As long as Kira Ryosuke chooses to use that route to break through, then they can directly let three people double-team and completely block Kira Ryosuke!

All of this is just a trap laid by Ito Shirin.

For Ryosuke Kira, this is also an opportunity.

He broke through Ishi Rin's side directly, and in the next second, Shi Qingzhi, who had been dormant for a long time, had already come out.

"No... I can't let you pass!"

Shiguang Qingzhi said timidly.

But all this is just the surface. Shiguang Qingzhi has very terrifying physical strength. In the original work, he was even able to suppress Ma Lang Teruying, who also had good physical fitness.

The moment Kira Ryosuke broke through from his side, Itoshi Rin turned around at the same time and followed closely behind him.

According to Itoshi Rin's calculations, Shijia Qingzhi was stationed in front of Kira Ryosuke. His strong physical fitness should not make Kira Ryosuke so comfortable.

As long as Shiji Aoshi can use his own body's advantages to create appropriate physical contact, he will not only be able to stop Ryosuke Kira's attack, but may also be able to destroy his balance.

Even if Ryosuke Kira chooses to use a change of direction to get past him, as long as he is blocked by Time Aoshi for half a second, Itoshi Rin will be able to seize the flaw immediately and complete the steal.

It can be said that the double team between Itoshi Rin and Shijia Qingzhi is like the huge mouth of a beast, trying to swallow up Ryosuke Kira.

"I see."

The moment Kira Ryosuke saw Koko Aoshi, he guessed the trap set by Itoshi Rin.

If it were any other player, this attack would probably be doomed to fail.

But for Ryosuke Kira, this tactic didn't work.

Traps used to hunt wild dogs are also unable to restrain lions.

Kira Ryosuke did not slow down, but directly bumped into the side of Shiguang Qingzhi.

"It's too forced!"

Erzi waved his hands and shouted anxiously. He had clearly seen the physical confrontation between Shiguang Qingzhi and Kokushin Rensuke just now. He had seen the terrifying physical fitness of Shiguang Qingzhi, which made him also have a strong body. Even the physically imposing Kokushin Rensuke was at a disadvantage.

Kira Ryosuke should also know this, and still choose to go hard. If he uses a passing move, it will give Itoshi Rin time to double-team from behind, and he will be in a more difficult situation. It is not easy to pass the ball from that position. The ball goes to someone else.

Could it be said that Kira Ryosuke has the confidence to defeat Shiguang Qingzhi head-on?

Erzi Yishu was a little puzzled, but he had seen the terror of Kira Ryosuke and was defeated by Kira Ryosuke twice, so he knew that Kira Ryosuke was the kind of being who could create miracles.

He opened his legs, used his keen observation skills to guess what would happen next, and then ran in a certain direction.

"Does this guy want to go directly?"

Ishi Rin was a little surprised, but this was not a bad thing for him.

It can be said that Kira Ryosuke's worst choice is to directly break through Koko Aoshi. With Koko Aoshi's physical fitness, he can easily destroy his offensive rhythm.

As long as the steal is completed, the red team can switch offense and defense in the shortest time and once again pose a threat to the white team's goal.

At the same time, Shiguang Qingzhi lowered his center and was ready for physical contact.

The next second, Kira Ryosuke had already made a move to protect the ball, and his body collided with the side of Shiguang Qingzhi's body. On the court, reasonable body collisions are allowed, and even fierce body contact often leads to It is used as a means of offense and defense.

At the moment of contact, a surprised expression appeared on Shiguang Qingzhi's face.

He felt that Ryosuke Kira was not a person, but a boulder rolling down from his body, which caused severe pain in Shiji Qingzhi's shoulder.

With just one collision, Kira Ryosuke's speed and running rhythm were not affected in any way, but Shiguang Qingzhi lost his balance and was knocked away by a full amount.

"How can it be?!"

Ishi Rin, who was pursuing the defense, was stunned. Although he had a disdainful attitude toward his opponents and teammates, he also knew very well that Shiji Qingzhi's physical strength was far beyond that of others around him.

But now, Shijia Qingzhi has been completely crushed by Ryosuke Kira in the field of physical strength.

What is going on with this guy?

He has already shown exaggerated speed and delicate skills before, but does he still have such terrifying physical fitness? !

Time Qingzhi was directly knocked away by Ryosuke Kira, who continued to kill towards the goal!

"I am stationed here, don't even think about going there!"

After Shiji Aoshi, Jubei Yimosheng has also emerged. His slender limbs and strong motor nerves give him good defensive abilities.

Unlike Shiko Aoshi who relies on physical contact, Jubei Aki can use his limbs to interfere. His long legs are very easy to steal, and his hands can also give him an advantage when getting stuck.

But the moment Jubei Yisheng rushed out, he heard Itoshi Rin shouting excitedly:

"Idiot! This is a trap!"

Itoshi Rin knew what happened as a result of Ryosuke Kira's series of breakthroughs.

Their defensive formation has been completely torn apart! Kira Ryosuke’s purpose is the same as his last round, to focus the defender’s attention on himself——

Jubei Antsei didn't understand what Itoshi Rin's words meant - and when he came back to his senses, he found that the football under Ryosuke Kira's feet had disappeared.

Not long after passing Kōji Aoshi, Ryosuke Kira had already passed the ball.

The target of the pass is Erzi Yishu!

"Sure enough, Kira, you are really a monster who can create miracles!"

Erzi waved and did not expect that Ryousuke Kira actually ate Kou Qingzhi directly. He didn't even think that anyone around him could do this - but he moved instinctively.

Because he knows better than anyone else that Kira Ryosuke is a guy who can use his powerful strength to create the impossible.

So Futoko swung his hand and cut directly from the side while Ryosuke Kira was advancing.

And Ryosuke Kira also observed him!

"I can't let you pass!"

Soon after Erzi caught the ball with a swing, Feng Lehui immediately came over to defend.

Bee Lehui was originally planning to help defend Kira Ryosuke, and had no idea that Futoko Iswa would appear here, but in the end he still tried his best to get in front of Futoko Issuke.

But in the eyes of Erzi Yihua, who also has keen observation skills, Feng Lehui's action was the worst choice.

The three of them were restrained by Ryosuke Kira, and Hui Lehui also appeared in front of him.

This means that both Nagisei Shirou and Kokushin Rensuke are all in a big gap!

When Erzi swung, he did not stick to the ball for a moment, but directly opened his legs and distributed the ball.

The closest person is Rensuke, the God of the Nation!

"Well done! Thick bangs!"

Kunishin Rensuke concentrated his power on his left leg, and then shot out suddenly!

Like a cannonball fired from a tank, it rushed directly from the red team's BLUELOCK MAN into the net!


White team scores another goal!

"Well done."

Kira Ryosuke stepped forward and high-fived his teammates.

"I didn't expect you to be in that position and make such a pass."

Nagi Seishirou on the side looked at Futoko Iswa with great interest. When his team V played against Team Y, he felt that Futoko Iswa was just an ordinary being with no talent. Even if He was selected into the team by Kira Ryosuke and had little room to perform.

And Futoko's performance just now really surprised Nagisa Shirou.

"It's not my fault, it's because Kira was able to contain the other three people."

Erzi waved his gaze and cast his gaze on Kira Ryosuke.

"Originally, I didn't think that Kira could break into the opponent's position in such a direct way, but my body still couldn't help but move, as if I subconsciously believed that Kira could do it."


Nagisei Shirou nodded thoughtfully.

In the past, he didn't understand why people without talent would continue to play football. But after playing against Ryosuke Kira and becoming teammates, he gradually understood the meaning of what the other party once said to him.

Kira Ryosuke is a person who can use his own strong strength to make his teammates also show their potential and make a leap in strength.

This may be similar to Itoshi Rin's technique of controlling the entire scene, but it is also completely different.

Nagi Seishiro became more and more curious about Kira Ryosuke, and even more believed that his choice to team up with him was a very correct thing.

Moreover, the atmosphere on the red team's side became very depressing.

Each of them has never been forced into this situation in any game.

Chapter 71: FLOW, focus on the challenge!

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I didn't guard against him!"

Shiguang Qingzhi said very remorsefully, and at the same time stretched out his hand to hit his head hard.

"It's not your problem, time."

On the side, Jubei Yisheng lifted his bangs.

Qian?!'Xun''' is free!?;.小.说.群!..2??:5.5;5?';,9;?;5?::3;!,"0'!. 0?.;? !;!;千;:Look for"".小,;说";!中;,.;turn?:skirt.5.?!'5'',?4",,7?" 0,;7",5?5.;!,5 "I have to admit that Kira's fashion level is higher than yours. It can even be said that I am on par with you."

Ishi Rin said nothing at the side, but the anger in his heart burned more and more.

When Ryosuke Kira scored the first goal, he wasn't completely serious yet.

But with the attack and defense just now, Itoshi Rin can be said to be in a very serious state.

But he still couldn't stop Ryosuke Kira.

Not only was his inevitable puppet strategy destroyed by Ryosuke Kira's speed, but the trap deliberately set on the defensive end was also broken free by Ryosuke Kira's brute force.

This way, this way you will lose.

If you lose to this guy, you will be one step closer to defeating Itoshi Sae.

Can't, can't, can't be like this!

You can never lose to a guy like Ryosuke Kira!

An unknown emotion was quickly filling Ito Shirin's heart.

Unlike Ishi Rin, beside him, Feng Lehui's face showed a complicated expression, which seemed to be a somewhat forced smile, but his body was also trembling at the same time.

On the one hand, this is the football he longs to play against real masters, and once again get the opportunity to face off against Kira Ryosuke on the court.

But on the other hand, the powerful strength displayed by Ryosuke Kira made the monster in him feel fear, which made Bilehui's performance on the court unconsciously become timid.

It was precisely because of his fear of Ryosuke Kira that he hesitated for half a second when he got the chance to shoot.

He knew that even if he didn't have that half second, his shot would definitely be destroyed by Kira Ryosuke, but just because of that terrifying feeling, he would not be able to shoot without hesitation in the future.

In this case, it is even more impossible for him to defeat Ryosuke Kira, and the gap with his opponent will only get wider and wider!

Even in this game, Feng Lehui felt that he seemed to be half a beat slower than others and was out of tune with the others in this game.

It can't be like this, it absolutely can't be like this!

If this continues, the fun of football will be gone.

No matter what, the monster in your heart must be completely silenced.

We must get rid of the subconscious fear of Kira Ryosuke in our hearts!

The monster once guided Feng Lehui's actions on the court, but now it has become his shackles.

‘Yes, it’s because of the existence of monsters that I used to play football alone so I wouldn’t feel lonely. ’

'Thank you, monster, for always being by my side, but now I can no longer rely on you. In this case, I will never be able to catch up with Kira! ’

‘Please disappear, disappear! I don't need you anymore, monster! ’

Feng Lehui's expression changed, his gaze became extremely deep, like a black hole that was about to drown everything, and the smile on his face also disappeared.

In his ears, the 'monster's voice' that guided his actions has disappeared, and Feng Lehui is ready to follow his heart.

Do whatever you want, this is the football that Feng Lehui really wants!

Red team attacks!

Feng Lehui directly dribbled the ball towards the white team's half.

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