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Chapter 36 Invite Miss to Dinner

"Twenty-six thousand."

Hearing the price offered by the younger brother, the landlord returned it directly.

Twenty-five thousand yuan is actually quite enough. The supermarket she runs only earns six to seven thousand yuan a year. This is because of their own house.

"Okay, as for the lease period, it starts on September 1st, and these days in August are considered as the renovation period for me."

Not in the mood to bargain for a thousand dollars, Zhou An'an directly agreed.

"All right, all right, you little brother is really good at calculation."

Unexpectedly, the other party was so forthright, the landlord smiled and praised the other party, she originally thought of sending more than one month's renovation period.

"Then let's sign the contract."

After signing the rental contract, it was agreed to pay 10,000 in cash first, and the remaining 10,000 to be paid at the end of June. Both parties expressed their satisfaction.

The landlord aunt said that the sky is full of pies. Originally, the income on the first floor was only seven to eight thousand years. If the second floor to the fourth floor are separated from each other, the rent can only be about eight thousand years. Now it's all right, not only the first to fourth floors are rented out at one time, but the rent is more than 10,000 yuan for nothing, which is comparable to the income of her and her husband for a year, how can I be dissatisfied.

And Zhou Anan was also very satisfied. This price was completely lower than his original idea, which greatly reduced the cost of his training department.

With such an area, it would have taken about four or five years for him to open a training class in his previous life to have such a scale, but now he has achieved it in one step.

After the contract was settled, Zhou Anan took the rental contract and drove to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau by car.

Nowadays, tutoring classes and training departments have just emerged, and the Education Bureau has not set up a card management tutoring institution. It only needs to file with the Industrial and Commercial Bureau and apply for a business license to deal with it.

Of course, in the long run, it is necessary to go to the Education Bureau to apply for a school license.

There is no electronic face-scanning system, and Zhou Anan, who is familiar with the process of applying for a license, solemnly registered a business license with Wang Rong's ID card. Children under the age of 18 cannot afford to be hurt.

Now there is no "at most one visit" institutional integration. It took Zhou Anan more than an hour running up and down the industrial and commercial bureau to get the basic procedures done, and then it would take about ten days to wait for the business license to be issued.

"Sister Zhu, please take care of me in the future. If you are free, can I treat you to dinner and thank you."

After receiving the approved documents, Zhou Anan smiled and said to the young lady he just met.

In addition to Zhou Anan's previous life experience, it is also thanks to this enthusiastic young lady that the basic documents can be completed so quickly.

There are people in the court who are good at handling things. This Zhu Huihui, who just graduated and was admitted to the business system, is really warm-hearted. She ran up and down with him several times, which really saved a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"Okay, let's leave a number for each other, and I'll call you after get off work."

For the young boy with calm eyes in front of her, Zhu Huihui still has some affection, otherwise she would not have helped him run for so long even if she was bored in the office.

He has such an idea to start his own business at such a young age. He is a good young man. Unfortunately, he is only 19 years old according to his ID card. He is a bit too young. Hey


Looking at the name 'Wang Rong' left on the other party's phone, Zhou An'an sighed helplessly.

By December next year, the business license must be transferred back as soon as possible.

After leaving the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, Zhou An'an went to find a reliable decoration company next to the Haizhou Building, and took people to the rental house for on-the-spot inspection.

"How about this, you come up with a construction plan as soon as possible, I have to rush back to Wuzhou tonight."

"no problem."

Anyway, he is a person who earns thousands of yuan a day. Zhou Anan took the designer to look at the house, and asked him to go back and get the design drawings.

To be honest, the renovation and decoration of this new house does not have much technical content. The second to fourth floors are all separated by partition walls, and the original structure basically does not need to be changed.

You only need to fix the floor tiles, renovate the walls, and simply remodel the first floor.

If it's in Lizhou's hometown, Zhou An'an can just find a construction team to get it done.

It's just that he is unfamiliar with the place of life in Lucheng, so Zhou An'an can only pay a little more to find a reassuring decoration company, so as not to be cheated too hard.

Zhou Anan, who was short on time, took another taxi to Lucheng Road to find out the prices of tables, chairs and office supplies.

"Okay, then let's meet at Chonghemen."

After receiving a call from Miss Sister, Zhou Anan put down the stationery rack in his hand, greeted the shop owner, and went out to call Chonghemen.

Today's beauties don't have the vulgarity of putting on makeup for half an hour and making the man wait for more than half an hour. Zhou An'an only walked around Chonghemen for about ten minutes before seeing a young lady in a blue dress.

"Have you been waiting long?"

After returning home from get off work, she changed her clothes. Zhu Huihui, who was dating a man for the first time, had no experience at all. She was afraid of making him wait too long, so she rushed out without even putting on much makeup.

"No, I just arrived too. I see a western restaurant has just opened there, do you want to try it?"

After looking at the beautiful young lady's beautiful figure that was previously covered by the uniform, Zhou An'an smiled and made a suggestion.

When eating with a woman, it is most taboo to ask the other party what to eat, and the answer will definitely be "anything" or "anything". When you choose a restaurant, you will get "it doesn't look good". Negative of 'not too fond of'.

If you accidentally get angry, the girl's impression of you will plummet after that, and you may even say goodbye directly.

Zhou An'an, who has learned from the past in his previous life, naturally would not make such a stupid mistake. Anyway, as long as he chooses a high-end place, whether the food is good or not is second to girls.


Hearing the boy's suggestion, Zhu Huihui felt that the other party was very tasteful, and her mood improved instantly.

Angel Coffee is located on the third floor of the newly built Chonghemen Square. The environment is petty bourgeoisie, and the price is naturally a bit expensive.

Zhou An'an still remembered that after a female classmate came here to spend once, she showed off for half a semester.

Now that I think about it, it's kind of cute.

To be honest, the per capita consumption of a meal is more than 200, which is indeed a bit high for the current economic level, let alone for college students who still get pocket money from their parents every month.

In the four years of college in his previous life, Zhou An'an, who was an otaku, had never even held a girl's hand, so naturally he would not come to this rich place to spend money. That is to say, a few years after graduation, Zhou Anan revisited the old place where the tutoring institution had been scaled up, and had a meal here with a certain elementary school girl who was seven or eight years younger.

"Would the steak be well-done or medium-rare? Medium-rare is more tender."

When ordering, seeing the other party's curious look, Zhou An'an helped the other party choose.

"Then it's half-familiar."

Zhu Huihui, who had never been to such a place when she was studying in college, was a little embarrassed. After hearing the boy's thoughtful question, she chose one according to the other party's wishes.

"Two steaks medium rare with an ice cream"

After ordering the staple food, he ordered a bunch of non-staple food for the young lady. Zhou An'an carefully looked at the young lady opposite.

In terms of appearance, if you change to the standard of 90 points for a fairy sister, the young lady who wears glasses can count as 70 points. She has an average figure, but her waist is still thin, but there is a slight deficiency in a certain place, which needs to be developed.

Generally speaking, it is about 72 points, which can be regarded as the standard line for the general public to consider a beautiful woman.

If it were him in his previous life, Zhou An'an felt that it would be good to find a girl with such good looks, gentle personality, and stable job as his wife.

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