America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 80: Movie eggs?

Hehe, what are you thinking? I, William Chen, have been a straight man all my life, how could I do such a thing?

Seeing Ivanka and Andy Harlin, the two looked at him with a look of anticipation. William Chen naturally couldn't agree, so he immediately refused:

"Unless Ivanta accompanies me up there!"


This time, it was Ivanta's turn to look unbelievable.

Andy Haring, on the other hand, clapped his hands, and said in excitement that he did not forget to pursue progress:

"If you add Miss Ivanta, then this selling point will be even more sufficient! Mr. William really thinks more comprehensively than me."

As he spoke, he gave Chen William a big thumbs up, but seeing Ivanta glared at him fiercely, Andy Haring immediately closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Ivanta glared at Chen William again, and said, "Hmph, if you're not confident about your body, you can use other methods instead of pulling me."

"NONONO, Ivanta, I just think that director Harlem's proposal is really good. After all, this movie I invested in needs to make some small sacrifices for its box office, doesn't it?"

"What does that have to do with me?"

"After all, it was you who brought it up first. Don't say you haven't seen a dancer's performance. Is Ms. Ivanta, a strong woman, also shy because of this?"

Ivanta felt that William Chen's handsome face was too handsome, and the expression at this time was indeed a bit awkward. She gritted her teeth and said:

"Go up, whoever is afraid of who, but I advise you to think about it, I'm afraid that when your figure is exposed, it will attract a lot of ridicule."

Hearing Ivanta's words, William Chen smiled and secretly decided to give her a big "surprise" at night.

At this time, the technical consultants and actors on the stage also noticed the small "conflict" between William Chen and Ivanta offstage, and couldn't help but stop temporarily to watch the two of them fighting each other.

Naturally, they were able to recognize William Chen and Ivanta, and they didn't even know who would whistle for fear that the world would not be in chaos:

"William, show him a hand!"

However, William Chen didn't want to delay the filming of the crew, and it was also to increase the sense of mystery, so he asked Ivanta to go back and wait first, while he stayed with the actors to receive training from technical consultants.

"Remember not to wear a skirt at night."

When Ivanta was leaving, William Chen said to her. Of course, this is also for her good, because if you have seen those dance boys' club performances, the friends who interact with the dancers and the female audience will know the reason.

Chen William didn't want that, because of the dress problem, Ivanta would leak the spring light and make others cheaper.

During the afternoon training with the actors and technical consultants, William Chen felt a little regretful, and now there is no help from the experience booster ring.

However, because his physical quality is much stronger than ordinary people now, and his thinking ability and reaction ability have also been greatly improved, his learning speed is also surprising, and he quickly catches up and surpasses Channing Tatum. the actors included.

Even the technical consultant couldn't help but jokingly told him that William Chen's talent was simply born to eat this bowl of rice.

This is a compliment. An embarrassed yet polite smile appeared on William Chen's face.

The time soon came to the evening, the crew began to prepare for the shooting of a performance, the lights were turned on, the drums of the music sounded, and the venue immediately had the atmosphere of a dance boy club.

At this time, the crew began to be in place, and the female group actors also began to enter the theater. For the filming of this film, the crew hired more than 200 female group performers. They would guest-star as customers of the dance boy club to enhance the atmosphere.

At this moment, Ivanta is also among them. It seems that she really accepted Chen William's suggestion and wore a sky blue shirt and black trousers tonight, looking like a female white-collar worker who came to relax after get off work.

After the filming began, the protagonists of the movie "Magic Mike" came out of the backstage wearing different uniforms. Each of them dressed differently. There was a traffic policeman holding a baton and wearing only a yellow reflective vest on his upper body. There are firefighters with fire hats, police officers with handcuffs in their hands, and repairmen in overalls and shirtless with a wrench.

But they have one thing in common, that is, in addition to the most simple clothes that show the character's identity, they all show their beautiful muscles.

This scene naturally aroused the continuous screams of many female performers in the audience.

However, the actual shooting will not be as smooth as seen in the movie. Just like the scene where they each appeared, they had to be shot four or five times before director Andy Haring was satisfied.

The same is true for other scenes. Usually, a non-stop performance is performed first, and then director Haring carefully watches the playback of the cameras from all angles. When he sees something he is not satisfied with, he will immediately re-shoot the scene again.

And the smooth feeling seen in the finished film is completely the effect of editing.

Finally, after nearly three hours, the shooting tonight was finally completed. After many group performances, when I thought that today's shooting was over, the director announced that everyone would continue, and there was a special segment that needed to be shot.

When the director's voice fell, the sound effect sounded again, the lights on the stage gathered, and everyone looked there, only to see a slender man in a white shirt, trousers, and a tie walking to the stage to the beat of the drums.

Under the illumination of the psychedelic lighting effects, it can be seen that the muscles on the man hold up the shirt, and when the women saw the appearance of the man on the stage with their own eyes, they were immediately very excited and shouted, Immediately, the loudest screams of the night rang out in the arena.

Guess who that is? That was William Chen, who was once named the most handsome and **** man in America!

At this moment, the girls in the audience seemed to realize something. The resentment that they might have to film an extra scene just now was swept away. To be able to see William Chen on this stage with their own eyes is not something that everyone can have. chance.

At this time, Chen William walked to the side of the stage amid the screams in the audience, and looked around the audience.

Suddenly, he jumped off the stage, moved forward slowly, and walked to the VIP position with a leather sofa near the stage. At this time, five girls were sitting on the sofa. They all screamed excitedly when they saw William Chen approaching. on.

William Chen walked to the blonde beauty sitting on the far side of the sofa, leaned forward, and slowly approached her ear. The girl was encouraged by the atmosphere on the court at this time, and couldn't help but stretch out her hand to feel William Chen's very obvious chest muscles through his shirt.

At this time, William Chen suddenly took a step forward and straddled the girl's lap. Seeing William Chen so close in front of her, the girl couldn't help screaming frantically.

Seeing William Chen lowering his head and approaching the girl couldn't help but raised her head, feeling that this was the happiest moment in her life.

William Chen just sniffed lightly on both sides of her ears, and the girl's face flushed with excitement.

Then William Chen stood up, turned around, and jumped onto the stage again.

He stood in the middle of the stage, suddenly reached out and grabbed the position of the tie knot, and then pulled off his tie.

This action of his caused the audience to scream again.

Chen William walked to the stage with the tie in his hand, and threw it at the girls below, which immediately caused a fight. The lucky one who finally grabbed the tie kissed the tie excitedly, and immediately tucked it into himself. in the jacket to prevent it from being stolen by others.

Next, during the music, William Chen slowly unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt.

When he next raised his hands and grabbed the two sides of the shirt on his chest, the girls in the audience had already realized what was going to happen next, and the screaming stopped for a while, and everyone was in unison. Eyes wide open, watching William Chen's actions on the stage.

Sure enough, with a rush of drum beats, William Chen forced his arms to the sides and tore his shirt open, revealing his strong chest muscles and well-defined eight-pack abs under the light.

At this moment, the girls under the stage went crazy again, the screams were deafening, and the girls close to the stage stretched out their arms high, ready to fight for the shirt that was torn in half by Chen William.

Sure enough, when Chen William walked to the edge of the stage with a shirt that had turned into a rag in each of his hands, the girl under the stage could be heard shouting, "William give me this." "the sound of.

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