Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 54 Because I can push him to the position of God

A few days later, Xia Shang's office moved to the eighth floor of the Watt Building, which also meant that he was one step closer to Watt's center of power.

It has to be said that Xia Shang is looking forward to the day when he becomes the CEO of Vought. By then, he will change the operating ideas of Vought Group and promote Compound No. 5 in all aspects. He will make Compound No. 5 like a firearm. It is sparse and ordinary, and even a No. 5 Association was established to manage the superhuman beings born from the No. 5 compound.

Because only a large enough base can breed more powerful superpowers.

What he needs to do now is to help the Vought Group increase its voice. Only by controlling the voice can it guide the direction of public opinion, and at the same time allow Madeleine's military plan to proceed smoothly. Only a company that can control the military and global voice can It is a true global hegemon.

In fact, Xia Shang’s ideas are very similar to Vice President Madeline’s.

It's just that Xia Shang is more radical, while Madeleine prefers to create greater profit value for the company.

"Perhaps, I will get along well with the people of my motherland, because I can push them to the position of gods." Ambition.

It's a pity that the people of the motherland now only listen to Madeleine.

Unless Madeleine dies, Xia Shang needs to wait...for a perfect opportunity.

In the afternoon, in the office of the public relations department.

As the real culprit behind the killing of the invisible man, Xia Shang reported his work to his boss Ashley without changing his expression.

"The Invisible Man has been out of contact for almost a week. If he does not appear for a long time, it will definitely arouse public suspicion. Rumors about the death of the Invisible Man have been circulated on the Internet. I think we need to make the Invisible Man appear as soon as possible. Otherwise, this incident will It may lead to a new round of public opinion storm."

Ashley had learned about the Invisible Man's death from Madeline before.

She also had a headache about this matter.

Now the Vought Group is at a critical moment and must not announce the death of the Invisible Man. You must know that the killing of superhumans is not conducive to the passage of the military bill. Once the bill is scrapped, Madeleine wants to allow superhumans to enter the national defense system and privatize war. The plan will completely disappear.

"The Invisible Man is dead, and the people of the motherland are currently investigating the cause of his death." Ashley said directly. In fact, she wanted to see if her assistant had any good ways to deal with it.

Xia Shang walked to the coffee machine and made Ashley a cup of coffee.

"The solution is simple, just let the invisible man show his face. As long as the public can see the invisible man with their own eyes, then the rumors on the Internet will be self-defeating."

Ashley took the coffee from Xia Shang and said in confusion: "But the invisible man is already dead, how can he show up? Should he be resurrected?"

"I only have three solutions for the moment. The first one is that we can repost the invisible man's past videos online through editing to create the illusion that he is still alive. Unfortunately, the disadvantage is that it is too easy to be discovered. After all, we The observation power of netizens cannot be underestimated, and doing so is not very credible and can easily trigger a new wave of public opinion."

After Xia Shang finished talking about the first plan, he started to talk about the second one.

"In the second plan, we can find a guy who looks like an invisible man and let him pretend to be an invisible man. The disadvantage is that it will take too long, and we may not have that much time to find such a person."

"What about the third plan?"

Ashley asked impatiently while holding the coffee.

It had to be said that Xia Shang's first two plans satisfied her very much, which made her look forward to Xia Shang's third plan even more.

Xia Shang smiled and took a sip of coffee, "Find a superhuman with the ability to transform and make him look invisible."

That's right, Xia Shang's real purpose is to make the Twins appear, because the Twins only take orders from Vice President Madeleine, and do some shady things for her, such as obtaining dirty information from congressmen. Therefore, there is no trace of his existence in Walt's superhero database.

"There seems to be no such person under the Vought Group who has the ability to transform." Ashley thought for a long time, but couldn't find a suitable candidate.

"Anyway, the above three options are all feasible, so we might as well leave it to Ms. Madeleine to make the decision."

According to his speculation, if the matter did not develop to an extremely serious level, Madeline would never be able to reveal the double's trump card. Even if the risk was not high, she would not let the double appear. After all, the double's Once superpowers are known to outsiders, they will inevitably arouse the vigilance of many people.

However, Xia Shang asked Madeline to reveal this trump card herself.

Then, things went as Xia Shang expected. Madeline chose the first two plans. The first plan was to delay, and the second plan was to find someone similar to the invisible man.

It's a pity that Xia Shang will not let her plan work.

The next day, the Vought Group used editing methods to deliberately conceal the cause of the invisible man's death, and the news instantly became a hot search topic.

Countless fans of the Invisible Man, holding banners high, angrily stopped in front of the Watt Building, wanting Watt to give them an explanation.

Listening to the noise coming from outside.

Xia Shang stood in front of the window and watched everything, calmly drinking the coffee in his hand.

Click! Ashley didn't even have time to have breakfast before she hurriedly opened the door of Xia Shang's office.

"What happened? Not only did your first plan have no effect at all, it actually made the death of the Invisible Man a hot topic. Fans of the Invisible Man were like crazy. What did they want to do? Capture the Water Tower. "?" Ashley was so anxious that she almost went crazy. The successive public relations incidents caused her golden hair to fall out in handfuls.

Xia Shang turned to look at her, frowned and said: "As for the shortcomings of the first plan, I think it has been made very clear. Lies are used to cover up the truth. In the end, when the lies are exposed, the anger of the people will inevitably appear. Phenomenon."

at this time.

In the vice president's office, Madeleine was thinking about how to handle this matter.

"I'll let them leave." The motherland man walked into the office with a livid face. He went to the refrigerator and picked up a bottle of milk that was still warm. After unscrewing the lid, he sipped it in small sips. Enjoy its wonderful taste.

"You've been a little angry lately."

The motherland licked the corners of her mouth, and then placed the bottle in front of Madeline.

After saying that, he opened the window and flew straight out.

"It's the people from the motherland! The people from the motherland are coming." The fans of the Invisible Man were very excited when they saw the people from the motherland falling in front of them.

"Excuse me, is the Invisible Man dead? Why did your Walter Group use editing to fake the truth that he is still alive? Are you hiding something?"

An unceremonious questioning voice.

The eyes of the motherland instantly glowed red, but the red light soon subsided, and he forced a smile to face the crowd in front of him.

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