Beast Patrol

Completion testimonials and new book

Flowers are over! ! !

Time flies so fast, and the book is over in a blink of an eye.

Let me report the final results first. This book will be released on March 14, 2022, and will be completed on February 20, 2023. The total number of words is 280w. The average order for the finished book is 5300, and it should reach 6000 in a few months. There is no problem, and it can be regarded as a great masterpiece.

In the past 11 months, this book has been changed twice, and there are countless minor changes, but no matter how I change it, I have never been in arrears for updates. I have only asked for leave twice during special periods, and each time I made up the day Based on the update, an additional chapter is added.

Among the part-time authors, I should be considered diligent.

After summing up, the next thing is the testimonials that you don't know if you like to read or not.

Frankly speaking, this book can achieve the current results, which I did not expect when I published the book.

At that time, the novel I was writing with another author number was not yet finished. On the one hand, I was writing this book on a whim under the influence of the sound of the spring, and on the other hand, it was because the old book did not perform well.

I still remember that when I first opened this book, I really felt that I wrote it very well, with a somewhat arrogant attitude.

At that time, I even felt that the appreciation level of those readers who criticized me needed to be improved.

Looking back at this book now, I think readers' tolerance is really high.

Everyone can support writing such hip stretching. Where did these little angels come from?

When I was a freshman, a senior student said a word to me. Later, I think this sentence may be the biggest gain of my four years in college.

That is "growth is the process of constantly feeling that the past self is an idiot".

In fact, writing novels is also like this. I think the growth of an author is a process of constantly feeling that the articles written in the past are rubbish.

Looking back now, in fact, this book has problems in many places, whether it is the plot or the setting, there are some problems.

For example, all kinds of resources in the book are overflowing, too many emojis cause inconvenience to the readers who listen to the book and some readers who read the book, many redundant plots that were not necessary to write, and unnecessary passion in some places...

The first time I came into contact with this type, I really had no experience, and it seemed that I started to go astray as I wrote.

Fortunately, the ending is still the ending that was originally expected.

I have a rather special writing habit, that is, I will determine the ending of the whole book at the very beginning of writing a book, as if there is an end, and then write towards the end step by step.

Let me reveal a little bit, the last two chapters mention four new stories in the future, these stories will be under the unified world view of chaos, and there may be more.

After all, the way to control the spirit has been divided up by many chaotic creatures. I don't know if anyone has noticed this hint.

So don't feel that the ending is abrupt, Lin Shu may appear in a certain book in the future, this book is over, but his story is not over yet.

Speaking of which, there is another very interesting phenomenon in this book, that is, the more it gets to the later stage, the more serious the polarization in the comment area will be.

Whether it is too abrupt to kill Anlin or the follow-up plot is more focused on martial arts, there is such a differentiation, because those who have watched the episode have long known that Lin Su is originally a martial artist, and has nothing to do with Blue Star, and has never seen it. They would think that Lin Su belonged to Blue Star, so An Lin was the boss of the finale, and his death was too hasty.

Readers who have read the extra episode of the monthly ticket and readers who have not read the extra episode of the monthly ticket have completely different perspectives on reading this book, because the tip of the iceberg revealed in the extra episode of the monthly ticket is fully revealed in the main text at the finale.

It's quite interesting to think about it this way. It's obviously the same book, but reading the episode is like reading another book.

Of course, the risks are quite high. There should be many people who gave up without seeing the ending. They didn't feel suddenly enlightened, and more felt that there was something wrong with the writing of this book.

In the next book, we still need to be more restrained in this aspect, and it is easy to play and collapse.

Speaking of which, this book often has the kind of plot where a character who is very good in the early stage is clicked with a knife.

Everything is to blame Tomioka Yoshiyuki.

The next book will not.

In short, I am satisfied with this performance, and hope that the next book will be better.

Here, I would like to thank Qingquan Liuying for the chapter push in the early stage of this book.

Starting point's current new book issue recommendation is very volume, and in many cases, the results of the first order determine the future of this book.

If Erquan hadn't pushed me for thousands of follow-up readings for a single chapter, the three-round score might have been the limit of this book. Sanjiang didn't even think about it, and the first-order results would be very disappointing.

The starting point is lower, and the upper limit is basically destined to miss out on fine products.

At the same time, I would also like to thank my editor Jiang Cha for his love for this book after it was put on the shelves.

If the exposure of a book is very important in the new issue before it goes on the shelves, then the recommended resources after it goes on the shelves are no less important.

Because it takes a month or more for the next recommendation after each recommendation, and it is difficult to write a book for a very long time, so the number of recommendations after a book is on the shelves is limited.

If Jiang Cha didn't report to me diligently, and guaranteed that I would have a first-level page recommendation every month, I would not have much hope for the results of this book relying on intelligent recommendation.

Friends who are willing to write a book, go vote for her!

Finally, I am very grateful to every reader for their support, and I hope that everyone will continue to support the new book.

In order to thank the readers, here is a complete peripheral event for readers and friends, including 200 picture books, 200 pillows, 100 cards, 50 hanging pictures, and 50 standing signs.

There will be a patrol card in the character card, and there will be a new Fatu card around the end of each book in the future (yes, they are all tricks), and I look forward to the lucky ones collecting a whole set~

There are a total of 600 peripherals, and you will have a chance to get them if you enter the peripheral activity group. The deadline for entering the group is February 28, and the lottery will be drawn in the early morning of March 1. Don't miss it.

The leader’s hand-off activity will also end this month, and the new book can also be sent to the League, but the leader’s gift of the new book will not be given later (choose one).

Finally, let me talk about the next book, which is still No Heroine Beast Master, please rest assured.


"Is there something wrong with making food a pet animal"

This is a world of magical powers.

The elves born in the dishes, the competition between delicacy and power, the journey under the stars, the challenge of being bonded...

With the memory of the former super chef, a young man came to this world full of courage and dreams.

"Gourmet food that hides magical power, show me your true power! I order you in the name of your imperial chef, Qin Lang—the birth of a food spirit!"

"...Eh? Why is there no response?!"


Readers who have impressions should remember that I had collected the place names of the new book as early as October and November last year, and I had already started preparations as early as that time.

So relatively speaking, the preparation for the new book will be more adequate than this book.

At the same time, the new book will not be a cool article. Although as a data party, I will still set a very clear combat power system to ensure that the combat power does not collapse, but the specific content will be biased towards daily warmth.

I said in my testimonials that this book will be the daily beast master, but it went astray, and the next one will not.

It's actually a coincidence that Beichuan published an article on food + beast control in January.

So much so that I am always worried that the late post will be considered by passers-by as follow suit.

But it shouldn't be a big problem. The two books have completely different worldviews and contents.

I believe that those of you who have read the beginning of the new book will not feel that the two books are very similar.

Because it is a daily essay, the overall rhythm will be relatively slow, but the plot will not be too sloppy. With two books and more than 4 million words, I can still improve my writing skills. You can rest assured.

Old readers who have supported since the last book should know that I am quite good at writing food.

Here I can tell you a little bit, the next book will be very long, starting at 5 million.

And before the book was released, the cost of the new book cover and the drawing was already two to three thousand, and the cost of writing a book was so high that it would not be easy to cut the book.

Therefore, I hope that everyone can come to Qidian Reading APP or Qidian Chinese website to follow up on my book in the new book issue.

As mentioned earlier, this is very important to the overall performance of the new book. Books that cannot be followed up in the new book period are basically useless, Orz!

The 5,000 average maid outfits promised in this book will be used as the easter egg chapter of the first VIP chapter of the new book.

Great Sacrifice.jpg

Finally, Lin Shu's story comes to an end, let's see you in the next story~

On February 20, 2023, the book shortage was forced to write a book.

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