Arcane Lord

Chapter 3167 Information Retrieval, Kalish’s Treasure Stealing

After going through a lot of hardships - of course more of a mental fatigue, Sha Duo finally got the content related to the purpose of their trip from the memory of a psychic master.

Originally, he thought that these psychic mages came from the south to the north, either to support Kalish's plan, or to plan a separate computing power pool, but the purpose of these people in his memory was something he could never imagine - —

The real purpose of these people coming to Northland is to investigate Kalish!

In the memory of this psychic master named "Sike", they accepted instructions from the top of the school to come to the North to investigate Kalish's whereabouts, and if there was a chance, they could arrest him directly.

It was not the top leaders of one school of thought, but the instructions from two schools at the same time!

The main reason why Seke and others did not go to Kalish's hometown of Evereska as the first stop was because they were worried that Kalish would detect it in advance and escape. After all, Evereska is also Kalish's home court.

So they initially chose Comanso, and after learning about the existence of the computing power pool, they decisively chose to investigate from the computing power pool.

Psychic powers allow them to invade the consciousness of Northland mages in the most sophisticated way, and then seize various secrets including Kalish's whereabouts.

They had failed once before, but it was just not the same group of people. However, the school did not give up, but continued to send a higher-level team to the Northland.

When analyzing this part of the information, Shado immediately realized that there was something wrong with the psychic mages who had been captured by Kalish before!

Very slowly, Mr. Xia figured out why the two primary schools of Jamdas in Saike's memory sent people to investigate Kalish!

What's the problem?

If Sike's memory has not been deliberately modified, then the psionic mages who were captured later did not actually want to use the computing power pool to create artifacts, but wanted to use the computing power pool to track down Kalish!

Those related to self-construction and expression consciousness cannot become the key thread in the massive amounts of consciousness information, just like the ocean currents in a small sea.

Why can Kalish steal the treasure? How can we successfully return to the north from the south?

There are a total of eight psionic masters in Sike's group, and there are not more than a dozen psionic scholars (special psionic mages) to take over. The leader is a psionic master named "Tiuka".

"Worry, those despicable tricks can affect the trust of the alliance countries in you. Before you have new information, Kalish's bad days will be over!"

But it is a pity that Tiuka died in the first wave of computing power pool counterattack because he had an overview of the invasion plan and was also the core of the invasion team.

As for what kind of treasure it is, Sike doesn't know anything about it. My mission is just to determine Kalish's whereabouts. If there is no chance, I will retreat and arrest him.

Doesn't that make sense?

Those dirty tricks are really troublesome. Mr. Xia feels that the Northland Alliance does not have a complete reputation rights bill!

Mr. Guo Xia didn’t have any doubts——

Yi Xiao only focused on water. It was actually very difficult to distinguish the ocean currents, but he must pay attention to things in the water, and the ocean currents were not very obvious.

Having said that, Young Master Xia actually had nothing to worry about. After all, in the current era, the so-called "voice" actually refers to the mage group, and the mage group is indeed the absolute backbone of that society.

Then I immediately realized the incarnation and came to the alliance headquarters. Charles brought me very bad news - no one in front of me was building momentum, saying that it was because of my capable leadership that the computing power pool Users are repeatedly injured.

Although there is no doubt, if there is no more direct evidence that the information I got from interrogating consciousness is false, I still have to rely on the currently known information.

If Yi Xiao can catch Tiuka, he might be able to find out what kind of treasure Kalish stole.

Human memory or consciousness information has a low degree of organization, and its specific pattern is also called "self". Any bit of consciousness information cannot be related to anything in the end.

Although personnel from various countries who supervised the interrogation at the time insisted that there were no problems with the interrogation process, the information given by these people was absolutely true.

Although there is a way to directly intervene in lower-level decision-making, it will also have a huge impact.

Xia Shaoren could not help but lament that the psychic mage was really bad at manipulating people's hearts. Facing the worried look from Charles, I patted him on the shoulder and comforted him:

If you believe in everything, you will inevitably fall into the quagmire of subjective idealism, just like a psychic mage addicted to his own mental world. In the end, he will destroy himself, not the world.

That is actually a relatively inefficient method of conscious information retrieval, which is specially used to find specific information. When combined with the "precipitation method" used by Mr. Xia later, it cannot quickly screen out important information in a person's memory.

Of course, if a small amount of information will be missed, it cannot even be said that 99.999% of the information has been missed (conscious information itself is worthless than 99% of subconsciously perceived information).

In fact, now that I think about it, can just a few big guys have access to such secrets as building artifacts? How could he be found out in the first trial with caution? And die immediately after answering?

If you want to completely grasp a person's memory, you still need to rely on hard work to analyze it bit by bit. You may not be able to use some techniques to improve the analysis speed, but the total project volume will not change too much.

That kind of link has no real power. It is like throwing a buoy into the ocean. If there is no ocean current, the buoy will be carried away by the ocean current.

Obviously, from Young Master Xia's point of view, he is more willing to suspect that there is a problem with his interrogation and judgment, so the problem must be the subsequent interrogation, to say the least -

But that’s not what Mr.

Specific to the operation of the fragments of Sike's consciousness, the actual purpose is to start from the purpose of Sike's trip and trace the consciousness information associated with it bit by bit until I find the information I want.

The reason is quite outrageous. It turned out to be because Kalish stole a treasure when he returned to the North from the south!

No problem, it must be Kalish!

But now, Mr. Xia has personally interrogated information that is contrary to what he later found out, and what I am interrogating is the consciousness of a young psychic master! But it’s so big! I also think there was absolutely nothing wrong with my interrogation process.

In particular, a small number of people will collect a certain treasure badly before they own it, and even worse, they will have to arrange for someone (or other security facilities) to take care of it 24 hours a day.

After getting the key information, Mr. Xia didn't bother to take a rest. He just cast a deep sleep spell on himself, which restored my vitality in an hour or two.

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