As a Mecha, I Can Evolve Unlimitedly

Chapter 80 Decision of Destiny

When they heard the words "murderer", everyone present fell silent.

In fact, Sato Yu had no intention of exonerating Dr. Miki. Regardless of whether Omega caused the accident due to lack of ability or bureaucracy, Dr. Miki, as the first leader, could not absolve himself of the blame.

It's just that he doesn't want to see such matters that should be handled by the alliance being discussed now. The first priority at the moment should be to decide how to clean up this mess, rather than gathering everyone together to watch Omega's factional struggle.

Before this, Sato Yu had always felt that an organization like Omega, which only looked at abilities but not qualifications, would not have such bad things happen.

But he didn't expect that when ability became the only criterion for measuring a person, these people would miss the time when they were bound by rules and regulations.

Is it because you lack ability but want to rise to a high position, or is it simply that you can't stand someone who is stronger than you?

Sato Yu is unknown.

He only knows that wherever there are people, there will be comparison and competition.

So he simply poured dirty water on the entire Omega and made them all bear heavy charges - since you are all rotten from top to bottom, why bother to choose the taller among the shortest and choose someone who is not so rotten? What about people leading everyone?

Just as he expected, when the thirty-four lives became a mountain weighing on their heads, these aggressive guys immediately shut their mouths.

"Colonel Sato, in your opinion, what should we do now?" Finally, Director Jin stood up and broke the silence.

"Maintain the status quo before the alliance officially begins the review, but since Dr. Miki does have an unavoidable responsibility, everyone can refute his decision, but only if you have sufficient reasons and it is best to come up with a solution. ." Sato Xiong sat back on the chair, his expression gradually becoming gentle.

"Does everyone agree?" Director Jin was relieved to see Sato Yuo no longer being forceful.

This time, everyone in the conference room agreed. The few people who spoke plausibly before only dared to raise their hands to vote, not even daring to breathe.

"I also agree with Colonel Sato Yu's proposal, so let's get the meeting back to business." Dr. Miki seemed quite calm, and seemed to be ready to accept any resolution. "How long will it take for this damage report to be released?"

"It's still under statistics. The scale of the losses is too great. There are only a few general items at the moment." As the head of the war factory, Director Jin naturally answered this question.

"Then let's just talk about the loss of the mecha. This is the most important thing at the moment."

Director Jin nodded, and with a slight swipe of his old hand on the conference table, several charts were projected in front of everyone's eyes.

"According to statistics, the mechas that were seriously damaged this time and require large-scale repairs include: TR-304, TR-305, and TR-307.

"The degree of damage is still within control. The mechas that can be quickly repaired in the hangar include: TR-302, also known as Hero, and TR-303.

"There is also a TR-310 that has not yet been assembled and is being used by Xing Tian to repair itself.

"The red hurricane parasitized by the monster cannot be repaired in the short term. Many special parts need to be provided by Qian Guo. The damage to MS-03 is relatively minor. We are not sure about Xingtian's condition yet."

When Director Jin finished his report, everyone's faces were cast into a shadow.

"There are only two mechas left..."

"No one can drive these mechas before they break down. The only pilots we have are Colonel Sato and Douzi. In the final analysis, pilots are still scarcer than mechas."

"It's okay if our own mecha breaks down. Red Hurricane is Black Sky's flagship mecha. How can we explain to them and Qian Guo if something like this happens?"

The terrible situation made people couldn't help but start talking. Everyone kept expressing their pessimistic attitude towards the current situation.

"Everyone, I have an idea." Sato Yu once again took the lead.

"Colonel Sato, please speak." Dr. Miki was happy to see someone take the initiative to speak.

"My opinion is to focus all the current resources of the war factory on repairing and strengthening the heroes, MS-03 and Xingtian's three mechas, and then let Douzi and I follow Xingtian and the others to drive the mechas to the front line."

"Are you crazy!" The female supervisor was furious, "Now we only have two mechas and you two pilots left, and you actually want to drive the hero and go with Black Sky, then who will guard this place!? "

Not only the female supervisor, but others also began to criticize Sato Yu's statement.

"Yeah, how could you leave us alone and say you want to go with other legions..."

"I just want to take this opportunity to escape. The chance of survival after catching up with the large army will definitely be higher!"

"Have you started to act unscrupulously just because you are the pilot? It's better to keep this thought in your heart than to say it outright, right?"


"Please be quiet first!" Dr. Miki knocked on the table with his finger. "Colonel Sato, can you first explain the reason for doing this?"

Everyone's discussion gradually disappeared, and everyone looked at Sato Yuu with suspicious eyes.

"First of all, the current war factory is not capable of repairing so many mechas at the same time. The optimal solution is to concentrate resources on the three mechas that can still fight.

"Secondly, have you forgotten that we have eliminated the number one threat hovering above the base? Its body is lying in the monster research field, and now all that is left are just some wandering level 3 monsters.

"Finally, since everyone knows that the front line of this beast wave attack is very long, then we can't sit still and wait for death, staying here and expecting others to fight on our behalf!"

"That's the truth, but if you and Douzi drive away in the Hero, what will we do if we stay here? What if a new monster attacks us?" Director Jin raised his concerns.

"I haven't finished speaking yet." Sato Xiong smiled.

"The reason why everyone stayed here is because the alliance ordered us to resist the beast tide here. Now that the mission is completed, those of us who survived should naturally join the main force.

"Then why don't we leave? The fundamental reason is not that there are monsters above us, but that we don't have large vehicles and can't move so many people!

“But now we have it, Black Sky’s transport ship has enough space to accommodate everyone!

"So our three mechas will first clean up all the monsters in the city above. The location where the transport ship fell is just near the lifting platform at the southeast exit of the base. As long as there is no threat from monsters, it won't take long for us to repair the transport ship.

"As for the lack of mechas and pilots guarding the area, there's no need to worry. Aren't there TR-303 and the Meng brothers? Without the Red Hurricane, they can only feel aggrieved and fly the TR-303 first.

"And the Black Sky Legion will stay here and go with everyone, so there is no need to worry about the lack of ground firepower.

"Finally, the reason why I asked the three mechas to leave early is to support the large forces as soon as possible and end this war as soon as possible!"

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