Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 94 4. Shadow Warlock Cloth Laike

Chapter 94 4. Shadow Warlock Cloth Laike

Merry Winterwind left the cabin, and Bo Laike stayed there, stroking the magic-encrusted Skull of Gul'dan in his hand.

In the cabin swaying with the water waves, he glanced at his translucent character card, the last empty class was very dazzling.

I hesitated for too long.

Now a decision must be made.

"The old mage made it very clear, if you are determined to take the path of a warlock."

The voice of the elusive legendary assassin suddenly sounded in the cabin behind him, and Garona appeared from the shadows, sitting on the wooden barrel on the edge of the cabin.

She played with the Kingslayer dagger in her hand, and said to Bo Laike, who had her back turned to her:

"Then when I was hunting down Gul'dan in the Tomb of the Gods, I saw something that might be helpful to you. It was a handful."


The pirate raised his head and interrupted the legendary assassin, he said softly:

"It's called the Scepter of Sargeras, a dark god believed by the demons of the Burning Legion, a shadow artifact left in Azeroth, I know it.

I also know what else is hidden in that tomb, just like I told you before, I know better than Gul'dan what his so-called path to godhood is.

Forget it, Garona.

Buried in that tomb was nothing but despair.

As for the magic staff, now is not the time to ask for it. In the future, some people wearing the shadow of death and claiming to oppress all living beings will personally deliver the staff to me.

but not now."

Bo Laike grinned.

He listened attentively to the changes in the waves on the sea surface. After Proudmoore's bloodline was activated, he became more sensitive to the changes in the water current in the depths of the sea.

He heard the waves hitting the hull and felt the rudder parting the current. Red was steering the wheel, and the current was driving the boat in the direction Bo Laike had intended.

Everything is going smooth.

Under the surrounding sea water, there is no Hell power emerging. Hablon and Naglfar must be hunting him, but there is still a distance to approach him.

He said to Garona:

"Watch Red and his orcs for me, if they are dishonest, create a few 'accidents' for me, and remind them that there is a legendary assassin on this ship staring at them.

I won't let you do it for nothing, ma'am.

Count on me to hire you.

I will give you the priority to choose all the spoils obtained along the way during this long voyage. "

"I don't need those. I'm an assassin. It's enough to have my weapons with me."

Garona flicked the dagger in her hand and connected the Kingslayer to her fingertips in a very dangerous way. She said to Bo Laike:

"The practice of the old mage is worth learning! I want you to owe me a favor, a big favor. The knowledge in your mind is much more important to me than wealth and treasures.

If I run into trouble in the future and need 'advice', you can't refuse me. "


The pirate waved his hand and generously agreed.

The legendary assassin laughed, and his figure quietly slipped into the shadows.

She is very relaxed now.

Even though she was driving in unfamiliar waters with Laike, and there was a group of dangerous undead in hell chasing behind her, she was still very relaxed.

Probably because the long-term hatred hunt is finally over, the shackles imposed on her by the Shadow Council have been lifted, and freedom has come, although she is a little confused about the future.

But this legendary assassin couldn't wait to enjoy a new life.

She has done many wrong things.

Although it was driven by Gul'dan behind the scenes, it was an indisputable fact that his hands were stained with blood. Those heavy blood debts that he had borne in the past would one day have to be repaid.

She knew this, and she wasn't afraid to welcome the moment of reckoning.

But before that, there was still a lot of hatred in her heart that had not been released.

Laike felt the flow of the shadow behind him. On the sea, with the full +1 of Proudmoore's blood, his perception became very sharp.

He casually ignited a flare with fire and threw it out. After confirming that Garona had really left, he reached out and pushed the blindfold on his right eye, and the left eye was full of meaning.

"She thought she was alone, poor Garona, she thought she had nothing to worry about. But she didn't know that she had loved ones alive.

A very powerful, even more powerful than her, but a powerful person who walks on the completely opposite path.

She doesn't know.

The strong man has been looking for her.

You said, should I tell her the news? She still wants to take advantage of my favor, which is really big. With just such a piece of news, I can trick her into working for me for nothing for several years.

I can also hang her appetite, let her help me kill those who are malicious to me, just like she did when she served Gul'dan, and she will never, never refuse.

However, she is a friend, so there is no need to use such a bad way. I will tell her when necessary. "

"You mean Vindicator Maraad?"

It has been silent for the past two days. The voice of the bronze baby dragon Sefiel rang in Bu Laike's ears. Miss Long asked:

"Also, are you sure you want the power of shadow?"

"I'm sure that things like the Skull of Gul'dan have already fallen into my hands. It would be a waste if I don't use them properly. As for the powerful Holy Lightwalker Maraad."

The pirate put Gul'dan's head in front of his eyes, and looked at the dark, dark-green eye sockets of the skull.

After looking at it for a long time, the light in the eye sockets seemed to form a whirlpool.

After engulfing and pulling Laike's thoughts into it, he probably felt that he was about to be used, and the dark magic that was viscous and liquid-like inside the skull also became active.

It was like a dancing black silk wrapping around, swallowing up Laike's right hand.

He said:

"The Draenei have not yet entered Azeroth. In the words of your bronze dragons, it is the time of fate. I have no intention of changing this.

Now is not the best time.

Garona's mind is not as sophisticated as it will be more than ten years later. She has always been a lonely assassin, and she is also longing for friendship in the shadows.

I don't want to destroy this purity, she helped me after all.

As for her relationship with Maraad, it was a trump card that could be used, and since it was in her hand, she had to play it at the right time. "

The pirate shrugged and said something, but the bronze young dragon did not respond to this sentence, she said with a sense of exhaustion:

"Before on the Broken Coast, I helped you once in ghost form, which caused my soul to break away from the protection of the soul stone, and I was torn apart very tired and painful.

Next I may need to sleep for a while.

You have been bathed in my dragon's blood. As long as you don't cause major incidents, the bronze dragon will not be able to observe you. I will help you intervene in Gul'dan's death. Your fate and mine have been bound together.

So, before I wake up, try to keep a low profile. "


The voice of the bronze dragon subsided, and the cabin became quiet.

The pirate took a deep breath, and in the bobbing and swaying cabin, he took off the glove on his right hand and put his finger on Gul'dan's head.

Almost immediately felt the shadow magic floating in it.

It is like a living weapon, waiting to be summoned by the wielder.

Closing his eyes, Bo Laike felt the call from the dark magic, and he responded to it, letting go of his vigilance and the shadows around him, allowing the magic of the shadows to flow from the skull of Gul'dan to his fingers.

But rejected the more violent fel infection.

He didn't want to have anything to do with this violent force originating from demons.


The magic power is vibrating, and the dark flow of magic power seeps into the body bit by bit. Even though the eyes are closed, the text on the character card can still be seen:

Activate class inscription. Warlock shadow magic power is infusing. Warlock class is open!

A line of words appeared at the top of the character card.

Under Laike's gaze, his empty third class finally emerged:

Character Card: Derek Proudmoore (B Laike Shaw)

Class: Level 35 Pirate/Level 30 Ranger/Level 1 Warlock

New Talents: Demonology, Soul Stone Making, Grimoire Making (Beginner)

Successfully light up the class.

But Bu Laike didn't stop drawing shadow magic power from Gul'dan's skull. As the dark magic power continued to flow into his body, there was an extra magic bar under the life bar of Bu Laike's character card.

As well as the Shadow Affinity talent he already had, he also jumped from the intermediate level to the advanced level, making Laike's perception of the surrounding shadow power more delicate in an instant.

Meili Dongfeng's suggestion is correct!

Shadow and shadow come from the same source, but in different forms. Warlock and pirate classes can complement each other!

At least in terms of shadow power, they can complement each other.

And under Laike's stunned gaze, as he absorbed more and more shadow magic power, the experience bar below the Warlock class also began to rise.

"Can you still absorb magic power and upgrade like this?"

The pirate seemed to be pushed open the door of a new world at this moment.

His eyes lit up, and he sucked the magic power from Gul'dan's skull almost greedily, until a certain point came a few minutes later.

There is no more magic power in his body, and the rank of Warlock has risen from level 1 to level 5. A part of his soul seems to be connected to a mysterious dimension.

Therefore, there is an additional skill, Demon Summoning.

"Probably a call from the Twisting Nether?"

The pirate pouted, and tossed the head of Gul'dan, which was still full of magic power, up and down.

"Very well, it seems that the initial upgrade of the warlock class does not need to use the experience gained from hunting."

Bu Laike crossed his waist, feeling relieved.

He thought of another thing, reached out his hand to touch from his pocket, and put the perfect soul stone looted from Gul'dan in front of his eyes.

Before, he didn't have the knowledge of warlocks, and he didn't have magic power, so he couldn't find out the secrets in the soul stone at all. Now that he knows a little bit, he can finally figure out who the "guest" in the soul stone is.

Closing his eyes, Laike clumsily mobilized the dark magic power in his body and infiltrated it into the soul stone in his hand. He saw a sealed soul cage made of evil energy.

And in that cage, a tall female soul was bound. Laike noticed that this soul had a pair of sharp ears, and the appearance still maintained the state of the soul that was extracted when she died in battle.

Gul'dan must have used some method to put this powerful soul in a state of deep sleep, making it difficult to wake up.

But, is this a high elf?

He is still wearing the combat chain armor of the Farstrider Legion, and the battle robe on his body seems to have been seen once at Maris, which is the family crest of the Windrunner family

The pirate's eyes lit up.

He knew who this soul was imprisoned by Gul'dan and carried with him.

This is Liresa Windrunner!

High Elf Ranger-General of Quel'Thalas!

The mother of the three Windrunner sisters, the leader of the Farstrider Legion, is almost considered one of the most powerful rangers in Azeroth at this point in time.

"I'm sorry I said you were a miser, my dear Gul'dan, I take back my slander against you, you are so generous."

The pirate withdrew his magic power, opened his eyes, and rubbed the perfect soul stone in his hands.

He looked at the sea and exclaimed:

"I even regret giving you as a gift to that vicious talker Bwonsamdi

I pretended, hahahaha.

Such a formidable and powerful portable old lady.

I saved her.

Save her from the sad future of being used by evil warlocks to consume souls and summon demons.

She will reciprocate, and after I wake her up, she will teach me the best ranger combat skills, as well as the trials of the ranger class.

Don't worry!

Wow, today is really a rewarding day.

I made a decision!

From now on, today is designated as Azeroth's "Pirate Day"! Every year from now on I will celebrate the most important day of my life.

The premise is that I can escape from Hella's clutches.

Tch, it's really bad luck.

Just wait, Hela, when I have the ability to get in touch with that **** of Odin.

There are hello fruits to eat! "

(end of this chapter)

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