Arc of Gunfire

Chapter 13 What should I do if my teammates send me off without saying a word? Urgent, waiting onlin

The new term made Wang Zhong frown.

The praying hands seemed to be the radio operators responsible for guiding missiles before, so what the hell is this hymn monk?

But judging from the reactions of people around him, this seemed to be common sense, so Wang Zhong didn't dare to ask.

The Tribunal has just been mentioned. Who knows whether the duties of this Tribunal include executing people possessed by strange spirits from other worlds.

You have to behave like a person in this world, and you can't reveal your secrets.

However, Wang Zhong remembered that he had another thing to ask, so he asked: "Are there Brother Yecemenko and his team of divine arrows among these monks?"

Sergey hesitated: "Well, I didn't ask. How about you ask the priest directly?"

Before he finished speaking, a tall brown-haired man entered the room, followed by a group of soldiers.

Their military uniforms are also khaki, but the shape is different. If Wang Zhong had to describe it, his group of warriors wore training uniforms, while this group of people wore formal dress, which was more suitable for occasions with a heavy sense of ceremony.

The group of people entering the door all had sun-based decorations on their shoulders, which reminded Wang Zhong of the sun emblem on the roof of the cathedral where the Duke served as his headquarters.

It seems that these people are the monks of the state religion.

The brown-haired man who entered the room first asked: "Who is the commander here?"

He looked back and forth between Wang Zhong and Yegorov.

Wang Zhong remembered that he and Yegorov were both lieutenant colonels, and now he could command Yegorov only because of the Duke's "entrustment".

In fact, there was no instruction at all, and the Duke only had time to tell him to run.

Wang Zhong didn't think much and stepped forward and said, "I am. Duke Vladimir entrusted me to command his troops."

The brown-haired man frowned: "Why are you a lieutenant colonel?"

At this time, the person behind him asked quickly: "Does your Excellency the Duke have a written order to transfer the command?"

Wang Zhong looked at the person who was speaking and found that the person was wearing a large cap with blue stripes on it.

"Your Excellency, Judge, this is an emergency situation. In order to ensure the operation of the army's command center, those red tapes can be saved first." The brown-haired man turned back and glared at the person who interrupted his conversation.

Your Majesty the Inquisitor... It seems that these two people are from the Tribunal. The Tribunal and the blue strip on the big cap - Wang Zhong was speechless, quietly pressed down his association, and silently wrote down "In the future, on the big cap "Be cautious in your words and deeds in front of people with blue stripes".

The scolded Blue Hat bowed slightly: "I'm sorry, Lord Bishop."

Then he took a step back and looked at Wang Zhong with the eyes of valuing a pig.

Wang Zhong forced himself not to pay attention to the gaze and said to the "Bishop": "I am Count Alexei Konstantinovich Rokosov, and I am now the commander of this army."

The bishop took the initiative to salute Wang Zhong: "Greetings to you, brave lord count. I am Stepan Alexandrovich Pollock. The last monks I brought, we still have some magic arrows, we should be able to Killed a lot of enemy tanks!”

Wang Zhong: "Is it Brother Ye Tsemenko's Divine Arrow Team?"

Bishop Stepan was a little surprised: "Do you know Brother Yetsemenko?"

Wang Zhong: "I know Lyudmila, the prayer hand of their team. She was originally my soldier - the prayer hand under my command, but our team of divine arrows has been decommissioned, and she is the only one left, and there are no divine arrows. ”

Bishop Stepan: "That's it. I will ask Brother Yetsemenko to protect Miss Praying Hands."

Um? Could it be that the bishop has some strange misunderstanding?

Wang Zhong didn't bother to correct him. Anyway, one of the reasons why he took action was to ensure that Lyudmila was alive. It would be good if she could get special care.

"Then we..."

Wang Zhong was about to continue speaking when he was interrupted by the Bishop.

Bishop Stepan: "We are going to fight back against the enemy, right?"

I don’t know why, but the bishop’s expression was full of expectation.

Wang Zhong hesitated for a moment: "Uh, this..."

Bishop Stepan clenched his fists: "Let the Prosen people see our ambition and tell them that our motherland Ant will not be easily defeated!"

Wang Zhong opened his mouth wide, why are these people so eager to kill him?

"No, please calm down." He regained control of the conversation. "We are advancing because the enemy's defenses in front are weak and they did not expect to be attacked. Our position now is the enemy's division headquarters. This division must be in chaos now. , we can easily escape from their defense zone."

When Wang Zhong was talking, Master Stepan stared at him with a meaningful expression, as if looking for trouble.

After Wang Zhong finished speaking, Bishop Stepan raised his voice: "Jump out of the siege? Isn't this a counterattack?"

"It's a counterattack, of course it's a counterattack. Look around you!" Wang Zhong opened his hands. "We destroyed the enemy's division. Isn't this called a counterattack? There is no conflict between counterattack and breakout. We have to retreat to our army's Next line of defense, and then join the defensive battle.”

Bishop Stepan turned and looked at the two inquisitors.

Wang Zhong always felt that something was wrong with these three people.

When the bishop looked at Wang Zhong again, he said firmly: "This is an escape!"

Wang Zhong: "It is a tactical retreat to preserve our vitality so that we can better destroy the enemy."

Bishop Stepan: “That sounds like an excuse!”

Wang Zhong: "No, no, listen to me. If you save the land and lose the people, you will lose both the people and the land in the end. Save your vitality and give up some land appropriately. Only in the end can you win, and both the people and the land will be saved!"

This was what the teacher said, and Wang Zhong directly used it.

Bishop Stepan glared at Wang Zhong: "This is undoubtedly an act of treason! Your Majesty just issued an order, the land of the motherland is sacred and inviolable! Everyone must fight until the last moment!"

Wang Zhong's scalp was numb and he fought until the last moment? Is the land of the "motherland" sacred and inviolable? Damn, I even learned the name of the country just after looking at the enemy's map. To me, it's just a name on the map!

I am Chinese!

And it's an order from His Majesty the Emperor. Damn it, I come from a country that has advocated "princes, generals, and ministers should have their own kind" since ancient times! There is no way the emperor can order me to die!

Wang Zhong: "It can't be done. Launching a desperate attack in this situation is a waste of vitality! We will fight back, but that may be one year or even two or three years later! What we need to do now is to retreat and use Change distance and time, build a new line of defense!”

Bishop Stepan glared at Wang Zhong, as if the admiring face just now seemed to have never existed.

After a moment, he ordered with a gloomy face: "Judge Shaposhnikov, arrest the count - no, we are about to launch an attack, and probably no one can escort the count. We can only enforce battlefield discipline and charge desertion - —Shoot him, now, immediately!”

Wang Zhong's forehead was really numb. Does this idiot know the impact of shooting a military commander on the battlefield?

Huh? I think I also killed a deserter... But the problem is that I am not a deserter!

The inquisitor named Shaposhnikov opened the holster of his gun with a smile on his face——

Wang Zhong was extremely nervous at this time, and countless thoughts flashed through his head:

Do you want to give orders to Yegorov? If I ordered Yegorov to shoot these people, would he listen? What if I ordered him to shoot at these "monks"?

What will be the result of doing this?

Are you going to take a shot again?

Suddenly, he thought of something.

Before the cannonballs fell, Prince Vladimir planned to evacuate Wang Zhong, Count Alexei Konstantinovich Rokosov, because——

Because the Crown Prince called the Duke's headquarters.

Hey, so it seems like there is someone above me?

At this time Shaposhnikov drew his pistol.

Yegorov stood directly in front of Wang Zhong, about to raise the captured submachine gun with his right hand——

Wang Zhong held down his gun and said loudly: "Bishop Stepan, it seems that you don't know who I am. I am a close friend of the Crown Prince. If the news that you shot me reaches the Crown Prince's ears..."

After Wang Zhong finished speaking, he thought mockingly to himself: What the hell am I doing, threatening someone who is about to die generously? How can this be useful? If someone is going to die, who cares what the crown prince thinks?

But Bishop Stepan obviously hesitated.

It turned out that this Goubi didn't really want to die - Wang Zhong originally thought so, but he noticed that Bishop Stepan glanced at Yegorov and the submachine gun in his hand.

Do you think Stepan is just afraid of Yegorov and his submachine gun?

At this moment, Bishop Stepan gave in: "Okay, but I will record all this and record who is going to abandon our sacred land and disobey His Majesty's orders!"

At this moment, Wang Zhong seriously considered whether to kill these dogs with random shots during the battle, so as to save him from having to wear small shoes for himself later.

After all, it was still uncertain how close he and the crown prince were. Acting decisively now could avoid long nights and nightmares.

Moreover, Wang Zhong always felt a sense of disobedience among these three people, especially the bishop. Whether it was his initial praise or his subsequent change of attitude, he felt like he was acting in a drama...

At this moment, a pleasant female voice came from the door: "Report!"

Wang Zhong thought it was Lyudmila, and immediately turned his head to look, only to find that it was a strange girl with black hair tied into a braid hanging down the back of her neck.

"I just heard the message from the Agsukov choir. Capable troops are going to Shepetovka immediately, where Prince Myshkin is organizing a defense line!"

Wang Zhong had no idea where Agsukov was or what Shepetovka was, but he said in vain: “We can get there!

"This is a unit that once defeated the Prosen army and broke into one of their divisions. It has experience in fighting and winning, which will definitely be of great benefit to defensive operations."

The bishop was slightly disappointed: "Since this is the case, there is nothing we can do. Let's organize a retreat, Your Excellency, Count."

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