The taunt skill ignores the opponent's level attributes, as long as it is within Jiang Yuan's line of sight, no matter who is there, it can't dodge!

The black-haired leader is hit, and all attributes are instantly reduced by 20%, and the most terrible thing is that he is forcibly reduced to intelligence, and he can obviously use his skills to go, but he has to turn around and be tough with Jiang Yuan.


an instant, Jiang Yuan and the attack of the white-haired female zombie fell on the black-haired leader at the same time.

Jiang Yuan's giant blade was stuck in the black-haired leader's chest, failing to split him in two, and a strange force was desperately trying to twist his arm off.

Jiang Yuan didn't care about it, he wouldn't be in pain anyway, even if his hand was broken today, he would kill this pretending criminal.

The cutting rays of the nanosuit flickered wildly, splitting the flesh and bones of the black-haired leader little by little, and constantly approaching the weak points in his body.

With a 200% attribute bonus, this black-haired leader could no longer withstand Jiang Yuan's attack, and could only rely on his skills to try to break Jiang Yuan's arm.

The most terrible thing is that he only has Jiang Yuan in his eyes now, and he directly ignores all the attacks of the white-haired girl on him.

Jiang Yuan watched the red light of the weakness in the other party's body disappear one by one, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a cruel smile.

And the black-haired leader suddenly raised his head, staring at Jiang Yuan with scarlet eyes, and slowly spoke: "Together... Let's go to hell... Die... Bald

head!" Jiang Yuan: "!!" In an instant

, Jiang Yuan was furious! He actually dared to mock me

! The next moment, Jiang Yuan's head

flashed twice! The first time, the heavy blow dealt 20 times the damage! The second time, the armor-piercing effect was doubled, 100% armor-piercing

! Brush!


when a terrifying fluctuation had just appeared in the black-haired corpse, countless silver lights flashed wildly!

Jiang Yuan's attack fell like an afterimage, splitting the black-haired leader into pieces in an instant

! The last weak point, the red light, was slashed by Jiang Yuan, and the black-haired leader's skill of wanting to pull Jiang Yuan to die together was still in the preparation stage, so he was completely wiped out by Jiang Yuan!

[Ding, eating and killing the Black Mountain Leader is successful, the exchange point is +50 million, and the special evolution point is +50 million.

[Found a Origin Pill, do you want to absorb it?

] Wait!I'll wear a wig first!


[Absorb successfully, evolution point +20, get the skill-gravity field.] Gravity

field (cannot be upgraded): With skills, everything within a radius of 1 km will be suppressed by the gravity field related to the host's power attributes, skill casting conditions: within visual range, CD: 10 seconds.

Jiang Yuan: "!!"

wig is awesome!

【Ding, please take control of the third Black Mountain as soon as possible.]

After the death of the black-haired zombie leader, the Black Mountain corpses quickly retreated, rushing back to their Black Mountain like crazy, wanting to compete for the position of the leader of Black Mountain.

Jiang Yuan also immediately rushed out.

"Where are you going again?!" the white-haired woman was repairing her damaged body, and immediately shouted when she saw Jiang Yuan running away.

But Jiang Yuan ignored her, she hurriedly chased after her.

Kicking the commander-level Black Mountain zombies all the way, Jiang Yuan finally took control of the third Black Mountain.

"It's just one thing missing, and this hell-level task isn't that difficult!" Jiang Yuan swelled slightly.

Sensing that the white-haired female zombie was chasing after her, Jiang Yuan directly blocked the Black Mountain and drilled it underground, relieving the bloodthirsty killing skill.

The weak state can't casually come into contact with other zombies, he has to hide it first.

An hour later, maybe it was the decisive battle between him and the last Black Mountain leader in Jiangbei!

Time passed slowly, and on the edge of the Red River, a four-meter-tall zombie with wings on its back was eating a huge turtle spirit beast under him.

The red cracks on his body flickered, and with each swallow, the cracks slowly healed.

The only sixth-order commander level in the Red River died, and the rest of the spirit beasts hurriedly retreated into the river, not daring to show their heads.

It didn't take long for the entire turtle spirit beast to be eaten, and there were no turtle shells and bones left.

The two-winged demon leader slowly raised his head, his body trembled slightly, his breath rose sharply, and a thin film suddenly grew between his hands and feet, a pair of curved sharp horns grew on his forehead, and the shape of his body also changed slightly.

Seventh-Order Commander

! After devouring this sixth-order tortoise spirit beast, he actually evolved one level again!

Scarlet eyes looked at the Red River, he showed his bloody fangs, his wings behind his back suddenly retracted, and he jumped into the river.

The newly grown membranes on his hands and feet made him extremely agile underwater, and he frantically hunted spirit animals in the river.

Seventh-Order Commander Level, and able to move freely in the water, these fish spirit beasts are no match at all, and they are constantly devoured!

A small snake swam out of the water in terror, taking advantage of the chaos to burrow into the cracks of the collapsed buildings in the city, shivering.

In the Red River, more and more spirit beast breaths disappeared, and with them, a large number of zombie breaths appeared.

This Winged Demon Leader actually single-handedly infected almost all the Red River Spirit Beasts in the Jiangbei area.

He jumped out of the river, flapped his wings and stood in the sky, his eyes scanning the entire north of the river.

He knew that the rest of the zombie leaders might have already decided the winner, and the next battle should be the final battle for the king of Jiangbei.

Suddenly, he saw a flickering golden object coming quickly, frowned slightly, and black thunder flickered in the two sharp corners of his forehead, and burst out in an instant.

All the objects that came at him were shattered, and his eyes looked to the top of Black Mountain No. 1, and to the figure standing on the top of Black Mountain.


the roar of countless zombies sounded in the city, and a terrifying group of corpses poured out of the Black Mountain and killed them towards the Red River.

And the figure on the black mountain stepped on it, and the terrifying power directly crushed the top of the mountain, and the figure exploded.

The Winged Demon recognized the other party, it was the guy who had previously exposed his second form in advance.

Anger instantly filled his chest, and he roared, and a large number of fish zombies appeared in the Red River, following his original corpses and rushing towards the city.

He himself instigated his outstretched flesh wings to slay at the black shadow that struck in the distance.

That black shadow was Jiang Yuan, who had just taken control of the fourth black mountain.

Xiao Zi completely devoured the No. 1 Black Mountain Leader, and the level grew to lv.23. Added a 32% all-attribute bonus for Jiang Yuan

!The most important thing is that there is finally a follow-up skill behind the ultimate transformation of the symbiosis skill!

Splitting (unable to upgrade): The host can split into a clone controlled by the consciousness of part of the symbiote, with 80% of the host's attributes, and can cast all the host's skills, and the skill effect is 80% of the body.

Note: Casting this skill will not affect the host body, but the schizosome can only have one, and the weakness is the same as the host, and it can be recovered through physical contact.

If the splinter does not die, it can split again at any time after being withdrawn from the body.

If the schizosome dies, the schizosome will instantly disintegrate and disappear, and Xiao Zi will fall into a deep sleep for a day, during which time it will not be able to provide attribute bonuses to the host, and the symbiosis skill host of the special evolution skill will also be temporarily unusable.

"Xiao Zi, behave well!".

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