America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 97: the Hangover

"Don't tell me, are you serious about quitting drinking?"

Roger asked incredulously.

"Didn't you call Uncle John recently? I'm about to get my 100-day sober badge."

"Uh, he called me a few days ago, but I made an excuse to hang up. You know, his nagging is more annoying than my brother..."

In the memory of William Chen's predecessor, this cousin can be said to be a wonderful member of the Dre family.

After graduating from high school, his uncle John Del Rey had paved the way for him to go directly to the Ivy League school.

As a result, he didn't want to go to college at all, so he joined the army directly. This time, John Drey almost vomited blood.

He performed well in the army and entered the Marine Corps. He could have been promoted to an officer, but he chose to retire after four years.

John Drey saw that he had no plans to enter politics at all, so he only put his expectations on the eldest son who excelled in all aspects.

If it weren't for the fact that Roger Drey hadn't looked almost exactly like John Drey when he was young, with his slack and unscrupulous work, he might have wondered if he was... an environmentalist.

"William, come over quickly, I'm going to catch a flight now, and there's still time for the evening reception. This time it's a reception at Twentieth Century Fox. Don't say I didn't tell you, many celebrities will be there."

"I'm not interested at all, Roger, I have something to do in Silicon Valley."

"Hey, William, this is not like you. Don't say that you were abducted and transformed by aliens after I went to Africa for two months."

Roger had seen through William Chen's tone and said, "I see, William, is it because of Amisha Leonard that you dare not set foot in Hollywood?"

Amisha Leonard?

Hearing this name, Chen William didn't react for a while. After recalling it, he finally remembered that this is the little star who just broke up with Chen William's predecessor before he crossed over.

"Roger, what are you thinking about in your little head? If you hadn't said it, I would have forgotten about this person. I really have something to do. I am no longer the William of the past. I hope you can mature as well."

"Very well, William, I feel like I have nowhere to put my fists. Originally I wanted to introduce you to some friends, and I found a very interesting script that you should shoot."

"The scripts you told me, didn't you recommend me for the sake of getting women, Roger, who is it this time?"

"F**K, William, this time is different, okay? The script this time is really good, and it's all men, no **** actresses."

"I'll just say it, you've really become 0, Roger, stay away from me in the future."

I have to say, it's quite interesting to tease this guy like this, and I can relax my mind, but it is estimated that Roger Del Rey's mood will not be so wonderful.

"Damn William, who of us is more like 0? You motherfucker!" Roger said, gasping for breath:

"And those **** movies you invested in. If you followed the recommendations I recommended to you at the time, at least most of them would be profitable. How dare you talk about me?"

Uh, what Roger said, William Chen really couldn't refute it.

Although the movies that Roger recommended at the time were really all because he liked a certain actress and had selfishness, he recommended them to himself. It is also for this reason that his predecessors despised each other's tastes and almost all rejected them.

But the embarrassing thing is, if you really listen to Roger's advice, you won't say much about those investments, and the profit is certain.

With his predecessor's ability to step on the pit perfectly, William Chen is really unable to complain. It seems that it is not so easy to be able to select all the big productions that lose money among so many movie projects.

"Anyway, Roger, I really don't have time. When I'm done here, I'll go back to New York."

William Chen doesn't have time to hang out with him now. The subprime mortgage crisis is imminent. The Silicon Valley side has finished the arrangement. I will go back to New York to sit in town and witness the crisis for myself.

"I managed to cut off The Hangover project from that **** Keig Bint, and you didn't come, William, you'll regret it, it must have been a good project, if Rick didn't do it here After the movie, we invested in it ourselves.”

It seemed that Roger was indeed a little angry, and he hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

William Chen shook his head. How could it be so easy to invest in a movie? The "The Hangover" was so good, it was left by the Big Six, after all, almost all good scripts were handed over to them first.

Uh, wait, The Hangover? Could it be the movie he saw in his previous life?

Thinking of this, William Chen immediately picked up his cell phone and dialed it back to Roger.

"Roger, have you read the script of the movie you just mentioned?"

"Nonsense, haven't you seen how I recommend it to you?"

"What did you say in general?"

"It's funny just reading the script. It's about a guy who took a few friends to a bachelorette party in Las Vegas before getting married, and got drunk..."

Sure enough, it was this movie. When William Chen heard it, he immediately said, "Where did you read this script?"

"A director named Todd Phillips, holding this script, wanted to find the manager of Legendary Pictures, that bastard, Keig Bint, last time I grabbed a girl, if I didn't stop him, I would beat him. After I heard about it, I told the director of Phillips, you are my cousin, this script is great, we will invest, and that’s it, we snatched it from Legendary Pictures.”

"It was already agreed, but I heard him talk about Fox's banquet tonight. He found a relationship and was going to go there and try his luck again, so I told you to come over and stabilize him. By the way, we can also go over there to see if there are any What a beauty..."

Chen William didn't have time to listen to his long-winded words, and said directly: "Wait for me, Roger, I'll take the plane now and call you when I arrive in Los Angeles."

Hearing Roger's description, William Chen was able to confirm that the "The Hangover" he was talking about was the movie "The Hangover" that he had seen in his previous life.

There are three comedy films in total, and they seem to be doing well at the box office. Especially the first film, the cost is not high, but the income is good, otherwise, it is impossible to make two more films in a row.

A low-cost comedy like this is just right for the future film industry.

If we can win this project, and after the release of "Magic Mike", if the box office is good, we can let Andy Haring try to continue to make a second film, and turn this film into a series, plus the "Magic Mike" to be produced. Gossip Girl", then the future film industry can have a film in the next two or three years.

Now that things in Silicon Valley have been arranged almost, I originally wanted to go to Siri tomorrow to see, but at present this company still needs to continue to invest in artificial intelligence, and the development will be done step by step.

Therefore, William Chen took his bodyguards to the airport and headed to Los Angeles.

When he arrived in Los it was already eight o'clock in the evening. After calling Roger Del Rey, William Chen came to a villa in Beverly Hills.

After entering the interior, a burly young man walked towards Chen William and said with a smile, "I knew you would come, William."

When he walked in front of Chen William, he suddenly punched him. Chen William naturally knew the disposition of his cousin, and he had been prepared for a long time, and immediately dodged his fist with a flash.

However, it can be seen that the opponent's punch is obviously reserved, even if he doesn't dodge, it won't really fall. But at this moment, Roger looked surprised: "Yo, William, your little white face is so agile."

William Chen waved to the bodyguard who wanted to come over and said, "Roger, it's time to change your little tricks."

"When I think of Ivanta, I want to smash your face." Roger said angrily.

"Come on, I'm afraid to open the entertainment page, you have liked women with names and surnames, and you don't even let Halle Berry go."

"F**K, what do you know, little boy, Harry has such a good taste."

William Chen noticed a young man standing behind Roger, watching the two of them bicker with a smile, and couldn't help asking, "Roger, who is this?"

"Haha, I forgot. Come on, William, let me introduce you." Roger came over and put his arm on William Chen's shoulder, led him to the young man, and said:

"This is a friend I met when I was playing in Africa, Rick Walton, who is also the owner of this house."


This Beverly Hills mansion, with this surname, is easy to think of - that huge sales empire.

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