Blind Date in Time and Space

Chapter 82 Doomsday Hope Savior

There was a commotion in a large transport convoy of hundreds of trucks.


"What superpower?"

"After mutating creatures, humans have finally mutated?"

"Space power?! What kind of thing?"

"Let me see, let me see, my God, the legendary superpower has appeared. It is indeed the end of the world, and all kinds of weird things can happen!"

"What are you doing? Be alert, be careful of mutated creatures!"

"Space superpower? How is your combat ability?"

"I must be very strong, otherwise they wouldn't dare go out without a gun."

Amid the restlessness of the driver and the escorting soldiers, the news that Zhou Wan was the first superpower, a spatial superpower, quickly spread.

Everyone couldn't believe it.

Huang Yuwen, Wang Caicheng, Qin Dongxue and others were also a little confused. They also did not expect that they would meet the first one, no, the only three people with super powers in the world.

It can’t be that other superpowers around the world don’t disclose information, right?

"You continue to be vigilant, I'll go over and take a look!"

After the captain Qiu Chengguo gave the order, he led a team of more than ten people, climbed over the partition in the middle of the expressway with guns, and came to Chen Ji and others.

After clearly seeing Zhou Wan's exposed face and her mental state at the moment, Qiu Chengguo and others finally confirmed.

Zhou Wan is a superpower!

It would be impossible for an ordinary person to have such a relaxed and calm look like her when such a cold wind blows.

"Superpowers are so powerful. When did you..."


Just when Qiu Chengguo was excited to ask some questions, a black cat as huge as a leopard jumped on the roof of the off-road vehicle next to it, staring at them with a pair of vertical pupils reflecting green light.


"It's a mutated creature, shoot!!"

"Get out of the way!"

Qiu Chengguo and others were startled, and they picked up their guns and were about to shoot.


Chen Ji quickly raised his hand to stop them, and immediately waved to the mutated black cat on the roof of the car.

This time Big Cat finally gave him face.

He lightly jumped off the roof of the car and landed not far from Chen Ji. He squatted down and meowed at him, scratching the cat's face with his claws and wagging his tail.

It's like writing what you want to say on the cat's face.

"Here you go, for your hard work along the way, I'll give you a reward!"

Chen Ji didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He raised his hand to summon a ball of light and threw it at it.

Qiu Chengguo and others were shocked again.

The mutated creature pounced on the ball of light, meowing in comfort and wagging its tail even more happily.


The big cat moved a little closer to Chen Ji. After Chen Ji tried to touch its back and petted the big cat, it didn't move much and meowed a few more times.

Too much like a house cat.

But whose cat is so big?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

On the dark and icy expressway of Doomsday, a man petted a mutated big cat. This scene gave them a strong sense of shock.

"Are you also a person with superpowers!?"

Qiu Chengguo looked at Chen Ji in shock. He even wondered whether the superiors had concealed the news about the appearance of superpowers. Why did he see two of them at once?

But it's unlikely.

The emergence of superpowers is extremely important for mankind to resist the apocalypse. There is no reason to hide this extremely exciting news!

"That's probably what happened."

Chen Ji patted the big black cat on the head and asked it to stay aside. He smiled at Qiu Chengguo and other members of the transportation team, "I have light and heat powers, and Zhou Wan has space powers. I only have powers after her." Yes, and this one, Mu Xiaoxiao has a power-type ability."

"She too?!"

"I'm not."

Mu Xiaoxiao disagreed with Chen Ji's statement, holding a sword in his hand and corrected: "I have a nine-domain superpower, not a power type superpower!"

"Nine domain powers?"

Qiu Chengguo didn't know the specific meaning of this name, but as the third superpower, this cold and heroic female high school student had the right to name it.

She said it was a nine-domain type of power, which is a nine-domain power.

Chen Ji had a weird look on his face. Mu Xiaoxiao wouldn't think that what he said was what he said, right?

Does speaking the Dharma Sui work here?

"Her nine-domain superpower growth ability is very strong, and she has 360 superpowers, including space, strength, life, reincarnation, etc."

Chen Ji said with a smile.

Of course, there was no change, and Mu Xiaoxiao gave him a blank look, muttering how it could be so simple.

"Oh, okay, I understand!"

Qiu Chengguo took out a phone and said to Chen Ji and the others: "I plan to report the news that you have become superpowers. Don't worry, there will be no such thing as using superpowers as rats for research."

"I believe in the country."

Zhou Wan nodded, she felt that other people with powers would appear in the future.

"Okay, you guys can get in the car and wait."

Qiu Chengguo has noticed that only Zhou Wan can withstand the cold, while neither Chen Ji nor Mu Xiaoxiao can.

He did not stay away, but made a call in front of the three people, and explained that now only communication base stations are set up on roads between cities and in settlements. The coverage area is very small and only basic communication is maintained. Satellite phones are As a last resort.

The call was quickly connected. People at the Haishi Liaison Command Center were shocked when they learned that the superhuman appeared. They repeatedly confirmed that the news was correct and immediately reported it to the Doomsday Disaster Response Center.

Soon, the leader answered the phone and seemed very excited after learning the relevant information. He immediately asked Qiu Chengguo to safely deliver the superpower to the settlement in Haishi, and then they discussed how to announce the good news.

"Rather than studying how superpowers appear, we need exciting news like this now."

The leader said implicitly, meaning that he would not dissect the three superpowers for research, but would promote them as... the saviors of hope in the doomsday!

After the end of the world, countless people fell into despair and could only wait for the sun to rise again.

Although the sun is still not shining, the emergence of superpowers, powerful beings that surpass ordinary people, can at least allow people in various urban settlements, and even the whole world, to see a glimmer of hope.


Zhou Wan doesn't want to be a guinea pig at all, but she is happy to cooperate with the publicity.

Because she is very aware of the psychological state of the people in the settlement and knows that many people need this kind of encouraging news to increase their confidence in living.

Materials alone are not enough.

Still need to see hope.

The dawn of hope blooms in the darkness and illuminates people's hearts.

Doomsday Disaster Response Center.

A special meeting was called urgently.

Zhao Xiangming, director of the material dispatching office, was originally responsible for coordinating and processing material requests from various places, but he was suddenly called to a meeting.

Zhao Xiangming entered the conference room door and saw all the leaders present. His heart skipped a beat, thinking that he would hear some bad news again.

However, he soon discovered.

The leaders were all beaming with joy, their faces glowing red, and they were discussing something intensely.

"Space power...take things at will within a range of six or seven meters?!"

"Turning space into a vortex and rotating objects? What kind of ability is this?! It makes no sense at all!"

"How big an object can it be controlled? Can it weigh one ton? Can it be used without restrictions? If it can, our settlement construction speed will be greatly accelerated!"

"It emits heat and makes mutated creatures obedient?!"

"What are the nine domains? Nine abilities?"

"The three superpowers haven't discovered all their abilities yet? Okay, okay, great. We will send some professional scientists and professors immediately to cooperate with them to study these powers clearly. If we can dig a hole in space , it would be great if it saves us the trouble of transporting supplies!"

There is no doubt that it is more important to use powers and explore their potential than to study how powers appear.

The world is facing the threat of doomsday, and there is not much time left to study.

Listening, Zhao Xiangming... was confused.


He couldn't wait to drag a leader to ask for news. When he learned from the other party's excited tone that three superpowers had appeared in Haishi, his heart trembled suddenly.

Could it be said that hope of saving mankind has finally emerged?

Those with spatial powers, those with light and heat powers, and those with nine-domain powers.

The emergence of these three superpowers will inevitably bring drastic changes to this doomsday world after the sun goes out!

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