Asian Girl Completion Manual

Chapter 286 62. As expected

"Did you grow up in the church?"

In fact, Fisher had some regrets as soon as he walked out of the church. When he arrived in the North on the Flying Fish, he felt that the style of the North was very biting. However, he had not bought any warm clothes and he felt cold just after leaving the church. pressing.

He took a long breath and watched the tangible mist in his mouth dissipate. While looking for something to eat around him, he answered Emhart's question.

"It's a church school, not a church. I don't believe in the Mother Goddess."

"Hmm, maybe. You know that in your human society in the Western Continent, many believers of the Mother Goddess also do a lot of bad things. They like money and beauty, but they wrap these desires under the shell of their own believers. , In comparison, although you like ladies, you are still a good person, more like a believer than the clergy in those churches."

"A person's good character has nothing to do with whether he believes in the Mother Goddess."

"Hmm, that's true, but I think the church still had a subtle influence on you when you were a child. After all, you see, after so long, the thing that impressed you most about the church school was a beautiful nun. It was perfect. It corresponds to your image of being unable to control your lower body! It’s hard to tell whether the other words she said to you followed her beauty and entered your heart."

"Shut up."

Fisher expressionlessly grabbed Emhardt's book and threw him towards the snowdrift on the roadside. He screamed in fright and spun around in mid-air several times before he stopped.

"You, you, you like to use your hands and feet every time I tell you I'm in a hurry! Are you bullying me for not having hands? Just wait, I'll make you look good when I grow hands one day!"

The furious Emhard didn't even go up to Fischer's shoulders, but kept floating in his ears and chattering, which made the winter in Sardinia a little more lively.

The forest that had just experienced the storm was not quiet. Fisher found the prey not long after walking inside. It was a lone stag. Fisher killed it without much effort. After all, he fell. When he entered the sea, the fluid sword was still in his trouser pocket. With the fluid sword in it, it could not escape Fisher's clutches no matter how hard it ran.

When Fisher was carrying the unconscious stag on his back and preparing to walk back, he took the initiative to ask about the Moon Rabbit species. Emhardt, who was still angry at first, was not going to say anything, but he was Fisher once again got angry with the same provocative "You don't know, don't you?"

Without Fisher needing to ask carefully, he told Fisher all about the social situation of the Moon Rabbit species among the six tribes.

"The Moon Rabbit Race is a race that followed the Frost Prince to the central part of the North. Like the Slime Race, they are the smartest and most dexterous race among the six races. The reason why the Moon Rabbit Race is called the Moon Rabbit Race is not because of their ears. The crescent-shaped gap that appears on the surface is because they were nocturnal creatures in ancient times."

"It is said that the Moon Rabbit species can use the moonlight to find hidden treasures, and can also see through the secrets buried in people's hearts through the moonlight. Therefore, the Moon Princess likes these fluffy little bunnies very much. As a result, her brother Prince Frost took advantage of her like a bad boy. He snatched the Moon Rabbit seeds from his hands and took them away from the snow mountain. Princess Yue was so angry that she secretly burned down his house on the Frost Phoenix Tree."

"After the three Sons of the Phoenix disappeared in the north, the Moon Rabbit and Slime species did not want to return to the Frost-Snow Sycamore Tree as devoutly as the Cockbird and Troll species. On the contrary, they felt that they lived under the snow-capped mountains. It’s not bad, so their presence is still active all over the North.”

Fisher was thinking as he walked with the stag on his shoulders, but he was still confused about what kind of sub-human race the "slime species" was.

The slime species is the name given to this kind of demi-humans by the people of the Western Continent. In Northern Territory, they are called "Kenumba", which means "smart colloid", and "Slime" is the name of a modern novelist in the Western Continent. The fictional monsters created in his own fantasy novels are borrowed here to translate the unique demihuman race of the North.

In the novel, the whole body of this shapeless monster is made of a jelly-like substance filled with strong acid. The strong acidity of their body can easily dissolve armor and weapons. Well, in recent years, it seems that they have also added... The setting that likes to attack young beautiful girls is exactly the same as the Western Continent's method of demonizing goblins.

"Slime race, they are an amazing race. Although they look a little strange, like jelly filled with a lake. But they undoubtedly have a genius business mind. They are keen on doing business, and they are all interested in doing business. Various businesses, legend has it that they brought countless wealth to Prince Frost, and built him the earliest merchant ship in the North."

"The slime race is just like the treasure-loving giant dragon in your western continent's myths and legends. Not only is it greedy, but it also has no bottom line. This is what Princess Moon hates the most. I heard that as long as they give enough money, they will not even join their own clan. All the imprints inside can be sold.”

Emhardt was still not happy as he talked, but in Fisher's sight, the rather dilapidated and decaying church had appeared. At this time, the door of the church was open, and a man was holding a small book in his hand. The rabbit-eared nun with a shabby book was standing at the door, looking worriedly at the forest outside the church. She was relieved when she saw Fisher walking back with a stag on his back.

But what's interesting is that the girl's emotions seemed to be single-threaded. Her face first showed a relaxed expression, then it turned into surprise at seeing the giant deer, and then it turned into a look of surprise for Fei. Scheer's admiration for having such great strength turned into a hesitation for no apparent reason.

"Mother God bless you. I thought you passed out in the forest. You seemed to have been seriously injured before. Wait, is this a deer? Did you kill it?"

Fisher took a breath of hot breath, and just as he was about to walk into the church, he saw Eloise opening her hands in front of him. She shook her head and refused repeatedly,

"Mr. Fisher, this is a church. How can you kill a living creature and bring its body into the eyes of the Mother Goddess? This is absolutely impossible and the deer is so cute. Do you really want to?" Eat it?”

If I don’t eat deer, will I eat you?

Seeing the pitiful expression of Eloise in front of him, Fisher almost didn't say this.

But he didn't show any surprise. After all, he still had a certain understanding of the Mother Goddess Church. Although the ancient teachings allowed believers to eat meat, they had to eat naturally dead creatures, just like she picked up at the beach just now. Like those dead shells.

The rules of killing animals and eating meat were established by churches outside Kadu, mainly Nali and Shivali. After all, meat is so fragrant that it is necessary to eat it.

"If I don't eat anything, I will starve to death. Then the Mother Goddess will punish you for not letting me eat. The most important thing is that I will turn into a starving ghost and come to find you at night."

"No, don't come to me, don't come to me. Then, eat quickly. You can eat it outside, but you must not starve to death and come to me at night. I can't sleep well at night."

Fisher's joking words frightened Eloise and she quickly reached out to cover her ears. She seemed to be really afraid that Fisher, who would starve to death, would come to her for revenge at night, which made Fisher laugh dumbly.

Well, wait a minute, didn't Emhardt say before that moon bunny species can see some hidden things under the moonlight? Could this be related to what she thinks now?

Fisher threw the already cold deer on his shoulder to the ground. It was when Eloise reached out to cover the ears on top of her head that he suddenly saw clearly that what she was holding was actually a book. "Creation Sutra", it seems that she was studying the Sutra just now.

I still remember that when Fisher made mistakes in the church school, Teresa would punish him by copying the Genesis Book. As a child, he was naughty and mischievous, but he was a big fan of punishing him for copying the Genesis Book. His wrongdoings included but were not limited to fighting, fighting, He secretly ran to the street and used his serious face as a cute child to trick the lady of Sainte-Neali into giving him pocket money. He also secretly read the erotic novels that Father Terron had hidden in the drawer.

Anyway, so far, Fisher still owes Mother Teresa fifteen copies of the Book of Creation.

Fisher smiled silently, shook the too familiar memory out of his mind, lowered his head and prepared to use the fluid sword to dispose of the stag's body.


"That's right, it's at this heat. Just sprinkle a little salt and spices and you can pick it up and eat it. What are you waiting for?! Clumsy!"


Fisher, who was sitting at the door of the Yufu Church, frowned and looked at the shiny venison in front of him. He really couldn't believe that the steps to make delicious food were so simple. Well, if you ignore Emhart just now Everything he said was unexpected.

It turned out that Emhart had a lot of recipes from gourmet masters in his stomach. He learned the contents comprehensively, and he was also able to teach students like Fisher, who could only cook edible food.

The barbecue mixed with northern spices is quite delicious. In the cold air of Sardinia in winter, the fragrance spreads far away. I don’t know if people in the distance smell it. Anyway, the people who are reciting the Book of Creation at the door of the church The moon rabbit girl must have smelled it.

"'The Mother Goddess and the stars around her looked at their child who had fallen into the world. On the first day he crossed the mountains, on the second day he crossed the river, and on the third day he walked into the forest. Day and night he I kept looking up at the sky, trying to see my beloved mother in the endless sky.'"

Eloise was reciting scriptures, but the sound of sticky saliva in her mouth became more and more obvious while she was chanting. What was even more funny was that her eyes uncontrollably looked towards the sizzling oil in the snow. roasted deer.

The deer is so cute, it should also be delicious.

No, no, no, no, what on earth are you thinking? That is against taboo content. If you eat it, you will be punished by the Mother Goddess!

Fisher took a bite and found that the taste was surprisingly good. Compared with the meat he had roasted before, it was like heaven and earth.

“Tastes great.”

"Really, you won't starve to death with me, Emhart, you know? If you study more, you will be as good as me."

Fisher ignored Emhard, who was about to explode if given a little sunlight. He took a piece of roasted venison and handed it to Eloise, who was sitting at the door of the church in the distance, and said to her,

"Do you want to eat? Aren't you full of the little bit of shell meat before?"

"Huh? Me? No thanks for your kindness, Mr. Fisher, but I can't eat the flesh of a living creature. It belongs to the Mother Goddess."

"Hmm, but in fact there is no such rule in the current church commandments. They quoted the words in the Book of Genesis to explain, 'His child walked for seven days and seven nights, and his child shed tears for seven days and seven nights. Mother. The god then reached out and took off a piece of flesh from his arm and threw it to the mortal world. The flesh was stopped by the stars and scattered on the way down, fell into the lakes, seas and mountains, and turned into a tangible animal."

Even after twenty years, Fisher still remembered the contents of the Creation Book verbatim. He said while eating meat,

"'The star said: Why do you want to hurt yourself like this? The mother goddess sighed: My child sheds tears because of hunger, and my heart bleeds because of his tears. Since I can use my blood in exchange for my child no longer There was nothing wrong with crying, as long as he could sincerely change his ways. So, the child of the Mother Goddess followed the guidance of the stars and ate the animal next to her mother's flesh and blood and survived."

Eloise opened her mouth when she heard this. She felt that this passage was familiar, but suddenly she couldn't remember which chapter of the Genesis Book it was in. Just when she was about to lower her head to turn over the Genesis Book, Fisher was already in front of her. He answered her expressionlessly,

"Stop turning it over, it's the fourteenth paragraph of the second chapter of Ymir. Also, did the Creation Sutra you recited earlier miss a few paragraphs about the conversation between the stars and the Mother Goddess?"

"Huh? Then that one"

Eloise lowered her head in panic and flipped through the ancient Creation Book that was almost falling apart in her hands. The bunny ears on her head kept shaking. She seemed a little embarrassed and paused for a long time before picking up what she wanted to say. ,

"Actually, my teacher at the time, Sister Charlotte, the real owner of this church, told me that the Book of Creation in the Yurot Church had been damaged. I heard it was because of McDowell a hundred years ago. The tetrarchy implemented religious control, so the Book of Creation I studied was missing many pages."


Fisher ate the venison with some lack of interest, but in Eloise's eyes, this man from the Western Continent, the true birthplace of the Mother Goddess Religion, seemed to know the Creation Book very well. If so, he could Why can't you ask him to help you repair the damaged Genesis Book in your hand?

"Well, Mr. Fisher, you seem to be very familiar with me in the text of the Genesis Book. Could you please help me see what content is missing in my Genesis Book?"

Fisher's body paused slightly while he was eating barbecue, and Emhardt's expression on his shoulder instantly changed into a dead fish-eye look of "Sure enough."

Fisher gently put down the barbecue in his hand, then turned to look at Eloise, who was sitting at the door of the church wearing a classical nun's robe. The flames of the roasted venison illuminated his expression and eyes, making him Eloise felt a little guilty and embarrassed.

After Fisher swallowed the venison he was chewing, he spoke calmly,

"Of course. But you also said, 'Please' me, right?"

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