Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 2 Andrea Moonshadow

"Battle of the Ancients" is the name recorded by later generations for this tragic war against the Burning Legion by all races of Azeroth, and now it is said that it naturally arouses Shandris' doubts.

"Battle of the Ancients?"

"No... nothing."

The traverser rubbed his slightly tingling temple, and shook his head slightly, "Sorry, Shandris, maybe I was really hit to the head, my memory is very confused, can you explain the current situation to me?"


Although Shandris felt a little unbelievable at what her friend said, she was still young at the time and didn't have much doubt, and told Andrea the current situation in every detail.

Under Shandris' explanation, the time traveler with complicated emotions finally accepted the fact of time travel, and understood and acknowledged his new identity in this life.

Andrea Moonshadow was born in the Valshara Forest near Suramar City.

Moon Shadow and the Feather Moon family are neighbors to each other, and Andrea and Shandris are of course childhood sweethearts who grew up together.

Both families are typical civilian families. Although the living conditions are completely incomparable with the extravagant magisters in Suramar City, thanks to the strong national power of the Dark Night Empire, the lives of ordinary people are also very rich.

The peaceful and peaceful life continued until Andrea and Shandris grew up, and it came to an end with the invasion of the Burning Legion.

A large number of alien creatures poured out from the portal in Suramar City completely destroyed the peace of Val'sharah. Countless night elves civilians died under the merciless and brutal invasion of demons, and the Moon Shadow and Feather Moon families were no exception.

When this topic was mentioned, Shandris instinctively showed resistance and hatred.

She did not describe in detail the tragedy she saw when she returned to her hometown, but simply said the reason why the two escaped the catastrophe.

The night elves originated from the Well of Eternity. Under the magical transformation of this magic well, the dark trolls, which were originally just one branch of trolls, gradually began to evolve.

They have shed their ugly appearance and primitive and barbaric customs, and have become a group of brand-new species with great wisdom and longing for civilization - night elves.

Relying on the exploration of the secrets of the Well of Eternity, the night elves' civilization flourished and their living area expanded with the passage of time, gradually becoming a powerful force that cannot be ignored in the ancient Kalimdor continent.

Different from the arcane energy mastered by the Highborne through the Well of Eternity, the commoners of the night elves have always paid attention to symbiosis with nature, and their philosophy of life has gradually attracted the curiosity and attention of a great being.

He is the forest demigod - Cenarius.

Although Cenarius is very wary of the nobles of the night empire playing with arcane arts, he appreciates the life attitude of the lower night elf commoners.

The two sides gradually became acquainted with each other over time, and Cenarius became friends with these nature-loving night elves.

He has high hopes for this new intelligent race, hoping that they will become the guardians of nature like himself in the future.

Under the guidance of Cenarius, some night elves began to try to get in touch with the way of nature, which was the original origin of the Druid sect.

As the night elves followed Cenarius to learn the ways of nature, a night elf named Malfurion Stormrage gradually emerged.

With his unparalleled talent and love of nature, he was honored to be Cenarius' direct disciple, the first mortal druid.

At that time, Queen Azshara's crazy worship and exploration of the Well of Eternity intensified Cenarius' worries again.

As a powerful wild demigod that has existed since ancient times, Cenarius is well aware of the instability of arcane energy, and he has always worried that the night elves' higher-ups will one day play with fire and burn themselves.

In order to curb the spread of arcane worship in the night elf society, Cenarius decided to let his disciple Malfurion carry forward the ideas of the druid sect.

Malfurion, who was also born in Valshara, was entrusted by his mentor to first spread the way of nature in his hometown. Andrea was one of the people who was attracted by the ideas of the Druids.

After subduing the troll empire, Azshara's prestige reached its peak, and the six major cities of the night empire, both nobles and commoners, had a strong sense of reverence for their queen.

In the territory of the Night Empire, there is only one area that Azshara is unwilling and dare not to set foot in easily - Mount Hyjal, where many powerful demigods of the wilderness live.

Although he looked down on the wild forest and the demigods rolling in the mud, Azshara still ordered that in order to maintain the ancient tradition of the night elves being close to nature, the tribe was forbidden to set foot on the sacred Mount Hyjal at will.

When Andrea followed Malfurion to Hyjal and learned the idea of ​​druids for hundreds of years, Shandris, his childhood friend, also embarked on his own path.

Elune, the moon god, is the true god that all the night elves believe in devoutly. It was under her guidance that the night elves learned the name of the continent they lived in——Kalimdor, which means the land of ever-shining stars in Titan language.

From then on, the night elves called themselves kaldorei, "children of the stars."

For thousands of years, the night elves' belief in Elune has gradually spread to the whole family, and even the powerful Queen Azshara dare not challenge the authority of the moon god.

In order to show his devout belief in Elune, Azshara personally supervised the construction of a magnificent great temple near the northwestern coast of the mainland——LS Erlaza, which means the seat of the sky.

Since then, the Elune Sisters in the Night Empire have shifted their work focus to this new temple city, and there has been an endless stream of night elves from all over the world going to the Vault of Heaven to study and pray.

Shandris aspired to become a Luna Priest since she was a child. When Andrea embarked on a study trip to Mount Hyjal, she also set off with her. Shandris' goal of the Sky Seat is not far southwest of Mount Hyjal .

Both embarked on a learning journey with anticipation for the future, and have not returned to their homelands for hundreds of years since, which is not surprising in the near-immortal night elves' sense of time.

But Shandris and Andrea never thought that the farewell to their family members before leaving would be the last time. The demons that suddenly invaded destroyed their hometown, and all the family members died under the ravages of demons.

"So that's how it is."

‘No wonder this kid’s mind is full of hatred for demons, even if his soul dissipates, there is still a strong resentment left. '

Andrea sighed softly, even if Shandris didn't tell him what happened next, he could probably guess it.

Looking at the handsome and slender Shandris with a weird expression, Andrea raised another weird emotion in order to suppress the instinct in his heart, and pressed his fingers between his eyebrows as if to cover up.

'Unrequited love... is the furthest distance in this world. '

At this time, Shandris was not the heroic and tough sentinel general, but as the saying goes, three years old and eighty, although the current Shandris is still very immature, she can already vaguely see some of the heroic spirit and demeanor of future generations .

Since he didn't inherit the memory and all the emotions of his predecessor, and only got some physical instincts related to fighting, Andrea couldn't determine how far his predecessor and Shandris had developed.

But judging by Shandris's attitude towards him, it is obvious that he is still far from being a lover.

Looking up at the towering Mount Hyjal in the distance, Andrea swore silently in her heart, "Boy, you can go at ease, whether it is the hatred for demons or the feelings for Shandris, I will inherit it together." . '

‘From now on, I am Andrea Moonshadow. '

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