Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

Chapter 105 The real world, the real world

"Little slippery man."

Wizard Paro muttered softly as he watched Link walk out of the office.

However, the more thoughtful and cunning Link Grande is, the more he appreciates it.

People who are too honest, even if they are talented, will not be able to go far and achieve anything.

This is the world.

Honest people always suffer.

One point, two points, three points, little losses accumulate until they are completely crushed.

The Paro wizard has been ups and downs for decades, and has seen too many geniuses with no vision die midway.

Picking up the brain, Wizard Paro directly sent a "video call" request to Peter Lionel.

"What's up?"

The screen went black, and there were gasps from strenuous exercise, unspeakable movements, and Peter Lionel's impatient voice, "I'm busy, tell me!"

Wizard Paro secretly said something bad, and then said briefly: "Just one thing, stop all the little tricks against Link Grande, and don't make me go crazy."


Peter Lionel's tone became more and more impatient, "You have to come to me for such a stupid thing. He is your son, why do you pay so close attention to him?"

"Don't bullshit, that's all."

Wizard Paro was speechless as he listened to the increasingly high-pitched female solo, and hung up the call directly.


Sorcerer Paro, who felt his ears were a little dirty, complained, and then entered the "Revosoth Forum" to browse posts about equal rights for witches to distract himself.

the other side.

Peter Lionel worked hard for a long time, and finally reached an agreement with each other, harmonious together, briefly ended the transformation period, and was promoted to the realm of sage.

A few rounds of witchcraft were performed at will, and all water stains, sweat stains and other traces on the two people's bodies disappeared.

Convenient, refreshing and comfortable.

Let the female companion, who showed comfort and satisfaction in her brows and eyes, change into a uniform, and Peter Lionel connected to Sauron Lucia's communication.

"Sauron, your temptation has received feedback."

Peter Lionel did not exchange greetings with Sauron Lucia, but got straight to the point and said directly, "Paro just contacted me and asked us to stop all the little tricks against Link Grande."

"Yeah. I understand."

On the screen, Sauron Lucia still had a straight face and said coldly, "Now that we have tested Paro's attitude, let's just arrange for someone to kill him during the competition between the two districts."

"Okay, that's it, I have something else to do."

Peter Lionel looked at his female companion who walked out of the cloakroom and put on a suit dressed as a goddess from the world of gods. He suddenly became excited and hurriedly hung up the call.

Another fierce battle is about to break out.

Link didn't waste his time.

The 4 witchcraft purchased from the black market are still at the proficiency level and need to be improved.

Throughout the afternoon, Link spent time on the seventh floor of the laboratory building, practicing witchcraft.

Not only practice the proficiency of a single witchcraft, but also constantly combine the 12 0-level witchcraft that you have mastered.

Based on the witchcraft techniques of "continuous casting", "parallel casting" and "double/multiple casting" developed based on pseudo-natal witchcraft, practice them one by one to deepen your mastery and improve your proficiency.

There are now less than two and a half months until the big competition between the two districts.

From the sporadic information disclosed by the academy, Link learned that the form with the highest mortality rate was one-on-one combat, and the most difficult form was exploring secret realms and surviving in desperate situations.

These three forms have one thing in common, which is that the mastery and application of witchcraft is extremely demanding for the apprentices participating in the two-area competition, although each has its own emphasis.

One-on-one combat focuses on offensive and defensive witchcraft. The use of rune items and witchcraft is not encouraged, but is not prohibited.

The premise is that those participating in the war can provide a reasonable source of income and prove that the magic stones purchased for rune items and witchcraft tools were earned through their own learning.

Exploring secret realms focuses on detecting witchcraft and various knowledge reserves.

Survival in desperate situations tests the overall ability of participating apprentices, which is slightly more focused on practice than theory.

Since Link started preparing in advance, he must list these three forms as key preparation targets.

In addition to practicing the 12 0-level witchcraft he has mastered, Link is also planning to wait until the spring semester starts to select a few 0-level witchcraft as a reserve.

Even if you don’t learn perfection, but only mastery, you might still be able to play a role in certain situations, right?

Anyway, if you have a talent for learning charms, you can do whatever you want!

He practiced witchcraft all afternoon, and during this period several shallow meditations restored his mental power and magic power, which consumed a lot of Link.

But Link was still tired and went to pick up Jasmine from get off work.

The journey was uneventful.

Seeing the clear tiredness in Link's eyebrows, Jasmine was originally going to ask a few questions that arose during her part-time job, but her thoughts calmed down.

Went to the cafeteria for dinner.

Jasmine took the initiative and said: "I'm quite tired today, so I won't go to the library and laboratory. I want to go back to the dormitory to rest early."

Link's thoughts changed and he knew that Jasmine was caring about him tactfully.


Link responded with a smile, and then sent Jasmine back to the dormitory.

Nor did he go to the library or laboratory alone.

They are kind-hearted, and since they didn’t refuse on the spot, don’t be cold-hearted.

My heart strings have been really tense recently, and it's hard to rest.

Link didn't plan to do anything else. He washed and changed clothes, meditated deeply, and then went to bed early.

It was very pleasant to sleep until dawn.

Link even felt that his mental power had improved a lot.

I called up the system panel and saw that, sure enough, my mental power was already 45, a jump of 2 points!

One piece and one piece of relaxation, the way of civility and martial arts.

This sentence is still very reasonable, and it also applies to the practice of wizards.

After picking up Jasmine, the two took the rail transit train and headed straight to the Southern District.

Yes, the South Side.

Yesterday, while having lunch at the store restaurant, Wizard Seren called the names of Link, Jasmine, and Wizard Tina, and together they went to a factory in the South District to help debug the new production line of the Hemerocallis series.

With the rise and development of the equal rights movement for witches on the "River South Forum", Link Grande's popularity gradually dissipated, and the Hemerocallis series became extremely popular.

The female wizards and wizard apprentices who came to Selin Wizard Pharmacy to buy the Hemerocallis series, especially the fragrances and perfumes, almost burst the door of the store.

Wizard Serin quickly added two new production lines.

The factory was already working overtime to catch up with the production schedule and lacked technicians to debug the new production line.

Wizard Serin had no choice but to do it himself.

I brought Tina with me because as a pharmaceutical dispensing assistant, she followed the regular learning and growth path of a pharmacist. The next stage is as a pharmaceutical refining assistant until she becomes a qualified pharmacist.

Unlike Link, who relied on his talents in botany and potions to grow wildly.

Bringing Link and Jasmine along is an unspoken rule of the academy.

That is, the unit that hires apprentices to work part-time, in addition to paying them, must also help train the apprentices' relevant abilities.

Mina Havchuk paid a high price for this kind of training.

It's a pity that I didn't live up to expectations.

Southern District, the platform closest to your destination.

As soon as Link and Jasmine got off the train, they saw Wizard Seren's bright red hover car.

"Good morning, Wizard Serin."

After opening the door and boarding the hovercar, Link and Jasmine greeted each other in unison.


Wizard Serin responded casually, kicked the accelerator, and the hover car jumped out.

Different from the fully intelligent driving vehicles that she rode in the past few times, this hover car of Wizard Seren is extremely retro and manually operated.

Link saw some parts similar to the car in his previous life.

For example, the operating handle is similar to the F1 racing steering wheel, such as manual gear shifting, such as "throttle", "clutch" and "brake".

A long-lost shock.

The hover car is extremely fast, as fast as lightning.

Fortunately, people and vehicles are separated in Riversouth City, and the hovercar can also choose from four modes: ground-level, low-altitude, mid-altitude, and high-altitude, so you don’t have to worry about hitting people or cars.

Jasmine had never been to the South Side.

Previously, when she looked out the window of the rail transit train, she couldn't see anything.

But now, no matter how fast the hover car goes, no matter how fast the buildings outside the window recede, there is still a very obvious contrast and gap.

Jasmine seemed to see the difference between her castle and the slums.

It turns out that there is such a big gap just a few streets apart.

The hover car stopped and the three people got off.

Jasmine looked at the continuous factory buildings in front of her, like matchboxes. She felt extremely depressed even before she entered.

"What are you doing standing still?"

Waving his hand, he attracted the attention of Jasmine, who was in a daze. Link called her to join him and followed Wizard Seren into one of the many factories.

The factory area is very clean and the layout of the factory building is very reasonable and standardized.

No one came out to greet me.

Wizard Seren took Link and Jasmine to the cleaning area.

The three of them entered the men's and women's locker rooms respectively, put on protective clothing, and then entered the "workshop".

In the "workshop", except for the noise from the running machines, there is almost no other sound.

On the assembly line, workers wearing strict protective clothing performed dull operations.

Or provide magic power, or perform witchcraft, or process materials, or operate instruments...

The movements are precise, without any redundancy, more mechanical than a noisy machine.

If you look at the workers' eyes through the eyepieces, you will find that they are numb and lifeless.

Like dead vines and dead wood.


Jasmine looked at the scene in front of her. Hemerocallis seeds were spawned, matured, pre-processed, refined, fed into the alchemical pharmacy cabin, diluted, blended, and canned in a very short period of time by witchcraft and special potions. Their numb eyes touched their hearts even more.

She tugged on Link's sleeves and asked in a low voice: "Are they the new blood of the Storm Sea who have not been promoted to official wizards in four years?"


Link shook his head.

When Jasmine heard this, her eyes suddenly showed strong expectation.

She wanted to hear the answers she wanted to hear.

Unfortunately, Link continued: "There are still some local wizard apprentices with low qualifications or special reasons."

The light in Jasmine's eyes suddenly disappeared.

The truth is more cruel than Jasmine thought.

Not only the new blood of the Storm Sea will be squeezed and exploited to the extreme, but even those born on the mainland cannot escape the pain and numbness.

This is the real world, the reality of the world.

Some people have herds of cattle and horses.

Some people live a life of cattle and horses.

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