Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 82 It’s more like a pervert than a pervert

After the two looked at each other, Yin Zhixiu felt a little embarrassed. The mother in front of her made her feel strange.

Fortunately, at this moment, the elevator bell rang, indicating that the elevator had arrived at Yoon Ji Soo's floor.

A few seconds later, the landing door of the elevator slowly opened. Seeing this, An Shanying pushed the stroller into the elevator. When she saw that the girl did not come in with her, she couldn't help but ask, "Don't you want to take the elevator?"

Yin Zhixiu's brain was spinning rapidly, and then she randomly found an excuse to excuse herself.

Until the elevator landing door is completely closed.

Yin Zhi Xiucai said in confusion: "What's going on with that aunt?"

"She is a good person." A slightly magnetic male voice came from the side. The speaker was Zheng Zaixian. He wore a pair of oval glasses and the old-fashioned suit on his body made him look a bit dull. Zheng Zaixian was a Chinese teacher. , who is also a pastor.

Immediately afterwards, Zheng Zaixian told about the accident that happened to Ahn Sun Young.

"She lost her baby last year because of an oversight and her stroller slipped onto the road."

At this point, he stopped talking.

"So pitiful..." Yin Jixiu sighed. As for the ending of the accident, needless to say, she could already guess it. It is also normal for a mother to suffer such a big blow and have mental problems.

“Although the Lord occasionally gives us trials that are difficult to overcome, it does not mean that we cannot overcome them.”

"These are instructions from God."

"Hello, my name is Zheng Zaixian."

After saying that, Zheng Zaixian stretched out her right hand to Yin Zhixiu. Yin Zhixiu was really not interested in this kind of middle-aged uncle, not to mention that he was chattering away. So she raised a fake smile at the corner of her mouth, put her hand in her pocket, and bowed to Zheng Zaixian: "Yin Jixiu, please give me some advice."

I have to say that Koreans really like bowing.

Xia Shang just went up and downstairs, and he would meet many people who bowed to him and asked their names.

Of course, Xia Shang didn't have the habit of bowing, and usually nodded.

At this moment, he was about to take the elevator to the first floor. When the elevator door slowly opened, a scarred man wearing a colorful striped shirt appeared in front of Xia Shang. The man lowered his head and leaned against the wall of the elevator. It was obvious that there were scars burned by the flames on his face.

"Bian Shangyu." Xia Shang walked into the elevator, stood next to the scarred man, and said softly.

Bian Shangyu, who was leaning against the wall, slowly looked up at Xia Shang, with a hint of indifference in his eyes.

He was a killer, a killer with a disdain for the legal system.

The reason why I went to the Green Home Apartment this time was because I was entrusted by the victim's father in a missing child case. Since the government and the law could not bring the criminal to trial, it was up to him to end it.

So based on clues, he traced all the way to the Green Home Apartment.

"Who are you?" Bian Shangyu leaned back and silently assumed the best posture to attack.

"I'm just like you."

There was a slight smile on Xia Shang's lips. He stretched out his hands and made a clapping motion. When his hands separated, a series of scalpels emitting metallic luster appeared like magic. "As you can see, I do the same. A killer, you can call me doctor."

"Are you here to kill me?" Xia Shang's method just now made Bian Shangyu realize that the guy in front of him was a difficult opponent.

In fact, Xia Shang's purpose of going to the first floor just now was to find the security uncle, because he had a good idea in his mind. Since different desires can make infected people turn into different monsters, can he pass Change the desires of the infected person, thereby cultivating the innate abilities you want.

Of course, this is just a conjecture on his part.

First of all, desire is not a concrete concept. People can have many kinds of desires, so desire is definitely not an absolute factor in becoming an infected person. In Xia Shang’s view, if you want to become an infected person, you must meet the following conditions. First, , the mood is extremely broken or on the verge of collapse; second, despair of the world or oneself; third, having a single extremely strong desire and obeying one's own desire.

Xia Shang's original plan was to try to change the desire of the security uncle.

But he estimated that the possibility was very low, because the other party had become an infected person, which meant that the desire to kill had already taken over his body.

So it is best to find an ordinary person who is not infected yet.

However, when he saw Byun Sang-wook, he immediately thought of a perfect candidate.

That is the real culprit behind the missing children case, Cui Yongjae.

Cui Yongzai was a former school teacher and also a psychopathic torturer. Using this kind of person for experiments made Xia Shang not only feel no burden, but also felt eager to try.

"There is more than one missing child. He has messed with a big shot." Xia Shang's explanation was very reasonable.

Bian Shangyu had no doubt that once he walked too much at night, he would always encounter ghosts. That bastard had obviously kidnapped the daughter of a big shot.

"You can't take him away."

Bian Shangyu can cooperate with Xia Shang, but he will never allow Xia Shang to take people away. His childhood experience prevents him from truly trusting a person.

"Okay, happy cooperation?" Xia Shang extended his right hand to Bian Shangyu.


Bian Shangyu nodded expressionlessly.

Immediately afterwards, Bian Shangyu took him to the door of a house. He took out a roll of tape from his pocket, pulled out a section of the tape, and tied it on his hands. Finally, he knocked At the door, he said in a deep voice: "Your express delivery has arrived. Please come out and sign for it."

Soon, a faint sound of footsteps sounded.

Click! The moment the door was opened, Bian Shangyu covered his eyes with tape without hesitation, and then pushed him in.

The whole movement was as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water.

"Wonderful." Xia Shang didn't find any cameras around. After entering the room, he closed the door.

"Help! Someone broke into the house and robbed..."

The blindfolded Cui Yongzai struggled hard and shouted for help.

"It's so noisy." Xia Shang reached out and pinched his lower jaw. The strong force seemed to crush his jaw. The severe pain could only make him whimper without meaning.

Bian Shangyu glanced at Xia Shang, and then tied Cui Yongzai into a rice dumpling with tape.

But even so, Cui Yongzai was still squirming on the ground like a maggot, trying to crawl out of the room.

"do not move."

Bian Shangyu kicked him unceremoniously.

Then he dragged him into his room and saw that the walls of his room were covered with photos of children being abused. It was shocking. Even if Cui Yongzai was put in prison, he would be treated like a bastard. The most despised existence by other prisoners.

Only the weak will bully the weak. Cui Yongjae obviously reached out to the weakest existence in society for his own pleasure.

Bian Shangyu quickly found the photo of the missing girl on the photo wall.

He lowered his head solemnly to the photo in his hand, then put it in his pocket. He turned on the TV and turned the volume to the maximum.

"Want one?" Bian Shangyu took out a pack of cigarettes, took one out and held it to his mouth. With a pop, the flame of the lighter ignited the cigarette. After taking a deep breath, he slowly spit out a lingering puff. smoke.

"Sorry, I quit a long time ago."

Xia Shang had not touched something like this that could harm the body for a long time.

He is now more interested in Cui Yongjae on the ground.

"Sir, do you despair of this world?"

Xia Shang tore off the tape on Cui Yongzai's mouth and asked seriously.

Due to difficulty breathing, Cui Yongzai coughed violently the moment the tape was torn off, and then said: "Why do you do this to me? I didn't do anything. Although I don't know what the fault was, it's all my fault. I’m not going to call the police, I’m not going to tell anyone.”

Bian Shangyu didn't speak, he just took the cigarette from his mouth and inserted it into his mouth.

"It's easy to block his trachea if you do this. Don't be so angry." Xia Shang smiled and pushed his hand away, using a scalpel deformed from flesh and blood to pick out the cigarette butt from his mouth.

Because of his behavior, Cui Yongzai thought that Xia Shang was a good person, "Let me go, I can give you a lot of money, and I promise not to call the police."

"Are you desperate? What is your desire now?" Xia Shang asked again.

"Ah?" Cui Yongzai's eyes were full of doubts, and even Bian Shangyu frowned.

"Answer me." Xia Shang suppressed the smile on his face. He grabbed Cui Yongzai's neck and lifted him up forcefully.

Seeing this scene, Bian Shangyu's pupils shrank suddenly. He knew very well how much strength it took to do what Xia Shang did at this time, and it seemed quite relaxed. Is this guy really a human being?

"Ugh..." Cui Yongzai's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye. Gradually, his eyes became bloodshot, and a strong sense of suffocation made it difficult for him to breathe.

Seeing that the heat is almost there.

Xia Shang threw him to the ground and asked the question again.

"I'm not desperate. I'm not desperate. I have no desire now. I really won't run away."

As the saying goes, evil people must be punished by evil people. Cui Yongzai's voice sounded like crying at this time.

However, it was obvious that his answer did not satisfy Xia Shang. Are you kidding me? Don't despair even when death is imminent. This guy's bones are a bit tough.

The next moment, the scalpel in his hand was inserted directly into Cui Yongzai's thigh. The scalpel was very thin, so no blood flowed out.

"I'm sorry, I need you to feel despair now, to feel despair about the whole world, and at the same time, you also need to have a desire to live."

To be honest, Xia Shang's words are really difficult to be a human being. Generally speaking, since he is desperate for the world, how can he have the desire to live.

But Xia Shang believed that anything could happen, not to mention that even if he failed, he would have nothing to lose.

"I..." After Cui Yongzai heard Xia Shang's request, he felt a sense of despair in his heart. The other party was more like a pervert than a pervert.

Thanks to my brother for the 500 starting coins for the crab rations. Thank you for your support.

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