The galaxy fell into the calm before the storm.

In addition to paying attention to the two lost empires that seem to be ancient enemies, the civilizations have also discovered that the "Guardian" scientific research spaceships are passing through more and more frequently, and they feel like they are in a hurry.

These changes have undoubtedly brought a sense of urgency to the young civilizations. Now not only are there changes in the Lost Empire, but even the frequency of communication between civilizations is much greater than before.

Many giants gathered secretly to discuss the future of the galaxy.

Even those people who don't pay attention to the major events of the Milky Way and only immerse themselves in their own world can find some clues from the increasingly dignified atmosphere of the people around them.

There is such an old scholar who has escaped from the subject for a long time and looks at the stars.

"Have you watched it? The latest sci-fi blockbuster "Awakening Empire 2", the plot and special effects are really good!"

"...My evaluation is a bunch of arguments, useless except for special effects. Two ancient civilizations have a fateful confrontation, and the young civilization is reaping the benefits? Do you think this is possible?"

"Why not? The two ancient civilizations are fighting each other, and the young civilization develops secretly. Just like in the movie, they study the wreckage between their truces and take it back for their own use. Doesn't this make them all bow down at the feet of the young civilization? "

"Just think about it. It's good to be able to dream. You didn't come to be the chairman of the Galactic Council. I don't recognize it."


In a certain colony of Mingbo's technological dictatorship, a group of young people are exchanging ideas about the recent popular movie, and they have become angry with each other, so that the direction of the final discussion has been separated from the movie itself, and they have begun to collide with values.

Some of them think that this is a good opportunity given to the young civilization by God, while others think that this is a pure act of courting death.

But just as they were arguing, an old man who looked like a scholar heard what they were talking about, and came over and interjected:

"Guys, what is this 'awakened empire' you mentioned earlier?"

The intervention of outsiders did not arouse the anger of the young people, but made them seem quite happy. Now they urgently need a third party to agree with their views.

However, when they saw who was coming, they all stopped arguing without exception, and kept silent tacitly, as if they didn't want to communicate.

Seeing them like this, the old scholar didn't care, and walked past the group of young people on his own.

And after he disappeared from the field of vision, some of these young guys said: " it him?"

"The electronic chip on my arm vibrates, and only those who have been deprived of their scientific research rights will trigger it..."

In the Mingbo technological dictatorship, deprivation of scientific research rights is tantamount to being expelled from society. For this society that pursues the supremacy of science and technology, those who cannot participate in scientific research are social moths and are cast aside by others.

"...But these people are basically in prison. He is the only person who can walk on the street at this age and looks like a scholar..."

One of them said so, and finally used the electronic device in his hand to call up a directory, which densely recorded countless impressive names.

This is the so-called "genius list", and those scientists who were sent to the lost empire by the "far traveler" are all recorded.

For most of the scientists and the civilization behind them, this is an honor, except for the Mingbo technological dictatorship.

This civilization, which pursues scientific development, has naturally produced scientists who are talented and talented, and successfully attracted the attention of the "far traveler".

One scientist was valued by the "far traveler" and asked to go there. At that time, Ming Bo was almost universally celebrated, and even added a new holiday on this day to commemorate this genius scientist.

However, the good times didn't last long. Just when Uncle Ming was still touting the excellence of their education, the "far traveler" actually sent the scientist back without explaining the reason.

But this kind of behavior, which is tantamount to "returning the goods", is almost like a slap in the face of Ming Bo, making them ashamed and ashamed.

So the scientist who was repatriated was sentenced to social death, and his relatives and friends left him.

Although the public's outrage has gradually dissipated today, it does not mean that they have forgiven the scientist.

Therefore, when these young people saw the man just now, they were no longer willing to speak. Because they recognized the origin of the old scholar, he was the returned scientist.

At this time, the old scholar was walking on the street shaking his head, feeling like everyone was drunk while the only one was sober.

"... Everyone thinks I'm ashamed, but who knows what kind of great achievements I have made? What a bunch of poor people..."

As the protagonist of the incident, he knew too well what he had done to be sent back by the "far traveler".

Contrary to the "Watcher" who advocates idealism, "Farwalker" is a materialistic lost empire.

They admire the convenience brought by machinery, and have traveled a very long time on the road of technology affecting life.

During the period when the old scholar stayed in the "Far Traveler", he discovered that the main species of the "Far Traveler" was a prosthetic person implanted with an electronic implant.

Although the prosthetic body technology they used is very superb, it still makes the old scholars have some doubts.

Because prosthetic body technology is not uncommon in the galaxy, "Farwalker", as a lost empire, even though the electronic implants used are much more advanced than ordinary civilizations, they do not show the feeling of crossing the age.

In essence, mechanical prosthetics are used to replace organic flesh.

However, the old scholar who devoted himself to scientific research at that time did not pay too much attention to this matter. Instead, after a period of research, he reported his research results to the "far traveler":

He believes that the collective leap of the species can be realized by transferring the consciousness data into the mechanical body, and it can get rid of the shackles of the body.

At that time, with the help of the advanced tools of the "far traveler", he was even ready to practice this idea on himself.

However, the "far traveler" was noncommittal on the surface, but in fact, he turned around and sent the old scholar back to Uncle Ming. It is needless to say what kind of attitude it is.

Even though the old scholar has now betrayed everyone, he still insists that his theory is correct.

Through his research during the "far traveler" period, and after these years of preparation, he is ready to make himself the first person in the galaxy to complete the "ascension".

This trip is just the last time his lifeless body experiences the world. After that, he will use his perfect mechanical body to announce his success to the world.

He would prove that the Farstriders were wrong to send him back.

And he's going to start a whole new wave.

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