After taking five dogs up the mountain to surround Hei Xiazi, Xu Shiyan confirmed his guess that Old Li must have brought the dogs into the mountain to hunt.

These five dogs are rare and good hunting dogs, one is better than the other.

It's a pity that two of them were killed by the medicine. If all seven dogs were there, it wouldn't take much effort for ordinary wild boars and black blind men.

Now Xu Shiyan can feel relieved, and when the black dog and the flower dog recover from their injuries, he will take the dogs out for a walk around from time to time.

Not to mention, Xu Shiyan is really lucky, he can always meet something when he goes out, and he will never come back empty-handed.

There are the most wild boars, and occasionally I can meet a group of roe deer. Once in the middle, I happened to meet a black blind man and killed a black blind man.

In addition, those traps and traps near the venue will also gain a little bit.

Now, a lot of meat has been accumulated in the barn, and a lot of various skins are also hung on the wall.

In a blink of an eye, the winter solstice passed, and the temperature was getting lower and lower, and it was more than 30 degrees below zero outside.

There were several heavy snowfalls in a row, and the snow in the venue was almost up to the armpit, not to mention the snow on the mountain, which could almost drown people.

Before and after the Xiaohan solar term, the fur of sables, raccoon dogs, otters and other animals is beautiful in color, durable in texture, and soft in fleece, so it is the best time to hunt.

Naturally, Xu Shiyan didn't want to miss this opportunity, so he happened to step on a snowboard made of wild boar skin and go to the mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forest belt on the mountain to trap sables and squirrels.

Walk southwest from Shenchangzi, pass the wild boar forest and go forward, the mountain gradually becomes steeper.

The tree species on the mountain also changed. The pine trees gradually increased, and the coniferous and broad-leaved forests were mixed. Further up, it was the area where sables infested.

The further you go to the top of the mountain, the deeper the snow falls.

The snow in the northeast is deposited as it falls, with a thick layer of snow particles and a hard cover on top.

If a person steps on it directly, he will be sunk in the snow in an instant, and it is difficult to pull his legs out.

Fortunately, Xu Shiyan was walking on a ski. Although he wasn't walking fast, he could walk anyway.

So I paddled my snowboard and walked up the mountain until I reached the top of the mountain, and there were more and more pine trees.

Xu Shiyan looked on the ground, and after a while, he saw tiny footprints on the snow, which were left by the sable.

Sable, also known as big leaf by the locals, is one of the three treasures of the New Northeast.

Its fur is light, soft and warm. Light, the finger skin is thin and soft, falling to the ground like a feather.

Soft, the finger hairs are delicate and thick, which catches the eyes but not dazzling. Warm, there is a saying that "the face is like fireworks", and it is the most precious fur.

Sables are quick-witted and dexterous, and it is not easy to catch them.

There is a legend in the past that a hunter followed the sable all the way in the mountains all winter.

Until the beginning of spring, before the sable returns to its old nest, its vigilance will decrease at that time, and then it will be caught by hunters.

There are also legends that sables are kind by nature, and when they see someone freezing in the snow, they will go forward and use its fur to warm them up.

So some hunters will lie in the snow with their arms open, waiting for the sables to catch them.

Xu Shiyan has never seen these in person, so he doesn't know if they are true or not. Anyway, he came to catch sables with clips.

Find the footprints that sables often walk on, dig a hole thirty or forty work points away from the footprints, dig down forty to fifty centimeters deep, and then dig snow towards the footprints.

Take out a sideways one that can accommodate the clip, and there is a hole a few centimeters away from the snow cover above.

Open the clip and stuff it into the hole, then cover the clip with the Gregorian card paper, and a clip is set.

Then, carefully cover the snow next to it, so as not to be seen by the sables.

There is not much skill in doing this job, the main thing is to be careful and light in movement. Once the movement is too big, the snow on it will collapse.

Xu Shiyan made a mark near the trap, and then wandered elsewhere. He dug a dozen or so holes in this mountain in the morning, and planted more than a dozen traps.

After setting off the trap, Xu Shiyan stepped on the skis and walked back.

When he had just walked halfway up the mountain, he suddenly saw a red thing flying past in front of him, followed by a blue-gray shadow.

The two shadows were extremely fast, and before Xu Shiyan could react, they passed by. Xu Shiyan quickly grasped the wooden pole and rowed forward, chasing after him.

In the distance, the clear gray shadow caught up to the red animal in front, and it took a bite when it went up.

I don't know where I bit it, but I only heard a scream of "Zhi'er".

The red shadow seemed to still be struggling to escape, but was bitten again, screaming even more.

Xu Shiyan stopped immediately, took off the gun and pulled the safety, and fired three shots at the gray shadow.

Xu Shiyan's marksmanship was still acceptable. After three shots, the blue-gray shadow fell directly to the ground.

The red thing escaped the danger by chance, but was seriously injured. It struggled to get up and dragged its legs to crawl forward.

Xu Shiyan held the gun in one hand and rowed across the pole with the other.

When I got closer, I realized that the blue-gray animal that had been shot was a wolf. And the one crawling on the ground is a fire fox.

The fox is an animal that is widely distributed in the country, and it can be found everywhere, and there are many varieties.

The most famous one in the Changbai Mountain area is the fire fox.

Its long wool is thick, bright in color and beautiful in guard hair, and the clothes and hats made of it are very warm, so it is called fire fox.

Foxes have a very keen sense of smell, are withdrawn and quiet, and often go out alone.

With its excellent sense of smell, once it finds the smell of a beast on the road, it will immediately avoid it.

Of course, it's not foolproof. Look, isn't this just being chased by a wolf?

Foxes are cunning by nature, and when their lives are in crisis, they will fart, which is the smell secreted by their scent glands.

People felt dizzy, flustered and even vomited after sniffing. The hounds sniffed, turned around, sneezed, and dared not approach.

Therefore, there will be many superstitious legends circulating in the mountains, known as the third grandpa.

As soon as Xu Shiyan approached this way, he could smell a bad smell. It must be the fox farting just now.

It's a pity that I met the natural enemy wolf, and it didn't work. If Xu Shiyan hadn't shot the wolf, I guess the fire fox would have become food for the wolf today.

Xu Shiyan stood there looking at the fox on the ground, and had no intention of killing it.

No matter how good the fur fox fur is, Xu Shiyan doesn't want it.

There is a saying in Northeast China that when hunters go into the mountains, they will not offend any big animals no matter how they beat them. Don’t worry about wild boars, black blinds, or even tigers.

But small things, especially "Hu Huang Liu Bai Hui" are best not to be provoked, especially the first two, you must not provoke them.

How should I put it, some rules are passed down for a reason, Xu Shiyan believes in these.

As a human, you still have to be a little in awe, otherwise wouldn't you dare to do anything unscrupulously?

Besides, something as mysterious as rebirth has happened, how can you not believe anything?

So Xu Shiyan has been on the mountain for so long, and he has never beaten a fox or a yellow skin.

"Forget it, I won't kill you, you go away." Seeing the fox lying on the ground, Xu Shiyan turned his head to look at him.

The originally cunning and fierce triangular eyes seemed to hide a little pleading.

Xu Shiyan waved his hand at the fox, signaling it to leave quickly.

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