Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 58 Firm Faith

In the frontline barracks of the Rebel Army, the high-level leaders headed by Garrod sat opposite the gorgeously dressed Highborne delegation.

The leader, a blond night elf in a red robe, gestured politely to Jarod and the others with aristocratic etiquette.

"I am honored to meet you all. I am Dath'Remar Sunstrider. In the name of Queen Azshara, I am here to discuss with you how to end the war and create peace."


A female high-ranking elf officer on Jarod's left let out a smirk, fixed her eyes on Dath'Remar with fierce hatred and asked, "Mr. Sunstrider, did I hear correctly?"

"Not only did the queen invite demons to slaughter our people wantonly, she even sent someone to assassinate Kurtalos Ravencress, the lord of Black Rook Castle, who wanted to drive out the demons. Now tell me, she wants peace?"


The woman couldn't control her emotions and slapped the table, "Don't be kidding! If you want peace, first hand over that bastard of Varosen! I will make him pay for it with blood!"


Garald sighed softly, stood up and comforted him, "Don't get excited, we will never forget what happened to Lord Ravencrest, let's listen to Mr. Sunstrider's opinion on this matter first."

Dath'Remar took a deep look at Elisanna who was trembling with anger, "Is this Lord Ravencrest's daughter? I, Dath'Remar, on behalf of the Sunstrider family, would like to express my condolences to you about what happened to your father." Deepest condolences."

"Lord Ravencrest is undoubtedly an outstanding nobleman, and there are many highborne in Xin Azshari who feel sorry for his death, but the queen personally issued an order... we have no right to comment."


Elisanna Ravencrest managed to calm down after Dath'Remar's decent statement and Garrod's persuasion. Although her face was still gloomy, at least she was no longer out of control in front of everyone. emotional outburst.

Patting Elisanna on the shoulder, he comforted the descendant of Ravencrest and sat down. Jarod used this topic to attack Dath'Rema.

"Mr. Sunstrider, the experience of Lord Ravencrest is definitely not an exception. Prince Farondis of Azsuna was also bloody suppressed by her because he was dissatisfied with the queen's behavior of inviting demons."

"They are all high-level elves, and they were brutally killed and silenced just because they disagreed with the Queen."

"Our public call for the rebels is more radical. The queen should have wanted to get rid of us a long time ago. How do you make us believe that Queen Azshara, who doesn't rub her eyes, will have the sincerity of reconciliation?"

Dath'Remar also felt very troubled by this issue. He didn't really bring the queen's sincerity. Azshara just held the attitude that it would be better to reconcile, and it didn't matter if he couldn't. Sincerity...doesn't exist at all.

The distress in his heart did not show outwardly, Dath'Remar still maintained a nobleman's reserved smile and said, "I will convey your questions to the queen, but... I want to know the core demands of the rebels."

"What kind of belief do you all hold to rise up and rebel against Her Majesty the Queen who has developed the Dark Night Empire?"

Jarod shook his head and retorted, "These are two different things, Mr. Sunstrider, you are changing concepts secretly."

"It is true that the empire that the Queen led in the first half of her life conquered all over the world, and indeed laid an unprecedented vast territory for the Dark Night Empire, and even subdued the trolls that once ruled the world, allowing the glory of my family to spread throughout the Kalimdor continent."

"But none of these credits can offset her heinous crimes of inviting demons, massacring civilians, and attempting to destroy the entire world."

Garald said firmly, "But even so, our core goal is not Queen Azshara, but to expel the demons and return Kalim to peace and harmony."

Maiev looked at her imposing younger brother with relief, and Garald's growth was her biggest gain in this war.

"The Sisterhood of Elune has the same attitude."

Maiev looked at Dath'Remar indifferently and said, "We don't care whether the Queen worships Elune or not, the Moon God will never interfere with anyone's freedom of belief."

"But she brought demons full of chaotic and destructive nature into Azeroth. This is a wrong behavior that Elune cannot tolerate. We will never make any concessions until Queen Azshara gives up her support for demons."

The statements of the Shadowsong siblings represent the military and the belief system respectively. As a descendant of the traditional Ravencrest family, Elisanna and other high elves with a strong will to resist also expressed their own demands.

"Stop trusting demons and bring the Night Empire back to normal. Class conflicts are not unsolvable. As long as the two parties are willing to sit down and negotiate peacefully, we will be able to find a suitable balance."

Dath'Remar was greatly shocked by the firm belief and statement of the high-level rebels.

Compared with the nobles of Zin-Azshari who were drunk and muddled along, the will of these rebel compatriots is more staring, and their initial and ultimate goal has never been to rebel, but to expel the Burning Legion that is wreaking havoc on the world.

"...I have already felt the attitude of everyone."

Reminded by a deputy behind him, Dath'Remar woke up from his daze.

"I will convey your views to the Queen intact, I hope..."

"Sorry, I'm late."

Before Dath'Remar finished speaking, the tent of the main camp was suddenly lifted, and Malfurion, who had just retreated from the front line, entered the room with an apologetic face.

Recently, in order not to let himself think too much, the archdruid threw himself into the battlefield almost non-stop, using busyness to relieve the growing anxiety in his heart.

Jarod introduced Dath'Remar, "Mr. Sunstrider, this is the leader of the Druid sect, Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage."

Dath'Remar narrowed his eyes and observed Malfurion carefully. He was very displeased with the strong "local atmosphere" on the other party.

Likewise, Malfurion was uncomfortable with the "unnatural" arcane energies that lingered throughout Dath'Remar.

In his view, the energy absorbed from the Well of Eternity has lost its purity through the transformation of the body, which is very different from the arcane energy obtained by himself through cultivation.

Both of them are self-cultivated people, and the rejection in their hearts did not show on their faces.

Malfurion nodded politely to Dath'Remar, and that casual gesture aggravated Dath'Remar's disgust.

"Mr. Sunstrider, I want to ask you about someone."

Dath'Rema raised his brows, recalling what was mentioned in the intelligence, the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

"Arch Druid, if you are asking about the whereabouts of High Priest Tyrande Whisperwind, I can only tell you that she is still imprisoned in the palace by the queen, at least she is safe and sound now."

"No, I didn't ask her."

Malfurion shook his head and said in denial, "I want to know, have you heard some rumors in Zin-Azshari recently, such as...where is there a strange energy that has never been seen before?"


Hearing this, Dath'Remar put away his previous formulaic smile, looked at Malfurion solemnly and asked back, "You mean, Andrea Moonshadow?"

Malfurion's eyes lit up, "That's right, Your Excellency has heard of it? Can you tell me the latest news about him?"

Dath'Remar nodded and said, "To be honest, I had a brief exchange with Mr. Moon Shadow before."

"He was injured by Archimonde when he entered the city half a month ago. As a last resort, he disguised himself as an ordinary crow and hid in a high-level elf family to recuperate. His injury should have recovered."

Malfurion's face changed suddenly when he heard that Andrea was injured by Archimonde himself. He immediately recalled the evil energy ray that pierced the sky half a month ago, and it took him long to learn that Andrea was still safe and sound. Breathe a sigh of relief.

Dath'Remar curled his lips and poured cold water on Malfurion, "Don't worry too much, the demons have been keeping a high-intensity search before I leave the city, maybe they will find the noble district anytime soon, his The situation is not optimistic.”


A series of explosions coming from the direction of Xin Aisa Li attracted the attention of everyone present, and everyone left the main camp for unknown reasons and went to the outside room.

Both Dath'Remar and Malfurion could feel the turbulent energy in the distance, and expressions of horror appeared on their faces at the same time.

Dath'Remar was surprised and thought thoughtfully, "Only a powerhouse of Queen Azshara's level can do this kind of energy hedging." '

'During the time I was away, what happened to Xin Aisalie? '

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