Compared with the long expansion road of the "Watcher" and the small troubles of the vassal civilizations, the galactic civilizations are more attracted by another thing.

The Chien Empire launched a war against the Sovereign Segulius, and they used the "Colossus" borrowed from the Turbulent Empire, a star destroyer, to completely destroy a vacation planet of the Sovereign Segulius, causing The direct death of tens of billions of people.

Compared with the more "mild" star-destroying weapons used by Li Wenyuan, such as the "Nano Plague" used by Li Wenyuan, and the "Easy Angel" used by the "Observer", this time the Chien Empire used the "Earth Explosion Star".

This star-destroying weapon can directly destroy the planet itself, and the Turbulent Empire generally uses it to mine.

But the Kion Empire chose to use this weapon directly on a planet that still had a lot of life.

The holiday planet was destroyed from the core, the entire planet was blown to pieces, and a large amount of mantle material was thrown into space, making it impossible to repair it.

Not to mention the people who were not able to evacuate, the vast majority of them were citizens of the sovereign state of Segulius.

The Turbulent Empire declared that the colossus had nothing to do with them on the day they knew about it, and it was completely the Kion Empire's own act. Even if they directly gave the Colossus to the Kion Empire, they would have to disregard any relationship with this matter.

Perhaps the Chien Empire chose to use the Colossus to blow up the holiday planet of the sovereign state of Segulius with this kind of calculation in mind.

And the sovereign state of Seculius, no, they should be called the Seculius Avenging Crusaders now, fell into boundless anger.

They reformed the previous pro-foreign government and installed a dictatorial military government with a 100% vote, with the former leader of the Federation as the top leader.

At the inauguration meeting, the leader vowed that he would no longer trust all alien civilizations. He would use the cruelest means to destroy the Chien Empire, and use the blood of aliens to comfort the souls of the tens of billions of people in heaven.

So a war broke out on the premise of exterminating each other's civilization.

The Saigulius Avenging Crusaders announced to the entire galaxy that they would wage an endless war with the Chien Empire, and they would never accept any peace even if they fought to the last person.

In the end, they and the Chien Empire will only have one civilization that can stand among the stars.

And the wishful thinking of the Chien Empire was well planned, but the agreements he signed with several other empires did not come into force.

The pact countries headed by the Turbulent Empire rejected the Chien Empire's request for them to participate in the war on the grounds that it was "not a defensive war".

In the end, the galactic civilizations tacitly watched the heads-up of these two civilizations.

A large number of unmanned probes secretly travel to and from their combat areas, the purpose is to record the data of the battle, which is convenient for feeding back to themselves and accumulating experience in space warfare.

In addition, in addition to space battles on the surface, there are also many secret assassinations and infiltrations between them.

Sometimes the death of some key figures can determine the outcome of a battle. If some confidential information can be obtained through infiltration, it can even establish the victory of the entire war.

Galactic wars are not just superficially large ships and cannons. The dark methods behind the scenes are also part of the war.

And with the outbreak of this endless war, the balance of harmony was also broken at this moment.

More and more civilizations are actively or passively involved in wars for various reasons.

The small one is like the Semi Federation-this civilization that was once served by the machine servants of Paradise.

The intensified ethnic conflicts within them have already reached their peak, and a tiny spark detonated the explosive keg.

The three races that have been at war in the galaxy since ancient times fell into war again, and the previous federation was as fleeting as a fleeting moment.

They still chose to fight in the home galaxy, and the home stars of the three races are also here, becoming the front line of the war.

Although "the son of heaven guards the gate of the country", the former territory of the Semi Federation is roughly divided into three parts under the conscious infiltration of each, quite a feeling of three kingdoms.

And for the "Semi Federation", this will be a civil strife to determine who is the overlord.

The powerful civilization "Turbulent Empire", which seems to be independent and unaffected by any foreign objects, is also in trouble.

Various small-scale guerrillas began to appear within their borders, not only roaming in space, but also guerrillas in cities.

The parasitic methods they are proud of seem to have been seen through long ago and cannot be effective against these guerrillas, and the powerful but bloated fleet cannot handle those guerrilla fleets that hit and run.

Through some afterimages, they seem to remember that this is a species that they drove away a long time ago.

They tried to trace the source, but ended up with nothing, which made them have to deal with more and more uprisings in the country.

As for the big war, apart from the Zegulius Avenging Crusade and the Chien Empire, the alliance led by the Mingbo Technological Dictatorship also clashed with the Iron Heart Exterminator.

Although they don't know why the Iron Heart Exterminator has not expanded during this period of time, but due to the deterrence of the extermination regime, the alliance decided to launch a war against the Iron Heart Exterminator.

It is not necessary to completely destroy the Iron Heart Exterminator, but at least ensure the safety of their rear.

Their main target is still the Pyro Alliance and the scattered and weak alliance organizations formed by several nascent civilizations. They need to hurry up and not allow the Pyro Alliance to attract more companions.

The situation in the Milky Way gradually turned into chaos, and the culprit of all this-the "far traveler" who detonated the holy land with a "clock bomb" barely moved their bodies.

They have also started the process of restoring the old factory and are frequently in and out of the border.

Having made a major breakthrough in a certain technology, they also decided to move around in the galaxy and try to wipe out their old opponents in the long river of history.

It's just that compared to the "Watchmen" who have already begun to expand, they still need some time to prepare.

However, the change of the "far traveler" did not attract much attention in the chaotic galaxy. Except for the remaining lost empires and a few civilizations, it seems that most civilizations have been more or less involved in this incident. In the huge theater, it is impossible to pay too much attention to foreign affairs.

Cribo, who claimed to be able to stand on the sidelines for a while, was not spared. Their old friend "Bee Swarm" came to the door, as if to avenge what had happened.

This time, the "Swarm of Swallowing Bees" learned its lesson, and instead of approaching the territory of the "Guardian", it circled a large circle to sneak attack on the Corebo enclave far away on the other side of the galaxy.

Ke Ruibo, who was in a hurry, had to go off to participate in the war himself, and soon fell into the quagmire, unable to get out.

But there are many places where this chaotic situation has not spread.

For example, the four lost empires of "Observer", "Silencer", "Guardian" and "Coordinator" and their nearby galaxies still look peaceful and peaceful, and there is no sign of impending war.

And Li Wenyuan, who had been digging the ruins for a long time, finally inadvertently remembered something, and called someone who was almost forgotten by him to the guardianship core.

"Lilian, where is your home planet?" He remembered this catwoman who looked almost identical to a human, and asked her for relevant clues.

He was 1000% sure that a creature with this appearance could only be the creation of humans, so there should be clues on why humans did this on her home planet.

Maybe we can learn the reason why human beings left or died out, even if it may make him involved in the war to a certain extent.

Now that wars are happening frequently in the galaxy, he is afraid that the indigenous creatures of the same species as Lilian will encounter such a thing as "the gods fight and the mortals suffer", and the whole family will die out.

Now that he is very powerful, it is not difficult to provide shelter for a native. If someone wants to ignore his will and forcibly threaten his patronage civilization, he will also let the other party understand what a one-sided war is.

However, Lilian's question to him was full of question marks, and it seemed difficult to understand what this "parent planet" referred to.

After Wei Wei stayed for a while, she said very sincerely: "Lilian doesn't know."

Li Wenyuan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood the reason.

"I almost forgot that you are in a primitive society. It would be too embarrassing for you to provide the coordinates of the planet. Your shallow scientific knowledge..."

"It's hard to find... The clues of the crashed spaceship can't trace Lilian's origin... Shall we send another mission?"

He thought about it, and decided to borrow the power of the galactic civilizations again.

After all, in addition to his scientific research spacecraft flying all over the galaxy, interstellar adventurers also have a huge base. Even in the current state of frequent wars, the adventurers' enthusiasm for exploration has never been wiped out.

Considering the current situation in the galaxy, and after comparing the fleet rewards given by the "Observer" to the favored civilization, he also decided to use a small "Lost Empire Fleet" as the reward for this mission.

The number is 12 frigates plus 1 battlecruiser, which is the fleet establishment given to the favored civilization by the "observer".

This amount can't even account for his daily production capacity, and it is still a self-defense force that can directly benefit, which is more attractive to interstellar civilization than pure resource rewards.

He is now equivalent to adding two lost empires. This little fleet is simply stuck between the teeth, and it doesn't matter if it is there or not.

But it is very useful for other ordinary civilizations. After all, can the products of the lost empire be worse?

Thus, such a galactic stage play with widespread bloody conflicts and many subtle stories officially kicked off amidst the chaos.

It will be on the shelves tomorrow, and I will post today's two updates at once, and it will be tens of thousands after it is on the shelves!

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