America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 70: no advantage

"Yes, Paris, I think you've done a really good job of taking your hobby as a career. It's like the brand you've named after you, which is doing great in many areas, like perfume, handbags , accessories, clothing and beauty products, you do it better than anyone else, and you're very talented in music."

"Since this is the case, why don't you invest some money, instead of relying entirely on cooperation with those big brands, but gradually build your own brand and your own production line? I believe that if you do this, you will make a fashion of your own. big name."

What William Chen said is not entirely to make Paris focus on business, but she does have excellent ability in the field of fashion.

Pleasure is pleasurable, but it is more a physiological pleasure produced by stimulating the secretion of dopamine through foreign objects, which is a more primitive instinct of human beings. This kind of pleasure will only increase your own threshold with repeated stimulation, and in the end, the same stimulation will produce lower and lower pleasure.

In contrast, through career success, the realization of personal value, and the sense of satisfaction generated will last longer. When you really taste the taste of success, the pleasure you can experience is incomparable with simple physiological stimulation.

Therefore, William Chen hopes that Paris can enjoy a more valuable life through her career success, and in this process, the interests of the two people will be closely linked, so that the relationship between the two parties will be more stable.

"Do you really think so?" Paris was very happy to hear William Chen's praise.

Paris was by William Chen's side, and he witnessed with his own eyes that he went from his previous desperation, the Jedi counterattacked, to his current success. Therefore, in her heart, she still admires him very much. Now I am in a good mood to hear his praise and encouragement to me.

"Of course, Paris, you don't find that you do these things better than them? So I think you should focus on these and develop your fashion industry well, I believe, although everyone is talking about it now When you come, many people will still think of the Hilton family first, but one day, everyone will find that Paris has its own business kingdom. This business kingdom has even surpassed the Hilton family. You will definitely be able to do it. , I will support you."

Paris was very moved by William Chen's support, and the future he depicted also made Paris excited when she thought about it.

"So isn't this an opportunity for you to change? Paris, just like when I came back to New York. You can use this time to sort out your own fashion products and make As a plan, if you need funds, I can provide you with it, whether it is as an investment, or to lend you an interest-free loan, you know, I am very rich now."

Under the encouragement of William Chen, Paris also got serious and began to plan the development of her own brand. At this time, William Chen also began to continue his work.

Nielsen updated him on the latest developments in the contact with the Siri company.

"We found that in the first half of this year, Siri's B round of financing, the company's post-investment valuation was $120 million, and after Siri was launched on the AppStore, it performed well - which is why it has successfully attracted the interest of Steve Jobs. , and because of this, Siri has also won many cooperation orders, mainly because some merchants hope to promote their stores through them. Therefore, at present, there is no shortage of funds for Siri, which is also their decisive rejection of Apple's last acquisition intention. main reason.”

From this point of view, the difficulty this time is not small. If they have no shortage of funds, and even Apple refuses without hesitation, if I want to win them, I must come up with something special, especially with Apple. compared to an advantage. Chen William thought so, and asked, "Can you find Apple's asking price?"

"The exact amount was not disclosed by either party, but I heard that Jobs himself called Siri to make the acquisition, so I expect their bid for the acquisition must be more than 150 million US dollars, and even in the other's style, it is likely to reach 2 One hundred million U.S. dollars."

At this time, William Chen deeply felt that money is really not everything when it comes to acquisitions. Many companies, especially those led by founders, have deep feelings for the companies they created, so money is really not their first option when faced with acquisitions, and many people would rather choose A bid is not the highest, but the object that best fits your company's development.

Therefore, in this regard, Chen William does not have an advantage over Apple. After all, the current Apple company is under the leadership of Steve Jobs, who has been enshrined in the gods. He has amazed the world with products again and again, and the halo he has gathered is still very attractive to those entrepreneurs.

Of course, he can also simply offer a high price that the other party cannot refuse to compete. But a problem that needs to be considered is that after the company is acquired, it is impossible for Chen William to run it himself, so it is best to let those founders who have been successful in previous lives continue to succeed.

In this case, you bought the company at a high price, and the hard-working entrepreneur suddenly got a lot of money and realized financial freedom, and then what?

How many people can continue to be aggressive at this time? Do you want to enjoy it first, luxury cars and mansions first? Do you want to make an appointment with a beautiful female star first? In the end, their fighting spirit is easily destroyed.

It's understandable why many bosses believe that "delayed gratification" is the antidote to keeping their subordinates motivated and hungry for success.

It can give you shares and equity incentives, but it will not give you too much money at one time, just to prevent the other party from indulging in enjoyment after achieving financial freedom, thus losing the motivation to continue to work hard.

Therefore, William Chen hopes that by retaining a part of the shares held by the founders, they are bound to the future of the company, so as to continue to forge ahead. Just like when he bought Twitter, he was willing to leave 15% of the shares to the founding team rather than buy it all himself.

Finally, after discussing with Nielsen, William Chen made two acquisition plans for Siri Company

The most optimal is to try to win the company in one fell swoop after the interview with their founders, so as to completely cut off Apple's hand from reaching them; There is a part of the shares, which can also interfere with Apple's acquisition, and then slowly increase the shares in the follow-up, and finally complete the absolute control.

As for which method to use in the end, it depends on the result of the meeting between William Chen and the founding team of Siri.

Siri has three founders, Adam Cheyer, Dag Gitras, and Tom Gruber. On the second day, William Chen met three people in the Siri company as agreed.

"Mr. William, we would like to express our attitude first, that is, Siri is developing well, and we have no idea of ​​selling this company."

Adam Cheyer said this first. From the expressions of other people, William Chen also saw that he should be the one who is mainly responsible for external communication among the three founders.

However, although he encountered such a situation from the beginning, William Chen was not discouraged. He shrugged and said:

"It doesn't stop me from getting to know you guys better and appreciating your work, does it? Gentlemen. But with all due respect, are you really sure you're not going to sell the company? I mean, I know Mr. Jobs at Apple. You also expressed your intention to acquire Siri, are you really sure that you will not sell the company to him?"

After saying this, William Chen paid attention to the other party's expression, and sure enough, he saw a look of hesitation in it.

"Even if it is sold in the end, Apple will be a better choice, what do you think? Mr. William."

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