Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 56: fire suppression


87_87165 "We have met the people of Evya on Pirate Island. Even if they are stronger than these people, they can only be called well-trained at best. They are not powerful characters." Zhao Jianfei said indifferently.

"That's because you didn't meet the good guys. The real good guys in Evya were the guys he brought out of Pentland with him. These guys were African Scouts, they were trained and killed when they were teenagers. They are outstanding, and they are battle-hardened veterans. In such turbulent regional wars, the Scouts who can live to adulthood are not ordinary people, they are real outlaws, and they have rich combat experience. This is also the case with Egypt. One of the reasons why Foya can become the king of pirates in Somalia." Fernandez said solemnly, "Be careful."

"I think I've seen these so-called good players." Yelena whispered into her earphones. "There are several more ships in the southeast waters. The people on board are all wearing military uniforms, but they don't have a military rank, but they seem to have unified weapons."

"That must be the people of Evya. They call themselves the Somali Marine Corps, but they are actually just a group of gangsters who burn, kill and loot. But they have the best weapons and equipment in the region, and a group of the most bloodthirsty thugs." Fernandez said solemnly. , "In which direction are they going to land?"

"I can't see their intentions yet." Yelena whispered, "They have seen the defenses on the east and west sides, and it is very likely that they will abandon these two areas and land on the island from the south."

Jiang An's face changed, and he said sharply, "Damn, we are understaffed! These pirates have detected our firepower deployment through two tentative charges. So they chose the weakest southern coast to land on the island, and that is where The area between the two defense lines of Zhao Jianfei and Ivan. If they can cut through this area smoothly, then neither Zhao Jianfei nor Ivan will be able to stop the pirates from advancing."

Fernandez has already said sharply, "Lin Rui, I want you to take people to the south side of the island. You must try to stop them!"

"There are only three of us, and the beach is very long." Lin Rui said solemnly, "So, we may not be able to stop their charge. I must know if I can put them in the woods. If possible, I'm sure I'll wipe them all out in the woods. It's not realistic to have three men on a long, open beach."

"Yes, you can put them in the grove if necessary. But I don't want them to come out again, do you understand?" Fernandez snapped.

"Understood." Lin Rui turned off the headset communication, picked up the weapon and said, "It's time for us to go." Qin Fen nodded at Peng Lefeng, sorted out his weapons and equipment, and gathered at the beach in the south. When they arrived at the beach in the southern part of the island, they found that the boats were approaching. Lin Rui noticed that the ships seemed to stop in the distance and began to turn around. His heart was startled, and he immediately shouted, "Hide!"

Just after he finished shouting, the boats on the opposite side had also turned their bows. The machine gun installed on the ship was exposed, and a burst of machine guns swept wildly. Lin Rui, Qin Fen, and the others were completely suppressed and could not even lift their heads. Qin Fen said gloomily, "These guys have heavy machine guns!"

"The sound of the gun sounds like mg3. It's a German product. God knows where these pirates got it from." Peng Lefeng said with a wry smile, "It seems that we really annoyed Evya, and it's estimated that even the stuff at the bottom of the press box is all over the place. Move out and deal with us."

Lin Rui looked up at the beach, and then quickly fell to the ground, "It's like a vehicle-mounted version of the mg3 machine gun, which they installed on the boat. The firepower is really fierce."

The pirates fired a round before they began to release their boats. Head towards the island.

"Fight or not?" Qin Fen whispered.

"Let's fight, once they land, they will disperse. The three of us. With three guns, if the target is dispersed, it will be even more difficult to fight." Peng Lefeng said in a low voice.

Lin Rui whispered, "Wait for them to get closer, and they must shoot secretly, and don't easily reveal the location. Otherwise, those machine guns will counterattack and suppress us with firepower."

These pirates are indeed better at it than the first two pirates. A single target is moving fast, and it is not easy to hit. These pirates seem to know this. So they completed the landing at the fastest speed, and immediately dispersed as soon as they landed, dispersing in all directions, like a group of black locusts scattered with the wind.

Lin Rui shot several pirates in a row, and immediately rolled away from his original position. Sure enough, not long after he ran away, a burst of bullets turned like a lawn mower, turning the turf where he was standing.

"It's dangerous!" Lin Rui whispered.

"I don't think this is the solution. They are too scattered to fight, and more and more people are rushing towards them..." Qin Fen said in a low voice. A few bullets interrupted his words. Although the bullet didn't hit Qin Fen, it hit the tree beside him with sawdust flying, and he broke out in a cold sweat. "I'm going, this place won't last long."

"You retreat first and wait for me there." Lin Rui gritted his teeth.

"What about you?" Peng Lefeng walked over, bending over.

Lin Rui turned around while sorting out the weapons in his hands, "I might be a few minutes late."

Qin Fen gritted his teeth and said, "Well, let's withdraw first, hurry up!"

Lin Rui nodded, quickly adjusted the Bayi-style rifle, mounted a grenade on the muzzle, and closed the air vent on the gun. Because this kind of gun fires the grenade, the air guide hole must be closed, so that all the gas energy acts on the grenade. The grenade itself has a rear sight plate, and the range can be between 300-600 meters. It is enough to deal with machine guns on ships.

Lin Rui thought very clearly that the threat of the machine gun on the ship was still there, so even if he retreated into the woods, he would still be in a position of being suppressed by firepower. Unless you try to get rid of those mg3 machine guns while retreating.

Qin Fen and Peng Lefeng retreated while shooting, attracting a large number of pirates who landed on the island. Lin Rui rushed out of the woods instead. Since he wants to launch a grenade, he must have blank ammunition in his magazine, because it cannot be used with live ammunition and must rely on the shock wave generated by the burning of the bullet propellant to propel the grenade to fly. Therefore, the Bayi style in his hand is useless, and he can only rely on a pistol held in his left hand to dash forward all the way.

Along the way, relying on one-handed shooting, one-handed changing magazines, and relying on extraordinary reflexes and agile skills, Lin Rui actually rushed out all the way in reverse. Seeing that he was almost entering the range of the grenade, the machine gunner of the other party also reacted, and a rain of metal bullets slanted down. Lin Rui could only be forced into a big rock, and the torrential bullets hit the rock and debris flew.

Lin Rui was also suppressed behind the boulder, unable to fight back at all. On the other side, several armed pirates have completed the roundabout siege of Lin Rui. Lin Rui raised his hand and killed one of the armed pirates with a pistol. At the same time, he turned around suddenly. The Bayi-style rifle in his hand fired a grenade at the boat by the sea.

This kind of grenade is a point-to-surface killing weapon used by infantry at close range. It is mainly used to kill living targets, destroy various light armored targets, permanent fire points and other field fortifications. The grenade was fired very accurately, and it landed near the machine gun. The huge explosion and fragmentation killed the machine gunner on board instantly.

While the surrounding pirates were shocked by the sound of the explosion, Lin Rui swung the Bayi style in his hand and swept it fiercely on a pirate's leg. Beat the pirate to a stagger and kneel down. Lin Rui took advantage of the situation and shot him in the head, then turned around and rushed into the woods again.

Since one of the machine guns was destroyed by Lin Rui, the machine guns of the other ships began to turn their muzzles to face Lin Rui's position. Wave after wave of bullet rain made him crawl behind a rock, unable to move at all. Although he loaded another grenade, he had no chance to turn around and shoot.

The corner of Lin Rui's forehead was dripping with blood, which was scratched by the broken rock fragments. The firepower of these mg3 machine guns is too fierce. The positions of several ships are also very particular, so that these machine guns form an intersecting firepower network. The high rate of fire and high ammunition capacity make them fully capable of blocking fire.

Lin Rui had already revealed that a large number of armed pirates were slowly approaching the boulder he was hiding under the cover of machine guns.

Lin Rui calmly replaced his pistol with a new magazine. It may be possible to stay here for a while, but he must not stay for a long time.

"China boy, it looks like you're in trouble." Yelena's mocking voice came from the earphones.

He suddenly turned his head and glanced at the distant There seemed to be a shimmering light there. "Bang!" A dull single shot followed. In the sound of automatic weapon shooting full of "da-da...da-da...", it seems to be outstanding. The nearest armed pirate, the upper half of his body was torn apart by the kinetic energy of the huge muzzle, and his flesh and viscera were blurred.

Anti-equipment sniper rifle! This was Lin Rui's first reaction. When he was at his most critical, Yelena, who was ambush on the top of the mountain in the distance, started to rescue him. This super sniper used a Barrett xm500, commonly known as a calf-style, and started killing a kilometer away. Her gunfire was unhurried, a single shot, but after one shot, there must be a **** corpse on the ground.

With the support from far beyond, Lin Rui's pressure was greatly reduced, he stepped out of the bunker and began to use grenades to clear the machine guns on these ships one by one. Qin Fen and Peng Lefeng, who had already retreated to a certain distance, also began to consciously start supporting shooting. This made Lin Rui even more at ease, rushing left and right on the edge of the woods, using pistols to clear up the pirates that rushed up, and using grenades to clear the machine guns on the ships.

After a few minutes, Lin Rui used up all the grenades. Although it failed to destroy all the machine guns, it has completely lost the original firepower advantage of the machine guns on this armed pirate ship. He turned around and quickly rushed into the woods to join Qin Fen and Peng Lefeng. .


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