Asian Girl Completion Manual

Chapter 263 39. Pure love (two in one)

Aragina, wearing a northern dress, walked quickly on the noisy commercial streets of Pattiuzion Island. It was afternoon. At this time, the sunshine in the sky was scattered, and the light was blocked by clouds or the outline of the house. When it fell to the ground, only islands of light separated from each other and turned into dots were left spread out on this land.

Obviously the temperature at this time was just right, and the atmosphere at this time was obviously warm, but the further Aragina walked, the colder her body felt, as if she suddenly returned to the time when she was walking in the courtyard behind her mother's palace more than ten years ago.

The surrounding warm sunshine turned into the snow-filled sky in the north at this moment, and the shallow island of light on the ground suddenly became more than one layer thick, turning into a thick layer of snow that just covered the middle of Alagina's calf.

Alagina's figure, which was taller than the man, seemed to suddenly shrink at this moment, turning into a five-year-old child wearing a cotton coat with a reddish face.


In the huge backyard of the feudal king's palace, her fragile shouts spread far in the courtyard, shaking the falling snowflakes in the sky. The surrounding lakes and trees covered with frost did not grow their own mouths to respond to her. She had no choice but to run deeper into the courtyard while panting.

She knew that her father had never liked to stay in her mother's palace, and he especially liked to go to the depths of the courtyard to be alone without any attendants.

Whenever the young Alagina wakes up from her nap and escapes from heavy studies and combat training, she will always pursue her father's figure like a cowardly boy.

At that time, the winter weather in the north was unusually cold. Just like the frost phoenix was angry to punish the crimes of the people in the north, a heavy snowfall that had not been seen in a hundred years fell in the territory of Sardinia.

The young Alagina ignored the dissuasion of the attendants in the palace and ran towards the depths of the courtyard alone while panting, looking for her father.

There were many beasts in the palace garden that her mother, who was the tetrarch, loved, but even those strong predators were tortured by the cold weather and hid under the rockeries and trees, only opening a pair of eyes. Watching Aragina running in the snow.


She was too tired from running, so she put her hands on her knees and shouted again to the empty courtyard. Her breathing chest seemed to drive away the last bit of heat in her chest. Her young body As a result, I became more and more exhausted, and I couldn't help but collapse in the ice and snow.


But at this moment, a response suddenly came from the small pavilion by the ice lake in the distance. The familiar voice ignited her heart like a match. She hurriedly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. Run in that direction.

Finally, she saw her father sitting there in the corner of the pavilion.

He was a gentle man with white hair and his whole body wrapped in a thick fur coat. His face was handsome, but he always showed a bit of morbid paleness and melancholy.

Just now, he seemed to be staring at the cold lake outside in a daze. It wasn't until he heard Alagina's call that he woke up from his dazed state and turned to look at the petite girl who was panting outside the pavilion. girl.

"Alagina, aren't you taking a nap? Why are you here?"

He slowly stood up and stretched out his hand to Alagina outside the pavilion, letting Alagina run wildly into his arms.

The men in Sardinia are delicate, and Aragina's father's health is even worse. It's unclear whether it's due to the long-lasting medicine jar body or the day-to-day torture from her cruel mother. Anyway, at this time, he is Even Alagina couldn't resist the force of her attack. After holding her in his arms, he inevitably sat back and leaned against the edge of the pavilion again.

The father wrapped the young Alagina in his fur coat to avoid the biting cold outside. Feeling her father's calm heartbeat, Alagina felt unprecedented peace of mind and kept rubbing in his arms. .


"I'm here, Alagina."

"What were you looking at just now?"

Her father opened his mouth, waited for a long time, then shook his head and responded with a smile,

"...I'm not looking at anything, I just came out to get some air. How was your nap just now? Did you sleep well?"

"It's okay... I just miss you a little."

"That's it. Do you still want to do it now?"


Alagina didn't say anything else, she just buried her head and stayed in her father's arms.

In the fur coat, her blue eyes fell on the obvious purple marks on her father's neck and arms. Although she was young, she seemed to have understood what happened.

Her hands tightly grasped the clothes beside her, as if she wanted to break the enemy's neck.

Her father felt her tension and anger, and gently reached out and put her hand in his arms, asking her to relax.

As if this was not enough, he suddenly remembered something, reached into his arms and took out something.

"By the way, Alagina, I have a gift for you..."

"Okay, okay. Hey, what is this?"

Alagina leaned out of his arms, only to see her father's hand holding a metal necklace with azure gems in it. The necklace was held in his father's hand for a long time, and the warm temperature covered the original texture of the metal. It was cold, so when she put it in Aragina's hands, the necklace was already warm.

"This is the ornament left by your grandma. I will give it to you now as a token of love for your future husband... If one day you meet a man you particularly like, then it will be like this Give him the item as a proof of your affection.”

Alagina stared blankly at this beautifully crafted necklace in her father's arms. After waiting for a long time, she solemnly put the necklace into her arms and nodded.

"I'll take good care of it."

"Well, you're so good."

Alagina's father nodded, smiled and reached out to stroke the white hair on Alagina's forehead, making her narrow her eyes comfortably.

But while enjoying her father's gentle movements, Alagina suddenly noticed something. Someone seemed to be staring at them outside. The sight was obscure and never penetrated the warmth between father and daughter. She only stayed in the pavilion alone. In the wind and snow outside.

She leaned out a little from her fur coat and looked outside the pavilion. Outside the pavilion, facing the frozen lake, a tall girl who was similar to her was holding her hand behind a tree. , watching her and her father quietly.

I know that girl Alagina, she is her eldest half-sister who is ten years older than her.

Helena Hammond.

Her thoughts stopped abruptly, and Alagina's footsteps also stopped at the door of a tavern that Pachz often frequented when he came to Pattivation Island.

I saw that the tavern, which was usually very busy during the day, was especially eerily quiet at this time, and there was a pungent smell of alcohol coming from behind the half-open door.

Something is wrong, something has happened.

Are they the Nali people that Fisher mentioned?

Could it be that they had discovered Fisher, but why did they come to Pachz first instead of themselves?

She frowned slightly, and the phantom of the Ice Prince Sword in her hand was also projected onto her hand. A bit of cold air burst out from her feet, pouring towards the interior of the tavern, and her perception also followed. The spreading ice extended into the tavern.

Frost entered the interior of the tavern like her extra sensory organs, and she quickly sensed the general situation inside.

Wine bottles scattered everywhere, the unconscious body lying on the ground, the mixture of alcohol and blood flowing on the ground, Pachez still lying unconscious in the corner of the tavern, holding a musket in her hand, with a gun behind her. Lying down was Old Jack, the old man from Nali whom Fisher brought on board.

And finally, a pair of huge figures standing in the middle of the room.

As Alagina sensed the position of the figure, an extremely dangerous feeling instantly surged into her heart. She reacted very quickly, holding the Ice Prince Sword and retreating suddenly. The moment the cold air surged up, a thick ice wall formed He instantly condensed in front of her, trying to resist the attack coming like a storm inside.



The sound of bursting wind and the cracking of ice sounded at the same time. Alagina's blue eyes shrank slightly, looking in disbelief at the palm that easily passed through the ice wall and then stopped in front of the Ice Prince's sword.

The entire palm was covered with pure silver armor, and it was engraved with feather-like decorations, making the outstretched palm resemble a human hand and the sharp claws of the legendary phoenix.

The next moment, the big hand suddenly tightly grasped the Ice Prince Sword in Alagina's hand, making her unable to move forward or retreat. The frost attached to the Ice Prince spread along the opponent's armor at the same time, but the opponent seemed not to feel the cold at all.

"Phoenix Knight?"

Alagina spoke in surprise, apparently recognizing the identity of the owner of the armor, but what she received in response was a disdainful sneer.

"No, not just the Phoenix Knight... but also your sister."

As the disdainful voice came from behind the ice wall, the outstretched palm suddenly clenched and retracted, and then stretched out another hand and punched Alagina in front of her. The punch went straight through the hole in the ice wall she had punched just now, and hit Alagina hard on the face.


As a huge force came, Alagina flew out uncontrollably and smashed into the shop on the other side of the street.

The loud noise of the fighting was quickly noticed by the pirates and traders walking on the street, but feeling the terrifying low pressure here, they wisely chose to escape and report the situation to the local gangs or pirates...

But obviously, even if they do this, no local force on Pattiion Island will be foolish enough to come and interfere in the battle here.

The ice cubes formed by the cold air were roughly torn apart by the woman who had just walked out of the tavern. The tall figure walking out of the tavern blocked the sunlight falling above the sky, forming a layer of ice in front of Alagina. The thick shadow of "Helena" completely covered the entire street.


Alagina walked back to the street holding on to the broken wall of the shop. Bright red nosebleeds flowed from the nose that had been punched just now, but she reached out and wiped it as if she didn't care, and then her eyes became more piercing than ever before. Han Han looked at the giant bear-like woman in front of him who was slowly walking out of the tavern.

Helena Hammond is the first daughter born to her damn tetrarch mother and her husband. She is a full 10 years older than the youngest Aragina. At the same time, she is also the one who looks most like her mother. daughter.

Alagina, who committed the crime of matricide, madly hated everything about the Hammond family and hated the hell that led her gentle father to destruction. Of course, she would treat this sister whom she had never met before equally.

As Blair said, once the two of them knew of each other's existence, they would not stop trying to kill each other.

Feeling the cold air spreading from Alagina's body, Helena's light blue eyes reflected Alagina's face. That face seemed to completely coincide with someone in her memory, which made her stunned for a second.

But soon, she forcefully dispersed the figure that appeared in front of her, and put the helmet in her arms on her head, causing her originally rough face to look like a phoenix bird head made of mithril.

The helmet isolated the lingering people in her heart and made her heart become cold.

"I thought that Aragina, who did such great things back then, would become so powerful and brave... but in the end she was still a disappointing child, just like the child who would just sneak away when she was beaten and cried during training. Like a coward!"

"You should be lucky that you were not in the palace when I killed that scumbag, otherwise you would have been tortured underground forever with her now."

As soon as Alagina finished speaking, several Phoenix Knights, also wearing armor, rushed out of the tavern behind Helena. Each held a straight and thin sword in their hands, and slowly moved toward Alagina's face. Surrounded by the body.

"The traitor Alagina Hammond was immediately captured and brought back to the country to face the co-chair trial..."

Before the Phoenix Knight in front of Alagina finished speaking, a big hand stretched out from behind her to push her away. Helena raised a hammer that shone with a strange light with one hand, and a cursing voice came from the Phoenix Bird. Came from under the mask,

"What nonsense are you talking about? Get out of here!"

"Lady Helena, but..."

As the heavy hammer in Helena's hand was lifted, a strange suction force burst out from the hammer surface, and the surrounding gravel and her target Alagina flew uncontrollably in the direction of Helena, as if to Take the initiative to send your own head to the general.

Relic, [Black Hole Hammer]

Among the Phoenix Knights, only those who have been canonized as "Grand Knights" or above by the co-lord can obtain the relics given to them. It is not a simple process for a Phoenix Knight to reach this point. Those who can be called "Grand Knights" have always been There are no more than a hundred knights.

In order to be consistent with this special honor, the relics given to them by the co-owner are usually not ordinary, which can be seen from the Black Hole Hammer.

Facing the terrifying hammer blow, Alagina looked serious but did not panic at all. Her stained dress clung tightly to her body and followed her as she flew out of the air. With a beautiful turn, the Ice Prince Sword rubbed against Helena's giant hammer like a protective armor.


The burst of frost made Helena's joints that tried to move extremely slow, but her strength was too great. The moment she held the hammer in both hands, the giant hammer moved at an extremely fast speed, and she quickly caught up with her. Alagina tried to avoid the hammering figure.

Aragina's pupils shrank slightly as she was unable to escape in mid-air. She had no choice but to do her best to reduce the damage. She protected her head and chest with both hands and gritted her teeth, preparing to take the sudden blow.


But at this moment, a strong wind from the snow-capped mountains in the north suddenly swept from the end of the street. The strong wind shook Helena's swing of the hammer. Between the electric light and flint, a blue lightning suddenly jumped out and swept Alagina. Seize and take away Helena's attack range.


What just happened was only a matter of milliseconds. The next moment, Helena's giant hammer swept across the street in front of her. The huge force spread along the street as if it was going to sink the entire island. The roar of explosions was mixed with The strong suction force was transmitted along the air and the ground, and the resulting aftermath blew Osie and the Aragina she was carrying away, and they rolled several times and landed on the ground far away.


"Alagina! Stand up! You stupid coward, you wretch hiding in your father's arms!"

Helena, who swung a blow in the air, still refused to give in. She raised the warhammer in her hand and rushed towards Alagina. The Phoenix Knight behind her was just about to follow up when she suddenly heard a rapid flapping like a bee coming from behind. The intensive sound of wings.

"Buzz buzz!"

The Phoenix Knights looked back and saw two or three continuously flapping rays of light sprinting towards them on the empty street.

Three-ring magic, dance of bees.

"There's another enemy attack!"

The bee dance that could cut steel hit the Phoenix Knight standing behind Helena in an instant, but it only made a sharp friction sound on the surface of their armor, which did not penetrate their protection at all.

In the orthodox countries of the Western Continent and the North, there are generally combat units called "Knights". Due to the unique historical and cultural characteristics of different countries, they each have different strengths and weaknesses.

The royal knights of Narli are good at collective combat, and they are also the knights that best cooperate with modern firearms. All panels are very balanced.

According to Fisher's rank classification method, the average rank of each person in a standard six-man knight team is about three to four levels, which is considered to be the most satisfactory level among knights in various countries.

The average physical fitness of women in the north is far better than that of men in other countries. The average rank of the Phoenix Knights, who are famous for their physical fitness and sophisticated equipment, is definitely much higher than the knights of Sainte-Nali. Wandering up and down the fifth level.

The Bee Dance designed by Fisher only has the power of three rings. Of course it cannot penetrate their armor, but he never thought of using the Bee Dance to deal with them.


This sudden attack instantly attracted the attention of everyone present. Ossie and Alagina wrapped in her wings raised their heads at the same time. Through the smoke and dust that had just been caused by Helena's attack, they saw a man in white. A strange man wearing a shirt and a cape wrapped around his head was running towards this direction.

Ossie's cloak was a bit short for Fisher, and it was very inconvenient to run. In order to hide his face, Fisher had to wrap it directly around his face.

Osie recognized at a glance that the cloak on Fisher's face was her personal belongings. Seeing this scene, she didn't know what she thought of, and her face turned slightly rosy.

And Alagina, who was under her wings, opened her mouth, and the next second she reached out and gently pushed away Ossie, who had an abnormal expression next to her, stood up, and faced Fisher in the distance with concern. shouted loudly,

"Fisher, wait, be careful!"

The innocent Alagina only puts the safety of her distant sweetheart first, so she doesn't care about other things. She doesn't even notice the strange expression on the loyal guard Ossie beside her.

Helena in front of her was obviously aware of the close relationship between the man in the mask behind her and Alagina. She licked her lips gently, turned her head and stared at Alagina in front of her in a joking way, and towards the Phoenix behind her. The knight spoke,

"Catch that man. I will take off his clothes in front of this coward and play with her man. Let her see what a real woman is..."

When Emhardt, who was standing on Fisher's shoulder in the distance, heard these words, he subconsciously wanted to replace Fisher, the bad man, in replying, "There is such a good thing," but when he poked his head out and saw Helena The giant bear-like figure immediately became mute and silently retracted behind Fisher's shoulder...

Well, even Emhart, who is biased against Fisher, has to admit that Fisher just has weird tastes and likes to "study" subhuman races, but he is definitely not so blind that he cannot distinguish between humans and animals. .

Fisher, the real owner, did not react at all after hearing this. He never cared about the enemy's verbal threats. He just moved closer to the Phoenix Knights while quickly analyzing the combat power levels and items carried by the Phoenix Knights around him. .

There is no magic, and the relic is only owned by the leading woman. That guy should be Aragina's biological sister Helena, so these Phoenix Knights should be able to deal with it...

"You bastard!"

Fisher was still thinking, but he didn't expect that Helena's trash talk, which was like a high-pitched mouth, unexpectedly completely angered Alagina behind her.

Influenced by her father, Aragina gradually grew into a woman who was completely different from her mother. She was also the most traditional type of Sardinian women.

Such a Sardinian woman is loyal and innocent to love and lovers, and hates the bastards who destroy other people's feelings and interfere with other people's love. Otherwise, Alagina would not have heard about Fisher when she first met. After I got married, I immediately and decisively let go.

And Helena's "minotaur"-like speech instantly angered Alagina, the pure love god of war from the land of Sardinia. Before anyone could react, Alagina's body was like an avalanche. The terrible cold air was vented.

But she did not summon the phantom of the Ice Prince, nor did she use any other weapons. She gritted her teeth and suddenly hugged Helena's waist from behind with her bare hands. In everyone's astonished eyes, she suddenly took the Helena, who was like a giant bear, rushed towards the tavern in front.

All along, in Fisher's eyes, Aragina has been like a gentle aristocratic prince. This impression will always make people think that she is more like a valiant lady, thus forgetting that she is actually a lady from Facts about the strong women of Sardinia.

The ladies of Sardinia are brave and good at fighting. They like to fight and dance against the wind and snow, and their hand-to-hand combat is usually more ruthless than those from other countries.

"Lady Helena!"


Alagina picked up Helena and forcibly led her into the wall of the nearby tavern. The violent impact was transmitted along the inside of Helena's armor, causing her to subconsciously raise her hand and hit Alagina on the back. She wanted to break free, but no matter how hard she hit her, she could not let go of the enraged Alagina.

The next moment Aragina had pushed her to the ground and punched her in the face hard one after another.

"Are you in a hurry, Alagina? Come on! Let me see what you can do to protect your man!"

"Helena! You bastard! Stay away from him!"

The phoenix's bird-head mask was dented by Alagina's punch, and even the vision in the gap in the helmet became blurry due to the distortion of the metal.


There was a metallic wail in the tavern, and the sudden appearance of a big hole in the wall at the door made people outside feel frightened.

The street outside became eerily quiet. Only Emhardt, who had watched the whole process, turned to look at Fisher beside him with some fear, and warned him with trembling lips,

"Hey, listen to what I'm saying, Fisher, let's get out of the ship as soon as we finish the things here! The captain of the Sardinian Women's Kingdom is not a good person. We all looked at it wrong before. We really thought she was He is a harmless good old man. This kind of person is the most terrifying! If your relationship with other women is discovered in the future, it will not be better than being caught by Elizabeth of Saint-Nary. I can guarantee that it will be like this. of!"

"Shut up."

"...I'm doing this for your own good, so don't be ungrateful!"

Emhardt's unpleasant drake voice accelerated the paused rhythm outside again. Ossie flapped her wings fiercely and floated on the spot. The Phoenix Knights also drew their swords and aimed at the approaching people. Fisher and Osie.

The island of Pattiusion, which had been quiet for who knows how many years, suddenly became extremely lively today, as did the commercial streets here on the island and the taverns inhabited by the Nari people on the streets in the distance.

Oh, and the nearby sea.

Invisible to everyone, several standard warships were approaching Pattiusian Island. Their masts were uniformly hung with a light blue flag with white clouds as the main symbol.

Such a flag seems extremely unfamiliar to well-informed pirates. It seems that in order to prevent someone from not recognizing the meaning of the flag, a line of words was specially written in Northern dialect below the flag,


That was the ship of the Snow Cloud Commando from Mia.

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