Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 100 10. Cannonball "Diplomacy"

Chapter 100 10. Cannonball "Diplomacy"


Wearing the title of Spirit Hunter, Bo Laike emerged from the shadows, wielding a sword with soul piercing, and slashed at the legs of the tall vrykul necromancer.

The sharp master blade cut off the half-titan's leg, only mist splashed, but no blood flowed out.

Amid the wailing of the undead, its huge body lost its balance and fell to the ground with one knee. When it looked up, it saw the expressionless Bu Laike raised his two-handed saber, and slashed the sharp blade head-on like an execution.


With the sound of a balloon being punctured, the head with the rusted horn helmet and the disgusting smell flew out.

But the moment the head was separated from the body, it quickly turned into fog and collapsed like a headless corpse.

The heat surged into the body, and Laike didn't stop at all. He turned around and threw the master sword in his hand with a deadly throwing technique, repelling Kvaldir who was roaring and swinging an ax in the chaos behind him, trying to chop at the mast.

Garona jumped out of the shadows at this moment, and the legendary double blades interlaced pierced through the back of the mist pirate, crushing it into a mist collapse.

Perfect fit!


Bu Laike's shout spread across the deck in an instant.

The small-caliber naval guns on the two artillery decks roared immediately.

According to the captain's order, the orc gunners holding torches did not aim precisely. Instead, they replaced the red-hot solid shells next to them, and fired a wave of barrage towards the sides of the ship.

Those shells blasted into the mist on the sea surface on both sides of the ship with high temperature, only a small part hit the first Vykul ship docked there, but soon ignited the flames.

Several slender vrykul assault boats with dragon heads carved on the sides of the ship were set ablaze.

"Follow me! Soldiers! Kill them!"

Red roared angrily and grabbed the oil-soaked warblade. The young chief was truly courageous. He rushed out of the cabin with his people and launched a counterattack against the powerful half-titan undead.

With the ability to attack the undead, the genuine spirit hunter Bu Laike is clearing the way for them, and the orcs ignite their weapons by dipping in oil to make a temporary "flame enchantment".

After finding the right way to fight, after a few minutes, the first wave of vrykul marauders pouring into the deck from the mist was quickly repelled.

The first wave of Kvaldir pirates that rushed onto the deck had less than twenty people, but in less than ten minutes of battle, they fought off at least three times as many orcs as them.

The battle damage was so terrible that Garona, who was hiding in the shadows, gasped.

Although she hated the irritable and destructive fellow orcs, but she had fought with the old tribe for so many years, it was really rare that the orcs lost so badly in the frontal confrontation.

The last time there was such a terrifying battle loss ratio, it seemed to be in the world of Dellano, when the Shadow Council helped the Warsong clan to encircle and suppress the group of terrifying Gron giant beasts in the Gorgrond wilderness.

At that time, Garona was not strong enough, so that battle made her memory fresh, and now, her definition of "hard battle" has been refreshed again.

But such a cruel scene, which could be called a massacre, was only the beginning of today's naval battle.

After the black-toothed orcs, who suffered heavy casualties, cleared the half-titan undead on the deck in one go, before they could utter their battle cry of victory, they heard more low-pitched horns echoing in the surrounding fog.

This time there were more dragon-headed warships rushing over, and in the distant mist, the distinctive mast and shape of the Naglfar were also looming.

it's coming!

Hablon is full of murderous intentions, and wants to come here in person and harvest the souls of the traitors with his own hands.

Even the bravest orcs, seeing the messy deck and the dozens of dragon-headed warships rushing out of the mist, had despair in their eyes.

At this desperate moment, of course there are cowards who retreat.

But any orc with a little brain knows that if they don't try their best, once more half-titan undead appear on the stage, the destruction of the Black Tooth Grinning Clan is imminent.

Therefore, on the small deck, under Red's order, they divided into two teams, concentrated the naval guns, and ignited the weapons, forming a temporary front relying on bravery.

During the roaring and bloody battle, they launched a small counterattack to push the semi-titans that had climbed onto the deck, or simply hacked them to death. The orc gunners also roared.

With red eyes, he fired at the highest frequency, destroying the dragon head warships rushing out of the fog.

At this moment, the disadvantage of the Hell Undead's lack of long-range weapons was fully revealed. The roar of shells stabilized the precarious situation in an instant.

But such stability cannot last long.

Vrykul necromancer's strength, undead attributes, and superiority in numbers cannot be offset by the orc's brutal will to fight.

Once the Naglfar is close to the battlefield, once more Vrykul undead join the battle, the Blacktooth Grinning Clan will be defeated quickly. If the individual and group strengths are not dominant, this battle will undoubtedly be defeated. .

"B Laike, use your wicked wits to figure it out!"

After a few minutes, even Garona started to put pressure on the pirates.

Relying on the legendary double blades of the King Slayer, the legendary assassin who shuttled through the shadows and killed the misty undead one by one, was somewhat unable to withstand it.

"No hurries!"

Bo Laike swung his short sword and dagger, and continued to assassinate half-titan undead in the shadows. While fighting, he looked at the position of the Naglfar in the mist.

The naval guns on the Orc's ship are very rubbish. There are less than 40 guns on the ship that should have a fixed number of 50 naval guns, and the maximum caliber is only a pitiful 12 pounds.

Even if the 12-pound gunboat is loaded with solid ammunition, its effective range is only a pitiful 600 meters.

In other words, no matter how anxious Bu Laike is now, he has to wait for the Nagfar to approach the ship about 600 meters before he can act. There is only one chance.

Once missed.

"Come closer, come closer!"

The pirate captain stared at the Naglfar ship's movement in the mist. A few minutes later, when the orc's battle line was about to collapse, Bu Laike turned around and threw out the hook lock, hooked above the mainmast.

The whole person was taken into the air for a moment, then jumped with a shadow step, across a small half of the deck, and appeared directly behind the orc warlock Xieyan on the top of the poop.

The sorcerer had been terrified by the ferocity of the battle.

He held a fel energy rune in his hand, ready to activate and summon his strongest demon servant at any time.

But he was trembling, but he also fulfilled Bu Laike's order.

Beside him, there is a 12-pound naval gun that has been pushed to the poop, and the muzzle has been pointed in the direction of the Nagfar. where to put this.

It's a solid round with a hollowed-out center and reinforced interior, and Bo Laike's indentured imp, Daglop, is crouching next to the shell with a tangled expression on his face.

Strapped around its emaciated body is a magic bag belonging to Bo Laike.

It's like carrying a "dynamite pack" on your back.

"Daglop, my ugly and noisy servant! You say you want revenge, and I will give you a chance to take revenge, but if you can't grasp it yourself, don't blame me."

When the pirates landed here, they began to fine-tune the position of the naval guns.

He said to his contract kid without looking back:

"I'll ask you one last time, do you know what to do?"

"I feel like I'm being used!"

Daglop, the imp, screamed at the top of his voice:

"The revenge I imagined is not like this! You evil master, if you want me to get into the cannonball, I will be blown to pieces and go back to the twisting void the moment you fire the cannonball!"

"No, you won't."

Bu Laike narrowed his left eye, grabbed the cannonball with both hands, and said to his kid:

"Now, get in! Now! Don't make me force you to do this."

"Yes, yes, yes! I'll do it right away, and send me, the little guy, to carry out this death mission."

Daglop yelled in sharp sarcasm.

But under the watchful eyes of Bu Laike, it didn't have the courage to disobey its new owner in the end, so it could only obediently slip into the shell along the hole that was opened, and was stuffed into the barrel by Bu Laike.

"Listen to my order and prepare to light the fire!"

Bu Laike pressed his hands into the black barrel, and he pointed the muzzle in the direction of the Nagfar. The next moment, the ranger's sniper skill was activated.

Start charging.

A gun is a long-range attack weapon.

The cannon is also a long-range attack weapon.

There is no difference between the two in theory. Bu Laike tried it last night. Using naval guns can activate sniper skills.

The existence of this skill is why Bu Laike dared to let the little ghost perform tasks, and it can also guarantee that it will not be killed by the bomb.

On Broken Beach before, the sniper shot of Cho'gall has proved that in the sniper state, even if the launcher is damaged, the bullet will definitely hit the target.

Accumulate quickly for more than five seconds.

In the shadowy mist, Bo Laike hit a hunter's mark on any fog warrior on the Naglfar.

Full charge for five seconds, sniper proficiency +1

Marked for death talent, long-range combat skill effect +1

The pirate is located above the sea, the blood of Proudmoore is activated, all combat skills and talent effects are +1, calculated separately, everything is like the amazing shot that Laike sniped Cho'gall before.

On the skill bar of the translucent character card in front of him, the proficiency behind the sniper combat skills changed rapidly again.

Start with proficiency.

Mastery, master, master, legend!

"Light it up! Then run! As far away as possible!"

The pirate captain roared in a deep voice, and the Warlock Xieyan next to him immediately ignited the fire wire in his hand on the fuse of the naval gun. When sparks came out from the crackling propellant fuse, the warlock turned and ran away.

Bu Laike maintains the action of fixing the gun barrel.

He knew that if this gun was fired, the naval gun would definitely blow up.

This thing is the same as the gun that sniped Gugall before, and it can't withstand the legendary blow at all.

But he is not afraid.

The blindfolded pirate's one eye shone brightly.

He stared at the Naglfar in the mist, the shadow cloak was activated, and the tumbling shadow shrouded his body, almost turning his whole body into a body of black mist.

He knew Hablon must be watching him, too, on that damned ship.

On this foggy battlefield full of gunpowder smoke and death, the soul-inducing man can't wait to tear him apart.

"Come on baby, dance with me."

Bo Laike grinned.

In the next moment, amidst the violent explosion, the cannon was ejected, and the exploded naval gun collapsed a corner of the entire poop, engulfing the pirates in the shadow cloak.

"I really don't hate you at all!!!"

The cannonball with the legendary blow also smashed into the Nagfar hundreds of meters away at several times the speed of sound amidst the scream of the little ghost Daglopura.

It's almost here!


The cannonball almost grazed the head of the soul-inducing Hablon, and hit the head of a Kvaldir mist pirate behind him, smashing the unlucky guy into a mist and tearing him apart.

Under the blessing of power, it blasted through the decayed deck of the keel battleship and smashed into the lower deck of the battleship.

At this moment, amidst the violent shaking of the keel battleship, even Hablon couldn't help touching his cheek.

"well played"

The soul-inducing man sneered, staring at the miserable warship that had been invaded by half-titan undead spirits in the mist in front of him:

"Unfortunately, it's a little bit off, just a little bit! Just struggle like this, Betrayer Bu Laike. Xiao, you are a mistake I made with my own hands, and I will correct it myself soon.

Never beg for mercy.

That way, I won't be able to enjoy your despair."

(end of this chapter)

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