arrange to mine, and they will not get any income locally."


"What's the benefit of this small scenic spot?" Ge Xiaotian didn't ask about the profit, because to Tian Cheng, the individual profit doesn't mean much, what he wants now is the overall development, to earn big money at a higher level.

"Back to the boss, there are currently 150 people in this scenic spot, all of whom are residents of nearby mountain villages. After two quarters of training and improvement, they are basically self-sufficient. They have six vegetable gardens, a breeding farm, and a pond dug by the new canal. In the future, communities will be developed in the rear, and although the per capita income has not increased, the standard of living has increased by more than ten times.”

"Not bad, try to enter the stage of increasing income as soon as possible."

"Yes, boss!"

This seems to have brought nothing to Tian Cheng, but when people's per capita income increases, there will inevitably be a need for supplies, and the rear communities can start selling them.

People pay the down payment, then deduct the balance from their salary, and work for nothing in the future...

Didn't Tiancheng return the funds invested in the early stage?

And the scenic spot is booming, attracting more people to come, catering, accommodation, souvenirs...

As for people's income, will they leave here?

Do you think it's easy to join Tiancheng, even if you're just an employee?

If you put it outside, you will break your head.

But here, it was equivalent to joining Tiancheng from birth, who would leave?

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, signaled the director of the scenic spot to get busy, and then led Ah Huang into the hotel.

Open a viewing room and order some local specialties...

Didi Didi...

Before eating, the photon communicator on Ah Huang's back suddenly rang.

Looking at the caller ID, it turned out to be the director of 101 Lab, Dao Yi, who was going outside the department.

"What's wrong?"

"Boss, have you heard of the Mobius strip?"

"A bit familiar..."

"Our universe is actually a Möbius strip."


Ge Xiaotian silently hung up the photon communicator, turned on the TV, and ate as if nothing had happened.

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