Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 80 79. The Doomsday Of The Betrayer

Chapter 80 79. The Doomsday of the Betrayer

"This is a trap!!!"


Before Gul'dan's chilly words in the hall could be heard, a large dark green wave of evil energy exploded in front of him, shattering the entire hall of the temple.

There was another frightening buzzing sound, and hundreds of green portals spread up and down around the hall.

Instantly brightens the darkness around him.

The low and violent roar sounded from those portals, like the sound of ecstasy and magic, which made the faces of the warlocks in despair full of despair.

They are warlocks.

They are most familiar with what that roar represents.


There are at least thousands of demons, roaring and rushing in from the other side of the portal.

They could no longer bear the mad killing intent in their hearts.

And the purpose of their coming here, at this moment, there is no need to say much.

They came here to take away Gul'dan's last hope and give him terrible despair.

To punish these audacious ones who stole the offal of the Legion's victory.

He wants to issue a judgment instead of his supreme demon king, and execute a dark soul who deserves to die!

Betrayers will die of betrayal.

The end of the shadow council warlocks is near.

All of this is because they have taken a path that they shouldn't have taken. Everything was prepared in advance, giving a little sweetness as hope first, and then taking away everything from the ignorant.

It is true that malevolence is not unique to demons, but at least for now, they make it very vivid.


The first demon rushed out of the fel portal, flapping its wings.

My God, it is at least seven meters high, and there are no traces of any living things on the surface.

Green evil energy covered its body like magma, and there were shattered lines on it like cooled glass. The pair of wings on the back were completely composed of energy, and every flicker would bring a scorching storm.

It has all the hallmarks of a Destroyer.

The moment it landed, the ground of the hall was cracked inch by inch. Amidst the devil's wild laughter, pure evil energy like magma tumbling surged out of the cracks in the ground.

It commanded thousands of troops, swung the giant ax in its hand, and countless fel energy creations like it rushed out from all around. The warlocks under Gul'dan resisted in vain.

However, the first wave of demonic charge shattered the bodies of three high-ranking warlocks.

The most miserable female sorcerer was held in the claws by the demon. It seemed that it was deliberately pouring a huge amount of evil energy into her body just to torture her.

It was like a green light bulb being lit.

Wisps of faint green light continued to expand within her body.

"No! Gul'dan! Help me! No!!!"

The female orc high-level warlock screamed. In despair, she asked her leader for help.

But how can Gul'dan have time to care about her now?

The moment the demons rushed out, that cunning thing released a spell, teleporting itself out of the hall, no one could save them

"No! I am willing to serve Legion..."

The sorceress felt like she was going to explode.

She worked hard and begged for mercy from the demon holding her body, but all she saw was a pair of tyrannical and ruthless eyes with a temperature of thousands of degrees.

The evil energy continued to pour in, and after three seconds, the female sorceress' skin was filled with lacerations caused by the explosion of internal energy, and the green light surged from under the wound, continuously strengthening.

Until finally, her eyes, nose, and mouth were filled with fel light, and...


It exploded like a flesh and blood bomb, steaming all the blood and internal organs. At the moment of the explosion, the flesh and blood turned to ashes, leaving only a rotten skull in the devil's hand, which was smashed to pieces by the devil's claws.

Obviously, the powerful Burning Legion does not need the services of such scum!

Gul'dan is the most cunning of the warlocks.

But he's not the only sneaky guy.

When Gul'dan escaped from the hall with the fel energy beacon that had been arranged in advance, he saw four or five high-level warlocks accompanying him running away from the tomb with hands and feet.

Obviously, a warlock with a brain was already prepared to deal with danger before he followed Gul'dan into the hall. As for those mindless warlocks.

Heck, what are they doing!

Brainless warlock, deserve to die!

"Serve the Shadow Council!"

When Gul'dan saw the fleeing warlock in front of him, a hint of surprise flashed in his dark red eyes. He raised his left hand, filled with evil energy, and hit the fellow in front of him like dark green lightning.

He used his super strong control over evil energy to force the magic in their bodies to lose control, and during the infusion of evil energy, he was forcibly temporarily strengthened into another form.

The few warlocks who didn't escape the attack were transformed into demon-like monsters amidst the screams, and under the control of Gul'dan, they roared and rushed towards the chasing demons behind them.

They are certainly not voluntary.

"Run! Run away!"

Anxious thoughts rolled in Gul'dan's mind.

He knew more than other warlocks, so he naturally knew who arranged the ambush.

He knows who he's messing with.

"Azeroth is no longer safe, the demon king Kil'jaeden will not let me go, I must go to another world, no! It's too late!

I must find new forces in Azeroth!

A force that fears no demons."

Gul'dan used magic to break out of the encirclement, while looking for a shelter in the evil wisdom. Hundreds of demons were chasing him behind him, but the great warlock detonated the surrounding buildings while fleeing, delaying the pursuit of the demons .

He is very organized.

This hall has a seal left by the human guardian. As long as you find it and activate it again, you have a high probability of escaping.

The incomplete seal will definitely not be able to trap the demon for too long, maybe it will expire in a day or two, and then the violent demon will rush into this world and cause chaos everywhere.

But what does that have to do with Gul'dan?

He just needs to get away.

As for demons or something, Azeroth is so weird and mysterious, there must be a savior hero who jumps out of nowhere to solve this trouble.

He thought very well, and he had already thought clearly about the follow-up disposal.

But when the demon chased him around a staircase and rushed into the upper floor of the hall, the fiery Gul'dan collided head-on with Maim Blackhand, the young chieftain of the Black-toothed Grinning clan who rushed into the tomb to hunt him down.

"Gul'dan! In my father's name! Die!"

The son of the black hand was extremely brave, roaring, and rushed towards the great warlock, but Gul'dan just smiled coldly, and waved his hand to set up a fel energy barrier in front of him, easily blocking Maim's death blow.

"Stupid brat! Your father was killed by Orgrim! Instead of assassinating the warchief, you came to trouble me?"

With a sneer, the great warlock kicked away the saber in Maim's hand, and lifted him up with his neck strangled.

This great sorcerer who always pretended to be a weak old man straightened his waist in an instant, his body doubled in an instant, and all his weakness faded away. The strong body with bone spurs strengthened by evil energy carried Maim Blackhand.

It's like carrying a child.

"You came just in time, the raging demons need sacrifices! Idiot!"

The great warlock glanced behind him, the group of demons had already broken through the barrier, and came chasing him with monstrous evil fire. Gul'dan raised his hand and threw Maim to those demons.

Laughing loudly, he charged into the warriors of the Black-toothed Grinning Clan, slashed and killed them with his bony spur-grown fists, pulled out his soul, poured it with evil energy, and called out evil magic.

While chanting in a low voice, three dark green scorching meteors fell from the sky, smashed through the outer wall of the ancient temple, and blasted into the pile of demons behind them with the domineering posture of a hellfire demon.

The loud noise of the three hellfires falling to the ground instantly blew up the stairs connecting the second floor of the temple, which also made Gul'dan heave a sigh of relief.

Finally blocked it.

The explosion won't buy him much time.

But it was enough for him to relax a bit from the shock. To be honest, the way the evil energy erupted from the Sargeras scepter just now really shocked him.

He thought that the demon king came in person to take his miserable life.

so far so good.

In the eyes of the Demon King, he is a small person after all.

Even if it's revenge, it doesn't take much power.

This kind of feeling of being scorned by others is not very good, but since it saved a dog's life, Gul'dan has nothing to complain about now.

The great warlock's breathing was short, and he was about to turn around to find the node of the seal of the temple, and completely seal those demons in the depths of the hall, but he escaped from death and let down his vigilance for a moment.


The flying blood light exploded.

The legendary assassin Garona, who finally found the perfect opportunity, emerged from the darkness wielding the legendary double-bladed kingslayer that Gul'dan asked the Blackhand Warchief to build.

Once it appears, it is the ultimate power bred by the way of shadow.

The orc's petite figure danced around Gul'dan for a moment, and the shadows seemed to dance a deadly dance against her.

The legendary double blades attacked hundreds of times in one second, pouring a deadly poison enough to kill demons into the body of the great warlock, and the surging vibration of the shadow was like a feast of killing and blooming.

Pierce into flesh and blood, pick apart tendons and bones, cut spleen, and sever life.

only one second.

A second of horror and beauty.

Under Gul'dan's horrified gaze, Garona's figure gathered in one place in hundreds of dissipated black smoke afterimages. At the moment when Gul'dan's body and limbs were cut off, like a ding an ox, he saw that Pair of pure blue eyes.

In the eyes of the legendary assassin, there is no remnant of master magic.

Complete despair rose in Gul'dan's heart.

He knew how much Garona hated him.

If I had known that Garona would be my executioner today, maybe I should have treated her better in the first place. Of course it is impossible! He is an outstanding warlock!

How could there be such a ridiculous idea of ​​a confession?

At this moment, Gul'dan's gaze was so fierce that he wanted to swallow Garona whole, but there was also a trace of relief in it.

Died at the hands of Garona.

At least it's better than dying at the hands of the devil.

He is a warlock, his soul will not dissipate immediately when he dies, as long as Garona kills him, his soul can return to the "rear path" he prepared in advance.


Garona grabbed Gul'dan's ear with her left hand, and pierced the legendary warlock's neck with the dagger in her right hand. To be honest, at this moment, her heart was really boiling with murderous intent.

I really want to chop off the bastard's head like this.

But she eventually stopped at the idea.

Not out of kindness or anything.

She wants Gul'dan dead!

Want that real death!

It's not the death tricks played by warlocks!

She knew that Gul'dan would only hurt if she cut her with the knife, but she was unwilling to let him go like this, and she was unwilling to let him be so easy. She wants Gul'dan to suffer forever and never be freed!

She can't do that.

But someone can do it.


A streak of hot blood flew out of the Kingslayer's blade with something strange, it was Gul'dan's vocal cords, which were cut off delicately by Garona.

She showed a cold smile towards Gul'dan who was dripping with blood in her hand, and carrying his body, she rushed towards the entrance of the Tomb of the Gods.

The Grand Warlock, whose body had been severed by the killing feast, was struggling.

From Garona's weird smile, he tasted something ominous. It was impossible for Garona to break the control of the Juggernaut Orb by herself.

Someone must help her!

Today was a day full of ups and downs. I thought I could escape with my life, but now it seems that I just jumped from one trap to another.

Perhaps Gul'dan should really review his career.

How come so many people want his dog's life?

The Horde has only been in Azeroth for only six years, why did he provoke so many people?



That, the entry of Demon Strike is wrong, it’s because I haven’t played the game for a long time, and I misremembered that the special effect of Demon Strike is a guaranteed crit, not the multiple attacks of Thrashing Blade.

Thanks to the book friends for pointing this out, I will make changes later.

(end of this chapter)

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