Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 68 67. Lordaeron's Disaster

Chapter 68 67. Lordaeron's Disaster

Bo Laike still has one last month to prove his "loyalty" to the Queen of Hell.

But the pirate is a cunning guy. Although he behaves uncertain, in fact he is sure of winning.

He knew that Gul'dan, the great orc warlock he promised to dedicate to the queen, would never leave the endless sea of ​​Azeroth alive anyway.

Even without his intervention, Gul'dan would have died 100%.

Because this great orc warlock, driven by ambition, has offended a character among the stars that he can never afford to offend.

He is dead.

For Braike, the only difficulty in this hunt is how to bring Gul'dan and his soul to pieces in the tomb of the gods that has been sealed for thousands of years, before they are torn apart by violent demons. come out.

He needs that soul.

He needs a lot of things from Gul'dan, the necessary armaments that must be collected before a magnificent and grand betrayal.

That's why he needs Garona.

He couldn't do this with his own skills, but Garona could!

The premise is that Garona will not be under the control of the Shadow Council, otherwise things will become quite troublesome.

"I had some doubts before, but the power behind you is indeed astonishing. As you said, we foreigners know too little about Azeroth."

On the bank of the hilly river, the legendary assassin wiped her right arm with her left hand. The mist just now made her very uncomfortable, and she did not hide her body anymore.

After hearing the conversation between the pirate and the messenger of Hell, she let go of her last wariness about Bo Laike.

Probably as Bo Laike said, she failed and could still live anyway.

But Bo Laike failed, and he was finished.

He wanted to see Gul'dan's death more than Garona, and this alone was enough to make Garona trust Laike in a limited way.

she says:

"You are too reckless. Being so weak is associated with such a force. I know you are trying to resist them, but you have no chance of winning."


Bu Laike, who was sitting opposite Garona, twitched his lips and said:

"My problem at the time was that if I didn't join them, I wouldn't have the opportunity to have such a conversation with you now, that's not being reckless, it's just struggling in a desperate situation.

This cursed fate was not chosen by me.

Just like you were adopted by Gul'dan when you were young, you can't resist that kind of fate, you can only survive from the dead. I'm asking you, ma'am, about the spirit elicitor you saw just now.

If you fight him, are you sure you will win? "

Faced with this question, Garona did not choose to answer immediately, but stroked the legendary dagger on her waist, and nodded after several minutes of thinking.


"If it's just the half-titan man, I'm sure if I have the upper hand. But he obviously has a weird power. If he is surrounded by that kind of power, and I don't have the same external assistance, I will lose miserable.

You have to understand, Boo Laike.

No matter how powerful we are, we are all mere mortals, and they come from legends and myths. Gul'dan is an out-and-out bastard, the most power-hungry person I've ever seen in my life.

But even he taught me over and over again.

For these forces beyond the horizon of mortals, we must always maintain awe and vigilance. "


Bu Laike was not surprised by this answer.

He didn't show much disappointment either. He stood up a few seconds later, took out the little murloc who was still unconscious from the backpack behind his waist, handed it to Garona, and said:

"Take good care of it for me, remember to feed it some water every day, I will try my best to complete the second phase of training in the shortest possible time, and improve my strength as much as possible before Gul'dan arrives.

But when I heard what you just said, I felt a hint of the irony of fate. "

The pirate curled his lips and said:

"The person who taught you to be in awe of power, who is so purely evil and extremely selfish, is about to drown in his desire and ambition to lose control of power.

What a sarcasm. "


At the same time that Laike and Garona were discussing Gul'dan, farther north in the hills, farther north beyond Dalaran, the magical city built on the shores of Lake Lordamere.

The Tirisfal region where the King City of Lordaeron is located has completely entered a state of war without any precautions.

Tens of thousands of violent and brave Blackrock orcs, led by Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer, crossed the Alterac Valley, which was originally regarded as a natural danger by the Alliance.

They poured out from the foot of the mountain in the southeast of the city of Lordaeron, and they only needed to travel less than 30 kilometers to reach the city of Lordaeron, which was completely defenseless.

The entire royal city was in chaos, and the troops from the entire Tirisfal region were frantically rushing over to support them.

But the orcs were clearly prepared, and several small clans were sent around the royal city to set up a temporary line of defense.

The last bastion of mankind was right in front of them, the victory the Horde longed for, and the opportunity to crush the alliance in one blow were right in front of them. Orgrim hardly needed to mobilize their inner desire to attack.

All orcs are warlike.

They will fight to the last in their own line of defense to win enough siege time for the warchief who personally led his troops to attack the city of Lordaeron.

The most wonderful thing is that the human army is still in the two battlefields of the hills and Quel'Thalas.

They simply can't get back in a short time.

The city of Lordaeron is like a beauty stripped of its clothes. Facing the anxious orcs, it seems weak and has no strength to fight back, but the human side is not without warriors.

In fact, when faced with a real choice, the human side also showed amazing courage.


The huge stone was slammed into the nearly 20-meter-high city wall of Lordaeron City by the orc's engineering trebuchet, just like a titan's fist, the bricks and stones of the city wall flew randomly, and the thick The stones trembled.

A few unlucky human infantry guarding the city wall failed to stand still, and fell down dancing and dancing during the impact. Their wailing added a touch of sadness to the besieged city wall.

But they were hopeless.

Falling from such a height, they were already dead. Even if they survived by chance, the orcs gathered below like a green tide would not spare their lives.


The artillery erected by the human beings on the city wall opened fire immediately, as if retaliating against the orc army.

The artillery built by the dwarves burst into flames, and the heavy shells flew out, slamming into the orc army through an arc, pulling out a bloody scar.

It's like the reef was thrown into the rolling tide, only blocking the tide.

But in the next moment, more armored orcs stepped forward.

They held up the rough and savage clan battle flags, and amidst the thundering drums and roars, they carried the siege ladders they had just made, rushing towards the white city wall without risking their lives.

Great Chief Orgrim Doomhammer, now riding on his black war wolf, in the center of the orc army, looked at the human city in front of him indifferently.

He was wearing a set of black plate armor, which Orgrim personally built when he was young, and he was holding a heavy, square-headed one-handed warhammer in his hand.

It doesn't look like steel, but more like some kind of solid and heavy stone.

It's called Doomhammer.

It is the source of Orgrim's surname, which is a legendary weapon forged in the magma and elemental power of the world of Dellano, the hometown of orcs.

Its existence itself is a legendary story.

It represents the orc civilization's initial resistance to the ogre empire that tried to enslave them.

That rebellion succeeded in the end and became an epic sung by the orcs for generations.

But now, this legendary weapon that was originally used to fight against slavery has been brought into another world to carry out the cause of destruction, enslavement and conquest.

It has to be said, whether it is for the orc civilization or for Doomhammer itself, this is a tragedy.

And since this legendary weapon was cast and born, there has been a legendary prophecy that has been handed down with it for hundreds of generations:

"It is said that the last heir of the Doomhammer bloodline will use it to bring redemption to the orcs, and with it destruction. Then the Doomhammer will pass to those outside the Blackrock clan.

Everything will change again, until the weapon and its new owner do justice once again. "


It's all gossip like this.

But now the warchief Orgrim, who is holding the Hammer of Doom, is a little distracted.

At this important moment when he was commanding tens of thousands of orcs to besiege the city of Lordaeron regardless of casualties, and was about to win the decisive battle, the war chief who was respected by all orcs suddenly remembered the man he had left behind. Ancient prophecy.

As a commander, he should give orders and adjust the battlefield.

But he didn't do that.

Instead, he rode on his war wolf, looking at the pure white human city in front of him.

Lordaeron, the last bastion of mankind, must be difficult to capture.

Orgrim even saw Terenas II in military uniform standing on the city wall under the king's banner at the end of his sight, and Anduin Lothar beside him.

The king and marshal of the human race went up to the wall himself!

The warchief heard the roars and cheers of the human soldiers on the walls.

They were extremely brave at this moment.

As if infused with the courage of their own king, under the leadership of those generals and paladins, they went out to fight everywhere, pushing down or hacking the orc warriors who climbed the city wall to death.

Failed again.

Orgrim shook his head. Since he launched the siege battle earlier today, until now, the orc warriors climbed the city wall many times, but each time they were immediately driven down.

In less than half a day, the orcs lost several small clans, and the casualties on the human side were definitely several times that of the orcs who were full of fighting spirit.

It's a meat grinder fight.

Cowards cannot survive such a war.

The great chief was not angry because of this failed attack, he moved the Doom Hammer in his hand, and said to the tall and strong orc warlord beside him:

"Buclos, take someone with you!"

"it is good."

The tall orc warlord exhaled a fighting spirit from his nostrils, and lifted his huge and heavy battle axe. Soon, a new wave of offensives started again under the leadership of this legendary warrior.

And the humans also realized the appearance of Bu Rocks. Saurfang. On the city wall, next to the human king, there was also a short man with a battle ax and a hammer, wrapped in thunder.

"Muradin Bronzebeard!"

Orgrim's eyes narrowed, and he recognized the dwarf warrior who yelled and challenged Bo Rocks, and said softly:

"He was the one who killed Old Dahl. Ah, if the Burning Blade clan commanded by Old Dahl is still there"

As soon as this idea arose, it was snuffed out by the great chief.

A legendary commander like him would not be immersed in such boring fantasies. His eyes fell on the human king Terenas II who stood under the king's banner on the city wall and blew the horn himself.

The king who was nearly fifty years old reminded him of Ryan Wrynn, and the city of Lordaeron in front of him also reminded him of Stormwind City that had been destroyed by the Horde army.

How did they defeat that equally difficult human city?

Well, it's Gul'dan.

It was that bastard who sacrificed the assassin he cultivated.

It was Hav Olsen who held the double blades of darkness, that petite half-orc, who slipped into Stormwind City, assassinated Ryan Wrynn, and caused Stormwind City to fall.


If Garona is still serving the Horde, Warchief Orgrim now only needs to let the orc do the trick again.

No, I guess it didn't go that smoothly.

Humans are cunning and formidable opponents.

They are good at learning from failures, a human king has already died at the hands of Horde assassins, and Terenas II is not a reckless man.

He dared to appear on the city wall, which proved that the king was sure that he would not suffer the same fate as Ryan.

"So... there are no shortcuts."

Orgrim clasped the Hammer of Doom in his hand, and he glanced behind him. Behind him, on the south side of Lake Lordamere, there was a magical human city of Dalaran.

Once the mages join the battle, the Horde's offensive will be more difficult.

But the red dragons of the Dragonmaw clan will attack Dalaran to buy more time for Orgrim, which is a well-planned strategy.

However, in the heart of the great chief, there was unconcealable uneasiness at this moment.

He left Gul'dan's bastard in Quel'Thalas. Thinking about it now, this move was too risky. When he heard that Alterac had surrendered to the Horde, he was overjoyed and ignored the threat of Gul'dan himself.

Will that great warlock who only serves himself for the sake of survival really serve the victory of the tribe honestly?

He left behind the brave Val Locke. Saurfang was there to watch Gul'dan, but can that rammed legendary warrior really suppress Gul'dan?

There is also the Dragonmaw Clan at both ends of the Snake Rat.

"Oh, I have too few people available."

Orgrim Doomhammer became more and more uneasy as he thought about it. At this moment, he looked at the war hammer in his hand, and looked at the pattern of the war wolf roaring on the surface of the war hammer.

"Drotan, my brother, if you are still by my side, with your wisdom and my strength, a mere city of Lordaeron, a mere human

Damn the Shadow Council!

Wait until after my victory, wait for me to avenge you, my brother, all warlocks! All offal! One by one, I will smash their heads with my own hands! "

(end of this chapter)

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